Web application for recognition of mathematical formulas? Jan Stria1 and Daniel Průša2 1 Charles University, Malostranské nám. 25, 118 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic stria.jan@gmail.com 2 Czech Technical University, Center for Machine Perception Karlovo nám. 13, 121 35 Prague 2, Czech Republic prusapa1@cmp.felk.cvut.cz Abstract. We present a system for on-line mathematical singer and V. Hlavac in [15]. It is a general framework, formulas recognition. The main principles of the method suitable for recognition of objects exhibiting a rich we applied for recognition are explained. It is based on the structure. It has been also applied for musical structural construction paradigm and utilizes a sort of two- scores [14] and electric circuits [5]. The power of the dimensional grammars called coordinate grammars. Gram- structural construction is in driving symbols segmen- mar productions are used to model spatial relationships tation by the structural analysis, avoiding thus er- among mathematical symbols. The system itself has been rors that could be normally done during a standalone developed as a web application in HTML5. We give details on its client-server architecture and user interface. We also segmentation. Some of the known methods solve this discuss advantages of the chosen approach. by error recovery techniques, but such techniques are more complicated and less natural. Our work is incremental. We started with the sim- 1 Introduction plistic subset of formulas and the proof-of-concept re- cognition system implemented in Java [10, 11]. Later Mathematical formulas recognition is a task of grow- we adopted the system to on-line inputs written on ing importance. There are two domains in which it a tablet and we also extended the set of supported can be applied. The first one covers scanned math- formulas [12]. ematical texts (books or notes) we want to convert This paper reports our recent results. We focus into an electronic form automatically. We speak about on two topics. Principles of the developed recogni- off-line formulas recognition. Another situation arises tion method are outlined in Section 2. We introduce when we need to support entering formulas into ap- a revised formalism of the previously used two-dimen- plications in a natural way, i.e. by drawing them by sional grammars – so called coordinate grammars. The hand. This can be done on a tablet or simply using grammars model relationships among formula sym- a mouse. In such a case, we do not recognize raster bols. The system itself has been completely rewritten images but rather sets of strokes and we speak about in C# and includes several improvements. The new on-line recognition. priority was also make the system accessible by a web Several approaches to formulas recognition have application in which the user draws a formula and re- been described in the literature [20, 8, 6]. A tax- ceives the output in TeX or MathML format. The web onomy of the methods can be found in [2]. application architecture, implementation in HTML5 Only few published papers offer a publicly avail- and user interface design are described in Section 3. able implementation for evaluation. We mention three known applications giving good results. Infty 2 Method proposed for formulas project [17, 16] targets primarily off-line recognition, however, it includes a module for on-line recognition recognition as well. xMathJournal [27] is a commercial software The method consists of two phases which are com- product which serves as a sophisticated calculator for mon in pattern recognition – elementary symbols de- handwritten mathematics. Microsoft Windows 7 pro- tection and structural analysis. In our case, the first vides a simple tool called Math Input Panel. It allows to phase does not make any final decision what the ele- draw a formula, recognize it, copy the result into the mentary symbols are. Instead of it, only candidates to clipboard and paste it to other programs (e.g. Micro- such symbols are selected. It is completely up to the soft Word). structural analysis to decide then, which of the candi- The approach we chose is motivated by the struc- dates are really parts of the formula and what is their tural construction paradigm presented by M.I. Schle- meaning in the formula structure. ? The authors were supported by the Grant Agency of the We have chosen grammar based structural analy- Czech Republic under project P103/10/0783. sis, since it allows to express the syntax of the whole 48 Jan Stria, Daniel Průša formula and fits thus well to the structural construc- 2 1 tion pattern. Non-grammar based approaches usually recognize local configurations among symbols only and 3 transform them to graphs. We introduce a (2D) coor- dinate grammar which can be viewed as an extension symbol variable V num. 6 frac. line minus square root of the grammar described by R. Anderson in his sem- stroke(s) 1 3 2 2 1, 2 inal work [1]. The productions have context-free form and are assigned by spatial constraints on the right- Fig. 1. Elementary symbol candidates: The input is a se- quence of three strokes, each denoted by a number in the hand side elements. The parsing is a bottom-up process circle. The table lists subgroups of strokes recognized as (not