Setting Goals and Choosing Metrics for Recommender System Evaluations Gunnar Schröder Maik Thiele, Wolfgang Lehner T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH Dresden University of Technology Riesaer Straße 5 Faculty of Computer Science, Database 01129 Dresden, Germany Technology Group 01062 Dresden, Germany {maik.thiele,wolfgang.lehner} ABSTRACT the available results are sometimes contradictory for di↵er- Recommender systems have become an important person- ent data sets or metrics. How efficient and successful a spe- alization technique on the web and are widely used espe- cific recommender system is also depends on the specific cially in e-commerce applications. However, operators of purpose of a recommender system and the characteristics of web shops and other platforms are challenged by the large the domain it is applied to. It is very unlikely that there is a variety of available algorithms and the multitude of their single best solution for any domain and context. If we want possible parameterizations. Since the quality of the recom- to increase the e↵ectiveness of recommendations we have to mendations that are given can have a significant business determine the best fit for a given scenario through thorough impact, the selection of a recommender system should be evaluation of available algorithms and parameterizations. made based on well-founded evaluation data. The literature This is particularly important for the usage of recommender on recommender system evaluation o↵ers a large variety of systems in e-commerce applications where the choice of al- evaluation metrics but provides little guidance on how to gorithms can have a significant business impact. In a web choose among them. This paper focuses on the often ne- shop a better recommender system can have a direct e↵ect glected aspect of clearly defining the goal of an evaluation on the company’s revenue since the recommendations can and how this goal relates to the selection of an appropriate significantly influence the users’ buying decisions [15]. metric. We discuss several well-known accuracy metrics and The research that is presented in this paper is derived from analyze how these reflect di↵erent evaluation goals. Further- an evaluation of various recommendation algorithms that we more we present some less well-known metrics as well as a conducted for a large German e-commerce portal. In order variation of the area under the curve measure that are par- to achieve meaningful evaluation results we developed an ticularly suitable for the evaluation of recommender systems evaluation methodology and went through a wide range of in e-commerce applications. literature on the evaluation of recommender systems and in- formation retrieval systems and developed a framework for the evaluation of recommender systems. Categories and Subject Descriptors In this paper we will focus on the specific evaluation de- H.4 [Information Systems Applications]: Miscellaneous; mands of recommender systems in e-commerce applications. D.2.8 [Software Engineering]: Metrics—complexity mea- We discuss the importance of defining a sufficiently detailed sures, performance measures goal and analyze which aspects of the recommender’s user interface and the used preference data influence a reasonable choice of metrics. We give an overview of applicable accu- General Terms racy metrics, explain how to choose among the large variety Theory and highlight some metrics that are particularly well-suited to the evaluation of recommender systems. In order to dis- cuss accuracy metrics in detail a discussion of non-accuracy Keywords measures has to be omitted due to space constraints. recommender systems, e-commerce, evaluation, metrics, mea- sure, area under the curve, auc, informedness, markedness, matthews correlation, precision, recall, roc 2. RELATED WORK Over time numerous quantitative metrics and qualitative techniques for o✏ine and online evaluations of recommender 1. INTRODUCTION systems have been published in research. We will start by There is a large variety of algorithms for recommender giving a short overview of some of the most important pub- systems that were published in research and have been im- lications that are relevant to this paper. plemented by the industry. Almost every author claims that Herlocker et al. provide a comprehensive overview of the ex- a particular algorithm or implementation is superior to an- isting methods for evaluating collaborative filtering systems other in a certain respect, which makes it difficult to choose [9]. Although they focus on collaborative filtering meth- among them. Currently a comprehensive and objective com- ods, many of the presented evaluation approaches, metrics parison of existing recommender systems is hard to find and and techniques are applicable to other types of recommender 78 systems as well. They conducted an insightful study on the 3. SETTING THE EVALUATION GOAL correlation of di↵erent metrics and concluded that the ana- The first step of an evaluation should be to define its goal lyzed metrics can be subdivided in three major classes. as precisely as possible. Although this seems rather obvious, Olmo and Gaudioso build on this survey and derive a frame- we would like to emphasize this step since it is often not ex- work for recommender systems that divides recommender ecuted with sufficient care in evaluations in general. We can systems into a filter and a guide component [4]. Their aim only choose one or several adequate metrics and interpret is to separate the calculation of recommendations from their their results, if we have set the purpose