EquatorNLP: Pattern-based Information Extraction for Disaster Response Lars Döhling and Ulf Leser Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany {doehling,leser}@informatik.hu-berlin.de Abstract. One of the most severe problems in early phases of disas- ter response is the lack of information about the current situation. Such information is indispensable for planning and monitoring rescue opera- tions, but hardly available due to the breakdown of information channels and normal message routes. However, during recent disasters in devel- oped countries, such as the flooding of New Orleans or the earthquake in New Zealand, a wealth of detailed information was posted by affected persons in media, such as Flickr, Twitter, or personal blogs. Finding and extracting such information may provide valuable clues for organizing aid, but currently requires humans to constantly read and analyze these messages. In this work, we report on a study for extracting such facts automatically by using a combination of deep natural language process- ing and advanced machine learning. Specially, we present an approach that learns patterns in dependency representations of sentences to find textually described facts about human fatalities. Our method achieves a F1 measure of 66.7% on a manually annotated corpus of 109 news arti- cles about earthquake effects, demonstrating the general efficacy of our approach. Keywords: Information Extraction, Dependency Graph, Earthquake, Disaster Response, Named Entity Recognition, Relationship Extraction 1 Introduction After disastrous events like earthquakes, decision makers require precise and timely information about the current situation for planning and monitoring res- cue operations effectively. During the last years, the Internet has become a major source for such information, in particular, if no acquaintance is available on-site. For earthquake events, many key information like the number affected are pub- lished on the Internet. This includes structured information provided by earth- quake agencies (e.g. GEOFON1 or USGS2 ) as well as textual updates published 1 http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/geofon 2 http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes by news agencies or recently by Internet users themselves, called user-generated content (e.g. Twitter or personal blogs). Given the example sentence “The death toll in an earthquake in south-west China is now at least 32, with 467 injuries, state media says.”3 , one can identify several text snippets expressing presum- ably demanded facts. It contains trigger words like “death toll” or “earthquake”, figures like “32” or “467” as well as temporal (“now”) or spatial (“south-west China”) attributes. Furthermore, these token or token sequences – subsequently called entities – are semantically connected to each other, forming so called re- lationships; “death toll” is related to “32” and “at least” whereas “467” refers to “injuries”. Moreover, both are associated with “earthquake” and “China”. Obvi- ously, texts offer valuable information for decision making but require accurate analysis, which is still a manual and therefore time-consuming, expensive task. Hence, automating this analysis will aid humans to accomplish rescue operations successfully. As a first step towards automatic textual analysis, we report on extracting facts from news articles, describing human impacts from earthquakes. To model these impacts, we define a 5-ary relationship, whose complexity imposes several challenges for extraction by – consisting of more than two entities, – allowing incomplete tuples and – potentially spanning multiple sentences. For extracting this relationship, we apply deep natural language processing com- bined with graph-based synthesis techniques. More specifically, we match pat- terns in sentence-based dependency graphs to compose a graphical model rep- resenting semantic connections between entities and examine this for connected subgraphs. Our evaluation demonstrates the general efficacy of our proposed method stack – called EquatorNLP4 – by achieving 66.7% F1 measure [23] on a novel, manually created news corpus. 