=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Generating Consistent Universal Controllers for Web-Service-enabled Appliances |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-787/paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-787 }} ==Generating Consistent Universal Controllers for Web-Service-enabled Appliances== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-787/paper6.pdf
                                                 Modiquitous 2011 Proceedings

              Generating consistent universal controllers for
                    Web-Service-enabled appliances
                            Marius Feldmann, Thomas Springer, Alexander Schill
                                        Technische Universität Dresden
                                              Fakultät Informatik
                                            Professur Rechnernetze
                       {marius.feldmann, thomas.springer, alexander.schill}@tu-dresden.de

ABSTRACT                                                                 universal control application for a mobile device or a
Today, an increasing number of home and office appliances                Web-based universal control application. If a new device
that we interact with contain embedded Web Servers.                      (DVB-T device) is added to the device infrastructure, a user
Making available Web Services for remote access to their                 interface has to be made available dynamically within the
functionality is just a small step. In this paper, we present a          two universal control applications. Developing these user
multi-platform, model-based generation approach enabling                 interfaces for various target platforms usually tends to
efficient and low-cost development of interactive                        constitute a time consuming and expensive task.
applications for accessing Web-Service-enabled appliances.
The results are not stand-alone, monolithic elements of
software but are capable of being integrated into a
consistent host application ad-hoc during runtime. Thus, a
heterogeneous and dynamic infrastructure of appliances
from different manufacturers can be accessed via single
control applications. The approach has been proven to be
applicable for generating interactive applications for
various target platforms including mobile devices.
Web Services, Model-based User Interface Generation,
Dynamic Service Infrastructures                                                 Figure 1. Sketch of the home appliance scenario
                                                                         In order to solve these problems, this paper presents an
                                                                         approach to generate the user interfaces of the
Web Services are software components offering their
                                                                         Web-Service-enabled appliances fully automatically from
functionalities via a well-defined interface. This interface is
                                                                         functional interface descriptions. Due to the fact that
described by a functional interface description language
                                                                         without further input, the generation result would be of low
such as the Web Service Description Language (WSDL).
                                                                         quality, so called Service annotations [8] are applied as
Nowadays, Web Services are an accepted and widely used
                                                                         platform independent modeling approach for defining user
means for offering remote functionalities. Various tools are
available for managing the whole lifecycle of Web Services
starting from creating, via testing, to deploying and                    The results of the generation chain named interactive
managing them. However, the field of developing user                     components can be embedded in the universal control
interfaces for Web Services has not been covered in a                    applications dynamically during runtime. Without stopping
satisfactory manner yet. Though some approaches have                     this application, they appear in their navigation menu and
been specified during the last years enabling the                        can directly be used to remote control the appropriate
development of user interfaces for static Web Service                    device. Due to the possibility to parameterize the
infrastructures, no approach exists that makes it possible to            generation of interactive components by using layout and
extend an interactive application fully automatically                    style descriptions, they can be visually adapted to different
depending on the associated set of Web Services the                      appearances of the embedding universal control
application interacts with. The necessity for such an                    applications. Thus, a consistent visual representation is
interactive application becomes obvious in the case of the               achieved.
selected use case: Within an automated home, a set of                    The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In the
appliances can be controlled via a universal control                     second section an overview of the state of the art in the
application available on different platforms. In the sketched            addressed domain is provided. The third section defines the
scenario in Figure 1, three appliances (Light Control                    concept of interactive components and points out their
System, Music Control System and a Router) can be                        central characteristics. In the fourth section the assumed
accessed via their offered Web Services by using either a                development approach is described. The fifth section

