=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Users' Decision Behavior in Recommender Interfaces: Impact of Layout Design |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-811/paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-811 }} ==Users' Decision Behavior in Recommender Interfaces: Impact of Layout Design== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-811/paper4.pdf
     Users’ Decision Behavior in Recommender Interfaces:
                   Impact of Layout Design
                                                  Li Chen and Ho Keung Tsoi
                                                  Department of Computer Science
                                                   Hong Kong Baptist University
                                                        Hong Kong, China
                                             {lichen, hktsoi}@comp.hkbu.edu.hk

ABSTRACT                                                                    Unfortunately, little is known about the impact of recommender
Recommender systems have been increasingly adopted in the                   interface’s layout on users’ decision-making behavior. There is
current Web environment, to facilitate users in efficiently locating        also lack of studies that examined whether users would perceive
items in which they are interested. However, most studies so far            differently, especially regarding their decision confidence and
have emphasized the algorithm’s performance, rather than from               perceived system’s competence, due to the change of layout. Thus,
the user’s perspective to investigate her/his decision-making               in this paper, we are particularly interested in exploring users’
behavior in the recommender interfaces. In this paper, we have              behavior in the recommender interface when it is presented with
performed a user study, with the aim to evaluate the role of layout         three layout designs: list, grid and pie. As a matter of fact, most of
designs in influencing users’ decision process. The compared                current recommender systems follow the list structure, where
layouts include three typical ones: list, grid and pie. The                 recommended items are listed one after another. The grid layout,
experiment revealed significant differences among them, with                a two-dimensional display with multiple rows and columns, has
regard to users’ clicking behavior and subjective perceptions. In           also been applied in some recommender sites to display the items.
particular, pie has been demonstrated to significantly increase             As the third alternative design, pie layout, though it has been
users’ decision confidence, enjoyability, perceived recommender             rarely used in recommender systems, has been proven as an
competence, and usage intention.                                            effective menu design for accelerating users’ selection process
                                                                            [2]. The comparison among them via user evaluation could hence
Categories and Subject Descriptors                                          tell us which layout would be most desirable to optimize the
H5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI):                  recommender’s benefits. That is, with the ideal layout design,
Miscellaneous.                                                              users can be more active in clicking recommendations, be more
                                                                            confident in their choices, and be more likely to adopt the
General Terms                                                               recommender system for repeated uses.
Design, Experimentation, Human Factors.                                     Concretely, we evaluated three layout designs from both objective
                                                                            and subjective aspects to measure users’ decision performance.
Keywords                                                                    The objective measures include users’ clicking behavior (e.g., the
Users’ decision behavior, recommender system, interface layout,             first clicked item’s position, the amount of clicked items, etc.),
user study.                                                                 and time consumption. Subjective measures include users’
                                                                            decision     confidence,    perceived     interface    competence,
1. INTRODUCTION                                                             enjoyability, and usage intention. These measurements are mainly
Although recommender systems have been popularly developed                  based on the user evaluation framework that we have established
in recent years as personalized decision support in social media            from prior series of user studies on recommenders [4,8,9]. We
and e-commerce environments, more emphasis has been placed                  thus believe that they can be appropriately utilized as the standard
on improving algorithm accuracy [10], and less on studying users’           to assess user behavior. Relative to our earlier work [5], this paper
actual decision behavior in the recommender interfaces. On the              was for the first time to investigate the effect of basic layouts of
other hand, according to user studies conducted in other areas,             recommender interfaces on users’ decision process, which is also
users will likely adapt their behavior when being presented with            new in the general domain of recommender systems, to the best of
different information presentations. For instance, in a recent study        our knowledge.
done by Kammerer and Gerjets, the presentation of Web search
engine results by means of a grid interface seems to prompt users           2. THREE LAYOUT DESIGNS
to view all results at an equivalent level and to support their             2.1 List Layout
selection of more trustworthy information sources [7]. Braganza
et al. also investigated the difference between one-column and              As mentioned above, most existing recommender systems employ
multi-column layouts for presenting large textual documents in              the standard one-dimensional ranked-order list style, where all
web-browsers [1]. They indicated that users spent less time                 items are displayed one after the other. For instance, MovieLens
scrolling and performed fewer scrolling actions with the multi-             is a typical collaborative filtering (CF) based movie recommender
column layout.                                                              system (www.movielens.org). In this system, items are ranked by
                                                                            their CF scores in the descending order and presented in the list
                                                                            format. The score represents the item’s matching degree with the
                                                                            current user’s interest.
