=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Design and Evaluation of Non-visual Maps |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-792/Zeng.pdf |volume=Vol-792 }} ==Design and Evaluation of Non-visual Maps== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-792/Zeng.pdf
           Accessible Maps for the Visually Impaired

                             Limin Zeng, Gerhard Weber

                            Technische Universität Dresden
                          Institut für Angewandte Informatik
                                    D-01062 Dresden

      Abstract. Map systems for the visually impaired are designed for pre-journey
      and mobile use. Both indoor and outdoor systems are known and systems
      become web-based. We discuss their design issues and review some of the
      missing features for better acceptance of such systems, like interactive
      interfaces and social web features.

      Keywords: visually impaired, tactile map, virtual map, GPS-based map,
      multi-line Braille display.

1    Introduction

Maps have been evolving together with the development of science and
technology. From the ancient parchment map to explore the continents, to cheap
and portable paper-based maps, and then to today’s maps rendered on computers
and mobile devices, the functions of maps are extended by a large number of
applications. An electronic map represents enormous data via vision such as a
satellite view, real-time traffic layer as well as route path, rather than basic
functions to explore the geographical world.

Although there are various new technologies applied in map production, people
who are blind and visually impaired still have various challenges to access maps
and relevant applications, and most of them wouldn’t know the layout of the
earth, the cities and streets where they lived. In the WWW maps are considered as
images. However it is difficult to provide an alternative description for this class
of images in order to make them accessible. Orientation development or routes
are based on graphical representations. At the same time, those citizens are unable
to travel safely and independently, and restricted to take part in everyday social
activities. Furthermore, owing to the issue of aging worldwide, in 2009 the World
Health Organization (WHO) reported there are about 314 million people visually
impaired, and 65% of them are age 50 and older, specifically about 19 million are
children below age 15[1]. While it is an urgent issue to make maps accessible for
users who are blind and visually impaired, solutions suitable for elderly people
must be found.
2      Limin Zeng, Gerhard Weber

In this article, we review existing approaches in maps for the visually impaired
individuals, applicable guidelines of design, and methodologies of evaluation.
From the perspective of mobility, we distinguish two types of maps, desktop-
based maps including paper-based maps, computer-based virtual maps and novel
Braille tactile maps, and mobile maps mainly focusing upon GPS-based maps.
New features become possible in both types, which should be integrated into
future map systems like interactive user interfaces and social interaction, in order
to take into account different user requirements in desktop and mobile

2     Research on design accessible maps

In order to investigate different methods to design accessible maps for the
visually impaired, we distinguish two types: desktop-based maps and non-visual
mobile maps, most of which are GPS-based. Printed tactile maps may be carried
by blind pedestrians on the move, they compete with electronic devices. While
designing an accessible map, in addition to the representation of geographical
features (e.g. streets, bus lines, bus stops, etc) via different media, it is crucial to
design the user interface to ensure input/output information without barriers for
people with visual impairments. In previous work there are 3 kinds of methods to
explore maps with non-visual interaction, which are though tactile perception,
acoustic perception, and by audio-haptic channels.

2.1    Desktop-based accessible maps

Printable tactile map
Printable tactile maps are maps produced by swell (or microcapsule) paper,
thermoform diagrams, Braille embossers and similar technologies, which offer
haptic perception to the fingers. A number of guidelines of designing a tactile map
have been published [2],[3],[4]. Edman described the design of tactile maps from
the perspective of tactile graphics[4], and packs of map symbols were provided in
Nottingham Kit and Euro-town-kit from early studies to promote standardization
of textures. In an international survey study [5],[6] it is mentioned, swell paper
and thermoform are the two most popular methods to produce tactile maps, and
various suggestions on size, tactile symbols, labels, legends and other map
elements are given. Due to the limited haptic sensitivity of fingers, researchers
conducted user experiments to investigate distinguishable lines and symbols in
design process [7], [8], [9].
Most production methods of printed tactile maps are manual, and hence labor
intensive and time-consuming. Thus, aiming at enhancing efficiency of
production, a couple of automatic approaches have been implemented. Most of
them obtain map data from geographic information system (GIS), and then render
map elements in different styles. The TMAP project (Tactile Map Automated
                                   Accessible Maps for the Visually Impaired     3

