=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=A Tabled Prolog Program for Solving Sokoban |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-810/paper-l13.pdf |volume=Vol-810 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cilc/ZhouD11 }} ==A Tabled Prolog Program for Solving Sokoban== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-810/paper-l13.pdf
    A Tabled Prolog Program for Solving Sokoban

                        Neng-Fa Zhou1 and Agostino Dovier2
                   Department of Computer and Information Science,
                  CUNY Brooklyn College & Graduate Center, USA,
                      Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica,
                         Università di Udine, Udine, Italy,

        Abstract. This paper presents our program in B-Prolog submitted to
        the third ASP solver competition for the Sokoban problem. This pro-
        gram, based on dynamic programming, treats Sokoban as a generalized
        shortest path problem. It divides a problem into independent subprob-
        lems and uses mode-directed tabling to store subproblems and their an-
        swers. This program is very simple but quite efficient. Without use of any
        sophisticated domain knowledge, it easily solved 11 of the 15 instances
        used in the competition.

1     Introduction

Sokoban is a type of transport puzzle, in which the player finds a plan for the
Sokoban (means warehouse-keeper in Japanese) to push all the boxes into the
designated areas. This problem has been shown to be NP-hard and has raised
great interest because of its relation to robot motion planning [6]. This problem
has been used as a benchmark in the Answer Set Programming competition [5,
4] and International Planning competition3 , and solutions for ASP solvers and
PDDL are available. In [15], an IDA∗ -based program is presented with several
domain-dependent enhancements.
    This paper presents the program in B-Prolog, called the BPSolver program
below, submitted to the third ASP solver competition [4]. The BPSolver program
is based on the dynamic programming approach and uses mode-directed tabling
[18] to store subproblems and their answers. The program was built after failed
attempts to use CLP(FD) and the planning languages B [12] and BMV [8] for the
problem (see Section 6). The BPSolver program is very simple (only a few lines
of code) but quite efficient. In the competition, the BPSolver program solved
11 of the 15 instances of which the hardest instance took only 33 seconds, and
failed to solve the remaining four instances due to lack of table space.
    As far as we know, the BPSolver program is the first to apply the dynamic
programming approach to the Sokoban problem. The BPSolver program treats
Sokoban as a generalized shortest path problem where the locations of objects
particular to a subproblem are tabled. The BPSolver program does not employ
any sophisticated domain knowledge. It only checks for two simple deadlock
cases: one is that a box is stuck in a corner and the other is that two boxes next
to each other are stuck by a wall. With sophisticated domain knowledge, the
BPSolver program is expected to perform much better.
    The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 gives a detailed
description of the Sokoban problem; Section 3 introduces tabling, and in par-
ticular mode-directed tabling, as implemented in B-Prolog; Section 4 explains
the BPSolver program line by line; Section 5 presents the competition results;
Section 6 compares with related work and points out possible improvements;
and Section 7 concludes the paper.

2     The Problem Description

The following is an adapted description of the Sokoban problem used in the ASP
solver competition.4
    Sokoban is a type of transport puzzle invented by Hiroyuki Imabayashi in
1980 and published by the Japanese company Thinking Rabbit, Inc. in 1982.
“Sokoban” means “warehouse-keeper” in Japanese. The puzzle consists of a maze
which has two types of squares: inaccessible wall squares and accessible floor
squares. Several boxes are initially placed on some of the floor squares and the
same number of floor squares are designated as storage squares. There is also
a man (the Sokoban) whose duty is to move all the boxes to the designated
storage squares. A floor square is free if it is not occupied by either a box or
the man. The man can walk around by moving from his current position to any
adjacent free floor square. He can also push a box into an adjacent free square,
but in order to do so he needs to be able to get to the free square behind the
box. The goal of the puzzle is to find a shortest plan to push all the boxes to the
designated storage squares. To reduce the number of steps, the Sokoban moves
and the successive sequence of pushes in the same direction are considered as an
atomic action.
    A problem instance is given by the following relations:

 – right(L1, L2 ): location L2 is immediately to the right of location L1 .
 – top(L1, L2 ): location L2 is immediately on the top of location L1 .
 – box(L): location L initially holds a box.
 – sokoban(L): the man is initially at location L.
 – storage(L): location L is a storage square.