 RecSys’11 Workshop on Human Decision Making in Recommender
 Systems, October 23-27, 2011, Chicago, IL, USA                             Figure 1.a shows the sample layout (where every position is for
                                                                            placing one item). The number of shown items varies among

existing systems. Some systems (e.g., Criticker.com) limit the                   3. PROTOTYPE IMPLEMENTATION
number to 10 or less, while some systems (like MovieLens) give a
list of items as many as possible and divide them into pages (e.g.,              We implemented a movie recommender system with the three
one page displays a fixed number of items). Each item is usually                 layout versions. The recommending mechanism is primarily based
described with its basic info (e.g., thumbnail image, name, rating).             on the hybrid of tag suggestions and tag-aware item
When users click an item, more of its details will be displayed in               recommendation [11]. Specifically, based on the user’s initial tag
a separate page.                                                                 profile, the system will first recommend a set of tags from other
                                                                                 users as suggestions to enrich the new user’s profile. In the mean
2.2 Grid Layout                                                                  time, a set of movie items with higher matching degree with the
The grid layout design has also been applied in some existing                    user’s current tag profile is returned as item recommendations. If
websites (e.g., hunch.com). In this interface, recommendations are               the user modifies her/his profile, the set of recommendations will
presented in multiple rows and columns, so several items are laid                be updated accordingly. More concretely, the control flow of the
out next to each other in one line. The regular presentation is to               system works in the following four steps:
align the items horizontally (line by line). For example, as shown               Step 1. To begin, the new user is asked to specify a reference
in Figure 1.b, the positions 1, 2, 3, …, 12 are respectively                     product (e.g., a favorite movie) as the starting point. The product
allocated with items that are ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, …, 12st according            and its associated tags (as annotated by other users) are then
to their relevance scores.                                                       stored in the user’s profile. Alternatively, s/he can directly input
Because users likely shift eyes to nearby objects [6], we were                   one or more tag(s) for building her/his initial profile.
interested in verifying whether the grid format would stimulate                  Step 2. Profile-based Item Recommendation. Based on the profile,
users to discover more items than in list.                                       the system generates a set of item recommendations (i.e., movies
                                                                                 in our prototype) to the user via the weighted combination of
                                                                                 FolkRank and content-based filtering approaches. Specifically,
    Position 1
                        1      2      3                     1
                                                      12                         FolkRank transforms the tripartite graph found in the folksonomic
    Position 2
                                                                2                systems into the two-dimension hyper-graph. In parallel, the
                                                 11                 3            content-based filtering approach rank items based on the
                        4      5      6
    Position 3
                                                                        4        correlation between the content of the items (i.e., title, keywords,
    Position 4                                                                   and user-annotated tags) and the user’s current profile. A tuning
                        7      8      9           9                 5
                                                                                 parameter is dynamically set to adjust the two approaches’
    Position 5                                         8        6                relative weights in producing the top k recommendations.