Production) [10] creates larger tactile street maps for towns or cities in the USA
from a GIS, consisting of numerous roads and streets. Labeling on tactile street
maps automatically is one of the most challenging tasks, a special labeling
algorithm in TMAP project has been employed to calculate the best position of
street names in a large printed tactile map [11].
As a result, regardless of materials (e.g. swell paper, thermoform diagrams and
Braille embossers), most design principles are similar. For instance, maps should
contain main map elements, such as roads, streets, buildings, points of interest
and other elements like legend and orientation, and label them in Braille text.
Because it’s impossible to overlay map elements other than thermoform, there is
few content available to be rendered on the printable tactile maps. On the other
hand, tactile maps support haptic perception by fingertips. This helps to establish
a mental map easily with distances and orientations.

Virtual acoustic map
The limitations of paper-based tactile maps to overlay any geographic data and
integrate a legend may be avoided by acoustic output. Verbal and non-verbal
audio output has the capability of representing information in quantity from a
visual map. While designing it doesn’t require extra tasks to render a digital map
from GIS, and design the acoustic rendering module, such as sonification of
sounds and control of a speech synthesizer. For instance, Zhao proposed an
interactive sonification to access census data on a visual USA map [12], and a 3D
sonification of city maps has been implemented to transform the map elements
(e.g. lakes, parks) into different acoustic signals[13].

Virtual tactile map
In order to overcome the disadvantages of paper-based tactile maps, the concept
of a virtual tactile map has been proposed to render more information and let
users explore flexibly tactile displays through a computer [14],[15]. Other than
paper-based tactile maps, virtual tactile maps are not presented on real printed
maps, however, instead with computer-based devices, where map elements are
from off-the-shelf GIS mostly. Thereby, users don’t need a great deal of burden to
design special map elements to explore larger spatial areas more effectively. As
input/output channels, a number of haptic devices are employed (e.g. joystick,
Phantom haptic mouse [16],[17],[18]. Meanwhile, their auditory output represents
not only simple sonification but also various geographic data, such as the names
of cities.

Augmented paper-based tactile map
A combination of paper-based tactile maps and virtual tactile maps are audio-
haptic tactile maps. It requires a both a tactile printer to produce maps, and
touchable pad for exploration. There are 4 steps needed to produce and utilize an
augmented paper-based tactile map, as shown in Fig. 1. At first, an algorithm to
automatically generate map elements from GIS such as TMAP [10] or from map
4       Limin Zeng, Gerhard Weber

images [19] should be carried out to create tactile street maps. After production of
maps via Braille printers, the paper-based maps can be mounted on a touch-
sensitive pad. In the end, users explore maps with their fingers, and obtain more
detailed information with the help of auditory representation [19, 20].

    Fig. 1: Augmented paper-based tactile maps in 4 steps
Recently multi-touch displays such as the iPhone are utilized without tactile
feedback but through kinaesthetic control and spoken feedback alone.

Braille tactile map
Although augmented paper-based tactile maps increase information density, they
are restricted to the size of the touchable device. Furthermore, the process needed
to produce printed tactile maps is contradicting to the concept of multiple
exploring geographical regions and not suitable for web browsers.

Novel tactile and touch-enabled Braille displays offer a new opportunity to design
a completely automatic tactile map system for the visually impaired. Map
elements are presented through raised pins. In [21] an audio-haptic map system
has been developed to access geographic data on a HyperBraille1 display, in
which a set of tactile symbols is employed to represent points of interest and
several manners to explore maps (e.g. panning, zooming, search, etc).