of our evaluation presentation. They propose to use metrics that focus on the beforehand. The results of popular evaluation metrics such fact whether the recommendations presented by the system as RMSE, precision or F1 -measure do not necessarily lead us are actually followed by the users of the recommender sys- to the best algorithm for our purpose, as we try to illustrate tem and suggest to pay more attention to the presentation later on. Only if the set of metrics accurately reflects the of recommendations as well as the respective objective of specific objectives that are connected to the recommender recommender systems. system in our evaluation and the concrete usage scenario, Cremonesi and Lentini present an evaluation methodology can we be sure that the obtained results are useful [11, 3]. for collaborative filtering recommender systems [2]. They Moreover, the specific interface choice for the recommender use mean squared error, root mean squared error (RMSE) system and the usage patterns that are to be expected should and mean absolute error (MAE) as well as the classifica- be taken into account. Such a precise evaluation goal could tion accuracy metrics precision, recall, f-measure and ROC be: Find the recommendation algorithm and parameteri- graphs to compare two collaborative filtering algorithms us- zation that leads to the highest overall turnover on a spe- ing the MovieLens1 data set and a further movie data set cific e-commerce web site, if four product recommendations obtained from an IPTV service provider. are displayed as a vertical list below the currently displayed Konstan et al. summarize findings about the usage of auto- product. mated recommender systems for information-seeking tasks [12]. They list many problems and challenges in evaluat- 3.1 Objectives for Recommender Usage ing recommender systems and emphasize the importance Having a clear conception of the objectives we want to of standardized evaluation methodologies, metrics and test achieve by designing, implementing or applying a recom- data sets for progress in research. mender system is a worthwhile e↵ort, even if we recognize Kohavi et al. provide a survey and practical guide for con- that it may be too difficult or expensive to measure them ducting controlled experiments on the web [11]. In a follow- accurately. In many cases we may discover that only the up paper Crook et al. describe common pitfalls they experi- results of a large scale field study would accurately reflect enced and emphasize the importance of choosing an overall our evaluation goal. Nevertheless a defined goal will help evaluation criterion that truly reflects business goals [3]. us in selecting the most appropriate metric or set of metrics Jannach et al. provide a chapter on evaluating recommender that allows us to obtain the most precise measurement of systems in their book [10]. They review the current state the recommender’s suitability for the usage scenario which of research and survey the approaches taken in published can be achieved with a reasonable e↵ort. papers on the evaluation of recommender systems. Common reasons for implementing a recommender system Shani and Gunawardana contributed a chapter on evaluat- are the desire to improve user satisfaction and to increase ing recommender systems to the handbook by Ricci et al. the economic success of a platform. Although both goals [14] and describe the most important aspects in conducting are interrelated they may be competing in some scenarios. o✏ine and online experiments as well as user studies. They As an example, in e-commerce a recommender may either outline basic approaches for all three types of evaluations, determine the top recommendations based on the best price- some important accuracy metrics and discuss various other performance ratio for the customer but it may also show the properties of recommenders that should be considered when products that are likely to lead to the highest revenue for evaluating recommenders. the business. For this purpose commercial recommenders A further valuable source for metrics and measures is the for web shops often consider a reward attribute for items literature on information retrieval. It is, by its very nature, that models how much the company profits from a sale of a concerned with the quality of search results and provides certain item. This information can be used e.g. in combina- insight into evaluation methodologies and metrics (e.g.[5]). tion with classification accuracy metrics (see Section 4.2). The evaluation of recommender systems has emerged as A recommender system in a live environment usually has an important topic as more and more algorithms and tech- to be optimized with regard to various other objectives that niques for recommenders systems are presented. Many dif- are related to the technical performance and the system’s life ferent evaluation metrics can be applied in evaluations, al- cycle such as responsiveness, scalability, peak load, reliabil- though some (e.g. RMSE, MAE and precision) are more ity, ramp-up e↵orts, maintainability, extensibility and cost frequently used than others. However, authors rarely justify of ownership [10]. These aspects have a strong influence on their particular choice and little guidance is o↵ered on how the decision among a set of algorithms and implementations to choose a metric for a specific purpose. Some notable ex- and put further constraints on a choice. Further aspects ceptions are the comparison of metrics given by Herlocker et that extend beyond the accuracy of a recommender are cov- al. [9] and the overview by Jannach et al. [10]. In this pa- erage, novelty, serendipity, confidence, persuasiveness, trust, per we try to provide the reader with a better understanding robustness, security and many more (cf. [9, 14]). Measuring of the existing accuracy metrics and how to apply them in these diverse qualities of a recommender system is a large order to evaluate recommenders for specific goals. field that is beyond the scope of the presented work. We will confine our analysis to accuracy metrics and attempt to 1 analyze how di↵erent measures reflect varying objectives. 