=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Crowdsourcing Linked Open Data for Disaster Management |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-798/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-798 }} ==Crowdsourcing Linked Open Data for Disaster Management== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-798/paper2.pdf
    Crowdsourcing Linked Open Data for Disaster

      Jens Ortmann1 , Minu Limbu⋆1 , Dong Wang1 , and Tomi Kauppinen1

            Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster, Germany
          (jens.ortmann, wang.dong, tomi.kauppinen)@uni-muenster.de

        Abstract. This paper shows how Linked Open Data can ease the chal-
        lenges of information triage in disaster response efforts. Recently, disaster
        management has seen a revolution in data collection. Local victims as
        well as people all over the world collect observations and make them
        available on the web. Yet, this crucial and timely information source
        comes unstructured. This hinders a processing and integration, and of-
        ten a general consideration of this information. Linked Open Data is
        supported by number of freely available technologies, backed up by a
        large community in academia and it offers the opportunity to create
        flexible mash-up solutions. At hand of the Ushahidi Haiti platform, this
        paper suggests crowdsourced Linked Open Data. We take a look at the
        requirements, the tools that are there to meet these requirements, and
        suggest an architecture to enable non-experts to contribute Linked Open

1     Introduction

The world has recently seen a number of environmental disasters, both natural
and man-made. The most severe ones in the last two years were the earthquake
that hit Haiti in January 2010 and the earthquake that hit Japan in March
2011. In both cases, information technologies contributed to increasing global
awareness of these disasters. Modern communication channels and services have
enabled people around the world to spread information, thereby changing the
landscape of geographic information.
    Crucial parts of disaster management are the acquisition, assessment, pro-
cessing and distribution of information. In the mentioned disasters, so-called
crowdsourced [9] information was massively generated. Crowdsourced informa-
tion is information that is generated by a large heterogeneous crowd: People in
the disaster-struck area share reports online; people all over the world help to
    Minu Limbu has worked more than four years with the United Nations Office for
    the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) in the field of Information
    Coordination/Management and was in Haiti for the International Federation for
    Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (IFRC) Shelter Cluster immediately after
    the earthquake in January 2010.
process and distribute information. Crowdsourcing has proven to be an efficient
approach to quickly generate huge amounts of near real-time data on a given
situation [12,15]. We conducted a short survey targeting disaster management
experts that revealed persisting problems of data processing and information
integration. Relief organizations working in the disaster-struck area were unable
to cope with unstructured and unconfirmed reports. They simply lack the time
to integrate these data into existing information systems. This is not to say that
crowdsourced data was not used at all. Yet, its potential is far bigger than the
actual impact it made, especially in the early phase of a disaster response.
    This paper describes an approach based on Linked Open Data [5] to alleviate
the integration problems of crowdsourced data and to improve the exploitation
of crowdsourced data in disaster management. We suggest to engage people
in processing unstructured observations into structured RDF1 -triples according
to Linked Open Data principles. Thereby, a substantial part of the integration
problem is left to be solved by the crowd.
    Hence, the goal of the efforts described in this paper is nothing less than to
allow the use of linked open crowdsourced data for disaster management. This
will increase the impact of crowdsourced data in disaster management and help
humanitarian agencies to make informed decisions.
    In Sect. 2 we shortly tell the story so far of crowdsourced data in disaster
management and of Linked Open Data in disaster management. We then (in
Sect. 3) walk through the envisioned architecture and discuss the requirements.
Finally, the conclusion is drawn in Sect. 4.

2     The Story So Far

2.1   Crowdsourcing in Disaster Management

In this subsection we summarize the results of a small survey that we conducted
with 14 experts in disaster management, as well as the results of Zook et al. [15].
    Our survey comprised seven multiple-choice questions and one free text field
for comments. Two questions assessed the participants’ background, five ques-
tions targeted their experience with crowdsourcing services. The questionnaire
was answered by experts from, including but not limited to, agencies like the
United Nations, Red Cross, non-governmental organizations and donor com-
munities. We asked the participants about their awareness of certain platforms
that allow the crowd to contribute or process information. Fig. 1 shows the re-
sults for Twitter2 , Google Map Maker3 (GMM), Open Street Map4 (OSM) and
Ushahidi5 . The two mapping services GMM and OSM are know by about half
the participants and also largely used when known. OSM and GMM provide
  Resource Description Framework (RDF), see http://www.w3.org/RDF/
  see for example the Ushahidi platform for Haiti: http://haiti.ushahidi.com
structured map-based information and an immediate visualization. In the case
of the Haiti Earthquake these two platforms were a big success in terms of contri-
butions and still a success in terms of use [15]. However, there exist compatibility
problems between OSM and GMM and with other Geographic Information Sys-
tems (GIS) [15]. One of the authors witnessed first-hand how PhD students at
the geography department at the University of Buffalo (USA) mapped damaged
buildings in their desktop GIS, creating layers that were compatible with their
research group’s disaster response efforts.

