=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Probably Asked Questions: Intelligibility through Question Generation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-786/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-786 }} ==Probably Asked Questions: Intelligibility through Question Generation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-786/paper2.pdf
      Probably Asked Questions: Intelligibility
           through Question Generation

                                  Sebastian Bader

              Department of Computer Science, University of Rostock

      Abstract. Intelligibility of dynamic and heterogeneous device ensem-
      bles is a major problem in the area of ubiquitous computing. The PAQ-
      approach generates a set of Probably Asked Questions together with
      answers based on the context, that is the current state of the world and
      the possible intentions of the user. By providing this list of questions and
      answers, we enable users to access the context, that is the state of the
      world and to control their environment by taking actions as explained in
      generated answers.

1   Introduction and Motivation

Assume a meeting room equipped with real ubiquitous presentation technology,
that is technology embedded invisibly into the environment, and a user which
has never been there before to enter the room, carrying a laptop containing a
presentation and other mobile devices. Since the user has never been to the room,
she is not aware of the technology embedded into it. Therefore, she does not even
know which services are provided by the room and has thus no chance of using
them. Furthermore, her mobile devices should integrate with the environment to
provide further services. The environment on the other hand, knows the available
technology and might also know how users normally behave. Therefore, it can
assist the user proactively by setting up the devices to accommodate the user’s
needs. Nonetheless, the user usually has to take certain actions activating the
assistance functionality. For example connecting the laptop’s video output might
trigger the room to set up a presentation mode by turning on the projector,
moving down the projection screen and setting up the light appropriately.
    The Probably Asked Question (PAQ) approach detailed below, addresses the
following problems in the area of dynamic environments: (i) How can a user
learn which actions to take? (ii) How to provide explanations for actions taken
by the automatic assistant. As for instance argued in [Dey09], intelligibility is
one of the big challenges for the near future of ubiquitous computing. The re-
quired technology to build intelligent environments is available, but approaches
to explain the reactions and behaviour are still under research [LD11a]. In par-
ticular, while considering dynamic and heterogeneous device ensembles, it is yet
completely unclear how to design appropriate user interfaces and how to provide
    Some approaches have been investigated in the ExaCt [RBTL11] and MRC
[CKPZW10] workshops and the Context conferences [KRRBV07] during the last
years, but most ideas focus on the interpretation and explanation of context in a
rather fixed setting, namely with respect to one particular application. Here, we
focus on heterogeneous and dynamic ensembles of devices and users. That is, the
concrete ensemble is not known in advance and sensors, actuators or application
logic can enter and leave the ensemble at any time.
    Asking an expert or teacher is one way to approach an unknown environment.
Using the PAQ approach, we enable the environment to be the teacher and
at the same time to enumerate likely questions. Based on basically the same
technology, the environment is also able to provide explanations for actions taken
by some automatic assistant before. The idea of the PAQ approach is to provide
a list of probably asked questions to tell the user what is possible and how to
achieve a possible goal. First we discuss some preliminary notions. In Section 3
we introduce our approach in detail.

2   Preliminaries
Below we discuss a number of notions needed for the remainder of the paper.
First, we discuss human behaviour modelling and intention recognition, then we
present heterogeneous dynamic ensembles as problem domain to apply the PAQ
approach and strategy synthesis. In Section 3 we show how to combine those
ingredients into a system able to explain the behaviour of a dynamic ensemble.

Human Behaviour Modelling and Intention Recognition. Different approaches
have been taken to model the behaviour of a human or of groups, employing
different methodologies [LPFK07,PFP+ 04,CCH+ 08,CNBH11]. Based on models
of human behaviour and available sensor data, researchers try to predict future
user goals, that is they try to recognise the user’s intention.