79 3.2 Analyzing the Recommender System and product or clicking on a link to display an article usually has its Data a di↵erent primary goal than expressing a positive rating, so In order to further specify our evaluation goal we have to these actions are considered an implicit rating. take a closer look at the recommender’s task, its interface The user ratings are usually collected using either a nu- and the utilized data. merical, a binary or a unary rating scale. Although other What is the recommender’s task and how does the preference models such as textual reviews are conceivable system interact with the user? In our opinion the they are rarely used in today’s recommender systems. most common usage scenarios for recommender systems are A numerical rating is represented by a number from either prediction, ranking and classification tasks which manifest a discrete or a continuous rating scale, in most cases with themselves in di↵erent types of user interfaces. a limited range. Typical examples of a discrete rating scale In a prediction task the focus lies on predicting ratings for are ratings on a scale from zero to five stars or Likert re- unrated items (e.g. movies, music or news articles) of a user sponse scales that are commonly used in questionnaires. To and showing these predictions to him. For example, a movie be precise, these rating scales are actually ordinal scales, a rental company might show predicted ratings to users in or- fact which is ignored by predictive accuracy metrics (cf. 4.1) der to aid them in their decision making. that make intensive use of ratios. An example of a contin- In a ranking task the recommender tries to determine an or- uous rating scale could be a slider that is set by a user and der of items, often with the purpose of creating a top-k list translated to a real value. of items. This task is particularly common in e-commerce A binary rating scale allows users to assign items to two dif- applications, where a top-k or unlimited ordered list of rec- ferent classes (like/dislike). YouTube, for example, allows ommended products is shown in a sidebar or on a dedicated users to rate movies with either thumb up or thumb down. page. But also web portals for news, content and multi- A unary rating, by contrast, allows users to assign items only media make heavy use of top-k lists. A further interesting to a single class, which is in most cases positive (e.g. like). ranking task for a recommender is to order a limited set of A prominent example of an explicit unary rating is Face- search results according the user’s predicted preference. book’s “Like”-button. Implicit unary ratings can be pur- In a classification task the recommender determines a set chased products in a web shop or clicked links on a news with a limited (often fixed) number of recommended items page. with no particular order among them implied. E.g. articles The important di↵erence between binary and unary rat- or products that are predicted to be of interest to a user are ings is that unary ratings o↵er no distinction between dis- highlighted or annotated on a web page. A top-k list of rec- liked and unrated items. With unary ratings we cannot tell ommended items can be seen as a classification task as well, whether a user actually dislikes an item or simply does not especially if the number of items is very small and the order know the item or does not bother to rate it. In a large is less prominent e.g. recommended items are arranged in a web shop, such as Amazon, a customer will only be aware grid or scrollable in two directions in a circular fashion (cf. of a small portion of the product catalog. Furthermore, Amazon). other factors such as limited budget, limited time, external Recommender systems are further used to determine simi- constraints, and products the user already owns determine lar items or similar users. E.g. in web shops on a product whether a customer will actually buy a product he or she detail page usually a list of similar products is shown or a likes. Being aware of this di↵erence and the implied biases is news web site often lists articles similar to the one currently important when conducting an evaluation and interpreting shown. Recommending similar users is of particular interest the results of various metrics. for social web applications such as Facebook. These tasks which focus on the items and users themselves instead of the 4. OVERVIEW OF EVALUATION METRICS user’s ratings, can be seen as ranking or classification tasks Evaluation metrics for recommender systems can be di- depending on the chosen interface. vided into four major classes [9, 4]: 1) Predictive accuracy Realizing for which of these tasks the recommender system metrics, 2) Classification accuracy metrics, 3) Rank accu- is used and what the user interface looks like is important for racy metrics and 4) Non-accuracy metrics. Since we confine choosing the most appropriate metric. The number of dis- our analysis to accuracy metrics we will omit the discus- played recommendations and their visual arrangement (To sion of this class and