In this setting, the wall squares are completely ignored and the adjacency relation
of the floor squares is given by the right and top predicates. This input is well
suited for Prolog. According to the ASP competition requirements, the output
should be represented by atoms of the form push(L1,Dir,L2,Time), where L1
and L2 are two locations, L2 is reachable from L1 going through the direction
Dir (left, right, up, or down), and Time is an integer greater than 0 (bounded
the further input predicate step). For each admissible value of time exactly one
push action must occur. We also allow a slight variation of this predicate where
the time information is left implicit and a consecutive sequence of push is stored
in a list that, in fact, represents a plan.

                           Fig. 1. A Sokoban problem.

   Figure 1 shows an example problem where the storage squares have dots on
them. This state is represented by the following facts:
    top(c2r5,c2r4).            right(c3r2,c4r2).          right(c3r6,c4r6).
    top(c2r6,c2r5).            right(c4r2,c5r2).          right(c4r6,c5r6).
    top(c3r3,c3r2).            right(c5r2,c6r2).
    top(c3r4,c3r3).            right(c6r3,c7r3).          box(c6r3).
    top(c3r5,c3r4).            right(c2r4,c3r4).          box(c5r4).
    top(c3r6,c3r5).            right(c3r4,c4r4).          box(c5r5).
    top(c5r5,c5r4).            right(c4r4,c5r4).
    top(c5r6,c5r5).            right(c5r4,c6r4).          storage(c3r3).
    top(c6r3,c6r2).            right(c6r4,c7r4).          storage(c3r4).
    top(c6r4,c6r3).            right(c2r5,c3r5).          storage(c4r4).
    top(c6r5,c6r4).            right(c5r5,c6r5).
    top(c7r4,c7r3).            right(c6r5,c7r5).          sokoban(c4r6).
    top(c7r5,c7r4).            right(c2r6,c3r6).

The following gives a plan of 13 steps for the problem:
    [push(c6r3,down,c6r5), push(c5r4,left,c3r4),          push(c3r4,down,c3r5),
     push(c5r5,up,c5r4),    push(c6r5,left,c5r5),         push(c5r4,right,c6r4),
     push(c5r5,up,c5r4),    push(c6r4,up,c6r3),           push(c5r4,left,c4r4),
     push(c6r3,down,c6r4), push(c3r5,up,c3r3),            push(c4r4,left,c3r4),
     push(c6r4,left,c4r4) ]

3   Tabling in B-Prolog
Tabling [17] has become a well-known and useful feature of many Prolog systems.
The idea of tabling is to memorize answers to tabled subgoals and use the answers
to resolve subsequent variant or subsumed subgoals. This idea resembles the
dynamic programming idea of reusing solutions to overlapping sub-problems
and, naturally, tabling is amenable to dynamic programming problems.
    B-Prolog is a tabled Prolog system that is based on linear tabling [19], allows
variant subgoals to share answers, and uses the local strategy [9] (also called
lazy strategy [19]) to return answers. In B-Prolog, tabled predicates are declared
explicitly by declarations in the following form:

       :-table P1/N1,...,Pk/Nk

where each Pi (i ∈ {1, . . . , k}) is a predicate symbol and Ni is an integer that
denotes the arity of Pi.
   Consider, for example, the tabled predicate computing Fibonacci numbers:

      :-table fib/2.
      fib(0, 1).
      fib(1, 1).
      fib(N, F):-N>1,
          N1 is N-1,
          N2 is N-2,
          fib(N1, F1),
          fib(N2, F2),
          F is F1+F2.

