=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Security of the OSGi Platform |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-834/paper2_essosds2012.pdf |volume=Vol-834 }} ==Security of the OSGi Platform== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-834/paper2_essosds2012.pdf
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

                          Security of the OSGi platform ?

                       Anton Philippov, Olga Gadyatskaya, and Fabio Massacci

                                      DISI, University of Trento, Italy
                                        {name.surname} @unitn.it

                  Abstract. In the last few years we have seen how increasing compu-
                  tational power of electronic devices triggers the functionality growth of
                  the software that runs on them. The natural consequence is that modern
                  software is no longer single-pieced, it becomes, instead, the composition
                  of autonomous components that run on the shared platform. The ex-
                  amples of such platforms are web browsers (such as Google Chrome),
                  smartphone and smart card operating systems (e.g., Android and Java
                  Card), intelligent vehicle systems or smart homes (usually implemented
                  on OSGi). On one hand, these platforms protect components by isolation,
                  but at the same time, provide methods to share and exchange services. If
                  the components can come from different stakeholders, how do we make
                  sure that one’s services would only be invoked by one’s authorized sib-
                  lings? In this PhD proposal we illustrate the problems on the example of
                  OSGi platform. We propose to use the security-by-contract methodology
                  (S×C) for loading time security verification to separate the security from
                  the business logic while controlling access to applications.

         1      Introduction
         With the ever-increasing popularity of smart devices and rapid development of
         Internet, the single application model is more and more often being replaced with
         the service platforms. These include Java Card platform for multi-applicational
         smart cards, Android for smartphones, OSGi for component-based Java applica-
         tions and smart homes, Google Chrome platform for browser plugins. In general,
         we say that service platform is a platform, on which applications are isolated,
         but can share selected parts of their functionality with other applications on
         the platform. Furthermore, such shared functionality we will call a service. In
         the current proposal we will concentrate on Java-based service platforms and,
         in particular, OSGi platform.
             The Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi) framework [1] is one of the
         most flexible solutions for the deployment of pervasive services in home, office,
         or automobile environments [5, 7, 9]. The OSGi services are also the basic build-
         ing blocks for service mash-ups extending the classical “smart homes” scenarios
         to richer settings [8]. In a nutshell, the OSGi framework redefines the mod-
         ular system of Java by introducing bundles: JAR files enhanced with specific
              This work is partially supported by EU-funded project FP7-257930 ANIKETOS and
              EU-funded project FP7- 256980 NESSOS.

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                                  Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         metadata. The services layer connects bundles in a dynamic way with a publish-
         find-bind model for Java objects. As a result, an OSGi platform is expected to
         be highly dynamic. All pervasive and mash-up applications expect that bundles
         can be installed, updated or removed at any time. From a security perspective,
         the possibility of bundle interactions is a threat for bundle owners. Since bundles
         can contain sensitive data or activate sensitive operations (such as locking doors
         and windows of somebody’s house), it is important to ensure that the security
         policy of each bundle owner is respected by other bundles. However, such aspects
         have been only partially investigated.
             How do we make sure that one’s services are invoked by one’s authorized sib-
         lings? A simple solution is to rely on service-to-service authentication to identify
         the services and then interleave functional and security logic into bundles, for
         example, by using aspect-oriented programming [9]. However, this decreases the
         benefits of common platform for service deployment and significantly hinders
         evolution and dynamicity: any change to the security policy would require rede-
         ployment of the bundle (even if its functionalities are unchanged). Vice versa,
         any changes in the bundle’s code would require redeployment of security as well.
             Our solution is to use the security-by-contract methodology (S×C) [2, 3] for
         loading time security verification in order to separate security and the business
         logic while achieving a sufficient protection of applications among themselves.
             In the next section we illustrate the problem by introducing a concrete case
         study for home gateways (§2) and discuss the security issues that the plain OSGi
         model cannot solve without ad-hoc security codes within each bundle. We then
         introduce the solution (§3) and conclude in §4 with an overview of the paper.

