=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Semantic Access to INSPIRE - How to Publish and Query Advanced GML Data |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-798/paper7.pdf |volume=Vol-798 }} ==Semantic Access to INSPIRE - How to Publish and Query Advanced GML Data== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-798/paper7.pdf
                  Semantic access to INSPIRE
         How to publish and query advanced GML data

              Sven Tschirner1 , Ansgar Scherp2 , and Steffen Staab2
                   Federal institute of hydrology, Koblenz, Germany
                             Institute for Computer Science
                  University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, Germany

       Abstract. The INSPIRE Directive establishes a pan-European ”Spatial
       Data Infrastructure” (SDI) to make available multiple thematic datasets
       from the EU member states through stable Geo Web-Services. Parallel to
       this ongoing procedure, the Semantic Web has technologically fostered
       the Linked Data initiative which builds up huge repositories of freely
       collected data for public access. Querying both data categories within dis-
       tributed searches looks promising. To tackle the associated prerequisites,
       this paper presents firstly a general approach to translate sophisticated
       INSPIRE GML data models into Semantic Web OWL ontologies. This
       is done according to Linked Data principles while preserving selective
       INSPIRE structural information as annotations. Secondly, a feasible
       conversion of the Semantic Web query language SPARQL to its Geo Web
       counterpart ”OGC Filter Encoding” is proposed. The language mapping
       is required for a semantic wrapper over remote INSPIRE Download
       Services acting as a SPARQL-endpoint and bridging the gap between
       both worlds.

       Keywords: INSPIRE, Linked Open Data, Semantic Web, SPARQL,
       Geo Web, GML, geospatial data, semantic enablement

1     Introduction
The INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/EC)3 obliges national authorities of the EU-
member states to contribute their spatial data according to over 30 harmonized
themes (e.g. Hydrography, Protected Sites or Elevation), make them accessible
and described via standardized Geo Web-Services. These datasets are considered
to be up-to-date, quite reliably, EU-wide and mostly free available forming a very
impressive data source for multi-thematic information retrieval.
    Because of its free data usage and distributed service-architecture INSPIRE
does have a lot in common with the Linked Open Data initiative (LOD). Com-
bining both data worlds while starting federated searches over INSPIRE and
LOD-datasets looks attractive as repositories differ in thematic coverage and

data capture conditions. As a scenario let us consider a teacher planning a school
trip which should be filled with leisure activities as well as some kind of nature ex-
ploration. He find accomodation and leisure facilities through Geo Linked Data4
and spatially overlay them with INSPIRE themes Land Use or Protected Sites.
Finally the teacher may prepare himself with reliable background information
referenced by INSPIRE data and disseminated by public authorities enriching
the world of free data. The same governmental controlled Protected Sites data
could be combined with the LOD project GeoSpecies5 to intersect INSPIRE
protection goals with species populations from GeoSpecies at the same time.
    To leverage such scenarios, the existing technological discrepancies between
INSPIRE and LOD have to be overcome which are mainly due to different
knowledge representation and web service interfaces. The goal is a feasible em-
bedding of INSPIRE data in the Semantic Web. INSPIRE itself is based on
the Geo Web technologies - which are ISO and OGC6 standardizations for
Geo Web-services and -transfer formats. So INSPIRE applies the ISO/OGC-
approach of modeling physical things, so-called ”features”, in the Geography
Markup Language (GML)7 . GML is a XML-derivative and GML data models
are written in XML-Schema Language (XSD). Conventional GML data models
define simple and flat XML-documents having features with only few attributes
and thus could be easily queried and transformed to Semantic Web RDF/OWL-
triples. With regard to INSPIRE we are faced with advanced GML data models
which disclose features with many dependant complex elements and a heavily
nested, verbose XML-tree structure. That’s why transforming GML to OWL is
not straight-forward and target OWL-models in which to transform INSPIRE
data must be well-thought-of for not generating triples without proper content.
    Former work [3] [13] have already introduced Semantic Web-queries which
are translated in order to request OGC data access services - specified as OGC
WFS8 . The conversion of GML-results is done on-the-fly which is a reasonable
way to avoid duplicated storage of GML and RDF/OWL-instances and facilitates
the access to up-to-date information. But these approaches are concerned either
with flat GML-models and so encompass a query translation which is much sim-
plier than INSPIRE requires where XPath-expressions for filter processes became
inevitably. Or they don’t take into account that the content of the GML→OWL
transformation must be refined in order to fullfill Linked Data principles with
resolvable URIs and cross-references.
    This paper presents a feasible way to perform SPARQL queries on INSPIRE
which contains two main achievements. At first we propose a general approach
for deriving INSPIRE ontologies from the INSPIRE UML/GML data models
in order to define the target models for SPARQL querying. We also suggest
common modeling aspects and refinements for Semantic Web-representations
  Open Geospatial Consortium, see http://www.opengeospatial.org/