the top-down one like in [1]), since it allows bet- a symbol. ter control the number of derived elements and reduce them by pruning. Moreover, our formalism is stochas- knowledge of the formula structure. An example of tic and penalty oriented – each derivation is assigned possible candidates is given in Figure 1. by a real number, which determines its quality. In general, there are 2|S| subsets of S. It is obvious The grammar is designed to recognize structures that not all these subsets have the potential to repre- formed of terminal elements freely located in a plane. sent a symbol. For performance reasons, we propose This is something different comparing to picture lan- several strategies that select and evaluate only some guages [13] consisting of rectangular grids over finite of the subsets: alphabets. We have to deal with the time complex- 1. A reasonable restriction is to limit the number ity of parsing. In general, it can grow exponentially in of strokes¡ that¢form one symbol: |S 0 | ≤ K. This the number of elementary symbols. The well known leaves O |S|K subsets to be evaluated by the Cocke-Younger-Kasami algorithm ¡ [4, ¢ 19] recognizes OCRtool. K = 4 should fully comply with all the context-free languages in time O n3 and can be gen- symbols in VT . eralized to a sort of 2D context-free grammars [15]. 2. Construct a graph G where vertices correspond to It both cases, the algorithm can rely on the sequen- strokes and two vertices are connected iff the two tial ordering of characters in strings or pictures. When related strokes are ,,close enough” (various metrics working with coordinate grammars, we are forced to can be applied: the smallest distance between two restrict the set of sentential forms allowed to be de- points, the greatest distance, the average distance, rived during the process to some sort of continuous etc.). Consider only those S 0 ⊆ S, where |S 0 | ≤ K areas. The task how to parse 2D structures in a plane and all vertices in the graph that correspond to effectively has been studied by others, especially by P. strokes in S 0 are located in the same component Viola and E. Miller [9, 7]. Some of the techniques we of connectivity. employ in our method coincide with their proposals. 3. Label each edge in G by the distance between the related strokes. Find minimum spanning tree T . 2.1 Elementary symbols detection Search for subsets S 0 using T instead of G. 4. If we assume the user does not make any correc- By a stroke s we mean a finite, non-empty sequence tions in the already written symbols, we can even of points in a plane, i.e. s = ((x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xk , yk )), consider only the subsets of consecutive strokes where xi , yi ∈ R, k ≥ 1. S 0 = {si , si+1 , . . . , si+k }, where k < K. Let S = (s1 , . . . , sn ) be a sequence of strokes en- 0 tered to the system by the user. For i < j, we assume If the OCRtool finds a match of a subset S to some si has been entered before sj . Moreover, we assume symbol, it provides a record consisting of the following the following condition is fulfilled: items: – recognized symbol identifier l ∈ VT – one stroke is not a part of two or more different – a penalty p expressing reliability of the recognition symbols in the input formula (p ∈ R+ , a lower value implies a bigger confidence) The goal of the elementary symbols detection phase is – metrics M of the recognized symbol (a record stor- to find each subset S 0 ⊆ S which, taken separately, is ing base line and mean line given relative within recognized by an Optical Character Recognition tool the bounding box, see Figure 2) (OCRtool) as an elementary symbol from a set of We denote tuple (S 0 , l, p, M ) as a terminal unit. known symbols denoted VT (alphabet letters, num- bers, mathematical operators, Greek letters, etc.). 2.2 Coordinate grammars Note that there can be even more interpretations for 0 one subset S , the OCRtool can return several hypoth- Before we can describe how mathematical relation- esis for it. The detection is performed without any ships are modeled by a coordinate grammar, we need Formulas recognition 49 ascent mean line base line descent Fig. 2. Character metrics. to define a structure to represent partial derivations Fig. 3. A spatial constraint evaluation example: Two con- (an analogy to the sentential form). We denote this straining rectangles C1 and C2 are computed having the structure a labeled group of strokes (over an input se- size and position given relative to symbol + which is the quence of strokes S, a set of elementary symbols – ter- leading symbol in group S2 . The circled point in S1 , resp. minals VT and a set of non-terminals VN ). It is a tuple S3 (so called a reference point) is required to be located (S1 , l1 , p1 , T ) such that S1 ⊆ S, S1 6= ∅, l1 ∈ VN ∪ VT , in the C1 , resp. C2 . The constraint is fulfilled. Symbol + p1 ∈ R+ and T = (S2 , l2 , p2 , M ) is a terminal unit, becomes the leading symbol of the newly derived group of strokes. where S2 ⊆ S1 and l2 ∈ VT . The interpretation is as follows: the mutual positions of leading symbols and bound- – there is a sequence of derivations which result in ing boxes of labeled groups of strokes corresponding assigning l1 to S1 to Si ’s. Figure 3 shows a constraint