    Position 6         10    11    12                       7                    Step 3. Tag recommendation. In the recommender interface, the
                                                                                 system not only returns item recommendations, but also a set of
    Position 7
   ……                                                                            tags to help users further enrich their profile if they need. To
                                                                                 generate the tag recommendation, we first deployed the Latent
    a. List                 b. Grid                        c. Pie
                                                                                 Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), which is a dimensionality reduction
Figure 1. The three layout designs for recommender interface                     technique, to extract common topics among all user tags in the
  (the number refers to the position of a recommendation).                       database. Each topic represents a cluster, and all the extracted
                                                                                 clusters were then applied to match with the current user’s tag
2.3 Pie Layout                                                                   profile. New tags from the best matching clutsers are then
Another two-dimensional layout design is to place the items in the               retrieved as recommended tags to the user. These tags’ associated
compass format, i.e., pie layout. This idea originates from the                  items are also integrated into the process of generating item
comparison of linear menu (i.e., the alphabetic ranked-order of                  recommendations in the next cycle if any of them were selected
menu choices) and pie menu [2]. In the pie menu, items are placed                by the user. Moreover, the tag recommendations were grouped
along the circumference of a circle at equal radial distances from               into three categories in the interface: factual tags (i.e., the tag
the center. The distance to and size of the target can be seen as an             describes a fact of the item, “rock”), subjective tags (the people’s
effect on positioning time according to Fitts’ law [3]. Researchers              opinion, “cool”) and personal tags (used to organize the user’s
previously found that due to the decreased distance (i.e., the                   own collection, e.g., “my favorites”). The grouping is
minimum distance needed to highlight the item as selected) and                   automatically performed. For example, if the tag is a common
increased target size, users selected items slightly faster. The drift           keyword in the item’s basic descriptions, it is treated as factual
distance after target selection and error rates were also minimized.             tags. General Inquirer1 , a content analysis program, is employed
                                                                                 to determine whether a tag is subjective. The rest of the tags that
We thus believe that the pie layout could offer a novel alternative              do not belong to the first two categories are then considered to be
and potentially more effective design to be studied. The reason is               personal tags.
that it would support users to have a quicker overview of all
displayed items, as the interface consumes greater width but less                Step 4. If the user has done any modifications on her tag profile, it
height. In addition, it would allow users to click items faster,                 will be used to produce a finer-grained item recommendation in
because the mean distance between items is reduced.                              the next interaction cycle (returning to step 2).
When we concretely implemented this interface, we adhere to the                  The process from Step 2 to Step 4 continues till the user selects
regular clockwise direction to display the items along the circle,               item(s) as her/his final choice(s), or quit from the system without
with the most relevant item placed at the first position (see Figure

selecting any recommendations. More details about the algorithm                4. EXPERIMENT SETUP
steps can be referred to [11].
To build the prototype, we crawled 998 movies and their info                   4.1 Measures
(including posters, names, overall ratings, number of reviewers,               Identifying the appropriate criteria for assessing a recommender
directors, actors/actresses, plots, etc.) from IMDB (Internet Movie            system from the user’s perspective has always been a challenging
Database) site. These movies’ associated tags were extracted from              issue. Accumulated from our previous experiences on this track
MovieLens for building the tag base.                                           [4,8,9], a set of measures have been established. The framework
Concretely, the system returns 24 movie recommendations at a                   not only includes objective interaction effort that users have spent
time. The 24 movies are sorted in the descending order by their                with the system (e.g., time consumption), but also users’
relevance scores, and then divided into two pages (i.e., each page             perceived confidence in choices that they made in the
with 12 movies). The switching to the second page is through the               recommender and their intention to repeatedly use the system.
“More Movies” button. Such design could enable us to evaluate                  More specifically, in this experiment, in order to in depth identify
user behavior not only in a single page, but also their switching              the three layouts’ respective effects on user behavior, we assessed
behavior across pages (i.e., whether they click the button to view             the following aspects (see Figure 2).
more items).
The recommended movies are presented differently in the three                  4.1.1 Objective Measures
layout versions (see Figure 3). In the list layout, the 12 movies in
                                                                               The objective measures mainly include quantitative results from
one page are displayed in the list style, where the ranked 1st is
                                                                               analyzing users’ actual behavior in using the interface. Concretely,
positioned at the top, followed by the ranked 2nd one (the ranked
                                                                               they cover two major aspects.