Discussion on future features of accessible desktop-based maps
From traditional paper-based tactile map to latest multi-line Braille display,
currently individuals with lack of a vision are able to select suitable solutions to
explore geographic maps at desktop-based environments, while few paper-based
ones are available for mobile requirements. However, which features should be

1 www.hyperbraille.de
                                     Accessible Maps for the Visually Impaired       5

promoted for future desktop-based accessible maps in the digital era? Simplicity
of maps is still one of the most important general guidelines. As illustrated in
Table 1, different features of various desktop-based accessible maps are possible.

            Table 1. The comparison of various desktop-based accessible maps

Map Type     Device/       Map Size       Amount        Represent      Product-    Interact-
             Material                     of     In-    ation          ion         ion
             swell         small          small         raised         by Hand     tactile
             paper,                                     lines,                     perception
             thermofor                                  symbols,                   against
             m,     em-                                 etc                        fingertips
Printable    Braille
Tactile      printer,
Map          etc
Virtual      computer,     large          large         visual         automatic   audio
Acoustic     earphone                                   map                        output
             computer,     large          large         visual         automatic   haptic and
             earphone,                                  map                        audio
             mouse,                                                                output
Virtual      feedback
Tactile      devices,
Map          etc
             swell         small          medium        raised         semi-       tactile and
             paper,                                     lines,         automatic   audio
             Braille                                    symbols,                   output
Aug-         printer,                                   etc                        against
mented       earphone,                                                             fingertips
Paper-       touchable
based        pad,
Tactile      computer,
Map          etc
             computer,     large          large         raised         automatic   tactile and
             multi-line                                 pins                       audio
 Braille     Braille                                                               output
 Tactile     display,                                                              against
  Map        earphone                                                              fingertips

Maps created by virtual approaches need fewer attentions to be designed, as map
elements are rendered more automatically and follow different style sets, e.g.
6         Limin Zeng, Gerhard Weber

streets in different styles, and from families of map symbols. Involvement of
kinaesthetic perception may help to match spatial geographic data with the tactile
interaction against fingertips (e.g. distances, orientation). The advantage of audio
output is the provision of geographic data in detail and may be both verbal and

Tactile maps on multi-line refreshable Braille display meet many of the
recommended capabilities, they should be a very promising solution in the future.
New multi-line Braille displays will be developed to support different
applications and in particular are suitable for mobile use.

2.2      ,on-visual Mobile Maps

Maps for mobile use provide individuals with visual impairments to access maps
flexibly on their journey through mobile devices. At the same time, mobile maps
mostly focus on rendering the surrounding areas where the users is and
instructions for navigation, rather than exploring a large geographic area.

2.2.1 GPS-based Maps
GPS-based maps are the most common of non-visual mobile maps as they have
evolved since the 1990’s when the GPS was used to guide the blind outdoor [22],
[23],[24]. The design of representation of map data is often more simple on
mobile devices than on tactile maps. Most of them avoid rendering streets and
symbols, but connect to an off-the-shelf GIS to inquire place names, like “where
you are”, “nearby POIs”. The verbalization of landmarks will allow individuals
with vision impairments to locate themselves precisely in the contextual
Another significant task to implement an accessible GPS-based map is the design
of user interfaces suitable for mobile non-visual interaction. The acoustic channel
is considered as a reliable and convenient output for the visually impaired, and
has been used in almost all of current GPS systems to deliver detailed map
information, e.g. Trekker GPS2, Kapten3. Furthermore, a few systems support to
transmit data via Braille displays, like BrailleNote GPS4. Apart from obtaining
map data via pressing a pre-defined button or menu, in recent years, the booming
touch screen mobile devices provide new opportunities to read map through
moving fingers against the surfaces. For instance, a smart phone-based
application named Ariadne GPS5 enables users to explore city maps to get the
names of streets or POIs while touching the display. Specifically, for younger
blind people a playful game-oriented interface will enhance their learning and

3 http://www.kapsys.com
5 http://itunes.apple.com/en/app/id441063072?affId=1777033
                                    Accessible Maps for the Visually Impaired     7

utilizing more effectively[25].