suggest to consult the literature (e.g. which extent does it convey a ranking?) should also be con- [9, 14]). sidered before choosing a metric. In many usage scenarios more than one of these tasks has to be fulfilled by a rec- 4.1 Predictive Accuracy Metrics ommender system. Therefore it may be sensible to apply Predictive accuracy or rating prediction metrics embark on one accuracy metric for each of the usage scenarios to find the question of how close the ratings estimated by a recom- a reasonable compromise or to even consider using di↵erent mender are to the true user ratings. This type of measures recommendation algorithms for each task. is very popular for the evaluation of non-binary ratings. It What kind of user preference data is used by the is most appropriate for usage scenarios in which an accurate recommender? The preferences of a user can be gathered prediction of the ratings for all items is of high importance. either through explicit or implicit ratings. While an explicit The most important representatives of this class are mean rating is made as a deliberate statement by a user who has absolute error (MAE), mean squared error (MSE), root mean the intention to express his or her opinion, an implicit rat- squared error (RMSE) and normalized mean absolute error ing is deducted from actions of the user that had a di↵erent (NMAE) (cf. [9, 8]). MSE and RMSE use the squared de- primary goal. If, for example, a user rates a movie on a web viations and thus emphasize larger errors in comparison to site, this is a direct expression of his or her opinion and pref- the MAE metric. MAE and RMSE describe the error in erences, so we consider it an explicit rating. Purchasing a the same units as the computed values, while MSE yields 80 squared units. NMAE normalizes the MAE metric to the Relevant Irrelevant Total range of the respective rating scale in order to make results Recommended tp fp tp + f p comparable among recommenders with varying rating scales. Not Recommended fn tn f n + tn The RMSE metric has been used in the Netflix competition Total tp + f n f p + tn N in order to determine the improvement in comparison to the Cinematch algorithm as well as the prize winner. This was Table 1: A contingency table or confusion matrix a significant source of discussion over the course of the com- that accumulates the numbers of true/false posi- petition. tive/negative recommendations. These predictive accuracy error metrics are frequently used for the evaluation of recommender systems since they are easy to compute and understand. They are well-studied and lowing) IR metrics can be observed in Figure 1 which shows are also applied in many contexts other than recommender a potential ranking of four relevant items in a set of ten systems. However, they do not necessarily correspond di- items by a recommender. In examples (a) to (j) the length rectly to the most popular usage scenarios for recommender k of the top-k list varies, while the item order remains fixed. systems. There are few cases where users are in fact in- Recall or true positive rate (also called sensitivity in psychol- terested in the overall prediction accuracy. Recommender ogy) is calculated as the ratio of recommended items that systems are more commonly used to display a limited list are relevant to the total number of relevant items: of top ranked items or the set of all items that have been tp recall = tpr = rated above a certain threshold. Many recommendation al- tp + f n gorithms are able to provide more accurate statements about This is the probability that a relevant item is recommended. a limited set of items that the user either likes or dislikes. The two measures, precision and recall, are inversely related The estimations for many other items are rather inaccurate which we notice if we vary the size of the set of recommen- but often also significantly less important to users. dations (cf. Fig. 1). In most cases, increasing the size of the This applies in particular to e-commerce applications where recommendation set will increase recall but decrease preci- we are usually more concerned with suggesting some prod- sion. Because of this mutual dependence it makes sense to ucts to customers that they will like in comparison to es- consider precision and recall in conjunction with two other timating the most accurate ratings for the large amount of metrics that are called fallout and miss rate. items that customers would never purchase. Fallout or false positive rate is calculated as the ratio of rec- 4.2 Classification Accuracy Metrics ommended items that are irrelevant to the total number of Classification accuracy metrics try to assess the successful irrelevant items: decision making capacity (SDMC) of recommendation algo- fp fallout = fpr = rithms. They measure the amount of correct and incorrect f p + tn classifications as relevant or irrelevant items that are made This is the probability that an irrelevant item is recom- by the recommender system and are therefore useful for user mended. tasks such as finding good items. SDMC metrics ignore the Miss rate or false negative rate is calculated as the ratio of exact rating or ranking of items as only the correct or incor- items not recommended but actually relevant to the total rect classification is measured [9, 4]. This type of metric is number of relevant items: particularly suitable for applications in e-commerce that try to convince users of making certain decisions such as pur- fn missRate = fnr = chasing products or services. tp + f n A comprehensive overview of classic, basic information re- This is the probability that a