1st one means that the movie has the highest score among the 12
movies). In the grid layout, three movies are displayed along one              Clicking behavior. It has been broadly recognized that users’
row and four in one column. More specifically, the first row                   clicking decisions on the recommender interface (i.e., clicking an
shows the ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd movies from left to right, the               item to view its detailed info) reflects their interest in the item.
second row is with the ranked 4th, 5th, 6th movies, and so on. In the          Therefore we recorded users’ clicking behavior and clicked items’
pie layout, the 12 movies (each with the same target size as in                positions. The goal was to evaluate whether the clicking would be
grid) are presented in a clockwise direction, with the ranked 1st              influenced by the layout, and which interface could support users
movie at the 12 clock’s position, 2nd at the 1 clock’s position, and           to easily find interesting items. Specifically, the clicking behavior
so forth.                                                                      was analyzed via three variables: 1) the users’ first clicked item’s
                                                                               position, from which we could know whether users’ first click
In all of the three interfaces, each movie has a poster image, name,
                                                                               falls on the most relevant item (as predicted by the system) or not.
rating, number of reviews and a brief plot. More of the movie’s
                                                                               2) All clicks on distinct items that a user has made throughout
details can be accessed by clicking it. A separate detail page will
                                                                               her/his session of using the interface. This variable can expose the
then show the movie’s director(s), actor/actress info, detailed plot,
                                                                               distribution of clicks over different areas on the interface. The
and give links to IMDB and trailer, etc. If users like this movie,
                                                                               comparison among all users could further reveal their similar
they could click the button “My Choice” at the detail page.
                                                                               clicking pattern. In addition, the total amount of clicked items
There is also a profile area in the three interfaces, which allows             could tell us how many items interested the user when s/he was
users to modify their tag profile by selecting the system-suggested            confronted with the whole set of recommendations in the
ones or inputting their own. In list and grid, it is placed on the left        respective layouts. 3) Frequency of clicking “more movies”. Such
panel, and in pie, it is in the central part.                                  action indicates that users switched to the next page to view more
                                                                               recommended items. If the frequency is higher, one possible
                       Recommender Interfaces                                  explanation is that users felt enjoyable while using the interface
                                                                               and were motivated to take the effort in viewing more items, or it
                                                                               is because users cannot find the interesting items at the first page.
                                                                               Thus, this number should be analyzed in combination with other
           Objective                 Subjective perceptions                    variables, especially users’ subjective opinions on the interface,
           behavior                                                            so that we could more fairly attribute it to the pros or cons of the
                                      Confidence in choices                    interface.
            Clicking                                                           Objective effort consumption. Besides above mentioned analyses
         behavior (e.g.,               Perceived interface                     on users’ clicking behavior, we also recorded the time a user
           first click,                   competence                           spent in completing the task on the specific interface. This value
           amount of                                                           can be used to represent the amount of objective effort that users
       clicked items and                                                       exerted while using the interface. In fact, it has been frequently
                                                                               adopted in related literatures to be an indicator of the system’s
                                                                               performance [10]. However, less time does not mean that users
        Objective effort
                                      Behavioral intentions                    would perceive less effort taken or have better decision quality [8].
       (e.g., time spent)
                                                                               That is why we included various subjective constructs (see the
                                                                               next subsection) to better understand the interface’s true merits.

Figure 2. Objective and subjective measures in the user study.

                List layout                               Grid layout                                     Pie layout
                                      Figure 3. A movie recommender interface with three layout versions.

4.1.2 Subjective Measures                                                           order was randomized in order to avoid any carryover effects (so
                                                                                    there are six possible sequences of displaying the three layouts).
Users’ decision confidence and perception of the interface were                     To evaluate each layout, a concrete task was assigned to the user.