         2   Problem statement

         Further we concentrate on OSGi platform, identify the flows of its security mech-
         anisms. However, due to the similarities in the architecture, the problems can
         be applied to other service platforms (e.g., Android) as well. Due to the pa-
         per length constraints we skip the technical description of the OSGi platform
         and assume the reader has at least a basic familiarity with the service platform

         The Scenario We consider as a case study an OSGi platform deployed as a
         service gateway in a smart home. Let us consider Alice, the smart home res-
         ident, and a telecom provider, the owner of the platform. Alice can download
         bundles for entertainment (news RSS feeds, media bundles from TV providers)
         or even bundles with traditional Internet content (like Facebook or Twitter), as
         nowadays new TV sets can be used for all these purposes. The interested reader
         can refer to [6] for more details on the news feed scenario. In this example we
         have used fictional names, but they give an idea of realistic bundle interactions
         and possible policies regarding these interactions.
             Alice, a beginner stock market player, downloads and installs bundle A from
         provider F SM.com that can provide her with an interface of the stock market

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                           Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         operations. This bundle includes service SA that retrieves updates about the
         stock prices. However, Alice later finds and installs another stock market bundle
         B from BH.f r provider, that also provides service for prices information retrieval
         SB and service Sf r that allows Alice to transfer money from her stock market
         account (registered on BH.f r) to her Happy Farm account on F B.com. Thus
         Alice also installs Happy Farm bundle F .
             The bundle providers want to ensure that their security policies related to
         bundles and services usage are enforced on the Alice’s platform. Their require-
         ments are as follows:
         FSM.com: Access to SA service is allowed only for bundles signed by F SM.com.
         BH.fr: Access to SB service is allowed only for bundles signed by BH.f r. Only
         bundles signed by BH.f r can import the package containing SB . Access to Sf r
         service can be granted only for bundles signed by F B.com or by BH.f r.
             The OSGi platform at Alice’s smart home has to ensure that the requirements
         of each provider are respected. We will next discuss how the OSGi platform can
         enforce these requirements and why this approach is not satisfactory. We will
         also demonstrate that there can exist similar requirements of bundle providers
         that cannot be enforced by the OSGi platform at all.

         Security Challenges Let us first briefly present the relevant OSGi platform
         details [1]. An OSGi bundle is a JAR file that includes the manifest.mf file con-
         taining the necessary OSGi metadata including dependencies and the provided
         libraries. Dependencies are expressed as requirements on capabilities. Capabil-
         ities are attribute sets in a specific namespace and requirements are filter ex-
         pressions that assert the attributes of the capabilities. A requirement is satisfied
         when there is at least one capability that matches the filter. Bundles can interact
         through two complementary mechanisms: the export/import of packages and the
         service registration/lookup facility. A service is a normal Java object registered
         under a Java interface with the service registry. Each bundle is associated with
         a set of permissions, that are queried at runtime. The OSGi specification defines
         ServicePermission, BundlePermission and PackagePermission, which are used for
         getting/registering a service, importing/exporting bundles and packages respec-
         tively. The platform can authenticate code by download location or by signer
         (digital signature). The Conditional Permission Admin service manages the per-
         missions based on a comprehensive conditional model.
             We assume the framework can host multiple third-party bundles, and these
         bundles can freely register services. The goal of the telecom provider running the
         platform is to make sure that there are no undesired security or functionality
         problems among different bundles installed by the end user (who most likely
         does not even know what is a bundle and just sees the web interfaces of the
         services). Thus a threat scenario under investigation is a case when a bundle gains
         unauthorized access to the sensitive data of another bundle (security threat), or a
         bundle is malfunctioning due to unavailability of a certain service (functionality
         threat). We now discuss these threats separately in the light our scenario.
             A confidentiality attack can be realized by the bundle A of provider F SM.com
         getting access to the sensitive stock market prices service SB of provider BH.f r.

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                           Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         This might happen if A imports the package containing the service SB definition,
         requires the bundle B (thus importing all its exported packages), or tries to get
         a reference to this service from the Service Registry and then get access to the
         object referenced.
             We now discuss how the current OSGi security management can address this
         security threat. Import of a package or a require-bundle action can be granted
         if the requiring bundle has corresponding permissions. Simple reviewing of the
         manifest file and permissions file of the bundle A can report about a (potential)
         attempt to interact with the bundle B. However, there is no convenient and
         simple way for the owner of the bundle B, the BH.f r provider, to declare which
         other bundles are allowed to import its packages.
             Package importing can be guarded by the permissions mechanism, as we dis-
         cussed before. Currently only the platform owner (the telecom provider) can
         define and manage policies in the Conditional Permission Admin policy file.
         The BH.f r provider might contact the telecom provider to ask him to set the
         required permissions, or its bundle B, being granted the necessary permissions,
         can add new permissions to the Conditional Permission Admin policy file. These
         approaches are organizationally cumbersome and costly, as they require the op-
         erator to push the changes to its customers before any downloads of BH.f r
         bundles, even the customers have no intention of using them.
             Service usage is another, more trickier issue. Again, the necessary authoriza-
         tions for the service usage (more precisely, GET permissions for service retrieval)
         can be delivered within bundle contracts and incorporated into the policy file of
         the system. But the invocations of the methods within a service, once the neces-
         sary reference is obtained, are not guarded by the permission check, and usually
         the security checks are placed directly within the service code, thus mixing the
         security logic with the execution logic.
             Another solution, that is traditional for mobile Java-based component sys-
         tems, could be to ask Alice each time a specific permission is needed. But Alice
         is not the owner of the bundles to make such decisions, nor is she interested to
         do so. Let us consider a more complex scenario now.