due to Linked Data principles. Secondly we outline a SPARQL-endpoint - which
is configured with these INSPIRE ontologies and acting as a proxy over WFS-
services which are the main realizations for INSPIRE Download Services. There-
fore we specify a viable translation from SPARQL to the WFS-query language
”OGC Filter Encoding (FE)”9 and tackle the prerequisite of references between
the INSPIRE ontology concepts and the INSPIRE GML data structure.

2     Towards INSPIRE Linked Data - Basic Architecture
To fulfill the overall goal for federated queries on INSPIRE and Linked Data,
the INSPIRE data must be transformed into a Semantic Web representation
as Semantic Web-formats are appropriate for integration tasks and SPARQL
used to query different repositories in particular. Two key tasks are identi-
fied: 1. we need to create common target ontologies for INSPIRE themes and
2. provide query capabilities using SPARQL. INSPIRE UML- and derived GML-
data models are regarded as community harmonizations and thus have the same
characteristics as Semantic Web domain ontologies. Hence each INSPIRE theme
is syntactically transferred to one domain ontology (here called ”INSPIRE theme
ontology”) while preserving INSPIRE element names. Common concepts from
different themes, e.g. ISO metadata elements and spatial representations, are
outsourced into core ontologies and imported into the theme ontologies if needed.
    The reasons for explicit INSPIRE ontologies are:
 – they serve as target models for a proper GML→OWL conversion set-up
 – they store GML structural information as annotations needed for querying
 – they facilitate references to INSPIRE background information
 – they prepare the basis for alignment with Semantic Web upper ontologies
    Querying capabilities help to perform requests and filter the desired instances
from the requested repository. A smart way to support SPARQL queries over
INSPIRE data can be accomplished with a proxy application, wrapping remote
or local INSPIRE Download Services and acting as a SPARQL-endpoint; see
Fig. 1. The architecture has multiple advantages. For instance, no data repli-
cation and additional storage facilities are needed, hence queries always access
up-to-date datasets. Furthermore, INSPIRE data authorities are not bothered
with extra configuration efforts required for semantic WFS-profiles.

                      SPARQL-                           WFS-Query               Inspire
                       Query     Semantic Proxy      (OGC-FilterEncoding)
                                                                            Download Service
                                 (SPARQL-endpoint)                             (OGC WFS)
                       RDF/OWL                              GML

      Fig. 1. Overall architecture - Proxy wrapping INSPIRE-Download Services

    Opposed to alternative solutions which comprise one single GML→OWL-
transfer into a static INSPIRE triple-store building query facilities on top, the
proxy solution has to cope with a virtual repository. That means that all resulting
information is temporary and has to be combined with all side effects. The
biggest challenge is the query mapping from SPARQL as a powerful general
query language to the less powerful language OGC Filter Encoding. The latter
is supported by WFS-services and focuses on domain-optimized filters.
    We first introduce our proposed query strategy and more details will follow in
Sec. 4. Fig. 2 shows the overall query procedure. A SPARQL query is received (1)
and converted to SPARQL algebraic expression10 (2). The algebraic expression
is assessed for INSPIRE concepts (3) for which XPath-expressions are concate-
nated to address the GML-element paths needed within Filter Encoding-query
operators. Thereafter the translation SPARQL →Filter Encoding takes place (4)
and the WFS GetFeature-request is send to all the WFS-services which serve
the requested feature types (5). On return the GML-results are transformed to
OWL-instances composing the virtual repository (6). This virtual repository is
then queried with the former SPARQL-query from the second step (7) and finally
SPARQL-results are returned to the user (8).