2.2.2 Maps on Portable Tactile Displays
Due to the smooth surface of touch-sensitive mobile devices, they are full of
challenges that users would not percieve map elements explicitly and promptly, if
exploration of the whole screen is not careful enough. Portable tactile displays
combine the mobility features with explicit tactile features and offer a better
solution. Already in [26] researchers represented a simple obstacle map on a
tactile display equipped by 8 x 8 vibrating microcoils. This indicates the
possibility to render more complex map on a larger tactile display. Thereby, the
design of this kind of maps considers not only how to render tactile map symbols
on the small display, but also suitable interaction in mobile environment, such as
the user’s changing position, speech recognition interface or selectable audio

2.2.3 Discussion on future features of non-visual mobile maps
Evidently, there do exists fewer types of accessible mobile maps for the visually
impaired at present, in addition to mainstream GPS-based maps. However, due to
the increasing number of users interested in better mobility and a large number of
new devices it is predictable that various kinds of mobile maps will be applied,
aiming at satisfying users on the go. In consequence, which features are to be
integrated into the future accessible mobile maps? The acoustic output channel is
determined to deliver map data as detailed as possible. Exploration of maps on
touchable mobile devices is another new promising feature to obtain map
information immediately. Meanwhile, Braille output would be an alternative
method to enhance outdoor safety because audio output might interrupt users’
perception of surroundings, especially when passing streets and crossings. In
particular, the explicit perception of map symbols via raised pins will enable users
to explore maps rapidly and establish more precise cognitive maps than on
smooth surfaces. Furthermore, beyond as one part of guidance systems the
wearable equipment will comprise of various novel applications.

3    Research on evaluate accessible maps

The sighted map readers gain information through visual text descriptions, a
variety of colors and styles, as well as boldness of particular lines. Visually
impaired persons have to depend on their ears and fingers to explore the maps and
gain all information involved simultaneously. Efficiency and effectiveness of
maps require to develop geographic tasks and measuring appropriate criteria.
8      Limin Zeng, Gerhard Weber

3.1   Desktop-based map

Tactile map on fingertips
The tactile map is a very common form of accessible map for the visually
impaired, especially on microcapsule and thermoform materials. Criterions have
not been changed enormously in evaluations of thermoformed[27],
microcapsule-formed maps[28], comparison of both[29], and electronic tactile
maps [19],[20],[21].
Being an essential part of tactile maps, individual symbols such as tactile
directional symbols[8] are assessed against minimal perceptible distance between
tactile features and optimal elevation through adjustment of corresponding
parameters[7]. Accuracy of recognition of symbols is one of the most important
Evaluations of tactile maps are full of challenges due to their complexity and
participants’ rare map experiences. The method of re-creation of mental maps and
locating map elements after a training task is considered as one effective way to
evaluate how the subjects learn from the tactile maps and understand relationships
among map elements. In [19] the blind participants were asked to find out two
pre-defined landmarks, and [9] let the users re-create maps as much as possible in
five minutes. In addition to accuracy, recall is another criteria to assess how much
the participants grasp the maps, as well as their elements.
Another major task is to find a route from start to destination. The evaluation of a
route building is a more complex than locating individual symbols and re-
creation maps. It requires the participants to locate the starting point and
destination, and then form a possible route along related streets and points of
interest. In [19] researchers simply tested subjects to trace the route between two
landmarks at a desk-top environment. A Levenshtein distance can be calculated to
measure the difference between routes formed by users and the optimal route
based on the nodes and edges visited.
The speed of reading a route also impedes the recognition rate of landmarks along
the routes. The time spent to find a route is sometimes a useful indication to
illustrate how long the subjects need to get an overview[19], [30].