1.1 Related Work Due to the increasing amount of information available in a textual form (e.g. PubMed or Wikipedia), assisting humans by automatically analyzing these texts has become an important research topic in the last decade. Information extrac- tion (IE) studies the problem of extracting structured information from unstruc- tured text. Typically, this involves recognizing entities (named entity recognition, NER) and relationships between them (relationship extraction, RE). Different methods have been proposed for NER, e.g. dictionary-based, rule- based or machine learning [20,29]. Hybrids like the one applied in this study usually perform best [28]. The achievable F1 measure highly depends on the con- crete domain and ranges up to 95% [10,19,14,32]. To the best of our knowledge, 3 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7591152.stm 4 EarthQU ake dAta collecTOR [8] with N atural Language Processing this study is the first about IE in the earthquake domain, hence no quantitative results are available yet. Regarding RE, co-occurrence forms an intuitive approach [15]. Beside that, pattern matching [30] and machine learning [21] have been adopted as well. As in EquatorNLP, these methods recently utilize deep natural language processing like dependency parsing [12]. Little is known about extracting complex n-ary relationships like the one examined in this paper, since most research has focused on binary relationships. Inspired by the promising results in [27], we transferred their subgraph-based idea into our domain (see section 2.4). In general, RE is regarded as being more difficult than NER, resulting in lower F1 measures, ranging from 40% [16] to 80% [12]. 2 Materials and Methods 2.1 What we extract: Definition of the 5-ary Relationship To model earthquake damages, our examined relationship consists of five differ- ent entity types, including several subtypes. Note that the concatenated paren- thesized letters will subsequently be used as abbreviations. – (O)bject: Describes the victims, e.g. “people” or “students”. – (Q)uantity: Describes the number of victims and consists of the four subtypes • (c)ardinal: “12”, “ten”, “no”, “a”, “1.3 million” • (o)rdinal: “second”, “10th” • (v)ague: “many”, “hundreds”, “some” • (r)esidue: “everybody” – (M)odifier: Refers to a quantity and modifies its value, e.g. “at least”, “about” or “more than”. – (I)ndicator: Describes the type of damage and consists of six subtypes • (k)illed: “killed”, “death tool”, “died” • (i)njured: “injured” • (t)rapped: “trapped” • (m)issing: “missing” • (h)omeless: “homeless” • (a)ffected: “affected” – (N)egation: Infrequently required to correctly describe a damage, e.g. “not”. Given this definition, the previous example “The death toll in an earthquake in south-west China is now at least 32, with 467 injuries, state media says.” contains five entities: “death toll” (Ik), “at least” (M), “32” (Qc), “467” (Qc) and “injuries” (Ii). Note that entities may span multiple token – called multi-token entities. Together, these entities form two [N, M, Q, O, S] relationship tuples: [— , "‘at least"’, "‘32"’, —, "‘death toll"’] and [—, —, "‘467"’, —, "‘injuries"’]. We define that not all entity slots have to be filled to form a valid tuple, indicated by —. However, we postulate two constraints concerning incomplete relationship instances: (i) An entity I is mandatory and (ii) an entity Q is mandatory, if an entity M is set. 2.2 Corpus To train and later test our proposed machine-learning-based extraction methods, we required an annotated set of documents – called corpus – as a gold standard. As to the best of our knowledge, currently no appropriate corpus exits for our purpose, we created a new one. Our corpus consists of 109 English articles about earthquakes and their aftermath: 24 from BBC News5 , 2 from Equator [8], 41 from Wikipedia6 and 42 from Yahoo! News7 . They were randomly selected from a collection of documents retrieved from these four sources in spring 2010. From each article, we extracted the text including the headline and anno- tated it manually according to the relationship definition given above. We re- moved cross-sentence (28) and unary (4) instances from the corpus, since our relationship extraction methods operate on the sentence level and are unsuitable for unary tuples (see section 2.4). Finally, we partitioned this altered corpus into a training (2⁄3) and an evaluation set (1⁄3) by stratified random sampling on the sentence level. Table 1 presents the resulting distribution of the relationship tuples in the different partitions. Table 1. Data set statistics; Note that the Gold Standard values differ from the sum of training and evaluation set, owing to the removal of unary and cross-sentence instances. Number of [. . . ] Training Evaluation Gold Standard Sentences 1,964 986 2,950 containing a relationship instance 276 145 486 Token 39,856 20,796 60,652 Relationship instance 382 190 604 per type, defined by I sybtype k 273 135 439 i 56 24 80 t 15 7 23 m 19 11 30 h 17 10 27 a 2 3 5 per size, defined by filled entity slots 1 0 0 4 2 152 69 245 3 156 76 236 4 74 45 119 5 0 0 0 2.3 Named Entity Recognition A prerequisite for relationship extraction is the detection of target entities in the text. For this task, we used a regular expression (Qc only) in combination with a 5 http://news.bbc.co.uk 