       1. receive SPARQL-          2. convert SPARQL-         3. detect INSPIRE-       4. map SPARQL to
              request                query to -algebra             concepts           OGC-Filter Encoding

      8. return SPARQL-        7. query virtual repository   6. transform results      5. request WFS
             results               (SPARQL-query)               (GML to OWL)        (GetFeature-operation)

                            Fig. 2. SPARQL-query handling in eight steps

    The resulting INSPIRE ontologies are designed to allow custom queries, for
instance to filter Protected Sites and GeoSpecies data. Therefore we outline
significant query types which are regarded during ontology modeling (see Sec.
3.2) in order to keep ontological structures simple and adequate for querying:

    – distinguish instancies by its classification attributes, e.g. ”which protected
      sites are classified with designation = ’UNESCO World Heritage’ ?”
    – do spatial reasoning, e.g. ”which species habitats crosses protected site x?”
    – filter temporally, e.g. ”which sites originates from era x, between dates y/z?”
    – assess measures, e.g. ”which sites suit a hike, sites greater than x km2 ?”

    This paper continues in Sec. 3 with a description of engineering and modeling
aspects of the proposed INSPIRE ontologies. Sec. 4 is about the concept of a
semantic query layer and a prototype mentioned in Sec. 5. Then, Sec. 6 outlines
related work and Sec. 7 closes with conclusions and possible advancements.
     http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/; see Sec. 12.4 ”SPARQL Algebra”

3     Deriving INSPIRE ontologies

3.1   Conversion rules: INSPIRE GML to RDF/OWL

Before examining ontological details, we have to consider the basic conversion
rules from the original GML INSPIRE data models (written in XSD) to the
targeted INSPIRE OWL ontologies. For generic XSD→OWL transformations
several approaches [1] [2] and operational applications exist. Accordingly con-
version rules are defined to transform either XML- or XSD-documents to OWL,
converting e.g. every xsd:complexType to owl:Class. These rules are helpful
for deriving INSPIRE ontologies but don’t regard GML or INSPIRE specifics.

GML and RDF/OWL - common characteristics Having a closer look at
GML itself which is akin to RDF/OWL [11], as GML-Version 1 had once an
explicit RDF-encoding. Since then GML carries the ”Object-Property-pattern”.
This means that XML-elements at odd numbered levels of the DOM-hierarchy
represent GML-objects and ones at even level represent GML-properties. Hence
one may compare GML-objects to RDF-resources and GML-properties to RDF-
predicates. Another similarity is the cross-referencing, which is often used in
INSPIRE for cross-thematic linking, and the identification of GML-objects. These
basic mappings between GML and RDF are 1. GML-attribute for cross-referen-
cing xlink:href which equals RDF-attribute rdf:resource and 2. GML-object
identifier attribute gml:identifier which equals RDF-attribute rdf:about.
While the Object-Property-pattern is crucial for engineering the theme ontology,
the common linking and identification is used during OWL-instance generation.

INSPIRE UML-notations - leading to main conversion rules The UML-
models disclose the GML Object-Property-pattern and give further orientation
for ontology engineering with UML-class stereotypes and UML-associations as
cross-references. The prominent UML-stereotypes are featureType (= a WFS
record type), dataType (= a complex type dependant of featureType), codelist
and enumeration (both key-value list-types, open for new values or a closed list
respectively) and union (semantically equivalent to the XSD union type).
    Given these modeling hints, we can list our few main rules which imply that
derived OWL-concepts are named after corresponding INSPIRE element types:

 – every INSPIRE UML-class except stereotype union is converted to an
   owl:Class. Subtypes of stereotype union are modeled each as one owl:Class
 – every value of codelist or enumeration is converted to an owl:Individual
   typed with the corresponding enumeration/codelist owl:Class
 – every UML-attribute corresponding to a GML-property is converted to an
   owl:ObjectProperty or owl:DatatypeProperty. If multiple, equally-named
   GML-properties lead to both OWL property types we name the
   owl:DatatypeProperty with suffix _dataValue to be conform to OWL-DL
 – every UML-association is converted to an owl:ObjectProperty

3.2   Modeling aspects of frequent elements

Besides these general rules there have to be ontological refinements for frequently
used element types which may leverage usual query types listed in the Sec. 2.
This section will examine these aspects in more detail. Furthermore we present
our considerations about OWL-instance identification and infrastructural oppor-
tunities with INSPIRE reference data.