function evalua- – penalty p expresses a confidence in the derivations tion example for the production that models a binary – T determines so called leading symbol in S1 ; it is operation of the form: a terminal recognized by the OCRtool as l2 , con- sidered as the main (root) symbol among other BinOperation → Expression ¯ BinOperator ¯ Term. symbols in S1 ; the leading symbol is determined The parsing algorithm starts with terminal units by applied grammar productions produced by the terminals detection phase (they are A coordinate grammar G is a tuple (VT , VN , I, P ), transformed to labeled groups of strokes first). Larger where I ∈ VN is the initial non-terminal and P is groups of strokes are incrementally derived then. The a set of productions of the form input is recognized iff (S, I, p, T ) is among the deriva- tions. When there are more such groups, the resulting N → A1 ¯ A2 ¯ . . . ¯ Ak , (1) one is the group with the lowest penalty. More details on the parsing process can be found in [12]. where N ∈ VN and each Ai ∈ {VT ∪ VN }. Moreover, each production is assigned by three functions: spatial 2.3 Notes on method implementation constraint σ, penalty π and leading symbol selector µ. To explain their meaning and define their parameters One of the weaknesses in the former Java implemen- and functional values, let us consider k labeled groups tation was the quality of OCR results. We used own of strokes S1 , . . . , Sk such that implementation based on the elastic matching tech- nique [18, 3]. The OCRtool in the current version is Si = (Si , li , pi , Ti ). a combination of two methods. We benefit partially from the OCR provided by Microsoft .NET API which Production (1) can be applied to derive is quite robust. However, it does not support recog- Ã k ! nition of all mathematical symbols, thus we are still [ S= Si , N, p, T forced to maintain and use our OCR to detect certain i=1 symbols. Nevertheless, we have made additional im- provements to it and the overall OCRtool accuracy is iff the following conditions are fulfilled: better now. – Si ’s are pairwise disjunct The form of σ and π is designed based on a sta- – ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , k} : li = Ai tistical model. Mutual placements of labeled groups of – σ(S1 , . . . , Sk ) = true strokes are expressed by a normal distribution which Pk of parameters are extracted from the training data for – p = π(S1 , . . . , Sk ) + i=1 pi – T = µ(T1 , . . . , Tk ) each production. This is another progress comparing to Java version where we set up constraints manually. Boolean function σ determines whether the produc- Grammar productions support constructs as sub- tion can be applied at all, π penalizes the application scripts, superscripts, brackets, common unary and bi- of the production and µ selects the resulting leading nary operators, fractions, integrals, sums, exponentia- symbols. In the implementation, σ is strongly based on tion, square roots, functions and binomial coefficients. 50 Jan Stria, Daniel Průša The related syntax is expressed by 200 productions web browsers found in Android and iOS operating sys- stored in a text file. A sample from the file follows. tems. However despite of some optimizations editing of formulas in these mobile web browsers in not al- BinOperation->BinOp|Expression@L|Term@R ways as smooth as in desktop browsers. It is caused by BinOp->[+] a poorer performance of mobile devices which is not BinOp->[-] sufficient for a frequent rendering of formulas. But as Fraction->[line]|Expression@T|Expression@B the performance of these mobile devices grows rapidly Power->Factor|Expression@TR there is a well-founded reason to believe this will go Root->[root]|Expression@TL|Expression@I better soon. Our application for formulas recognition can be Each line represents one production. On the left- started using immediately. This is especially impor- hand side of the production, there is a source nonter- tant in that case when the potential user has only minal symbol. On the right-hand side, there is a mix- several formulas to recognize and installing a new soft- ture of nonterminal and terminal target symbols sep- ware would cost more time than writing the formula arated by vertical lines. To distinguish the nonter- in TeX of MathML format by a hand. We have also minal and terminal symbols, we enclose the termi- tried to make the user interface simple and friendly so nals in brackets. The first of the target symbols is usage of our application should be intuitive enough. a mandatory leading symbol. Potential following sym- The recognition engine itself runs at the server so it bols are always denoted by special characters deter- can be easily updated. It is especially important in the mining their spatial relation to the leading target sym- development phase when we can continuously provide bol (e.g. @L stays for left which means that the appro- enhanced versions of the recognizer. We can also eas- priate symbol is located on the left with respect to the ily collect all formulas supplied by users for a further leading target symbol). analysis which helps us to improve the recognition. The parameters defining σ, π and µ more precisely The disadvantage of choosing an implementation are saved in a separate