M. Feldmann, T. Springer, A. Schill: Generating consistent universal controllers for Web-Service-enabled                          39
appliances. Proc. of 1st International Workshop on Model-based Interactive Ubiquitous System 2011, Pisa, Italy,
June 13, 2011, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-787
                                             Modiquitous 2011 Proceedings

introduces the steps for generating interactive components       As soon as an interactive component is physically available
from the results of the development approach. The sixth          on a target device, it runs through the following steps:
section describes the technical realization of the mentioned     1.   Registration:     The      interactive     component
appliance control scenario and an end user study applied              communicates the information needed for its execution
using the prototypical implementation. The paper is                   to the host application. The registration information
concluded by a summary and outlook on future work.                    covers:
STATE OF THE ART                                                      a.   Identifier: In order to identify a component and to
Creating user interfaces for home appliances is a topic                    replace old versions on a target platform, a unique
covered in the HCI community already for years (e.g. [3]).                 identifier is assigned to every interactive
As well the specific goal to create consistent user interfaces             component.
for controlling different devices has been addressed [4].
However, these approaches do not focus in any way on                  b.   Component Dependencies: An interactive
Web-Service-enabled appliances. Thus, the possibility to                   component may demand functionality that has to
generate user interfaces from functional interface                         be provided by the host application. This includes
descriptions is not discussed. The only approach exploring                 for example functionality to determine the current
Web Services in the field of universal appliance control                   geolocation or specific data storage facilities.
applications exploits a task-driven development approach              c.   Input-/Output-Data: An interactive component
to create consistent user interfaces [5]. Though the                       may interact with a host application via
efficiency of this approach may be increased by using                      exchanging data. To identify the data needed as
Service annotations [6], it still takes various manual steps               input and returned as output, references to data
to develop a user interface for different target platforms.                described within the associated functional
Furthermore, the resulting user interfaces cannot be                       interface description is used.
embedded automatically into a host application during                 d.   Context       information:     Every     interactive
runtime. Extending the focused research and development                    component may be generated for a concrete usage
field to ad-hoc UI generation approaches for                               context such as a specific language, a specific
Web-Service-based interactive applications, we discovered                  target platform or a selected geographical location.
a set of ten approaches. They usually take either a                        A context description is expressed as a set of
functional interface description or additionally Service                   context type and value information.
annotations as input and create stand-alone markup-based
UIs as output. An example for this category of approaches             e.   Information for visualization purposes: An
is described in [7]. The results have a low quality and do                 interactive component is included dynamically
not address the generation of consistent UIs enabling the                  into the navigation menu of a host application so
interaction with various underlying Web Services as it is                  that a user can activate it. For visualizing the
demanded within the home appliance scenario.                               component, data such as a label text or an icon is
                                                                           communicated to the host application.
To summarize our efforts, we realized an intensive
state-of-the-art analysis searching for approaches that make          If a host application accepts the registration
it possible to generate automatically user interfaces for             information and fulfills the requirements (thus it can
Service-based interactive applications and that create                offer the necessary components (b) and the appropriate
results which can be included ad-hoc into a running host              input data (c)), the registration is successful. If the
application. To the best of our knowledge, no comparable              interactive component is not registered successfully, it
approach like the one presented in this paper exists.                 is removed from the host application.

                                                                 2.   Activation: After an interactive component has been
Interactive components are a domain-specific solution for             registered successfully and the current application
user interfaces of Service-based interactive applications.            context conforms to the context the component is
Due to their characteristics, they solve the identified               intended for, the component can be activated by a user.
problems of dynamic integration of ad-hoc generated user              The host application hands over the input parameters
interfaces into a hosting interactive application.                    demanded by the interactive component during the
                                                                      registration procedure.
Interactive components contain all information necessary
for registration purposes within a host application. They        3.   Usage: After a successful activation of the interactive
offer a user interface for providing input values and                 component, a user can input data via the user interface
displaying output values of Web Service operations and                and invoke remote Web Service operations. The
contain all information needed for enabling the interaction           operation results are being visualized in the user
of a human user with a remote Web Service. After an                   interface.
interactive component has been generated, it is transmitted      4.   Deactivation: The interactive component can be
to a host application (such as the universal appliance                deactivated at any time by the host application or the
control application) via an application specific directory            user. After the deactivation has been triggered, its user
Service.                                                              interface is not visible anymore. During deactivation of