Without tabling, the subgoal fib(N,X) would spawn 2N subgoals, many of which
are variants. With tabling, however, the time complexity drops to linear since
the same variant subgoal is resolved only once.
    For a tabled predicate, all the arguments of a tabled subgoal are used in vari-
ant checking and all answers are tabled. This table-all approach is problematic
for many dynamic programming problems such as those that require computa-
tion of aggregates. Mode-directed tabling [13, 18] amounts to using table modes
to instruct the system on how to table subgoals and their answers. In B-Prolog,
a table mode declaration takes the following form:

     :-table p(M1,...,Mn):C.

where p/n is a predicate symbol, C, called a cardinality limit, is an integer which
limits the number of answers to be tabled for p/n, and each Mi (i ∈ {1, . . . , k})
is a mode which can be min, max, +, or -. When C is 1, it can be omitted together
with the preceding ‘:’. For each predicate, only one table mode declaration can
be given. In the current implementation in B-Prolog, only one argument in a
tabled predicate can have the mode min or max. Since an optimized argument
can be a compound term and the built-in @storage(Loc);true),
    foreach(BoxLoc in BoxLocs, \+ stuck(BoxLoc,Loc)).

    Dest=NextLoc, NewSokobanLoc=BoxLoc.

               Fig. 2. The main program
by any box; (2) it is not a corner unless it is a storage square; and (3) moving a
box to Loc does not result in a deadlock. As mentioned above, two boxes next to
each other by a wall constitute a deadlock unless the two locations are storage
squares. There are more sophisticated deadlock cases that involve more than two
locations [15], but these cases are not considered here.

5   The Competition Results
Sokoban was one of the benchmarks of the 2011 ASP competition [4]. The main
scope of the competition is to challenge different solvers on declarative encodings.
In particular, in the System Track different ASP solvers were required to run on a
proposed encoding in Answer Set Programming (pure declarative code, no opti-
mization). In the next Section we will briefly sketch this modeling. It is a decision
version of the problem where a plan of a given length is looked for. The allowed
actions are push of a block in the four directions. Moreover, the move of the
Sokoban for reaching (if possible) a block is supposed to happen instantaneously
immediately before the successive push move. Most of the ASP solvers behave
quite well on the proposed instances. It must be observed, however, that the
instances were not so large (the more difficult were of 6 boxes/20 moves). In the
Model and Solve competition, competitors were allowed to encode directly the
problem allowing some domain information. In this case a minimum length plan
is looked for. Most of the submitted programs are variants of the one proposed
for the System Track; for this approach, best performances have been obtained
by the family of Clasp solvers [10] (http://potassco.sourceforge.net/) and
by EZCSP [1] (http://marcy.cjb.net/ezcsp/index.html).
    The BPSolver program is available at: www.sci.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~zhou/
asp11/ Table 1 gives the CPU times of the actual runs in the third ASP solver
competition. In comparison, the result of Clasp, the solver that won this bench-
mark, is also shown. For the solved instances, BPSolver is actually a little faster
than Clasp on average. BPSolver failed to solve four of the instances due to lack
of table space.

6   Related Work
The Sokoban problem is a typical planning problem where a set of admissible ac-
tions might affect the value of some fluents that globally determine a state. This
kind of problems are naturally encoded using Action Description Languages such
as STRIPS, B, and PDDL. Before starting the encoding one needs to carefully
choose the atomic actions allowed for the Sokoban and their duration.
    The simplest choice (finest granularity) is that at each time step the Sokoban
is allowed to do a single move, or a single push of a box, in one of the four
direction up, down, left, and right; the duration of the move is 1. This is
the basic encoding of the Sokoban problem (see, e.g. http://ipc.informatik.
uni-freiburg.de/Domains); it is simple and elegant and the non deterministic
branching in the search is limited to 4. Any state can be represented by 3ℓ
                Table 1. Competition results (CPU time, seconds).