                                   Knowing vs. Using Services

              57%                                                 57%

                      50%             50%

                                              43%                                  43%


            Google Map Maker        Open Street Map          Twier                    Ushahidi

                            Which services do you know?   Which services do you use?

Fig. 1. Bar chart comparing knowledge of a service with its usage. All values are
percentages of the 14 participating experts.

    Twitter and Ushahidi provide natural language reports along with structural
elements to capture formal aspects like time, location and tags or categories.
Twitter is widely used to broadcast short messages. The survey responses sur-
prisingly indicate that disaster managers use Twitter more than other platforms.
However, one particular expert stated that Twitter is used mostly to broadcast
information rather than capturing tweets from the crowd. Hence, the indicated
usage does not necessarily reflect the efficiency of Twitter as information source.
    Ushahidi is the most recent service. It is remarkable that nearly half the sur-
vey participants are aware of it. Unfortunately, Ushahidi shows the biggest drop
from knowing to using the service. Out of six experts that knew Ushahidi only
three answered that they actually use it. It is worth noting that one of the experts
also commented that during early stages of a disaster, humanitarian workers are
“too busy to think about such platforms during emergency response”. Another
disaster expert noted that crowd information have heterogeneous and incompat-
ible formats making it very difficult to integrate them into humanitarian agency
specific information systems.
     Morrow et al. [10] identified a general inconsistency between aggregated data
in Ushahidi and requirements of relief organizations. Our survey revealed that
many information managers see problems mostly in uncertainty (57% of the
experts), trust (50%), and semantic6 problems (50%). On the upside, disaster
managers acknowledged that crowdsourced information is collected near real-
time and for free. Furthermore, experts see the greatest need for improvement in
filtering of information (64%), training of volunteers (57%), ranking of relevant
information (50%), structural compatibility (43%) and compliance with standard
terminologies (36%).
     Currently, two worlds of information infrastructures exist in parallel. On the
one hand, relief organizations have their own information systems. On the other
hand, ad-hoc information infrastructures emerge in the social web, which are
mostly fed by crowdsourced data. Integration across these two worlds is only
possible manually, and in the case of Haiti a full integration did not take place.
Yet, despite the flaws of crowdsourced information, many disaster managers are
willing to learn how crowdsourced information can be efficiently and effectively
integrated into decision making processes.

2.2    Linked Open Data

In this section we outline the choices made to create Linked Open Data7 and give
examples. Linked Open Data [2,5] is about using web techniques to share and
interconnect pieces of data by following a few simple principles. Linked Open
Data builds on Semantic Web technologies, wherein data is encoded in the form
of  RDF-triples. In the case of Haiti Data, real-time
information about a crisis such as Twitter messages, news, articles and weather
forecasts are identified, accessed and linked through URIs.
    In disaster management, authorities like the relief organizations try to publish
their data to people. Usually, these data come in non machine-understandable
formats as PDF or CSV, or stored in different information systems. In some
sense, these data are all Open Data, as they can be found and used somehow, but
they are hard to access without knowing how the CSV-files should be interpreted.
Since Linked Open Data is used as a framework of loose integration of data [7],
it provides a method to make data really open by interlinking the data sources
flexibly in the Semantic Web. In this work, we used the Ushahidi reports from
Haiti as input and triplified them into RDF to make the information in the
report accessible and linked.
    It is considered that the World Wide Web has an abundance of data resources
related to disaster management, either authoritative data possessed by a relief
organization or crowdsourced data in the social web. The advantages of Linked
Open Data as easy manipulation and loose integration make it a potential way
to interlink the observed data from volunteers to existing systems.
    we asked whether they see “Difficulties in interpreting the information”.
    We do not distinguish between Linked Data and Linked Open Data here.
3    The Lifecycle of a Crowdsourced Emergency Report

In the lifecycle of a human observation we identified three different personas.
There is Jean8 , the local observer, who is immediately affected by the earth-
quake. Then, there is Desiree9 , a web-user with some knowledge of Linked Open
Data. Finally, there is Paul10 , the information manager working for a relief or-

