=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Attack-preserving Security Protocol Transformations |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-834/paper4_essosds2012.pdf |volume=Vol-834 }} ==Attack-preserving Security Protocol Transformations== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-834/paper4_essosds2012.pdf
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

             Attack-preserving Security Protocol Transformations

                       Binh Thanh Nguyen, David Basin, and Christoph Sprenger

                           Institute of Information Security, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

                Abstract. The rigorous incremental development of security protocols has so far
                received much less attention than protocol verification techniques. In this work,
                we study security protocol transformations. These can serve both for simplifying
                protocols before verification and, in the other direction, for developing protocols
                by stepwise refinement of simple abstract protocols into complex concrete ones.
                The transformations preserve attacks on a class of security properties. Our work
                aims to improve our understanding of modifications of existing protocols and
                to enable the systematic development of entire families of new protocols. This
                complements existing work on post-hoc protocol verification.

         1    Introduction

         It is well-known that security protocols are notoriously hard to get right. This moti-
         vates the use of formal methods for their design and development. In the last decade,
         we have witnessed substantial progress in the formal verification of security protocols.
         However, methods for developing security protocols have received much less attention
         and protocol development remains more an art than a science.
              Sprenger and Basin [14,15] have recently proposed a hierarchical development
         method for security protocols based on stepwise refinement that spans several levels
         of abstraction. Each development starts from abstract models of security properties and
         proceeds down to cryptographic protocols secure against a Dolev-Yao intruder. The de-
         velopment process traverses intermediate levels of abstraction based on message-less
         protocols and communication channels with authenticity and confidentiality properties.
         Security properties, once proved for a given model, are preserved by further refine-
         ments. They have applied their method to develop families of authentication and key
         transport protocols. However, developers may not be familiar with these abstractions
         and the underlying refinement framework. They are more familiar with cryptographic
         messages and transforming these messages to create new protocols from existing ones.
              This motivates our study of refinements in terms of protocol transformations at the
         level of cryptographic messages. In particular, we are interested in protocol transfor-
         mations that preserve attacks against a given set of security properties from concrete
         protocols to abstract ones (or, equivalently, the satisfaction of such properties in the re-
         verse direction). Such transformations can serve the systematic development of individ-
         ual protocols and entire families of protocols. Moreover, they can be applied to modify
         or compare existing protocols and understand their differences. The modification of se-
         curity protocols is particularly error-prone (see, e.g., [2]). Security protocol standards

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                                         Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         constitute another relevant application field for protocol transformations, since they typ-
         ically comprise numerous protocol variants and options.
             Security protocol transformations can also be considered as abstractions (i.e., from
         concrete to abstract). Hui and Lowe [10] define several kinds of attack-preserving trans-
         formations with the aim of simplifying protocols so that they can be effectively verified
         using model checking. They define criteria for the preservation of secrecy and authenti-
         cation properties, and prove for each kind of transformation that it satisfies these criteria.
             Datta et al. [6,5] use protocol templates with messages containing function variables
         to specify and prove properties of protocol classes. Their notion of refinement is based
         on instantiating function variables and discharging the associated assumptions. Pavlovic
         et al. [13,3] similarly refine protocols by transforming messages and propose special-
         ized formalisms for establishing secrecy and authentication properties. Unfortunately,
         their approach lacks a formal semantics.
             Guttman [9,8] studies the preservation of security properties by a rich class of pro-
         tocol transformations in the strand space model. His approach to property preservation
         is based on the simulation of protocol analysis steps instead of execution steps. Each
         analysis step explains the origin of a received message. However, he does not provide
         syntactic conditions for the transformations to preserve security properties.
             The objective of our work is to develop a comprehensive theory of protocol transfor-
         mations covering a wide range of protocols and security properties. Our starting point
         is Hui and Lowe’s work [10]. They work in a restricted protocol model with typed mes-
         sages and atomic keys and show their results for ground messages. However, in order
         to transform protocol descriptions, we have to consider messages with variables and
         justify that a transformed attack is indeed an execution of the abstract protocol. They
         only discuss this important point briefly and informally. We plan to address these issues
         and obtain preservation results for relevant classes of security protocols (such as those
         based on convergent subterm theories [1]) and expressive property specification lan-
         guages (such as PS-LTL [4] or the language proposed in [11]). We aim to cover a large
         class of protocol transformations including those described in the examples in [3,6,5].
             We intend the following contributions. We want to significantly extend the scope
         of existing work in terms of expressiveness of the protocol specifications, the protocol
         transformations, and the preserved properties. Our work will provide a sound formal
         underpinning to protocol transformations, which can serve as a foundation for rigorous
         security protocol development, modifications, and comparisons of existing protocols.