mainly obtained through the post-task survey. Actually, the                         Concretely, each layout interface was randomly associated with
subjective measures can be quite useful to expose the competence                    one scenario for the user to play the role and perform the
of the interface in assisting users’ decision-making and its ability                situational task. For example, one scenario is “This is October, the
in increasing users’ intention to use the system again. The                         festival Halloween is coming. John is a college student, and he
variables that we have used in this experiment cover four                           would like to organize an event to watch movie with his friends at
constructs: decision confidence, perceived interface competence,                    his home. After discussing with his friends, they would like to
enjoyability, and behavioral intentions. The perceived interface                    watch a horror movie in this festival. John is responsible for
competence was qualitatively measured through multiple                              choosing some movies as candidates. Please imagine yourself as
dimensions: users’ perception of item/tag recommendation quality,                   John and use the interface to find three candidates that you would
perceived ease of use of the interface in searching for info, and                   like to recommend to your friends.” The other two scenarios were
perceived ease of use in modifying their profile. The behavioral                    respectively for Valentine’s Day, and the military subject. In each
intention was assessed from users’ intention to use the interface                   scenario, the user was encouraged to freely use the interface to find
again.                                                                              three most suitable movies according to her/his own preferences.
Table 1 lists all of the questions we used to measure these                         The experiment was setup as an online procedure. It contains the
subjective variables. In the form of questionnaire, each question                   instructions, recommender interfaces and questionnaires, so that
was required to respond on a 5-point Likert scale from “strongly                    users could easily follow and we could also automatically record
disagree” (1) to “strongly agree” (5).                                              all of their actions in a log file. The same administrator supervised
                                                                                    the experiment for all participants.
 Table 1. Questions to measure users’ subjective perceptions
                                                                                    A total of 24 volunteers (12 females) were recruited. 3 are with age
 Measured             Question responded on a 5-point Likert scale from
                                                                                    less than 20, 1 with age above 30, and the others are between 20 and
 variables            “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”
                                                                                    30. Most of them are students in the university, pursuing Bachelor,
 Decision             Q1: I am confident that I found the best choices
                                                                                    Master or PhD degrees, but their studying majors are diverse. All
 confidence           through the interface.
                                                                                    participants had visited movie recommender sites (e.g., Yahoo
                      Q2: The interface helps me find some good movies;             movie) before the experiment, and 58.3% have even visited the
                      Q3: This interface provides some good “tag”                   indicated sites at least a few times every three months. The
 Perceived            suggestions to help me specify criteria;
 recommender                                                                        participants also specified the mean reasons that will motivate them
                      Q4: I found it easy to use the interface to search for        to repeatedly use such a site. Among the various reasons, the ease of
                      movies;                                                       use of the site’s user interface was indicated as the most important
                      Q5: I found it easy to modify my profiles in the              factor (with the importance rate 3.83 in the range of 1 to 5). The
                                                                                    second important factor is the site’s ability in helping them find
 Enjoyability         Q6: I felt enjoyable while using this interface.              movies that they like (3.79), followed by the site’s reputation (3.5).
 Behavioral           Q7: I am inclined to use this interface again.
 Intention                                                                          4.3 Results
4.2 Experiment Procedure and Participants                                           4.3.1 Objective Behavior
                                                                                    For each layout version, we first counted the number of users’
The primary factor manipulated in the experiment is layout as we                    first clicks that fall on a particular position and then classified
prepared with three versions in the prototype system: list, grid, pie.              them into areas. Specifically, in one interface, each area contains
To compare the three layouts, we applied the within-subjects                        three adjacent positions (e.g., 1-3 positions compose the first area,
experiment design. That is, every participant was required to                       4-6 form the second area, and so on). Areas 5 to 8 refers to the
evaluate all of them one by one, but the interfaces’ appearance                     positions at the second recommendation page of the interface.

Figure 4 shows the actual distribution. In total, 8, 10, and 8 users           pie. Though it took longer in list and pie, the differences are not
have clicked item in the first area respectively in list, grid and pie         significant (p > 0.1 by ANOVA and three pairs of t-test).
interfaces. Then in the list and pie, there exists a linear drop from
areas 1, to 2, then to 3. In area 4, the list’s curve returns to the           4.3.2 Subjective Perceptions
same level of area 2, but in pie it goes much higher even beyond               Besides measuring users’ objective behavior, we were driven to
the level of area 1. In grid, a sharp drop appears from areas 1 to 2.          further understand their subjective perceptions such as decision
Then the curve rebounds and reaches to a level equivalent in areas             confidence, perceived ease of use of the recommender interface,
3 & 4. Another interesting finding is that there are 3, 2, and 1 of            and intention to use it again in the future, as described in Section
users’ first clicks were at the second page respectively in list, grid         4.1.2.