relevant item is not recom- trieval metrics, such as recall and precision and further im- mended. proved metrics, is given in the survey by Powers [13]. The Just as precision and recall describe the recommender’s per- following short summary is based on his terminology and formance regarding the true positives, two similar metrics descriptions for these metrics. In section 5.1 we will discuss can be defined that measure how the algorithm behaves re- three less well-known metrics that were described in this garding true negatives. Since this corresponds to interchang- paper as well and that we deem very useful. To the best of ing the true and false values of the underlying data for the our knowledge they have not been used for the evaluation of precision and recall metric, they are called inverse precision recommender systems so far. and inverse recall. The common basic information retrieval (IR) metrics are Inverse precision or true negative accuracy is calculated as calculated from the number of items that are either relevant the ratio of items not recommended that are indeed irrele- or irrelevant and either contained in the recommendation vant to the total number of not recommended items: set of a user or not. These numbers can be clearly arranged in a contingency table that is sometimes also called the con- tn inversePrecision = tna = fusion matrix (see Table 1). f n + tn Precision or true positive accuracy (also confidence in data This is the probability that an item which is not recom- mining) is calculated as the ratio of recommended items that mended is indeed irrelevant. are relevant to the total number of recommended items: Inverse recall or true negative rate (also called specificity) is tp calculated as the ratio of items not recommended that are precision = tpa = tp + f p really irrelevant to the total number of irrelevant items: This is the probability that a recommended item corresponds tn to the user’s preferences. The behavior of this (and the fol- inverseRecall = tnr = =1 fpr f p + tn 81 Figure 1: Varying the length k of a top-k list for a possible recommender’s ranking of ten items. This is the probability that an irrelevant item is indeed not know whether they measure total or partial orderings. Most recommended. rank accuracy metrics such as Kendall’s tau and Spearman’s The F1 -measure and F -measure try to combine precision rho compare two total orderings. The problem with these and recall into a single score by calculating di↵erent types measures is that in most cases we are not provided with a of means of both metrics. The F1 -measure or F1 -score is full ranking of all items. Many recommendation algorithms calculated as the standard harmonic mean of precision and can generate only a partial list of items that are most likely recall: to be preferred by a user. All other items would have to be 2 2 · precision · recall concatenated to the list in an arbitrary order. Furthermore, F1 = 1 1 = the recommendation list can contain groups of items with a precision + recall precision + recall similar rating that can appear in varying orders. The same Moreover there is a large variety of metrics that are de- applies to the true preferences of a user. In order to create rived from these basic information retrieval metrics [9, 5]. a full ranking of the items all preference values for the user Mean average precision (MAP) is a popular metric for search have to be known. Since the user might express the same engines and is applied, for example, to report results at the rating for several items the list will again contain groups Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) [5]. It takes each rele- of items that can appear in an arbitrary order. The largest vant item and calculates the precision of the recommenda- problem is posed by items for which no user rating is known. tion set with the size that corresponds to the rank of the These items could in fact hold an arbitrary place within the relevant item. Then the arithmetic mean of all these preci- ranking. Sometimes it is assumed that ratings for items sions is formed. that are preferred are known, so that the unknown items PN are concatenated to the end of the list. In general, however, r=1 (P (r) ⇥ rel(r)) the unknown items could as well contain items that would AP = number of relevant documents appear within the top ranks if rated by the user [9]. Afterwards we calculate the arithmetic mean of the average The bottom line is that in most cases a rank metric for precisions of all users to get the final mean average precision: partial orderings would be more appropriate for comparing PM recommendation lists that are produced by recommenders u=1 APu to item rankings from known user preferences. One pos- MAP = M sibility is to use an arbitrary total ordering that complies Various other means including the geometric mean (GMAP), with the partial ordering, though the results will become harmonic mean (HMAP) and quadratic mean (QMAP) can less meaningful when the number and size of item groups be applied instead. All of these measures emphasize true with identical rating increases. An evaluation might state positives at the top of a ranking list. This behaviour can be that a certain ranking is inferior even though only items observed in Figure 2 (a) to (j) where the position of a single within groups of identical ratings switched their places. A relevant item within a ranking of ten items is varied. better solution is to compare all or a subset of the total or- Further derived measures that we will discuss later are ROC derings that comply with the partial orderings and average curves and the area under the curve (AUC) measure. the results. However, this can easily become combinatorially challenging when both rankings are in fact partial orderings. 