Jean, the Local Observer. The people affected by the earthquake can be
seen as a set of human sensors [8]. Equipped with mobile phones or access to
the internet, this set of sensors turns into one big human sensor network.
    Jean lives in Jacmel, a town in the department Sud-Est in Haiti. To commu-
nicate his observations there exist several channels. Maybe the most well-known
channel is Twitter. With hashtags (like #haiti), the Twitter message can be
tagged. In recent disasters people used hashtags to mark their messages as re-
lated to the disaster. This facilitated the triage of Twitter messages. Other ex-
amples of communication channels are websites that allow reporting or special
emergency report numbers that mobile providers made available. To send this
message Jean needs the following:
 1. A device to access a communication network.
 2. A communication network to access services.
 3. A service that allows sharing human observations.
We have hardly any influence on meeting Jean’s needs, only the service can be
provided externally. There are specific platforms such as Ushahidi, but also more
general solutions like Twitter or Facebook can be used.
   Jean sends a message via Twitter, to report shortage of food, water and
medication. Jean wrote the message in French Creole, his native language:
    Nou bezwen aide en urgence nou nan place en face palais justice la .gen
    anpil ti bb, nou bezwen dlo , mangé , médicament11

Reporting Platform. Jean’s message is broadcast on Twitter. Based on the
location information that Twitter provides, the message is identified as coming
from Haiti. A volunteer from the Ushahidi Haiti team enters the message into
the system [10]. Desiree, who knows some French Creole and English, translates
the message:
    We need help.We are located at the place in front of the Palais de Justice
    There’ s a lot of babies.We need water,food and medication.
   Jean can be found at http://personas.mspace.fm/wiki/Jean
   Desiree can be found at http://personas.mspace.fm/wiki/Desiree
   Paul can be found at http://personas.mspace.fm/wiki/Paul
   This is a message taken from Ushahidi, it can be found at: http://haiti.ushahidi.
The message can be interpreted in terms of the Ushahidi schema. Ushahidi uses
ten fields to describe a report. The fields contain the message, a title, the date, the
location (place name and coordinate) and categories. The categories are defined
by the Ushahidi Haiti team, each report can be in one or more categories. The
message above was put into the categories “Water Shortage”, “Food Shortage”
and “Hospital Operating”. Additionally, Ushahidi uses two fields to flag approval
and verification. The reporting platform Ushahidi makes the reports available as
CSV file and as RSS feed. Additionally, Ushahidi publishes an interactive map
of reports online.

Paul, the Information Manager. Paul, an Information Manager from an
emergency cluster12 is overwhelmed by the requirement to acquire and process
information for both local office and the headquarters.
    Information managers from a humanitarian agency struggle to gather ground
reality information. To support timely informed decision making process and
save more lives, the primary task of Paul as humanitarian cluster information
manager is to gather information about the following fundamental questions [14]:

 – What type of disasters occurred when and where?
 – How many people are affected/have died/are injured?
 – Which humanitarian agency is currently working in the region?
 – Which agency is doing what kind of humanitarian response, where and when?
 – What are the most urgent life saving humanitarian needs and what are the
   gaps that need urgent attention?

    However, even though Paul is aware of the Ushahidi service for Haiti, Paul
simply does not have the time to integrate Ushahidi’s CSV files or RSS feeds into
his information system. Furthermore, he struggles with the meaning of categories
and the problem of trusting this new and rather unknown information source.
    The lifecycle up to now reflects the situation in Haiti in January 2010. Fig.
2 wraps up the lifecycle of an emergency report mediated through Ushahidi.

Linked Open Data. To overcome Paul’s problems, the authors transformed
the Ushahidi Haiti dataset into Linked Open Data. A simple Java program
based on JENA13 read the CSV file and wrote the RDF graph. The triples
employ standard vocabularies like Dublin Core14 where possible. When there
are no vocabularies to express required information, we created new ones15 . An
example of a triplified report is depicted in Listing 1.
   Emergency Clusters eg. Food, Shelter or Health http://www.humanitarianinfo.
   see http://jena.sourceforge.net/
   The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set: http://dublincore.org/documents/
   cf. http://observedchange.com/moac/ns/ and http://observedchange.com/
                           Short Messages             Visualization

                                 Ushahidi Platform

Fig. 2. A report by local observers is entered into the Ushahidi database and subse-
quently considered in map-visualizations. An information manager has access to the
reports and to the visualizations, but can not integrate these sources into his informa-
tion system. The dashed lines inidcate channels that are not fully utilized.