data file. as a web application is a permanent need of an Inter- net connection to work with it. In addition this con- 3 Web application nection should have a low latency to ensure a true real-time recognition during a formula insertion. On We have developed two web applications, both utiliz- the other hand, high throughput of the connection is ing the well known client-server architecture. The first not demanded as not much data is transferred between application serves for sample mathematical formulas the client and the server. collection. It allows to insert a mathematical formula together with a name of the writer and store it at 3.1 jQueryInk widget the server. Formulas collected by this application are then used to train and test our recognizer. The second For both the data collection application and the recog- application provides a functionality of the recognizer nition application the core part of the web user in- itself. It continuously recognizes the formula during terface is a canvas that allows to insert mathemati- its insertion and provides the recognition result to the cal formulas in the form of strokes. It supports writ- user. ing new strokes, selecting and editing previously writ- Both these applications comprise an user inter- ten groups of strokes, erasing strokes or clearing the face running in a web browser at the client side that whole canvas. The component representing the canvas communicates with web services at the server side. was developed in HTML5 and Javascript as a jQuery The web interface was developed in HTML5 [22] and UI [24] widget. It is called jQueryInk [23] and it is pub- Javascript. The web services were written in C# pro- licly available for download as an open-source project. gramming language using WCF (Windows Communi- The jQueryInk widget internally uses a cation Foundation) technology and they run on Mi- element introduced by HTML5. It has a specified crosoft Windows Server 2008 R2. The client and the width and height and provides a Javascript interface to server communicate via Ajax. The main reasons for access and modify its surface dynamically. The inter- choosing such an architecture were accessibility and face comprises functions for drawing and transforma- easy maintenance. tion of 2D shapes and bitmaps. These functions are Both applications are accessible from an every used by our widget to render strokes and additional modern web browser supporting HTML5. They were annotations (as selection polygon). The jQueryInk successfully tested in the latest versions of Internet widget can be easily created over a specified
Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Sa- element by creating a jQuery object representing the fari and Opera. They also work in the default mobile element and calling ink() method on it. Formulas recognition 51
many vertices of a polyline approximating the stroke $("#myInk").ink( /* settings */ ); lie inside the selection polygon. To speed up these tests, results from the previous selection polygon tests Calling the ink() method creates a new are reused. Finally, when at least 2/3 of stroke approx- element inside the
element and initializes a new imating vertices lie in the selection polygon, the stroke jQueryInk object with the settings specified by the is selected. The described algorithm allows the user to method parameters. These settings can be changed draw a shape of a selection region freely. This is im- later by calling the ink() method again. The most portant because using a simple rectangular selection important setting is a mode in which the widget is region would not be sufficient due to a spatial com- operating. Depending on this mode strokes are writ- plexity of the formula. The described optimizations ten, erased or selected while the mouse interacts with ensure then a smooth selection. the element. The operating mode can be set independently for left and right mouse buttons. The settings parameters also specify handler functions for 3.2 Data collection events generated by the widget which are fired when something important happens as writing a new stroke, The data collection application employs the described erasing a stroke etc. Depending on the usage of the in- jQueryInk widget on the client side to enable insertion troduced jQueryInk widget, these handler functions of a mathematical formula. The user is also asked to fill can react on the events properly. his name to help us identify who wrote which formula. The jQueryInk widget also defines supporting data Then the formula can be sent and stored at the server. structures representing strokes, their collections etc. This is archieved by serializing objects representing These data can be accessed either directly through strokes to a JSON format and sending them via an the widgets interface or as a parameters of the pre- Ajax request. The receiver of this request is a WCF viously described events. The handler functions can service which stores the strokes together with the filled utilize the data, e.g. send it to the recognizer located username and IP address of the sender. on the server. We have already collected approximately 200 for- As it has been stated, our jQueryInk widget can mulas. To use these data to train and test our rec- operate in three modes: ognizer we have to assign some semantics to them at first. Unfortunately as far as we know there is no stan- Writing: When it is in the writing mode and the user dard file format for storing handwritten mathematical is writing a stroke, our widget has to repeatedly render formulas with annotations denoting their meaning. So the stroke. However, because rendering of all strokes we have developed our own XML file format based would be time consuming, only added points are ren- on the Presentation MathML [28] which is commonly dered. After finishing writing the stroke the whole can- used for representing math in web pages and other vas is rendered once again to avoid artifacts. documents. The first part of our annotated MathML file comprises coordinates and timestamps of points Erasing: In the erasing mode there are two meth- forming individual handwritten strokes. Each of these ods how to determine which strokes should be erased strokes is also assigned an unique numeric identifier when the user moves a mouse. The first method serves that can be referenced in the second part of the doc- for testing short strokes comprising only a few points ument that comprises MathML description of the for- and having a small bounding rectangle. These strokes mula. To allow referencing strokes we have extended are tested for proximity to a mouse path. The second MathML by tags denoting single symbols and having method tests longer strokes by checking their intersec- identifiers of appropriate strokes as their attributes. tion with a mouse path. We have to incorporate both Before the MathML description of the formula can these methods because its quite difficult for the user be annotated by identifiers of strokes, the MathML to intersect short strokes such as dots. notation itself has to be created. To accomplish that we have developed a fairly simple desktop application. Selection: When in the selection mode the closed path It loads the strokes as they were stored at the server of a mouse is continuously approximated by a poly- and passes them to the Math Input Control [25] which gon which determines the selection region. Also the is a COM control in Microsoft Windows 7. This con- strokes themselves are approximated by polylines to trol is a panel on which surface the formula can be reduce the count of their vertices. Each time the selec- written by hand. The control continuously tries to rec- tion polygon changes, its bounding rectangle its com- ognize the formula and shows the recognition result. puted. This rectangle is then tested for intersection Simply said, the control does almost the same thing with bounding rectangles of all strokes to determine as our recognition application. The recognition result potentially selected strokes. It is determined, how can be accessed as a string containing Presentation 52 Jan Stria, Daniel Průša MathML notation. Unfortunately, the strokes to be recognized cannot be passed programmatically to the control. Thus we developed an algorithm that utilizes coordinates of the loaded strokes to move a mouse cur- sor over the control simulating a real user interaction. Besides obtaining a meaning of the handwritten formula in a MathML, the presented mechanism can also be used for a comparison of our recognizer with the Math Input Control. Although their recognizer performs quite well its not definitely perfect. But when used by a real user it allows to erase and rewrite arbi- trary strokes or assign a meaning to a group of strokes by a hand. So when the recognition of automatically written strokes fails we input it to the panel by hand Fig. 4. User interface of the recognizer: Shows the selec- using the mentioned editing possibilities to always ob- tion (number 1) and the editing of a meaning (variable q). tain their correct description in MathML notation. Result of the recognition is at the top. Once we have the MathML notation of the formula, we process it by adding special tags for each symbol and we can start annotating it. It has to be done by the TeX format, the MathJax always converts it to an a hand as the Math Input Control gives us only one image that is then shown by the browser. MathML string describing the whole formula. Using Our goal was to develop a truly interactive appli- our application, each symbol included in the formula cation for formulas recognition. We wanted the user has to be selected and bound with the appropriate to see partial results of a recognition as he inserts the symbol tag. formula. We also wanted to provide a possibility of se- The data collection application is available at [21]. lecting a group of strokes and determining its meaning. This can help the recognizer a lot when a part of the formula is not recognized correctly, e.g. one of the sym- 3.3 Data recognition bols is recognized wrong. Then strokes forming this symbol can be selected and the recognizer proposes all The web interface of the formulas is shown in the alternative meanings of that group of strokes. Assum- figure 4. It also utilizes presented jQueryInk widget ing that the correct meaning is present among these for strokes insertion. Besides that it also comprises alternatives, the user can choose it. Then the correct a field showing the recognition result which is a for- meaning is