Heterogeneous Dynamic Ensembles and Strategy Synthesis. Smart environment
should support their users proactively by providing assistance functionality as
much as possible while achieving their usual tasks. Several such system have been
developed in the past, for example [KOA+ 99,HCC+ 04,CYD06]. For a general
introduction into the area we refer to [CD05]. Building and controlling such
a system is a complex task, because such environments are heterogeneous and
dynamic with respect to their components. The idea of ubiquitous computing
users is to embed the technology invisibly into the environment. Therefore, in
particular new users face the problem of controlling the technology, because they
are not even aware of the available functionality.
    After recognising the user’s goals, the ensemble needs to determine actions
to support the user. Instead of hard-wiring those actions, suitable action se-
quences can be computed by employing action description languages like PDDL
[GHL+ 09]. Those allow to compute, based on the current and the desired state
of the world a sequence of actions to be taken, which fulfil the given goals.
Example 2 shows the formalisation of some actions.
3     Intelligibility by Providing Probably Asked Questions
As mentioned above, the intelligibility of ubiquitous environments is an impor-
tant issue. The environment needs to provide some means of understanding it, its
dynamic and possible ways to influence it. Here we propose an approach which
provides a list of probably asked questions (PAQs) to the user. That is, a list
of questions a new user probably has. As shown below, the number of potential
questions is to big to be comprehensible, therefore, the important ones need to
be selected and shown to the user. By providing the list of PAQs, we hope to
1. an easy explanation of the current state of the environment – captured in
   answers to why questions.
2. an adaptive manual, showing the usage of the environment – captured in
   answers to how questions.
3. a way of understanding error and log messages – captured in why questions.
The PAQ approach is based on the following ingredients:
 – Intention analysis to infer the current intentions of the user, that is the
   potential goals, called expectables, the user might pursue.
 – Strategy synthesis to infer the possible goals, that is the subset of potential
   goals, called intendables, which are achievable in the current situation.
 – Question generation to compute a set of probably asked questions based on
   the possible and potential goals.

3.1   Potential Questions
Before showing how to infer probably asked questions, we discuss potential ques-
tions which might occur. Those can be grouped as follows:

How-Questions provide some kind of context aware manual for the environment.
Potential questions are ‘How to move my presentation from surface A to surface
B?’, ‘How to control the temperature?’, ‘How to start a presentation?’. Please
keep in mind that the devices themselves are not visible, that is the user neither
knows which kind of technology is available nor how to control it.

Why-Questions enable the user to understand the current state of the envi-
ronment. They include questions like, ‘Why is the lamp dimmed?’, ‘Why is
my presentation shown on surface B?’, ‘Why has the projection surface moved
down?’ and ‘Why is my presentation not shown on surface A?’. By generat-
ing those questions and the corresponding answers, in particular new users are
able to understand the reactions of the environment. They furthermore allow to
understand error messages and erroneous reactions of the environment.
   Other types of questions, like who, whose, when and what are possible as
well [LD11b] and will be addressed within the PAQ approach as future work.
Below we will focus on how and why questions. Unfortunately, even those are too
many. Assume a meeting room containing two projectors and surfaces, four lights
and two computers, that is, in total ten devices with 4 properties in average. By
generating question of the type ‘Why has property X of device Y the value Z ’, we
end up with about 40 questions. This shows that we can not simply generate all
possible questions, but need to select the important ones, namely those the user
would probably ask in the current situation. Below, we show how to compute
those interesting questions.

3.2   Computing Expectable User Goals
Humans usually behave somehow goal directed, that is they perform actions
to achieve a desired state of the environment. Researchers in the area of be-
haviour modelling try to capture the human behaviour using formal models.
Those models, like for example task trees or logical theories can also be used
to predict the future and thus allow to infer potential user goals. Assuming the
human behaviour expressed as a logical theory, as shown in Example 1.

Example 1. The goals expectable in a meeting room can be represented as follows:
E1 . True ⇒ expectable(give-presentation)
E2 . not(laptop-connected) ⇒ expectable(save-projector-energy)
The first rule allows to infer that it can be expected the user likes to give a
presentation without further preconditions, and the second describes the fact that
the projector should be turned off if no laptop is connected.