Classifications with codelist- and enumeration-types In INSPIRE data
models every sixth element is of such a type which are best suited to differ
and filter instances. We model every codelist-type as one owl:Class and every
codelist-value as one owl:Individual. Enumeration-types are equally modeled.
However there is a constraint owl:oneOf to their enumeration values.
    Modeling this way allows us to investigate every codelist-value of a certain
codelist, e.g. ont_ps:ProtectionClassificationValue with SPARQL triple:
?x rdf:type ont_ps:ProtectionClassificationValue and opens the possi-
bility to annotate codelist-values with standard-annotations, e.g. rdfs:label.
Codelist-value individuals are simply named after their codelist:
e.g. the codelist 
has a value . Hence no naming conflicts arise if two different codelists
might have the same value names.

Geometries Concerning geometry handling, there is a current specification
development called GeoSPARQL [10]. This state-of-the-art approach includes
definitions for a unique geo-vocabulary for which SPARQL extended-functions
for extensive spatial reasoning are defined, including topological and other geo-
metrical functions. We extensively make use of this approach to serialize GML
geometries resulting from WFS-queries. The proposed SPARQL proxy should
provide corresponding GeoSPARQL-spatial filter functions.

Temporal values The conversion of INSPIRE temporal values to RDF/OWL
is simple, since GML makes use of XSD-datatypes xsd:date or xsd:dateTime,
too. Mostly resulting RDF typed literals are appropriate. Only in such cases
where temporal values are coherent (e.g. start/end-times of a duration) complex
RDF-resources have to be derived to retain the coherence and enwrap two or
more typed literals for the actual temporal information (e.g. start/end-times).

Measure values Measure values, e.g. the GML-types Area, Length or Velocity,
consist of numeric values and corresponding units of measurement (UOM). The
encoding in RDF could be a rdf:PlainLiteral, e.g. "200 km2", or a typed
literal, such as "200"^^http://www.ex.org/units/km2. The first option merges
the two pieces of information within one textual representation, so that both
would have to be discerned during analysis. The drawback of the typed literal

would be the definition of additional RDF-datatypes for maybe tens of UOM
which should be avoided for interoperability reasons. Our design choice is there-
fore based on the ”Measure Units Ontology”11 and shown in Fig. 3 (we use
namespaces ’ont_ps’ for the theme ontology ”ProtectedSites” and ’base’ for
INSPIRE basic types). The two pieces of information are bundled by a separate
base:Measure instance. For numeric values we can simply adopt the XSD-types
used in GML (xsd:integer, xsd:decimal etc.) and treat the UOM as an in-
dividual RDF-resource. Thus, we are able to filter measure values due to their
UOM not only in SPARQL filters but even within SPARQL basic graph pattern.

 ont_ps:ProtectedSite         base:Measure                              skos:inScheme              CrsUomRegister
            rdf:type                   rdf:type
                                                  base:numericalValue      "22.8"^^xsd:decimal

                                     Fig. 3. Using measure values

Registries for reference data Like UOM, other kind of reference data exist,
e.g. coordinate reference systems (CRS), languages-codes, country-codes or the
INSPIRE codelists/ enumerations. Language-codes are trivial and equally treated
in both worlds, INSPIRE and Semantic Web, by using either ISO 639-1/2 or RFC
3066. Other reference data should be explained and collected somewhere online,
accessible via resolvable URIs. It makes sense to manage them centrally and in
a unique fashion. The OGC has started to make SKOS-concepts12 of specifica-
tion elements and some CRS descriptions accessible online13 . The main tech-
nical INSPIRE supporter, the JRC14 provides SKOS-concepts with the terms
of the European GEMET-thesauri and the INSPIRE feature concept dictio-
nary.15 Such infrastructural measurements will definitely facilitate a Semantic
Web-enablement of INSPIRE but also could have positive side-effects for other
domains, providing harmonized lists reused e.g. in folksonomies.