4.3 Rank Accuracy Metrics Fagin et al. discuss several derived metrics for comparing A rank accuracy or ranking prediction metric measures partial orderings that could be applied for recommender sys- the ability of a recommender to estimate the correct order tems [6]. Bansal and Fernandez-Baca provide runtime effi- of items concerning the user’s preference, which is called the cient implementations of these metrics [1]. measurement of rank correlation in statistics. Therefore this We think that rank accuracy metrics are very well suited type of measure is most adequate if the user is presented with for e-commerce applications if they allow to compare par- a long ordered list of items recommended to him. A rank tial rankings in a meaningful way. In our implementation prediction metric uses only the relative ordering of prefer- we used a variation of the Kendall’s tau metric for partial ence values so that is independent of the exact values that rankings on boolean classifications. That is, we compare are estimated by a recommender. For example, a recom- the partial ranking provided by recommended and not rec- mender that constantly estimates items’ ratings to be lower ommended items with the partial ranking of relevant and than the true user preferences, would still achieve a perfect irrelevant items. This boolean Kendall’s tau is in fact highly score as long as the ranking is correct. correlated to the AUC metric (e.g. Fig. 2). For the usage of rank accuracy metrics, it is important to 82 5. IMPROVED METRICS FOR RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS 5.1 Informedness, Markedness and Matthews Correlation A major problem with the frequently used metrics preci- sion, recall and F1 -measure is that they su↵er from severe biases. The outcome of these measures not only depends on the accuracy of the recommender (or classifier) but also very much on the ratio of relevant items. In order to illustrate this we imagine an ideal recommender and its inverse and apply them to generate top-k lists of four items for varying ratios of relevant items (see Fig. 3). The examples show that the informatory value of all three measures varies. In Figure 5: An example for the ROC curve used by extreme cases with a highly skewed ratio its value can be our variant of the AUC measure. even misleading (cf. Fig. 3 e – h). in-depth discussion of ROC curves can be found in the pa- To solve this problem Powers [13] introduced three new met- per by Fawcett [7]. rics that try avoid these biases by integrating the inverse A perfect recommender would yield a ROC curve that goes precision and inverse recall respectively. straight up towards 1.0 recall and 0.0 fallout until all relevant Markedness combines precision and inverse precision into a items are retrieved. Afterwards it would go straight right to- single measure and expresses how marked the classifications wards 1.0 fallout while the remaining irrelevant items follow. of a recommender are in comparison to chance: The obvious aim is consequently to maximize the area under markedness = precision + inversePrecision 1 the ROC curve. The area under the curve (AUC) can there- tp tn fore be used as a single measure for the overall quality of a = + 1 recommender system. However, a frequently uttered point tp + f p f n + tn of criticism is that users are often more interested in the Informedness combines recall and inverse recall into a single items at the top of recommendation lists but that the AUC measure and expresses how informed the classifications of a measure is equally a↵ected by swaps at the top or the bottom recommender are in comparison to chance: of a recommendation list (cf. Figures 2 and 4 e – h). This informedness = recall + inverseRecall 1 may be a disadvantage if we are mainly interested in find- ing the top ranked items and thus care mostly for the first tp tn = + 1 part of the ROC graph. Therefore, in addition to the stan- tp + f n f p + tn dard AUC measure, we implemented a slight variation of the Both markedness and informedness return values in the range AUC measure. This limited area under the curve (LAUC) [ 1, 1]. measure uses the same approach but instead of measuring The Matthews Correlation combines the informedness and the complete area, it takes only the area under the first part markedness measures into a single metric by calculating of the curve into account. This is the part of the curve which their geometric mean: is formed by the first k recommendations. However, measuring this partial area is not easy due to sev- (tp · tn) (f p · f n) correlation = p eral problems: (tp + f n) · (f p + tn) · (tp + f p) · (f n + tn) p • The measure has to be normalized in a certain way to = ± informedness · markedness be comparable. The range of the Matthews Correlation is [ 1, 1], so the sign • The normalized measure should return one if all rele- in the second representation of the formula actually depends vant items are retrieved first by the recommendation on the respective signs for markedness and informedness. algorithm and fit within the recommendation list. We propose to replace the measures precision and recall by markedness and informedness for most evaluation purposes • If the recommendation list contains only relevant items, in order to avoid being misled by underlying biases. As then the area under the curve is in fact zero. Never- we can see in Figures 1 and 3, markedness, informedness theless the normalized measure should still return