6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_earthquakes, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_20th_century_earthquakes, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_21st_century_earthquakes 7 http://news.yahoo.com/science/earthquakes dictionary (all other types), both derived from the training data. As each token sequence can only be assigned to at most one entity type, the question emerged how to disambiguate competing matches. we applied the following plausible order of precedence: The regular expression matches prior to the dictionary, longer token sequences match prior to shorter (“as high as” M versus “high” Qv) and finally the most frequent type found for this token sequence in the training data. Overall, the dictionary extracted from the training data set contained 218 entries with an average length of 1.78 token. 2.4 Relationship Extraction After recognizing the entities, the next step is to extract the actual relationship instances. Our proposed method consisted of two steps: 1. Discovering pairs of entities by pattern matching in dependency graphs. 2. Synthesizing complex instances from maximal cliques in entity graphs build from these entity pairs. Dividing the extraction process into these two steps enabled us to apply well- known extraction methods for binary relationships. Furthermore, we gained more training instances, reducing the sparse data problem [22] existing for the com- plete relationship. Matching Dependency Patterns Dependency models are syntactical mod- els expressing the hierarchical dependencies between the words of a sentence. Those dependencies may be visualized as a directed, labeled graph whose root is the verb. Figure 1 depicts the running example in the Stanford Dependencies representation [25]. The arrows indicate the dependency direction from regent to dependent and are labeled with the dependency type. These models offers a direct access to sentence structures [23] and have the potential to reveal relations between words apart more easily than regular ex- pressions [12,7] (e.g. between “death toll” and “32” in the example). Therefore, examining patterns between entities in dependency graphs has been a success- ful approach in modern relationship extraction. For our work, we selected the shortest paths between two entities as patterns [4]. We applied the Stanford converter [24] to compute the dependency graph for each sentence, which requires constituent parses [23,1] as input (another syn- tactical model). Those parses were generated by the Charniak PCFG parser [5] in combination with the Charniak-Johnson Max-Ent reranking parser [6], using McClosky’s self-trained models [26]. During training, we extracted all shortest paths between entities and stored them in a pattern catalog. To abstract from the actual token of an entity, we joined all parting token vertices in advance into one entity vertex. Concurrently, we replaced each entity vertex in the pattern by its type to mask the actual value. Figure 2 illustrates the transformed example graph and the extracted patterns. Since dependency graphs can contain cycles, there might exist more than one says nsubj ccomp 32 media nsubj cop advmod quantmod prep nn toll is now at with state det nn prep dep pobj The death in least injuries pobj num earthquake 467 det prep an pobj nn in China south-west Fig. 1. Dependency graph of the sentence “The death toll in an earthquake in south- west China is now at least 32, with 467 injuries, state media says.” shortest path between two entities with – of course – equal length. Hence, a relationship instance consisting of k entities will produce at least k2 patterns. Overall, the catalog extracted from the training data set contained 396 unique patterns with an average length of 2.83 edges. During extraction, we applied this catalog to create links between two entities in accordingly transformed dependency graphs, resulting in entity graphs (see Figure 3 for an example). Entity vertex 32 Qc nsubj cop advmod quantmod prep death toll Ik is now at least M with Token vertex det prep pobj The in injuries Ii num nsubj Qc Qk St Ik 467 Qc Patterns Qk quantmod M Qc M nsubj quantmod num St Ik Qc Qk M M Sl Ii Qc Qk Fig. 2. Pattern extraction in the transformed example dependency graph (truncated) Baseline To determine whether deep linguistic parsing like the dependency model is beneficial for relation extraction or not, we also use a co-occurrence- based classifier as a baseline for recognizing entity pairs. For each entity e, all closest (in terms of token distance) entities within sentence scope having a dif- ferent type then e are postulated as being linked to e. For example, this would imply a (false) connection between “32” and “injuries” in the running example, as for “32” the distance to “injuries” is less then to “death toll”. Synthesizing Relationship Instances After detecting pairs of