and pie (i.e., in areas 5 to 8). To rank these areas by the amounts            Significant differences were found in respect of these subjective
of first clicks, we can see that the hotter areas in list are 1, 2 & 4.        measures (see Table 2). First of all, most of users were confident
In grid, they are 1, 3 & 4, and in pie, they are 1 and 4.                      that they found the best choices through pie. The mean score is
To further investigate the hot areas throughout a user’s whole                 3.54 which is marginally significantly higher than the average in
interaction session, we counted her/his total clicks made on each              list (vs. 3.125, p = .076, t = -1.85). The grid’s score is in between
interface. The average numbers of items clicked by a single user               (3.33). Secondly, due to the change of layout, users perceived pie
are 3.96, 3.875, and 4.84 in list, grid and pie respectively. The              more competent in helping them find good movies (3.58 vs. 3.29
difference between grid and pie is even marginally significant (p              in grid, p = .09, t = -1.77; list: 3.33), easier to use (3.5 in pie
= 0.076, t = -1.86, by paired samples t-test). The exact distribution          against 3 in list, t = -2.77, p = .01; the difference between grid and
of the average user’s clicks among the eight areas is shown in                 list is also marginally significant: 3.375 vs. 3, p = .095), and
Figure 5, from which we can see that above 50% of a user’s clicks              easier to modify their profile (3.375 in pie vs. 3.04 in list, t = -
on list were in areas 1 (28.42%) and 4 (27.37%), followed by                   1.88, p = .07). Moreover, users rated higher on pie’s ability in
areas 3 and 2. In grid and pie, the two hotter areas are also 1 and            providing good tag suggestions (3.46 in pie vs. 3 in list, t = .2.41,
4, but the comparison regarding areas 2 and 3 shows that the                   p = .02; vs. 2.9 in grid, t = -2.25, p = .03). They also felt more
clicks on them are more evenly distributed in pie (respectively                enjoyable while using pie than list (3.42 against 2.875 in list, t = -
17.24% and 18.10%), which in fact also has higher total amount                 2.72, p = .01; grid: 3.12). The median and mode values are also
of clicks than in grid.                                                        reported in Table 2.
Moreover, the clicking distribution across pages 1 and 2 is                    Table 2. Users’ subjective perceptions with the three layouts (L:
significantly different among the three interfaces. More clicks                                     List; G: Grid; P: Pie)
appeared in grid’s second page (24.73% accumulated from areas 5                                  Mean (st.d)                    Median                 Mode
to 8), and pie’s (19.83%), against 7.37% in list. This finding                          L        G             P           L      G        P      L       G   P
suggests that grid and pie might more likely stimulate users to                 Q1      3.125    3.33          3.54*L      3      3.5      4      3       4   4
                                                                                        (.85)    (.92)         (.78)
click the “More Movies” button for viewing more recommended                     Q2      3.33     3.29          3.58*G      3      3.5      4      4       4   4
items. In this regard, we further found that 50% of users have                          (.82)    (1.04)        (.72)
actually gone to the second page while using grid, followed by                  Q3      3        3.375*  L
                                                                                                               3.5* L
                                                                                                                           3      3        4      3       3   4
41.7% users who did so in pie, and 25% in list (p = .056 between                        (.88)    (.92)         (.88)
                                                                                Q4      3        2.92          3.46*       3      3        3.5    4       3   4
grid and list, t = -2.01).                                                              (.98)    (1.02)        (.88)
                                                                                Q5      3.04     3.17          3.375*L     3      3        4      3       3   4
                                                                                        (.91)    (.92)         (.92)
                                                                                Q6      2.875    3.17          3.42*L      3      3        3.5    3       4   4
                                                                                        (.74)    (.96)         (.93)
                                                                                Q7      2.92     3.17          3.29*       3      3        3.5    3       3   4
                                                                                        (.83)    (.92)         (.95)
                                                                                Note: Asterisks denote highly or marginally significant differences to the
                                                                                respective abbreviated interfaces (by paired samples t-test).