         Example 1 Alice wants to install the Sims add-on from the EA.com provider.
         This add-on is packaged into the bundle C and it will provide an integration of
         the Happy Farm account with her the Sims account. The functional requirement
         of the EA.com provider is the following: “The bundle C can be installed if and
         only if the F bundle is available on the platform and provides the Happy Farm
         service SF .

         The requirement in Example 1 means that bundle C can be installed only if
         the service SF is already provided on the platform. This requirement prevents
         the denial of service by the Sims bundle. The bundles are running on top of a
         single JVM, thus the denial of service attack can cause a restart of the whole
         system [4]. This functional requirement is, in fact, unsupported by the current
         OSGi specification. Requirements/capabilities model cannot provide guarantees
         on the provided services (except that their definition exists on the platform).

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                          Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         3   Proposed solution
         Our proposed solution is to adopt the Security-by-Contract that was initially
         investigated and implemented by Bielova et al. for mobile Java-based devices [2]
         and by Dragoni et al. for the Java Card platforms [3]. Further we provide details
         on possible architecture of S×C for OSGi.
             The S×C framework consists of two main components: the ClaimChecker and
         the PolicyChecker. The verification workflow is described on Figure 1.
             Informally, the S×C process starts when a new bundle B is loaded. The
         ClaimChecker component then accesses the manifest file, retrieves the informa-
         tion about imported and exported packages and obtains the bundle contract.
         Then the ClaimChecker reads the permissions.perm file, which contains local
         bundle permissions, extracts permissions requested by the bundle B and re-
         lated to services retrieval, packages importing, requirements of bundles, etc.,
         and combines this information into the overall “security claims and needs” of
         the bundle. Having these claims, the ClaimChecker then analyzes the bytecode of
         the bundle to verify that the claims match actual code. If the verification fails,
         meaning that the claims are not supported by the code, the bundle is removed
         from the platform. Otherwise, the PolicyChecker component receives the result
         from the ClaimChecker and matches it with the security policy of the platform,
         that aggregates the security policies of all the installed bundles, and with the
         functional state of the platform (installed bundles, running services, etc.). If the
         PolicyChecker failed on either of the checks, the bundle is removed from the plat-
         form. Otherwise, it is installed and the security policy of the platform is updated
         by including the security requirements of B.

                                        Fig. 1. SxC Workflow

             In terms of technical realization, the S×C steps can be integrated with the
         OSGi framework. The key requirement is getting the correct and up-to date
         information about the state of the platform and being able to access the received
         bundle before it is deployed on the platform. The S×C framework itself can be

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                           Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         a bundle, provided it can access the service registry, the framework policy file,
         the lifecycle layer and the manifests of the bundles.

         4   Conclusions
         In this proposal we have identified the security problems of some of the Java-
         based service platforms on the example of OSGi platform. We have presented and
         idea of solution, which is a Security-by-Contract paradigm for the OSGi plat-
         form. We discussed the security and functionality challenges and proposed how
         to enable the bundle providers with ability to effectively express their security
         and functional requirements on the platform.
             The main benefits that the S×C approach can bring to service platforms are
         the following. From the security aspect, the bundle providers can now specify
         the authorizations for access to their bundles, packages and services. The policies
         can be updated easily and the update does not require an interaction from the
         platform owner, an access to the framework policy file or an update of the execu-
         tion logic of the bundle. For the functionality aspect, the bundle providers have
         now a more powerful tool for expressing their functional requirements than the
         requirement/capability model of OSGi. The contracts can express requirements
         on the current state of the platform (including requirements on the states of the
         bundles or certain services provision, or absence of the competitor’s resources).

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ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                           Feb 15, 2012