entities, the final step is to synthesize relationship instances from them. To address this, we identified maximal cliques in the entity graphs [27] which are consistent to our relationship definition. Consider the entity graph in Figure 3 as one possible outcome of the previ- ous pair-recognizing step when applied to the running example. To form rela- tionship instances, we combined all those entities which are directly connected among each other in the entity graph. Such a set of vertices is called a clique. In Figure 3, all cliques of size two or greater are marked by eclipses (C0 to C5 ). Among these, we considered only those cliques that are consistent to our rela- tionship definition (C0 , C2 and C4 ). Furthermore, we ignored cliques which are contained in others (C2 ). All such non-redundant cliques are called maximal. In our example, only C0 and C4 comply with the requirements ’maximal’ and ’relationship-definition-consistent’ and would in this case form the final output of the complete information extraction pipeline. C4 32 Qc 32 Qc C2 C1 injuries Ii injuries Ii death toll Ik death toll Ik 467 Qc 467 Qc C0 at least MM at least C3 C5 Fig. 3. An entity graph for the example sentence 3 Evaluation and Results Based on the training data set, we derived optimal extraction pipeline config- urations and tested them on the evaluation set. Before presenting our findings, we will explain the evaluation measures used and the underlying configuration parameters. 3.1 Evaluation Measures To measure the performance of our pipeline, we determined precision (P), recall (R) and F1 measure [23] for all three extraction steps: recognizing entities (NER), extracting entity pairs (BinRE) and synthesizing relationship instances (RE). Each measure is based on the concept of ’true positive’. We applied a strict evaluation schema, therefore considering a reported entity as a true positive, if and only if both the type and the token agreed with the gold standard [20]. Propagated to the relationship level, an instance was considered a true positive if and only if all participating entities were true positives and the instance had equal size. 3.2 Pipeline Configuration Parameters Both NER and dependency-based BinRE are requiring well-defined matching criteria. On the entity level, we applied character-based equality. This could be relaxed by case insensitivity (IgnoreCase4NER) or stemming [31,17,23] (Use- Stem4NER). On the dependency level, we chose between different dependency schemata [25] (DependencySchema). Furthermore, we altered the token vertex matching by case insensitivity (IgnoreCase4RE), stemming (UseStem4RE) or using Part-Of-Speech tags [11,23] (UsePOS4RE). For matching entity vertices, we additionally ignored the subtype (IgnoreEntitySubtype). Moreover, matching pattern edges was modified by ignoring their direction (IgnoreDepDirection) and their label (IgnoreDepType). Given these parameters, Table 2 lists the config- urations for maximal precision, recall and F1, estimated from stratified 10-fold cross-validation [13] on the training data. Table 2. Optimal matching configurations; active: +, inactive: – Parameter Pmax Rmax F1max OracleNER F1max IgnoreCase4NER + + + UseStem4NER – + + DependencySchema CollapsedTree CCprocessed Collapsed CCprocessed IgnoreCase4RE – – – – UseStem4RE + – + – UsePOS4RE – + – + IgnoreEntitySubtype + + + + IgnoreDepDirection – + – + IgnoreDepType – + – + 3.3 Results Based on the previously deduced pipeline parameters, we evaluated our proposed methods on the evaluation data set. The results for each pipeline step are shown in Table 3. While our approach achieved a surprisingly high recall for entity recognition (93.8%), the corresponding precision was quite low (22.7%). Further analysis revealed that the majority of false positives were produced by the regular expression matching each number in the text (e. g. year or monetary amount). On the entity pair level, our proposed dependency pattern matching signif- icantly outperformed the baseline in terms of precision (73.0% versus 29.0%). Considering recall, the relation was inverted (74.3% versus 87.2%), resulting in a Table 3. Evaluation results for different pipeline setups, supplemented by boot- strapped 95% BCα confidence intervals [9] NER BinRE RE Pipeline Setup P R F1 P R F1 P R F1 Baseline .227 .938 .366 .290 .872 .436 .260 .637 .369 +.033 +.018 +.042 +.039 +.035 +.044 +.038 +.068 +.046 −.032 −.022 −.043 −.038 −.044 −.046 −.035 −.076 −.045 Dependency Pmax .219 .942 .355 .748 .727 .737 .783 .568 .659 +.032 +.018 +.042 +.052 +.059 +.046 +.062 +.073 +.061 −.031 −.022 −.042 −.061 −.067 −.052 −.077 −.078 −.069 Rmax .207 .948 .339 .553 .836 .666 .403 .711 .514 +.031 +.017 +.041 +.046 +.045 +.039 +.052 +.066 +.051 −.029 −.022 −.041 −.049 −.059 −.042 −.051 −.078 −.053 F1max .207 .948 .339 .730 .743 .736 .767 .589 .667 +.031 +.017 +.041 +.053 +.058 +.045 +.062 +.072 +.058 −.029 −.022 −.041 −.061 −.066 −.050 −.076 −.079 −.069 OracleNER & Baseline .867 .984 .922 .743 .884 .808 +.040 +.012 +.026 +.072 +.049 +.060 −.056 −.028 −.043 −.093 −.077 −.086 & Dependency F1max .930 .906 .918 .813 .826 .820 +.031 +.036 +.026 +.070 +.059 +.054 −.057 −.053 −.037 −.124 −.079 −.083 significantly higher F1 measure for the former (73.6% versus 43.6%). Obviously, matching dependency patterns is more insusceptible to low-precision NER than co-occurrence-based classification. The same tendencies were observed for relationship instances with a sig- nificantly better F1 measure of 66.7% versus 36.9%. Additional examination showed that, for both methods, the reported overall precision and recall scores were roughly consistent across instance types (k, i. . . ) and sizes (2, 3. . . ). Due to EquatorNLP’s pipeline architecture, the observed BinRE and RE performances were certainly biased by the preceding NER step. To quantify the effect of error propagation and therefore disclosing their ’true’ capabilities, we also tested a perfect NER (OracleNER in Table 2 and 3). Although our results confirmed the global trends for the distribution of precision, recall among the two BinRE methods, their absolute difference in F1 measure were nearly eliminated (82.0% versus 80.8%). 4 Conclusions and Future Work In this paper, we demonstrated that matching dependency patterns combined with detecting maximal cliques is a promising approach for extracting human impacts from earthquake reports. Our evaluation on a manual annotated corpus resulted in a maximal F1 measure of 66.7%, outperforming a co-occurrence-based approach significantly. We also showed that our proposed extraction pipeline provides P / R adaptability. Additional experiments with oracle NER imply that under this setting, co-occurrence-based extraction provides competitive results, particularly with regard to its significantly lower computational runtime [2]. Note that the computed recall and F1 measures are slightly biased, since our proposed extraction pipeline operates only on the sentence level and does not cover unary relationship instances. As these instances form approximately 5% of all tuples in news articles (see section 2.2), this might be acceptable for particular applications. As stated before, our evaluation was focused exclusively on domain specific texts. We cannot expect the same performance for unfiltered texts. The appli- cation on 113 general news articles yielded a precision of only 3.2%. This result is less surprising if one takes a closer look at Figure1, showing that the domain trigger “earthquake” is not part of any shortest path between entities. In fact, only 1 out of all 396 extracted patterns contains a trigger word. Certainly, incor- porating semantic knowledge for filtering texts would increase precision. On the other hand, this nonspecifity might be considered as an advantage, suggesting that our pipeline is applicable to other types of disasters. To finally set the achieved F1 measure of 66.7% in context to a prospective human performance, we assessed this by calculating the inter annotator agree- ment (IAA) [3] for two independent annotations. The score of 70.3% for strict agreement on relationship instances for 30 articles indicates at least a cardinal task complexity. Great caution should be exercised in comparing these two values directly, since they belong to different dimensions: the former measures validity, while the latter measures objectivity. 4.1 Future Work Given these results and our conclusions, we identified several challenges for future research. Obviously, we require domain specific texts as pipeline input, proposing text classification as a preprocessing step. As decision makers are interested in information about specific events, we plan to extend our relationship and its extraction to temporal and spatial attributes. Furthermore, we intend to apply high-precision machine learning techniques like condition random fields [18] for NER, hopefully increasing RE recall without losing precision by enabling less strict pattern matching criteria. Finally, we intend to explore user-generated content like on Twitter as a novel information source. Acknowledgements We kindly thank Sebastian Arzt and Tim Rocktäschel for contributing the IAA annotations; furthermore Samira Jaeger for providing valuable feedback. References 1. Bies, A., Ferguson, M., Katz, K., MacIntyre, R., Tredinnick, V., Kim, G., Marcinkiewicz, M.A., Schasberger, B.: Bracketing Guidelines for Treebank II Style, Penn Treebank Project (1995) 2. Bjorne, J., Ginter, F., Pyysalo, S., Tsujii, J., Salakoski, T.: Complex event extrac- tion at pubmed scale. 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