         2   A motivating example
         We present the development of a key transport protocol as a motivating example. We
         state the protocols in standard Alice&Bob notation and describe each refinement step
         as a protocol transformation.
             Consider a key transport protocol P1 , where a key server S generates and distributes
         a session key KAB to an initiator A and a responder B.
                                        M1.1. A → S : A, B
                                        M1.2. S → A : {B, KAB }KAS
                                        M1.3. S → B : {A, KAB }KBS

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                                     Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         In order to prevent replays and guarantee the recentness of KAB , we refine this protocol
         into P2 by adding a nonce and a timestamp to P1 .
                                    M2.1. A → S : A, B, NA
                                    M2.2. S → A : {B, T S , NA , KAB }KAS
                                    M2.3. S → B : {A, T S , KAB }KBS
         Next, we obtain P3 by refining the flow of protocol messages: the server now appends
         B’s message in M2.3 to A’s in M2.2, which A then forwards to B.
                           M3.1. A → S : A, B, NA
                           M3.2. S → A : {B, T S , NA , KAB }KAS , {A, T S , KAB }KBS
                           M3.3. A → B : {A, T S , KAB }KBS
         In P3 , B cannot be sure that A has received the key KAB . We refine P3 into P4 by having
         the server encrypt B’s message inside A’s, which allows A to authenticate B on KAB .
                           M4.1. A → S : A, B, NA
                           M4.2. S → A : {B, T S , NA , KAB , {A, T S , KAB }KBS }KAS
                           M4.3. A → B : {A, T S , KAB }KBS
         Protocol P4 is a basic form of the Kerberos IV protocol (without authenticators). We
         have started from a simple initial protocol guaranteeing only the secrecy of the session
         key. We have then used refinement to add several features to this protocol in order to
         obtain key freshness, recentness, and authentication properties.
             For additional examples of protocol developments, we refer the reader to [3,6,5].

         3   Approach and current work
         Security protocol model We briefly summarize our security protocol model, which
         is based on [11]. The model is parametrized by a message term algebra over a given
         signature Σ and a set of variables V. Constants model nonces, keys, time stamps, and
         agents. Function symbols typically include hashes h(t), pairs ht, ui, and encryptions {t}u .
         Let T be the set of all terms over Σ and V. The terms may be quotiented by an equa-
         tional theory, e.g., to model the commutativity of exponentiation for a Diffie-Hellman
         protocol. As is standard, we model a Dolev-Yao intruder [7] with full control over the
         network using a deduction system. Its judgements have the form T ` u, meaning that
         the intruder can derive the term u from a finite set of terms T . Encryption is perfect, i.e.,
         the intruder can only decrypt with the intended key.
             We specify protocols as finite sets of roles instead of the informal Alice&Bob no-
         tation from Section 2. Each role R ∈ Role is a sequence of send and receive events
         of the form snd(t) or rcv(t) for a term t. The semantics of a protocol is a transition
         system with states of the form s = (tr, th, σ), where tr is a trace consisting of a se-
         quence of pairs of thread identifiers and events, th : T ID * Role is a thread pool, and
         σ = {σi | i ∈ dom(th)} is a family of ground substitutions σi , one for each thread i. The
         transitions are defined by an operational semantics with rules for sending and receiving
         messages. The receive rule includes a premise requiring that the received message is
         deducible by the intruder from his initial knowledge and the sent messages. We write
         R(P) for the set of reachable states of the protocol P.

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                                     Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         Protocol transformations Our protocol transformations are functions f : T → T on
         terms, which we lift to events, roles, protocols, traces, and states. We consider a class
         of nice transformations, which includes the following operations on messages:
          1. remove encryptions and hashes,
          2. remove fields from an encrypted message,
          3. pull fields outside of an encryption,
          4. split encryption into several ones, and
          5. project pairs (under certain conditions) and reorder pairs.
             These protocol transformations simplify messages (and hence protocols) and can
         therefore be understood as abstractions. However, the same transformations can be used
         for protocol refinements, which proceed in the opposite direction, from abstract to con-
         crete. For example, in Section 2, the refinement of P1 into P2 uses transformations of
         the second type, and the one from P3 into P4 uses a transformation of the third type.
             So far we do not cover structural transformation of protocol like the message relay-
         ing transformation (cf. the refinement of P2 to P3 ), but we plan to do so in the future.

         Property specification language We consider a property specification language with
         formulas of the following shape.
                                                      ^                         ^
                               φ = ∀i1 , . . . , im .   A ⇒ ∃ j1 , . . . , jn .   B     (1)
                                                    A∈Γ                        B∈∆

         The quantifiers range over thread identifiers and ∆, Γ are sets of atomic predicates.
         These predicates include learns(m) for expressing intruder knowledge in secrecy prop-
         erties, and event orderings e ≺ e0 and equations m = m0 for authentication properties.
         To achieve attack preservation, the learns(m) is only allowed to occur in Γ. A state
         s = (tr, th, σ) that does not satisfy a property φ, written s 6|= φ, is called an attack on φ.