Listing 1. The tripleset for an Ushahidi Report in Turtle form. We left out the prefix
specification here.
@base  .
 a  ;
     tisc:temporalDistance 9 ;
     d c : s u b j e c t moac:WaterShortage ;
             moac:FoodShortage ;
             moac:HospitalOperating ;
     d c : c o v e r a g e ” C o o r d i n a t e s a r e f o r P a l a i s de J u s t i c e i n
            Jacmel ” ;
     g e o : l a t i t u d e 18.233695 ;
     g e o : l o n g i t u d e −72.536217 ;
     s i o c : c o n t e n t ”We need h e l p .We a r e l o c a t e d a t t h e p l a c e i n
               f r o n t o f t h e P a l a i s de J u s t i c e There \ \ \ \ ’ s a l o t o f
               b a b i e s .We need water , f o o d and m e d i c a t i o n . \\ t

Nou bezwen a i d e en u r g e n c e nou nan p l a c e en f a c e p a l a i s
    j u s t i c e l a . gen a n p i l t i bb , nou bezwen d l o , mang ? , m?
    dicament Time:2010 −01−21 19 : 5 8 : 0 6 ” ;
       moac:verified f al s e ;
      moac:approv ed t r u e ;
       d c : t i t l e ”Water , Food , M e d i c i n e Needed a t P a l a i s de
              J u s t i c e , Jacmel ” ;
       d c : d a t e ”2010−01−21 T 1 9 : 5 8 : 0 0 −05 : 0 0 ” ˆˆ x s d : d a t e T i m e .
The reports are made available online on a website and can be inserted into an
etherpad16 for collaborative editing. The RDF content of the etherpad can be
retrieved directly from other websites through the export plain text function.

Desiree, the Web User. Desiree studies Geoinformatics, and tutors a course
on Linked Open Data. On Twitter she heard about the needs of the people in
Haiti. She also heard of the information integration problems and of our effort
to crowdsource Linked Open Data. She downloads a report and starts editing
it. She detects that the category “Hospital Operating” was assigned falsely, she
modifies the respective triple to point to the category “Medical Equipment And
Supply Needs”. She then introduces two new triples. Desiree’s new triples are
shown in Listing 2.
     Listing 2. Two additional triples that enrich the original tripleset of report 3815.
 t i s c : l o c a t e d A t  .
       d c : s u b j e c t  .
These triples lead to more information about Jacmel. Among others, the popu-
lation figures and the current mayor are available there. With her contribution
Desiree helps to extend the triples with information that cannot be harvested
automatically from Ushahidi. Furthermore, the introduction of an additional
crowdsourcing layer for processing adds some quality control.17 The misclassifi-
cation of medical needs to “hospital operating” in this example can have fatal
consequences in practice. There are the following requirements on Desiree’s task:
 4. Access to the Internet.
 5. Access to triples with the basic information.
 6. Basic knowledge about triples, linked data and RDF.
 7. Basic knowledge about disaster management and its terminologies.
 8. A service to edit and validate the triples.
 9. Vocabularies to edit and create triples.
    We take the access to the Internet for granted. Desiree is not in Haiti but
processes the report remotely. Access to the triples can be ensured through a
website that makes the reports available in triple format. Desiree needs some
basic knowledge to create RDF triples. This limits the crowd. However, many
crowdsourced processing tasks require certain skills. We think that given an ini-
tial set of triples and a short overview of basic turtle syntax, the addition of
triples in turtle format is not expected too much of a proficient web user. The
point to consider is the additional interpretation that is made by us here when
creating the basic set of triples. To describe the report, we use predicates and
     see http://etherpad.org/ for more information.
     Desiree’s tasks involves translation between natural languages and from a natural
     to a formal language. This can be considered human computation [13]. In fact,
     many of the tasks described here as crowdsourcing may lay at the intersection of
     crowdsourcing and human computation as described in [13].
objects that come from shared vocabularies. There exist several well-established
vocabularies like Dublin Core or SIOC to describe the formal aspects of the
report, but to annotate the content Desiree needs domain specific vocabularies
or ontologies. To our knowledge, no vocabularies or ontologies exist that specif-
ically allow describing observations made by victims of disasters. The Ushahidi
team came up with a taxonomy of incidents. To describe these incidents in triple
format we translated the Ushahidi categories into an RDF vocabulary. However,
as also [6] pointed out, further work is required to establish vocabularies and
ontologies for disaster management. The lack of vocabularies in this domain
constitutes one obstacle to information integration in crisis management. Ether-
pads are one option to edit triples collaboratively. Etherpad is an open source
text editing service. It is easy to handle and the content, e.g. the triples, can be
directly accessed from a static URL that returns the content of the etherpad as
plain text18 . Etherpads also allow creating different versions that can be individ-
ually referenced. However, so far Etherpads only allow writing plain text, there
is no syntax highlighting or validation of triples. To validate the edited tripleset
Desiree has to resort to another service, for example sindice inspector19 .
    Hence, editing and validating triples is possible, but there is no integrated
service that meets all requirements. Furthermore, necessary vocabularies are still