                                            Modiquitous 2011 Proceedings

     an interactive component, it returns the output data      2.   Bundling: Renders it possible to merge the user
     specified during the registration process to the host          interfaces of different operations into one user
     application.                                                   interface. Furthermore, the view for input and output
We have specified a Meta-model named Service-based                  of one operation might be merged in one view.
Interactive Component Model (SBIC) for representing            3.   Provided by Host: Marks an input parameter of a
interactive components during the generation process. The           Service operation as input to the interactive component
structure of the model is sketched in Figure 2. The SBIC            provided by the host application.
has been developed as a model representing an interactive      4.   Returned to Host: Marks output parameters to be
component in a way close to a runtime representation.               returned to the host application when the interactive
Thus, a model-to-code transformation mapping a SBIC                 component is deactivated.
instance to a platform specific interactive component can
be implemented with little effort.                             5.   Component Dependency: Defines dependencies to
                                                                    functionalities the host application has to provide.
Besides the registration information, the SBIC describes the
structure, navigation flow and data flow of the user           6.   Initial Operations: A subset of the operations defined
interface. Furthermore, it contains layout and design               in a functional interface description may be marked as
information that is weaved into the model during the                initial. These operations can be accessed directly from
generation process. Thus, the layout and design of a                the host application. Every initial operation is an entry
generated interactive component can be adapted to the               point to activate the interactive component. After
layout and design of a host application.                            activating it, the user interface for the appropriate
                                                                    initial operation is visualized.
As aforementioned in the state-of-the-art analysis, the        In order to specify these annotations, an authoring tool
development of Service-based interactive applications for      named Interactive Component Editor (ICE) [2] has been
various target platforms is currently a time-consuming task    created. One of the views of the ICE is shown in Figure 3.
involving huge manual effort. Our approach is                  After importing one or more functional interface
characterized by the novel idea to only use Service            descriptions into the tool, the tree structure of these
annotations for modeling user interfaces. As the               descriptions is visualized. The nodes on the various levels
state-of-the-art does not offer any Service annotation model   (Service, operation, input/output parameters, data types) of
enabling the specification of application-specific aspects     the tree representation can be included into the modeling of
such as navigation or data flows, we introduced new            the interactive component.
annotation types.                                              The screenshot in Figure 3 shows various navigation flows
To not reinvent the wheel, these types were introduced into    and data flows in a specific editor view during modeling an
the annotation model originating from the ServFace project     interactive component for a DVB-T device. The editor
[8]. Besides others, the following annotation types have       makes it possible to specify any of the annotations defined
been specified and included into an extension of the           within the ServFace project and of the abovementioned
ServFace annotation model:                                     extensions. Thus, a full featured development approach has
                                                               been created enabling the model-based specification of
1.   Navigation Flow: Enables the possibility to define a      interactive components solely with annotated functional
     navigation flow between the user interfaces derived       interface descriptions.
     from different Service operations. With every specified
     navigation flow, a data flow may be associated.           After the modeling has been realized, the resulting
                                                               annotations are serialized to a file and transferred to a
                                                               remote annotation repository.
                                                               GENERATION APPROACH
                                                               The generation of interactive components is triggered on
                                                               demand once an interactive component has to be embedded
                                                               into a host application. In the case of the automated home
                                                               scenario, the generation chain is activated as soon as a new
                                                               device and thus a new annotated Web Service appears in
                                                               the home infrastructure. Due to the usage of platform
                                                               independent Meta-models and the platform specific
                                                               parameterization of the generation approach, it can be
                                                               reused for various target platforms and different host
                                                               applications. The platform and host specific parameters
                                                               have to be provided only once for every host application.
                                                               The target specification can be reused during the generation
                                                               of each interactive component that should be embedded
Figure 2. Structure of interactive component Meta-model        into this host application.
                                                               The generation chain is summarized in Figure 4.