                            Instance             BPSolver Clasp
                 1-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp      0.58 0.06
                 13-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp     0.06 0.74
                 18-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp     0.00 9.80
                 20-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp    33.57 13.24
                 24-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp     2.66 3.52
                 27-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp     0.78 1.16
                 29-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp     0.78 2.92
                 33-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp     1.96 26.74
                 37-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp     0.38 8.52
                 4-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp Mem Out 0.62
                 43-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp Mem Out 35.67
                 45-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp Mem Out 9.30
                 47-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp Mem Out 18.66
                 5-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp      0.00 0.16
                 9-sokoban-optimization-0-0.asp      0.00 2.12

fluents of the form free(L), box in(L), sokoban in(L), where L is one of the ℓ
admitted cells. The actions affect these fluents. However, with this encoding, a
lot of steps are needed either to push a block without changing directions or to
reach the next block to be pushed. This increases the number of steps necessary
for the plan and, since the size of the search tree grows exponentially in this
number, it is rather difficult to solve non-trivial instances.
    As already said, the granularity chosen for the ASP competition is coarser.
As soon as there is a path from the Sokoban position to the desired side of a
block, the move action is left implicit (it takes zero time). Just a unique family
of push actions are admitted, parametric on the starting From and arrival To
points of the block (aligned in a given direction D). A push of any number of
steps in the same direction is viewed as an atomic action. If, on the one side,
this allows to dramatically decrease the number of (macro) actions needed for
executing the plan, on the other side, it generates new problems. The first is that
the branching is now increased. The second, more subtle, is that the modeling
language needs to be able to deal with a dynamic notion of reachability.
    Basically, for stating that the action push(From,D,To) be executable, we
need to require that: box in(From), that all the cells L between From and To
are free, and, morevoer, that the Sokoban can reach the cell adjacent to From
in the direction D, external to the segment [From,To]. Let us call S1 this cell, we
need to require that reachable(S1) (namely that the cell is currently reachable
from the Sokoban).
    We need therefore to introduce ℓ additional Boolean fluents reachable(L)
and to deal with them. This can be done using static causal laws (or rules) that
are not allowed in all Action Description Languages. We should write two rules
of the form (using the syntax of the language B):
sokoban_in(A) caused reachable(A).

reachable(B) and free(C) caused reachable(C) if adjacent(B,C).

   The semantics of an Action Description Language in presence of static causal
laws becomes complex [12, 8] and is related to the notion of Answer Set [11]. As
shown in detail in [7] B programs can be either
 – interpreted using constraint (logic) programming, or
 – automatically translated in Answer Set Programming and then solved using
   an ASP solver.
The former encoding is also studied in a slight different context, by other authors
(e.g., [2]); however, static laws are not considered. The encoding implemented
in [7] deals with static causal laws, but the proposed implementation does not en-
sure correctness for some classes of static causal laws. Other encodings are viable,
but they would introduce too many constraints. Intuitively, this happens when
rules introduce loops of implications between literals. In the case of Sokoban,
simultaneous un-justified changes of fluent values might satisfy the constraints,
the Sokoban can reach unreachable cells, and not-allowed push moves can be
executed. The same problem was pointed out in [16] where authors translated
a ground ASP Program into a SAT encoding. In presence of such kind of loops,
solutions of the SAT formula obtained are not admissible answer sets. The prob-
lem can be avoided introducing the so-called loop-formulas but their number
can grow exponentially. Unfortunately, the above definition of reachability as
static causal laws introduces these undesirable loops and therefore a CLP(FD)
approach for solving it in this way (e.g., using B-Prolog) is not feasible.
    As far as the latter approach is concerned, it works correctly on a modeling in
B based on the ideas above.5 It is well-known that the main problem of Answer
Set Programming is the size of the ground version of the program that is com-
puted in the first stage of the solution’s search. We experimentally observe that
this size is bigger (typically, twice) than the size of the ASP program written by
the Clasp group that won the competition. A direct encoding of this problem
in ASP, of course, produces clever code. Let us say some words about this pro-
gram. First of all, it focuses on 2ℓ Boolean fluents box and sokoban, repeated for
each time step (the fluent free is left implicit). The reachability relation (called
route) is encoded directly in ASP (in a similar way as done above in B) and it is
parametric on time steps. Push move is split into push from, push, and push to.
This allows us to reduce the grounding. The push from relation is defined to be
a function w.r.t. the time step (and defined only if the goal has not yet been
    1 { push_from(L,D,S): loc(L): direction(D) } 1 :-
                                             step(S), not goal(S).