   The set E(x) of expectable user goals with respect to the current state of the
world x is computed as follows:

                        E(x) := {g | x ` expectable(g)}

    Please note, that the rules above specify necessary condition only. There are
many other conditions to be satisfied such that giving a presentation is possible.
There must be a projector, there must be a surface, the laptop must be connected
to the projector, etc. But those are conditions depending on the environment
and are irrelevant while modelling the humans behaviour and intentions. Below,
we show how to incorporate those by computing the set of intendable goals.

3.3   Computing Intendable User Goals
Given a current state of the world x and a set of available actions A, performable
by either the user or by devices. Without discussing the details here, we assume
the actions to be described by some PDDL-like formalisation. We furthermore
assume that all actions are annotated with the agent capable of performing it
as shown in Example 2.
Example 2. The connection of the laptop performed by the user and switching
on the projector performed by the projector can be formalised as follows:
      (:action connect-laptop       :agent user
       :precondition (not laptop-connected)
       :effect laptop-connected )

      (:action disconnect-laptop    :agent user
       :precondition laptop-connected
       :effect (not laptop-connected) )

      (:action turnOn-proj           :agent projector
       :precondition (not isOn-proj)
       :effect isOn-proj )

      (:action turnOff-proj         :agent projector
       :precondition isOn-proj
       :effect (and (not isOn-proj) save-projector-energy) )

      (:action present              :agent user
       :precondition (and isOn-proj laptop-connected)
       :effect give-presentation )

The code shows a propositional formalisation sufficient for our small example here.
PDDL does also allow the usage of variables and parameters of actions.            ◦

   The set of intendable user goals I(x) is the set of goals which are achievable
with respect to x and A:

                     I(x) := {g | ∃l : A∗ such that l(x) |= g}

That is, the set of intendables is defined to be the set of all goals g such that
there exists a sequence of actions l leading from the current state x to a state
in which g holds. Please note, that the set of expectable and intendable goals
can also be defined with respect to a given user by adding another parameter as
done in [Kir11].

3.4    Question Generation

Next, we discuss the generation of questions. First we concentrate on the gener-
ation of how questions, based on the intendable and expectable goals described
above. Afterwards, we discuss the generation of why questions.
    The set of intendable goals does usually include the whole state space, be-
cause most actions can be undone by other actions and thus every state is acces-
sible from every other state of the world. Therefore, the set of intendable user
goals needs to be intersected with the expectable ones. The intersection of both
sets contains exactly those goals which are achievable from the current state of
the world and expectable with respect to the behaviour model. It is constructed,
by first computing the set of expectable goals and then trying to find a plan
satisfying the goals. All expectable goals for which a plan exists belong to the
intersection. While computing the intersection G(x), we also remember the plans
leading to the goal state as follows:

            G(x) := {(g, l) | g ∈ E(x) and ∃l : A∗ such that l(x) |= g}

This set of goals and corresponding plans can directly be converted into a set of
how questions. For this, we first collect all those goals and plans which involve
user actions:

  G 0 (x) := {(g, l0 ) | (g, l) ∈ G(x), l0 := [a | a ∈ l and ag(a) = user] and l0 6= ∅}

The set G 0 (x) contains pairs of goals and sequences of actions required by the
user to actually achieve the goal. From this set, we compute the set of question
- answer pairs as follows:

       Qhow (x) := {(q, a) | (g, l0 ) ∈ G 0 (x), q := ‘How to achieve ’ + g + ‘?’
                                              a := ‘By performing ’ + l0 + ‘!’}

   A list of why questions can be generated as follows. Instead of forecasting
the future by generating plans, the executed plans need to be remembered. In
particular, we need to remember the pairs of goal and corresponding user action
which led to a state update of a device. This information is stored in a map
M linking device (d) property (p) pairs to value (v) goal (g) action (a) triples.
Based on this map we generate a set of why questions as follows:

Qwhy (x) := {(q, a) | ((d, p) 7→ (v, g, a)) ∈ M
                     q := ‘Why has ’ + p + ‘ of ’ + d + ‘ the value ’ + v + ‘?’
                     a := ‘Because you performed ’ + a + ‘ to achieve ’ + g + ‘.’}

    Please note that at the moment we are concerned with the general concept
of PAQs. The generation of more human-like questions and answers is subject
to future work, as well as the generation of other types of questions.