                                                Modiquitous 2011 Proceedings

                                     Figure 3. Screenshot of the Interactive Component Editor

In a first step, the functional interface description and the        For instantiating the ISF, the ASM instance is traversed. By
annotation file fetched from an annotation repository are            default for every Service operation one container for all
parsed and merged together into a common model. For this             input parameters and one container for all output
purpose the Annotated Service Model (ASM) has been                   parameters are derived and embedded into the ISF instance.
developed. It enables the representation of all ServFace             This default behavior may be modified by annotations of
annotations and the mentioned extensions. An ASM                     the Bundling type (see previous section).
instance contains, on the one hand, the tree representation          In a next step, appropriate interactors are derived from all
of the functional interface description with the different           input and output parameters passed during traversing of the
hierarchies (Service, operation, input/output parameters,            ASM instance. They are embedded into the containers
data types) and, on the other hand, the annotations                  created in the previous step.
referencing a subset of the tree’s nodes. This subset has
been determined during the development approach applied              As the selected interactors are described within the ISF
e.g. by using the ICE.                                               using platform specific vocabulary, this step is
                                                                     parameterized by a set of inference rules which determine
After the ASM has been instantiated, a basic structure of            which interactor should be selected under which condition.
the user interface with all its interactors is inferred in a first   Besides the data types of an input or output parameter, the
model-to-model transformation step. For representing the             decision depends particularly on the set of annotations
structure of the UI, a domain-specific model named                   referencing this parameter.
Intermediate Service Frontend Model (ISF) adapted to the
generation chain has been developed.

                 Figure 4. Generating interactive components from annotated functional interface descriptions

                                              Modiquitous 2011 Proceedings

                        Figure 5. Usage of the generation approach within the home appliance scenario

In a second model-to-model transformation step, an                4.   Using platform-specific model-to-code transformations
instance of the SBIC Meta-model mentioned above is                     (named platform adapters) for all desired target
created from the ISF instance. Just as the transformation              platforms, the SBIC instance is transformed to
steps before, the implementation of this step can be reused            platform specific interactive components.
for various target platforms due to the parameterization of       5.   These components are forwarded to a repository that is
the transformation. The provided parameters contain                    checked in fixed intervals by the used universal control
especially layout and design information for adapting the              applications for updates.
appearance of the interactive component to the appearance
of a host application. This information can be made               6.   As soon as a new interactive component is available
available a-priori and updated as soon as the layout and               within the repository, it is downloaded to the target
design of the host application is modified.                            platform and registered in the universal control
Finally, every SBIC instance is transformed to a platform
specific interactive component that can be made available         7.   After a successful registration of an interactive
via a component repository to a host application. For every            component it can be used to interact with the remote
supported platform a model-to-code transformation has to               Web Service thus enabling device control.
be provided that takes an SBIC instance as input and              REALIZATION AND EVALUATION
returns a packaged and deployable interactive component           The approach has been implemented and evaluated using
as output.                                                        two heterogeneous target platforms as shown in Figure 5.
The described generation chain builds the core of the home        As proof-of-concept for mobile devices, a universal control
appliance scenario introduced above. Figure 5 shows the           application and a platform adapter for the smartphone
different steps used to make interactive components               platform Android has been realized and as proof-of-concept
available in different universal control applications.            for Web applications, the same parts of software have been
                                                                  implemented using the Apache Wicket framework. The
The approach runs through the following seven steps:              repository for devices has been realized as a simple
1.   A device (e.g. a DVB-T device) is newly introduced           relational database. As technology for the repository for
     into the infrastructure of Web-Service-enabled               interactive components Subversion (SVN) was used. SVN
     appliances. As soon as it is switched on, it is registered   has the central advantage that no additional mechanism for
     by transmitting the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)        versioning of interactive components had to be introduced.
     of its functional interface description plus a reference     Figure 6 shows a screenshot of the prototypically
     to an annotation file to a device repository.                implemented Web-based universal control application. As
2.   The device repository is monitored by a specific             it is depicted in the figure, interactive components are
     system component named Activator. As soon as this            embedded once they are registered in this application into
     component detects a new device registration, it              its navigation menu shown on the left side. The initial
     forwards the functional interface description                operations (see fourth section) of each interactive
     referenced by the URI plus the annotation file to the        component are displayed by a navigation option each. As
     generation chain described above.                            soon as a user selects one of these options, the appropriate
3.   The generation chain parses the functional interface         user interface is displayed in the center of the Web page.
     description and the annotation file and transforms it
     first to an ISF and then to a SBIC instance.

                                            Modiquitous 2011 Proceedings

                             Figure 6. Prototype for the Web-based universal control application

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