                                                                               4.3.3 User Comments
                                                                               At the end of the study, we also asked each user to give some free
         Figure 4. The distribution of users’ first clicks.                    comments on the interfaces. 9 users explicitly praised pie. As quoted
                                                                               from their words, “it is easy for me to see all without scrolling the
                                                                               page”, “easy, clear, more information”, “easy to use”, “no need to
                                                                               loop around as the movies are all in the middle”, etc. Similar
                                                                               preference was also given to grid: “I can get a glimpse of all movies
                                                                               within a page”, “the layout of displaying movie is good for
                                                                               browsing”, “it lists more movies”, “the item displayed clearly, and
                                                                               no need to scroll up or scroll down for watching the information”.
                                                                               Thus, the obvious advantage of pie and grid, as user perceived, is
                                                                               that they allow them to easily see many choices without scrolling
                                                                               and facilitate them to browse and seek info. On the other hand, the
 Figure 5. The distribution of an average user’s whole clicks                  comments to list were mainly negative (as stated by 14 users): “find
      during her interaction session with an interface.                        the movie difficultly”, “need to scroll down”, “not easy to use”, “I
As for the total time spent on each interface, on average, it is               can’t see all suggested movies at once”, “too long inefficient take
156.375 seconds in list, 109.875 seconds in grid, and 152.667 in               effort to scroll”, etc. Therefore, the frequent reason behind users’

disliking is that the list is not easy for them to see all suggested             [8] Pu, P and Chen, L. Trust-Inspiring Interfaces for
movies and demands more effort.                                                      Recommender Systems. Journal of Knowledge-Based
                                                                                     Systems (KBS), vol. 20 (6), 542-556, 2007.
5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK                                                   [9] Pu, P and Chen, L. A user-centric evaluation framework of
In conclusion, this paper reports our in-depth studying of users’
                                                                                      recommender systems. In Proc. RecSys’10 Workshop on
decision behavior and attitudes in different recommender
                                                                                      User-Centric Evaluation of Recommender Systems and Their
interface layouts. Specifically, we compared three typical layout
                                                                                      Interfaces (UCERSTI’10), 14-21, 2010.
designs: list, grid and pie. The results revealed that in list and
grid, users’ first clicks largely fall in the top three positions, but in        [10] Ricci, F., Rokach, L., Shapira, B., and Kantor, P.B. (Eds.)
pie they also came to other areas. The distribution of an average                     Recommender System Handbook. Springer, 2011.
user’s whole set of clicks in an interface further showed that                   [11] Tsoi, H. K. and Chen, L. Incremental tag-aware user profile
though the top three positions (i.e., the area 1) and the last three                  building to augment item recommendations. In 2nd
positions (i.e., the area 4) are commonly popular in the three                        Workshop on Social Recommender Systems (SRS’11) in
layouts, the clicks are more evenly distributed in pie among all                      CSCW’11, 2011.
areas at its first page. Grid and pie are even more active in
stimulating users to click items in the next recommendation page.
From subjective measures and user comments, we found that
users did prefer using pie and grid to list. Moreover, pie has been
demonstrated with significant benefits in increasing users’
decision confidence, perceived interface competence, enjoyability,
and usage intention.
For our future work, we will conduct more user studies, including
eye-tracking experiments, to track users’ eye-movement behavior
in the recommender interfaces. Another interesting topic will be
to investigate the interaction effect from items’ relevance ordering
with the layout. That is, when the ordering was changed (i.e.,
reversed ascending order instead of regular descending order),
would users’ behavior be influenced or not? In fact, with the
varied ordering condition, we are able to identify whether users
would spontaneously evaluate the item’s relevance, or their
selection behavior would be largely influenced by the layout. For
example, in the list interface, would they still select items at the
top though they are least relevant? The relative role of layout
against the relevance ordering could be hence revealed.

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