3.5   Question Ordering

Above, we showed how to generate a set of questions based on the current context
and intentions of the user. Even though the set is limited to intendable goals,
that is goals which can actually be achieved from the current state, the list
of questions might nonetheless contain to many entries. Therefore, we need to
order them based on their appropriateness – which still has to be defined exactly.
Possible candidates include the ordering by

 – likelihood of underlying intention (Most intention recognition systems em-
   ploy probabilistic models, the probability attached to goals can be used to
   order the questions.)
 – length of plan (Shorter plans might by more likely.)
 – total cost of actions taken (Attaching costs to device actions enables the con-
   troller to compute the total cost to achieve a goal. Goals which are cheaper
   might be more likely.)
 – user experience (Based on the user’s experience, some questions are more
   unlikely than others.)
Those different orderings need to be evaluated, which is subject to future work.

3.6     Automatic Assistance
Based on the set of intendable and expectable goals, an automatic assistance
can be defined. The technical details are beyond the scope of this paper, but the
idea is as follows: Whenever the user takes actions leading to an expectable goal
state, the necessary device actions can be executed automatically. This has been
discussed in detail in [Bad10,BL11,KRBK11,BD11].

3.7     A Worked Example
Below we discuss a simple example showing the general idea of the PAQ ap-
proach. As in the examples above, we assume a meeting room, equipped with
a projector. Expectable user actions are formalised in Example 1 and available
actions are shown in Example 2.
    Starting from an initial state x1 in which the projector is turned off and the
laptop is not connected, the following two goals are expectable:

                  E(x1 ) = {give-presentation, save-projector-energy}

Both goals are also intendable, because there are actions sequences connecting
x1 with a state satisfying the goals:

         lgive-presentation = [connect-laptopuser , turnOn-projprojector , presentuser ]
      lsave-projector-energy = [turnOn-projprojector , turnOff-projprojector ]

The resulting set G 0 (x1 ) contains only the goal give-presentation, because the
user is not involved in the plan to save-energy:

                     G 0 (x1 ) = {(give-presentation, lgive-presentation )}

The resulting set Qhow (x1 ) of how questions contains the following pair of ques-
tion and answer:

                 q = ‘How to achieve “give-presentation”?’
                 a = ‘By performing “connect-laptop” and “present”.’

    After connecting the laptop, the automatic assistance would turn on the
projector and the presentation starts. Afterwards, the device property map M
in state x2 looks as follows:

          M = {(projector, on) 7→ (true, give-presentation, connect-laptop)}
This results in the following set Qwhy (x2 ) of why questions:

q = ‘Why has property “on” of “projector” the value “true”?’
a = ‘Because you performed “connect-laptop” to achieve “give-presentation”.’

This simple examples are only meant to show the general idea of the PAQ
approach. There are yet a number of open issues discussed below.

4   Conclusions and Open Problems

The PAQ approach presented above provides a context dependent list of proba-
bly asked questions. Those questions are meant (i) to tell lay users which options
they have and how to achieve their goals, and (ii) to explain actions taken in
the past. It is based on the automatic recognition of user intentions and the
construction of plans to support the user. In particular, we focus on dynamic
and heterogeneous ensembles in which all actions are specified formally and
background knowledge on user’s behaviour is available. Please note that the for-
malisation of the devices as well as human behaviour models can enter and leave
the ensemble dynamically, because they do not depend on each other. We believe
that a list of questions and answers are a very natural way to explain the capa-
bilities and actions taken by a distributed heterogeneous device ensemble. The
answers described above provide information on a very high level of abstraction.
Based on those, more fine-grained answers need to be generated giving details
on the inference procedure as done for example in [LD10].
    After adapting the idea to our lab, we will evaluate the approach and extend
it to other types of questions as discussed in [LD11a]. The generation of more
natural questions and answers as well as the user adaptation are also subject
to future work. For example, if a user knows how to set up a presentation, the
corresponding question can be moved down the list.


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