assigned to that group and the recognizer mula represented in the Presentation MathML for- has to respect it in a following recognition process. mat. Although MathML is intended for incorporat- To achieve the described interactivity, the ing mathematics in web pages, its support in the cur- Javascript client and the WCF service running at the rent browsers is quite poor. Among the most used web server have to communicate a lot. Figure 5 gives us browsers only Mozilla Firefox and Opera support it. a closer look at that communication and it also shows Moreover, even these two browsers do not render ev- how the user affects it. Each time the user enters the erything correctly. Remaining browsers (Internet web interface, a new asynchronous Ajax request is sent Explorer, Google Chrome and Apple Safari) still do to the service. The service generates a unique session not support it at all. However, the MathML support id and initializes a new instance of the recognizer for is planned in future versions of all mentioned browsers. this id. The session id is then sent back to the client To ensure a correct rendering of the recognized for a further communication. formulas in all current browsers, we incorporated the Meanwhile the user could start inserting the for- MathJax library [26]. It is written in Javascript and mula, so it has to be checked whether he performed it serves for a correct displaying of mathematics in all some actions that need to be sent to the server. These major web browsers. It can display mathematics in actions comprehend insertion of a new stroke, erasing both the MathML and TeX format. While displaying an existing stroke, clearing the whole canvas, selection mathematics in the MathML format, it automatically of a group of strokes or determining a meaning of the detects whether the browser supports the MathML na- previously selected group of strokes. Every time one of tively. If so, it lets the browser to render the MathML. these actions is performed by the user, it is added to If the browser lacks a MathML support, it converts a queue of actions waiting to be sent to the server. We the MathML to an image and lets the browser display use this queue to ensure that there is always only one this image instead. While displaying mathematics in request from the client to the server being processed. Formulas recognition 53 Unfortunately, sending an Ajax request when a web page is being left or a web browser is being closed is not fully reliable. We have adopted an an- other mechanism for releasing unused resources. The service periodically checks all the sessions and if it finds a session without any requests for some time, it releases the recognizer allocated for it. This can lead to releasing a recognizer for a session that has not been accessed for a long time but has not truly ended at the client side. When a request is received from such a session, a new recognizer for a specified session id is created and the client is asked to send all its strokes to restore an original state of the recognizer. Fig. 5. Client-server architecture of the recognizer: Shows 4 Conclusions how user actions are handled by the client script and how the client script communicates with the service running on We have described a grammar based approach a server. to mathematical formulas recognition. Our previous results [11, 12] show that the proposed method is prac- tical and can be implemented effectively. The imple- When the session is initialized and the queue of actions mentation is responsive and gives acceptable results. is non-empty or every time a new action is performed It is true that some OCR errors usually occur during and there is no request being processed, the queue of the recognition and even the structural analysis does actions is emptied and a new request containing all not help to prevent them all. We have addressed this actions from the queue is sent to the server. problem in the new user interface which allows to cor- The request with the recent actions is sent as an rect OCR results interactively. asynchronous Ajax request so the user can keep editing We have redesigned the architecture of the whole the formula meanwhile. The request always contains system and realized it as a web application. This gives a forementioned session id so the service could pass new possibilities for further improvements. Our prior- the actions to the appropriate recognizer. The recog- ity now is to assemble a sufficiently large set of formu- nizer updates its set of strokes and provides the best las, which will include samples from all common areas estimation of what these strokes mean. When there of mathematics, written by different users. We want is an action denoting selection of a group of strokes, to analyze such data and use it for tuning parameters the recognizer also offers all possible meanings of these of the grammar productions. We also plan to publish strokes to allow the user to determine their meaning. a database of annotated formulas to be used by others And finally, when there is an action denoting a mean- for testing purposes. We have not found any set of on- ing determination of some group of strokes, the recog- line formulas publicly available. 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