Identification As an important Linked Data principle, identifiers for RDF-
resources should be kept unique and resolvable via HTTP-URIs. All INSPIRE
features are identified with unique INSPIRE-IDs which are used here for indi-
vidual URIs of OWL-instancies. An INSPIRE-ID consists of 1.) a namespace
   SKOS: Simple Knowledge Organization System; used for semantically modeling tax-
   onomies; http://www.w3.org/TR/skos-primer/
   EU Joint Research Centre, http://www.jrc.ec.europa.eu/

including details about the data-authority or -product, 2.) a localId which is
an object identifier unique in the scope of the namespace and 3.) a versionId
for an optional object versioning. These identifying attributes are proposed to be
included in an HTTP-URI with additional format information for Linked Data
content negotiation, distinguishing the return-format as e.g. page or data.
So the proposed URI-template looks like:
and an example would be:

4     Semantic query layer for INSPIRE Download Services

In this section we show at first how to translate from SPARQL to the WFS-query
language ”OGC Filter Encoding” and then tackle the prerequisite of references
between the INSPIRE ontology concepts and the INSPIRE GML data structure.

4.1   SPARQL conversion to OGC Filter Encoding

We map from a given SPARQL algebraic expression into the target language
of the OGC Filter Encoding. More precisely the target language is actually a
combination of a) WFS-Query addressing the feature-type to be returned and
b) OGC-Filter Encoding (FE) providing spatial, comparison and logical filter
operators. From now on, we only mention OGC-Filter Encoding in lieu of both.
    SPARQL as well as the XML-encoded FE are declarative languages but they
operate on different information units: SPARQL combines triples while FE filters
complex GML-features as WFS-records. Given the proposed INSPIRE ontologies
one GML-feature and its dependant GML-elements are usually transformed to
more than one triple, so FE actually filters at a coarser level than SPARQL does.
Besides, there are SPARQL-functions which have no real FE-correspondents,
e.g. isBlank(a), langMatches(a,b) or regex(a,b) (FE only supports a com-
parator with wildcards, not regular expressions). Furthermore SPARQL-solution
modifiers could not be translated, either. With this in mind we conclude that
SPARQL is more powerful (even though FE provides more domain-specific fil-
ters, e.g. spatial ones). A translation to FE may loose filter information and may
be too restrictive at the same time. A viable solution is a two-step query pro-
cess. In the first step, an overly coarse query is forwarded to INSPIRE Download
Services returning a superset of intended query results. In the second step, the
precise SPARQL query is re-executed on the returned result set in order to yield
the intended SPARQL results.
    Some SPARQL filter-functions and value-comparing graphpattern are mapped
to FE comparison or spatial operators (e.g. SPARQL-function sameTerm(A,B)
to FE-operator ). In cases where SPARQL applies path-
comparing pattern (e.g. ?feature ont_ps:siteName ?siteName), we propose
the mapping to a combination of the two FE-operators 
to assure that the resulting GML contains only features with these subelements

(here the info siteName) for further SPARQL-analysis afterwards. The table 1
shows the mapping of the main SPARQL-operators to their FE-pendants.

                            Table 1. Mapping SPARQL- to FE-operators

 BGP(triple-pattern) translate every path/value comparisons into appropriate FE-
                     operators and combine them with the logical operator 
 Join(P1,P2)                     like BGP-handling using both graph pattern P1 and P2
 LeftJoin(P1,P2,F)               like BGP-handling, but only for mandatory branch P1, optional
                                 branch P2 and Filter F are ignored
 Filter(F,P)                     like BGP-handling using both filter F and graph pattern P
 Union(P1,P2)                    translate every comparisons under pattern P1 into appropriate
                                 FE-operators, enwrap them with logical , do the same
                                 for P2 and enwrap both -operators with logical 

   This simple conversion example transforms SPARQL-path comparisons and
one temporal filter:
PREFIX xsd : 
PREFIX o n t p s : 

S e l e c t ? f e a t u r e ?name ? b e g i n L i f e s p a n
   ? feature a ont ps : ProtectedSite .
   ? f e a t u r e o n t p s : siteName ?name .
   ? feature ont ps : beginLifespanVersion ? beginLifespan .
   FILTER( ? b e g i n L i f e s p a n > ”2009 −01 −01T12 : 0 0 : 0 0 ”ˆ ˆ xsd : dateTime )

to its corresponding WFS-GetFeature request (abbreviated):