3.1.2 Virtual map
The virtual map is representing map features as part of a selection task through
acoustic output and haptic devices (e.g. force feedback devices, vibration,
joysticks). The main task in virtual maps focus upon how to explore whole maps
and comprehend all information[13], [16],[17],[18]. The angular error, subjects
create to locate themselves on a sea map while navigating a sailboat is a more
specific measure. But recall of angles itself is error prone. Evaluation suffer also
from finding sufficient number of subjects, and often pilot studies are reported
with one or two subjects [15],[16],[18]. Blindfolded participants [13], however,
have not acquired the necessary orientation and mobility skills as blind people
                                    Accessible Maps for the Visually Impaired     9

3.2    GPS-based mobile map

Similar to virtual maps, the evaluation of GPS-based mobile maps needs to isolate
the usability of the representation of map elements from the user’s understanding
of the real world. In addition, the user’s own position or even route has to be
incorporated. Establishing ground truth becomes even harder if the user is
moving. If the user has no mental map (in other words never has been there or
heard about the place), the system’s capabilities are evaluated only for a subset of
While navigating, the users are enabled to establish a cognitive map from the real
environments as precise as reading a physical map[32],[33], and mapping the
mental model of the geographical features such as current location, street name
where walking on, nearby landmarks[34] may be evaluated from classic think
aloud protocols or reported by a sighted follower.
The very common criteria to assess interfaces in the real world people without
isolating some features are scores from users’ subjective feedback, e.g. [31]. It is
still the most effective methods to evaluate how the users perform by observing
blind individuals’ behaviors in an uncontrolled/controlled environment. Due to
the inaccurate location of GPS, [35] employed a reference station to improve the
accuracy at level about one meter, when participants made annotations on a
campus map. The audio-based GPS[36] proposed so called “hour system” to
assess accurate heading directions and counted steps to estimate distances from
the starting points to destinations. As a subjective measurement, the time needed
is usually a criterion used to evaluate how long the subjects complete routes, e.g.

4     General Discussions

Standardization of Braille map symbols: New developments of hardware such
as multi-line refreshable Braille displays or vibrating touch displays improve
access to graph-based contents (e.g. digital maps). Tactile maps might be the type
of accessible map for the visually impaired in coming future. Therefore, it is
necessary to consider how to design a standardized Braille map symbol set
consisting of raised pins or other haptic cues.
More desktop applications: There are a number of interactive map-based
applications on desktop computers through visual representation of geographic
data. Evaluation of their accessibility should be developed. In order to satisfy
increasing requirements of visually disabled individuals more and more
individualized map features should be integrated, such as color settings, font
selection and route verbalisation.
Mobile map exploration: Although millions of users with vision impairments
benefit from mobile maps within wayfinding systems, it’s still full of various
challenges to explore maps freely rather than mechanical turn-by-turn commands.
The booming touch-sensitive mobile devices will play a more important role in
the future, specifically the portable multi-line Braille display. Meanwhile, how to
10       Limin Zeng, Gerhard Weber

investigate the accuracy and effectiveness of mapping a mental mode of outdoor
surroundings (e.g. nearby POIs) presented on touch-enable devices, should be
compared with the methodologies applied on paper-based tactile maps.

5     Conclusions

There are several accessible maps satisfying different requirements from
individuals who are blind and low vision at a desk-top and mobile environment.
In recent decades the users have been used to low-cost paper-based tactile maps
(e.g. thermoform-forming and microcapsule-forming). Those maps have
disadvantages and do not meet increased needs. Various new solutions through
electronic equipments have been implemented, from the computer-based virtual
maps to novel Braille tactile maps. In particular the GPS-based maps extremely
help users go travel independently.
Design guidelines have not been adapted and specific map designs depended on
the particular features, materials and platforms. For instance, the standardization
of map symbols on microcapsule maps isn’t suitable on refreshable Braille
displays which only have two status of each pin, raised or lowered.
More and more new features will be integrated into the current map-based
applications such as interactive interfaces (e.g. zooming, panning, and searching),
and social interaction, in order to extend the manners to make use of maps. At the
same time, different map solutions require new strategies of evaluation.
Evaluation should be more flexible through subjective and objective
measurements (e.g. time, accuracy, error), and for truly user centered design the
analysis of evaluation results must be directly effective and convincing to

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