         Attack preservation Suppose we are given a class of security protocols, properties,
         and transformations such as those sketched above. The main result we want to achieve
         is the preservation of attacks on a property φ of protocol P to attacks on the transformed
         protocol f (P) and property f (φ). We formalize this property as follows.
                     ∀(tr, th, σ) ∈ R(P). (tr, th, σ) 6|= φ
                       ⇒ ( f (tr), f (th), f (σ)) ∈ R( f (P)) ∧ ( f (tr), f (th), f (σ)) 6|= f (φ)
         We decompose the proof of such results into two parts: the preservation of (i) exe-
         cutability (first conjunct) and (ii) attacks (second conjunct).

         Executability The proof that for each reachable state (tr, th, σ) of P the transformed
         state ( f (tr), f (th), f (σ)) is reachable in f (P) is based on the following deducibility
         preservation result.
                                           T θ ` uθ ⇒ f (T ) f (θ) ` f (u) f (θ)                 (3)
         This follows from two simpler properties. The first one is a simpler version of (3).
                                              T ` u ⇒ f (T ) ` f (u)                                  (4)

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                                        Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         The second one requires that f satisfies the following substitution property, that is, for
         all terms t and substitutions θ,
                                             f (tθ) = f (t) f (θ)                               (5)
         In particular, since the operational semantics of receive events requires the deducibility
         of the received message from previously sent messages, we can use (3) to show that
         each receive event of P can be simulated by a corresponding receive event in f (P).

         Attack preservation Since secrecy is expressed in terms of deducibility of messages,
         we obtain the preservation of secrecy for free from the above. For other properties, like
         those expressible in the language sketched above, a separate proof is needed.

             We have proved property (4) for all nice transformations. However, the substitu-
         tion property (5) turns out to be quite restrictive. It rules out transformations that look
         more than one level into the term structure (such as, e.g., for splitting an encryption).
         Our initial solution restricts the set of substitutions to simple ones, whose range con-
         tains no composed terms. This set covers typed substitutions, which are (implicitly)
         used in [10]. We have proved (5) (hence executability) and attack preservation for this
         restricted setting and a subclass of nice transformations specified by pattern matching.
         Unfortunately, this solution rules out untyped variables such as those required for for-
         warding messages (cf. Section 2).

         4   Planned work and conclusions
         Generalizing the results An alternative solution is based on the observation that exe-
         cutability depends on constraints T ` u where the terms in T stem from send events and
         u from a receive event. Therefore, a restricted form of (5) where t ranges over the set of
         terms in the protocol roles suffices for executability. Since this form of (5) is protocol-
         dependent, we cannot use induction to establish it. Instead, we need to formulate criteria
         to check that a protocol has this property. For attack preservation, the substitution prop-
         erty must also hold for the terms occurring the properties we are interested in.
             A different approach could replace the substitution f (θ) in (3) by some θ0 . The
         construction of such a θ0 would require a stronger proof technique, possibly based on
         symbolic constraint reduction [12]. This approach produces non-ground substitutions
         as solutions of constraint systems. Therefore, we would have some freedom to derive
         different ground substitutions θ0 .

         Outlook on future work In a longer-term perspective, we plan to extend the scope of
         transformations in several directions. First, we want to cover structural transformations,
         which not only modify messages, but also events and roles (e.g., relaying messages;
         splitting, merging, and deleting events). Second, we would like to cover a larger class
         of protocols, in particular, by including equational theories (e.g., Diffie-Hellman expo-
         nentiation, convergent subterm theories [1]). Third, we intend to extend the property
         language to include additional properties such as forward secrecy and also consider
         stronger adversary models (e.g., compromising session keys and local states). Finally,
         we also plan to implement a tool that supports the definition and application of protocol
         transformations and the guarantee of their soundness.

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                                  Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         Conclusions In this work, we study attack-preserving security protocol transforma-
         tions. These can be used for the abstraction, the refinement, and the comparison of
         protocols. Therefore, we consider this technique as a useful complement to verification.
             So far, we have defined a subclass of transformations and proved the preservation
         of attacks with respect to a particular security property language. We have discussed
         the problems that we have encountered and proposed possible solutions. We have also
         sketched our plans for future work.

         Acknowledgements This work is partially supported by the EU FP7-ICT-2009.1.4
         Project No. 256980, NESSoS: Network of Excellence on Engineering Secure Future
         Internet Software Services and Systems.

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