Visualization. With the reports given in triple form we can take the next step.
We have set up a website20 that uses SIMILE Exhibit21 to visualize the triples
in different forms, for example as timeline, on a map or as thumbnails. Fig. 3
shows a screenshot of a map with report locations.
    The illustration shows only one way of using the reports in Linked Open
Data. There are not only many more tools for analysis and visualization avail-
able, but also further Linked Open Data can be integrated with the Ushahidi
reports. Linked Open Data is supported by a growing community of users. The
processing, analysis and visualization of Linked Open Data can be seen as an
additional crowdsourcing task. However, this requires knowledge of web frame-
works that exceeds the typical web user’s expertise.

Paul, the Information Manager. Given the reports in Linked Open Data,
Paul can access the reports far easier. The linked structure allows for an easier
filtering of information, by category, by time, by location and so on. Paul works
in an emergency cluster for medical support, the change that Desiree made to
the report is important when he decides to distribute the resources he has.
     Within 24 hours of the disaster, Paul needs to provide evidence based “hu-
manitarian needs and gaps” figures in a disaster affected area. The chances for
   for example http://pad.ifgi.de/ep/pad/export/haiti-ushahidi-report3815/
   see http://inspector.sindice.com/
   see http://www.observedchange.com/demos/linked-haiti/
   see http://www.simile-widgets.org/exhibit/ for more information.
     Google Map Layer
     with reports. The
     report markers are
     coloured by cate-                                               Clicking a marker
     gory.                                                           on the map shows
                                                                     the report rendered
                                                                     from the linked
                                                                     data file.

Fig. 3. A screenshot of the SIMILE Map Widget. The map illustrates the reports,
coloured by category. A click on the marker shows the full tripleset for the report.

a quick fact finding rapid assessment [11] are very low. The reports by local
observers are coming in nearly immediately after the earthquake.
     For instance, Paul finds out that he can identify at least what the urgent
life saving humanitarian concerns are and where. As information manager Paul
knows and understands that trust and quality of crowd information are a con-
cern. However, such quick access to crowd information and visualization within
the first 2-3 days of a disaster can help better plan the fact finding mission
or possible future assessments to further confirm the humanitarian needs and
possible intervention in the areas. Paul’s basic requirements are:
10. A portal that gathers and integrates crowdsourced information sources.
11. A way to connect his information system to information sources in RDF.
    We have exemplary set up a facet-based browsing facility to access the triples
we used at http://www.observedchange.com/demos/linked-haiti/. The idea
is that it is easily possible to extend the portal and to connect it to further
information sources. However, the problem remains unsolved on the side of Paul’s
humanitarian information system. The problem has been recognized [6] and first
solutions (e.g., [1]) are under development.

Summary. The new lifecycle of Jean’s reports is illustrated in Fig. 4. An ad-
ditional step of crowdsourcing Linked Open Data refines the data. Linked Open
Data allows not only Paul to access the data according to well-established princi-
ples, but it also enables members of a world-wide Linked Open Data community
to create mash-ups of various sources and tools.

4   Conclusion
This paper suggested crowdsourcing Linked Open Data as the next step towards
a full exploitation of crowdsourced information in disaster management. Due to

                       Short Messages                       Triples
                                                  Linked Open Data

Fig. 4. Workflow including crowdsourced Linked Open Data. An intermediate crowd-
sourcing task of enriching triples is implemented now. The dashed lines indicate chan-
nels that are available but not at the focus of this paper.

the amount of information required and the short time available, crowdsourc-
ing is a promising candidate for disaster management. Linked Open Data serves
as common exchange format. Its simplicity and the large community behind it
make it well suited for crowdsourcing efforts. The suggested approach has the
potential to solve the problems of structural and semantic interoperability [4].
Nonetheless, the issues of uncertainty and trust remain unsolved in our exam-
ple.22 However, in the response phase immediately after a disaster occurs, when
there is no information available, trust and uncertainty issues of crowdsourced
information are accepted. Furthermore, to the authors’ knowledge, no standard-
ized and formalized vocabulary for disaster management exists. Finally, it is up
to the relief organizations to make their systems and data ready for Linked Open


This work has been partly supported through the International Research Train-
ing Group on Semantic Integration of Geospatial Information by the DFG (Ger-
man Research Foundation, GRK 1498), by the China Scholarship Council (CSC)
and through the Erasmus Mundus Master Program in Geospatial Technologies
(contract no. 2007-0064/001/FRAME MUN123).
     see [3] for an example of a trust an reputation system for human observations of
     water availability in dry regions.
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