one. and Matthews Correlation are significantly more helpful in • Relevant items that are retrieved at the end of the list choosing an adequate size for a top-k recommendation list. with no irrelevant items following do not add to the Furthermore derived metrics such as mean average precision area under the limited curve. (MAP) could as well be replaced by their respective equiv- alents (e.g. mean average markedness). A good solution for these problems is to generate just a lim- ited recommendation list that only contains a fixed number 5.2 Limited Area Under the Curve of items and to assume that all other relevant items will be ROC curves provide a graphical representation for the distributed uniformly over the rest of the ranking list until performance of a recommender system, an information re- all items are retrieved. This means that we calculate the trieval system or any other type of binary classifier. A ROC AUC measure for the first part of the ROC curve in the curve plots recall (true positive rate) against fallout (false standard way until the first k recommendations have been positive rate) for increasing recommendation set size. An retrieved. Then we take the end point of the ROC curve 83 Figure 2: Varying the position of a single relevant item on a four out of ten recommendation list. Figure 3: Varying the ratio of relevant items in a four out of ten recommendation list and applying two recommenders with perfect and inverse accuracy. formed by the first k recommendations and draw a straight following questions: line to the upper right corner (see Fig. 5). The area under Is there a distinction between rated and unrated the curve that is situated to the right of the curve formed items? If all items are implicitly rated predictive accuracy by the top-k list thus is a simple trapezoid. metrics are not applicable, because there are no unrated The resulting LAUC measure is very useful for the evalua- items for which we can predict a rating and measure the tion of recommender systems that are applied to generate accuracy. top-k lists of items (cf. Figures 2 and 4): Are items rated on a numerical or a binary scale? A binary rating scale usually suggests a classification or rank- • The measure returns one if all relevant items are re- ing task. trieved within the top-k list. Are users interested in rating predictions or only in • The measure becomes minimal if no relevant items are top-ranked items? If users only care about top-ranked (or retrieved within the top-k list. If all irrelevant items lowest-ranked) items and not about individual rating scores are retrieved first and fit within the top-k list the mea- for items this suggests a classification or ranking task. Al- sure returns zero. though an algorithm may use predicted ratings internally, it has to succeed in estimating the top-ranked (or lowest- • A top-k list that contains more relevant items will yield ranked) items and a higher error on rating predictions for a higher score than a list with less relevant items, ex- items is acceptable as long as top-ranked (or lowest-ranked) cept if the length of the list is close to the total number items are identified correctly. Therefore an evaluation should of items. In this case the order of relevant and irrele- focus on classification or ranking metrics. vant items within the recommendation list would have Is a limited list of top-ranked items shown? If yes, a higher influence on the overall score. a metric that measures the overall predictive accuracy or • If a relevant item moves towards the top of the list the overall ranking accuracy is not appropriate. The exact rat- measure increases. ing predictions and ranking of other items are irrelevant to users and should not be considered by the metric. • A swap at the top or bottom of the top-k list has the Do the recommended items have or imply an order? same e↵ect on the measure’s value. Users will usually consider recommendations in a certain or- der, in particular if many recommendations are shown. If • All changes beyond the end of the top-k list are ignored this is the case, basic information retrieval metrics such as by the measure. precision, recall, markedness and informedness are not suf- A similar variation of the boolean Kendall’s tau, which con- ficient since they ignore the order among the recommended siders only the top-k recommendations, is another useful and items. A metric that considers the order of recommended highly correlated metric (e.g. Fig. 2). items as well is more appropriate for this purpose. How fast does the user’s interest in lower ranked 6. SOME GUIDELINES FOR CHOOSING A items decay? The metric should reflect the user’s decay in interest. MAP and GMAP, for example, emphasize the first METRIC recommendations in contrast to the AUC or Kendall’s tau In order to choose an appropriate evaluation metric for a measure that weighs swaps in lower and higher ranks in the given recommendation scenario, it is helpful to answer the 84 Figure 4: Varying the position of three relevant items on a four out of ten recommendation list. same way (cf. Fig. 2). If users hardly look at the ranking experiments on the web. In Proceedings of the 15th of lower ranked items, a classification or ranking error for ACM SIGKDD, pages 1105–1114, 2009. lower ranked items becomes irrelevant. [4] F. H. del Olmo and E. Gaudioso. Evaluation of recommender systems: A new approach. Expert 7. CONCLUSION Systems with Applications, 35(3):790–804, October 2008. In this paper we analyzed the relation between objectives [5] Eighteenth Text REtrieval Conference. 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