   Namely, for each step S that in which the goal has not yet been reached, just
one move is allowed (one location and one direction are selected). Constraints
    The encoding is available in http://www.dimi.uniud.it/dovier/CLPASP/BBMVLAST.
are added to ensure action executability. If push from is enabled, then the length
of the move is non deterministically chosen and the consequent effects on fluents
are determined. Constraints are also added to eliminate useless push moves;
this reduces either the size of the corresponding ground program or the search
space. As already said, the size of the ground program and the time needed to
compute it are strictly less than those needed for the program automatically
obtained from B. However, the running time after grounding (both in Clasp) are
comparable on the instances of the ASP competition.
    In AI literature, Andreas Junghanns and Jonathan Schaeffer in [15] pointed
out that the Sokoban problem is interesting for several reasons: in general it is
difficult to find a tight lower bound for the number of moves, there is the prob-
lem of a deadlock (e.g. when a box is pushed to a corner), and, moreover, the
branching factor is very high (considering macro moves). The same authors then
published some improving solutions to the problem in the context of single agent
planning, summarized in a paper with Adi Botea and Martin Müller [3]. In par-
ticular, they exploited an abstraction based on tunnels and rooms of the Sokoban
warehouse that allowed to obtain good performances. In [14] the authors show
how to develop a domain-independent heuristics for cost-optimal planning. They
apply this idea to the Sokoban, and test a STRIPS encoding of the Sokoban on a
collection, called “microban”, developed by David W. Skinner and available from
http://users.bentonrea.com/~sasquatch/sokoban/. The STRIPS encoding
used is based on the finest granularity approach (simple move), but reachability
and other techniques are used as heuristics for sequences of atomic moves. They
choose a collection of moderate instances and they are able to solve the 70% of
them. Interestingly, they are able to find plans of length 290 (atomic actions) on
instance 140 in half of an hour of computation.
   Apart from academic contributions to this challenging puzzle we would like
to point out two working solvers available on the web:
 – Sokoban Puzzle Solver http://codecola.net/sps/sps.htm, developed (in
   2003–2005) by Faris Serdar Taşel is basically a generate and test solver for
   Sokoban. An executable file for Windows is downloadable, but extra details
   on the implementation are not available. In spite of its apparent simplicity,
   it solves in acceptable time most the instances available from that web page.
 – Sokoban Automatic Solver http://www.ic-net.or.jp/home/takaken/e/
   soko/index.html, developed (in 2003–2008) by Ken’ichiro Takahashi is an-
   other solver for Windows. It finds solutions that are not ensured to be opti-
   mal. It allows two options: (1) brute force (generate and test) and (2) using
   analysis. The second options allows faster executions but the author gives
   no idea on how this analysis is performed.

7   Concluding Remarks
This paper has presented the BPSolver program for solving the Sokoban problem.
This program has demonstrated for the first time that dynamic programming is
a viable approach to the problem and mode-directed tabling is effective. With-
out using sophisticated domain knowledge, this program is able to solve some
interesting instances that our other program in B, interpreted using CLP(FD)
have failed to solve. As shown in the competition results, this program is as
competitive as the Clasp program for the instances that are not so memory
     The BPSolver program basically explores all possible states including states
that can never occur in an optimal solution: a way for improving it is to con-
sider more deadlock states such as those involving multiple blocks [15] to be
filtered out. Moreover, some domain knowledge such as the topological infor-
mation should be exploited to reduce the graph. Lastly, heuristics should be
employed to select a box to move and a destination to move the box to. Ideally,
a path that leads to a goal state should be explored as early as possible.
     We believe that reasonable sized planning problems can benefit of the same
technique presented.

We really thank Andrea Formisano for his wise advice in the B encoding of the
Sokoban. Neng-Fa Zhou was supported in part by NSF (No.1018006). Agostino
Dovier is partially supported by INdAM-GNCS 2011 and PRIN 20089M932N.

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