  < o g c : F i l t e r>
                  ps−f : b e g i n L i f e s p a n V e r s i o n
               ps−f : b e g i n L i f e s p a n V e r s i o n
               < o g c : L i t e r a l>2009−01−01 T 1 2 : 0 0 : 0 0
                  p s : s i t e N a m e / g n : G e o g r a p h i c a l N a m e / g n : s p e l l i n g /
                                 g n : S p e l l i n g O f N a m e / g n : t e x t


4.2     Annotations for GML-element references
In order to provide a SPARQL-endpoint which acts as a wrapper around WFS-
services the SPARQL-endpoint must map INSPIRE ontologies to GML data
models. When the SPARQL-endpoint receives a query, INSPIRE OWL-concepts
have to be detected by their URIs (see Fig. 2, third step) and resolved to
corresponding GML-element paths in order to compose a WFS-requests with
OGC Filter Encoding filters (fourth step). For mapping OWL-concepts to GML-
elements we annotate INSPIRE OWL-concepts with relative XPath-expressions
for indicating their corresponding GML-element paths. We restrict the usage of
XPath-version 1.0 to unique element references which means we avoid wild-cards
for node-tests (’*’) or predicate-filtering (’@*’).
    To this end we introduce instances of owl:AnnotationProperty:
 – Annotation property cf:xmlnamespace is used at ontology-level to indicate
   which GML XML-namespaces are used in the particular INSPIRE ontology,
   e.g.  cf:xmlnamespace
   ProtectedSites:3.0\"". Given these annotations, abbreviations of GML
   XML-namespaces with XML-prefixes are unique in the scope of the ontology
 – Annotation property cf:xmlname is used at concept-level stating which OWL-
   class corresponds to which GML-object element, declared as a qualified
   XML-name, e.g. ont_ps:ProtectedSite cf:xmlname "ps:ProtectedSite"
   or ont_ps:ResponsibleAgency cf:xmlname "ps-f:ResponsibleAgency"
 – Annotation property cf:xpath is used at concept-level, stating which OWL-
   property corresponds to which GML-property, declared as a relative XPath-
   expression (only XPath forward axes), e.g. ont_ps:isManagedBy cf:xpath
With the cf:xpath-annotation, we adopt the triple-relationsship ”subject-
predicate-object” to the GML-model where in the given example above the GML-
object element ps-f:ProtectedSite stands for the subject, GML-property
ps-f:isManagedBy for the predicate, ps-f:ResponsibleAgency for the object.
Figure 4 shows an example with annotations explained in detail subsequently:

               ont_ps:ProtectedSite                 ont_ps:siteName                rdf:PlainLiteral
                                      rdfs:domain                     rdfs:range
                      cf:xmlname                     cf:xpath             owl:annotatedSource
 "ps:ProtectedSite"                                                                      cf:langXPath      "../../../gn:language"
                        gn:GeographicalName/gn:spelling/                                                     rdf:PlainLiteral
                        gn:SpellingOfName/gn:text"                                                cf:targetRDFType

                      Fig. 4. XPath-expressions annotated to ontology concepts

   In Fig. 4, the predicate ont_ps:siteName has a complex cf:xpath-annotation.
This XPath-expression let us extract XML-information nested deeply within the

XML-tree so that we can ignore verbose GML element hierarchies (e.g. ISO-
metadata elements) which are not needed in triple form. The other annotations
cf:langXPath and cf:targetRDFType work as transformation hints and are
realized as reification annotations so that they are unique for every cf:xpath.
The reason is that there might be the need to assign multiple cf:xpath to one
OWL-predicate if different INSPIRE GML-properties are equally named (dis-
tinguished only by their superordinated GML-object type) and so are derived
both to one OWL-predicate. Or if INSPIRE GML data models allow alterna-
tive element storage, so multiple GML element paths each as one cf:xpath
must be applied. The additional annotation cf:langXPath indicates where to
find language-information about a text element directing there with a relative
XPath-expression related to cf:xpath. The annotation cf:targetRDFType de-
clares which RDF-datatype should be used for GML→OWL-transformation.
Given the configuration example in Fig. 4, a transformation of this GML-snippet:


