=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-794/preface.pdf |volume=Vol-794 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-794/preface.pdf
        6th Workshop on
        at MODELS 2011
Wellington, New Zealand, October 17th 2011



              Nelly Bencomo
               Gordon Blair
               Betty Cheng
              Robert France
             Cédric Jeanneret
Organization Committee
Nelly Bencomo (Program Chair)
INRIA Paris, France

Gordon Blair (Program Chair)
Lancaster University, UK

Betty Cheng
Michigan State University, USA

Robert France
Colorado State University, USA

Cédric Jeanneret (Program Chair)
University of Zurich, Switzerland

Program Committee
Uwe Assman                               Franck Chauvel
Dresden, Germany                         Peking University, China

Peter J. Clarke                          Fabio M. Costa
Florida International University, USA    Federal University of Goias, Brazil

Franck Fleurey                           Holger Giese
SINTEF, Norway                           Universität Postdam, Germany

Jeff Gray                                Gang Huang
University of Alabama, USA               Peking University, China

Paola Inverardi                          Jean-Marc Jezequel
Università dell'Aquila, Italy            IRISA, France

Brice Morin                              Hausi Muller
SINTEF, Norway                           University of Victoria, Canada

Rui Silva Moreira                        Arnor Solberg
Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Portugal   SINTEF, Norway

Mario Trapp                              Thaís Vasconcelos Batista
Frauenhofer IESE, Germany                Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte,
Liliane Pasquale
LERO, Ireland

Additional Reviewers
Basil Becker
Universität Postdam, Germany
Welcome to the 6th Workshop on Models@run.time at MODELS 2011!

This document contains the proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Models@run.time that will
be co-located with the ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on Model Driven
Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS). The workshop will take place in
Wellington, New Zealand, on the 17th of October 2011. The workshop is organized by Nelly
Bencomo, Gordon Blair, Betty Cheng, Robert France and Cédric Jeanneret.

From a total of 8 papers submitted 6 full papers were accepted. This volume gathers together
all the 6 papers accepted at Models@run.time 2011. After the workshop, a summary of the
workshop will be published to complement these proceedings.

We would like to thank a number of people who contributed to this event, especially the
members of the program committee and additional reviewers who provided valuable feedback
to the authors. We also thank to the authors for their submitted papers, making this workshop

We are looking forward to having fruitful discussions at the workshop!

October 2011

                                                          Nelly Bencomo
                                                          Gordon Blair
                                                          Betty Cheng
                                                          Robert France
                                                          Cédric Jeanneret

Session 1

Language and Framework Requirements for Adaptation Models
Thomas Vogel and Holger Giese ........................................................................................................ 1

Towards Adaptive Systems through Requirements@Runtime
Liliana Pasquale, Luciano Baresi and Bashar Nuseibeh ....................................................................... 13

Model-based Situational Security Analysis
Jörn Eichler and Roland Rieke......................................................................................................... 25

Session 2

Runtime Monitoring of Functional Component Changes with Behavior Models
Carlo Ghezzi, Andrea Mocci and Mario Sangiorgio ............................................................................. 37

Using Model-to-Text Transformation for Dynamic Web-Based Model Navigation
Dimitrios Kolovos, Louis Rose and James Williams ............................................................................. 49

Runtime Variability Management for Energy-efficient Software by Contract Negotiation
Sebastian Götz, Claas Wilke, Sebastian Cech and Uwe Assmann ............................................................ 61