deu ... < g n : s p e l l i n g> K l e i n k i n z i g − und R ö t e n b a c h t a l < g n : s c r i p t x s i : n i l =” t r u e ”/> leads to the simple statement: ex:ProtectedSite1 ps:siteName "Kleinkinzig- und Rötenbachtal"@de Other GML-information which is likewise related to another GML-element as the language-code could be handled in the same way. A good example is the UOM-information related to its measure-value, so there could be an annotation cf:uomXPath and so on. In order to finally prepare WFS-querying, we need at least one more annotation (i.e. cf:entityType) for OWL-classes indicating which corresponding GML-object element is expected to serve as a WFS-feature type. In this case, the OWL-class has the annotatation cf:entityType "featureType". 5 Prototype implementation The INSPIRE test platform consists of the INSPIRE-enabled WFS ”Deegree3 inspireNode”16 and representative test data. We have created two ontologies for the INSPIRE themes ”Protected Sites” and ”Administrative Units”17 . These are tested with national Slovak protected sites (419 features, GML-size: 11 MB) and administrative units from the Dutch Kataster (443 features, GML-size: 23 MB). 16 WFS-version 1.1.0; http://www.deegree.org/ 17 soon available under: http://inspire.west.uni-koblenz.de:8080/ontologies 12 In the INSPIRE implementation process Download Services are scheduled to be operational not until the end of 2012, so for now there is only test data available like the data we have used so far 18 . The Proxy-application is based on the Sesame framework19 acting as an inference-layer using the ”Sesame” Sail-API. Sesame was chosen due to its well- structured API and fast conversion of SPARQL-query to -algebra. Internally, experimental GeoSPARQL-filters as well as programmetically generated WFS- GetFeature requests are realized with the Deegree3-API. The WFS-results are transformed with the fast non-extracting, XPath-capable XML-parser ”VTD”20 . For example the parsing of all protected sites elements is finished within 6 seconds, which also includes all further transforming into RDF-triples. Testing federated queries is done with the Sesame-based APIs ”NetworkedGraphs” and ”DistributedSAIL” from the University of Koblenz-Landau [12]. 6 Related Work At least since the OGC Geospatial Semantic Web Interoperability Experiment in 2006 [7], the Geo Web community is concerned with the integration of Semantic Web-technologies within OGC Geo Web-services (OWS) and vice versa. Some attempts are constrained to a semantic reasoning support of OWS-communication [5], not publishing the Geo Web-data in the Semantic Web. Other approaches, like the active OGC SensorWeb domain, provide measure and sensor data through LOD-endpoints [9] [8]. They even interlink OGC sensor data with other LOD- repositories [6]. Otherwise, without a SPARQL-endpoint, query capabilities are neglected which we suggest to be more important than RDF-browsing and necessary to foster many Semantic Web use-cases. Some projects tackle SPARQL- or DL-queries translated to WFS-queries [3] [13]. We take a further step and query WFSs which operate on sophisticated, heavily nested INSPIRE GML models. The resulting INSPIRE Linked Data is created regarding INSPIRE- similarities to LOD concerning syntax, identification and referencing [11] and based on ontologies (schema-level) which is not quite usual for LOD-data [4]. 7 Conclusions and Outlook This paper presents an approach to enable federated queries over INSPIRE and LOD. We identify two key tasks, INSPIRE ontologies and support for querying, and propose how to solve them. Our solution has been tested with a prototype and turned out to be viable and efficient while establishing a semantic query layer for arbitrary WFS-services not constrained to INSPIRE data publishing. Open issues are investigations in linking this INSPIRE- with other LOD- data, e.g. the data about European directives from the ”Reporting Obligations 18 http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/index.cfm/pageid/44 19 http://www.openrdf.org/ 20 http://vtd-xml.sourceforge.net/ 13 Database”21 , or the full integration of spatial reasoning as soon as the specification GeoSPARQL will become stable. One big challenge will be a coordinated Semantic Web-infrastructure for INSPIRE reference data and management facilities of INSPIRE ontologies. The Semantic Web is about handling information resources directly so we focus on the WFS-service and GML-encoded geodata itself, not the metadata layer consisting of OGC Catalogue Services and ISO-metadata. But INSPIRE also builds up a vivid metadata layer so that a combination of metadata and geodata forming one harmonized distributed Semantic Web-graph will certainly be a matter for future work. References 1. Bedini, I., Gardarin, G. & Nguyen, B. [2008]. 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