=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Parametric Attack Graph Construction and Analysis |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-834/paper5_essosds2012.pdf |volume=Vol-834 }} ==Parametric Attack Graph Construction and Analysis== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-834/paper5_essosds2012.pdf
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

               Parametric Attack Graph Construction and

                                          Leanid Krautsevich ⋆⋆

                            Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa
                                 Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, Pisa 56127, Italy
                  Istituto di Informatica e Telematica, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
                                     Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy

                  Abstract. We present the first steps towards an implementation of at-
                  tack graph construction and analysis technique based on inference rules.
                  In our model, XML credentials describe basic attacks to the system, then
                  inference rules allow composition of new attacks. We aim at modifying
                  previously developed algorithm for the analysis of transitive trust mod-
                  els to the analysis of attack graphs. Important peculiarity of our model
                  is exploitation of c-semirings for evaluation of system security level. C-
                  semirings allow an application of the same algorithms for an analysis of
                  attack graphs regardless of what metric is selected for the evaluation.

         1      Introduction

         Analysis and improvement of security of modern computer systems is a challeng-
         ing task because the systems are extremely complex and heterogeneous. Often
         the analysis of security is based on attack graphs. Frequently, methods of the
         analysis are system and context specific and require manual adjustments. More-
         over, most of the methods provide their own basic metric as the result of the
         analysis. We aim at creating a method that allows automated analysis of system
         security and works with wide range of security metrics without changing the core
         algorithm. Using different metrics for the evaluation helps to provide different
         views on system security and allows a security administrator to judge better on
         improvements to security of a system.
            The essential elements of our method are basic attacks described as XML
         credentials similar to RTML [10]. Basic attacks form an attack graph with the
         nodes representing sets of resources and the edges representing the attacks. All
         the edges are labelled with costs of attacks. We introduce three inference rules,
         that allows us to make conclusions on the system security. The rules are compli-
         ant with rules presented for reasoning on transitive trust models. Thus, we can
         adopt an earlier developed algorithm [11,5] for the analysis of the attack graphs.
              This paper was partly supported by EU-FP7-ICT NESSoS project.
              Supervisor: Fabio Martinelli, Istituto di Informatica e Telematica, Consiglio
              Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy, e-mail: fabio.martinelli@iit.cnr.it.

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                             Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

             We assume, that costs of attacks stand for security metrics, used for the
         evaluation of the system security. We associate each security metric with c-
         semiring which is algebraic structure used for the analysis of weighted graphs,
         e.g., for searching a shortest path in a graph. C-semirings allow to create an
         algorithm for the analysis of attack graphs that does not depend on the security
         metric selected for the analysis of the system.

         1.1   Contributions

         Main contributions of the paper are the following:

          – the method for the analysis of attack graphs is based on inference rules
            similar to ones used for the analysis of transitive trust models, thus, the
            method may reuse the slightly changed algorithm developed for the analysis
            of transitive trust models;
          – the method works regardless of the security metric selected for the evaluation
            due to the use of c-semiring algebraic structure.

             The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes an applica-
         tion scenario and introduces inference rules. Section 3 discusses the exploitation
         of XML for representing basic attacks and introduces XML based rules for the
         processing of attacks. Section 4 observes the related work and Sect. 5 provides
         the conclusion and the future work.

         2     Application Scenario

         We consider a scenario where a security administrator performs the evaluation
         of security on the basis of resources available to an attacker. The features and
         the notation of the model: AT T = {a1 , . . . , am } is a set of attacks to a system,
         RES = {r1 , . . . , rn } is a set of resources in the system, S = {a1 . . . ak | a ∈ AT T }
         is an attack sequence, R is a set of resources available to the attacker, G is a set
         of resources gained as the result of an attack, w is a cost of the attack, W is a
         cost of the attack sequence.
             There is a set of basic attacks that can be applied when the attacker has
         an initial set of resources. The attacker obtains new resources by applying an
         attack. In our model, the resources are not consumed and the resources that can
         not be reached are not taken into account. We also consider the sequential com-
         position of attacks, i.e., the attacker can perform attacks one by one. Moreover,
         all the attacks have costs, thus, all the potential resources are reachable with
         the corresponding costs. The attacker selects the attack with the best cost, e.g.,
         the highest probability of success.
             We introduce two operators ⊗, ⊕ over some domain D of values of costs,
         where the former operator serves for aggregation of costs of attacks in a sequence
         and the latter operator for the selection of the attack with the better cost. For
         example, the operator ⊗ equals × (multiplication), ⊕ equals max that stands for

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                             Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         the selection of the attack sequence with the maximal probability of success, and
         the domain is D = [0, 1]. We can extend this basic set of operators to couples
         (sequence, cost). Suppose, there are sequences of attacks a1 , a2 with costs w1 , w2 :

                                 (a1 , w1 ) ⊗′ (a2 , w2 ) = (a1 a2 , w1 ⊗ w2 )
                                   ′                  (a1 , w1 ) if (w1 ⊕ w2 ) = w1
                       (a1 , w1 ) ⊕ (a2 , w2 ) =
                                                      (a2 , w2 ) if (w1 ⊕ w2 ) = w2
         where a1 a2 is an order preserving concatenation of attacks.
             Now we are ready to present three inference rules that allow us to analyse
         the above model.
             First, we consider a set of resources available, say RX . By starting from this
         set of resources, an intruder can perform a basic attack that simply needs a subset
         Ri of these resources and then acquires new resources Gj . This is modelled by
         the basic attack rule
                                          (aq ,wq )
                                       Ri −→ Rj Ri ⊆ RX
                                                    (aq ,wq )
                                             RX −→ Rt
         where Rj = Ri ∪ Gj and Rt = RX ∪ Gj .
             Then it is possible to compose several different basic attacks in a sequence
         and this is done by the composite attack rule. It states that starting from a
         set of resources by applying an attack the intruder gets new resources that serve
         as a basic set for another attack. Thus, a sequence of attacks is built.
                                        (aq ,wq )             (ap ,wp )
                                     Ri −→ Rj             Rj −→ Rk
                                              (aq ,wq )⊗′ (ap ,wp )
                                         Ri          −→               Rk
            Finally, the attack selection rule selects the attack with the better cost.
                                        (aq ,wq )             (ap ,wp )
                                     Ri −→ Rj             Ri −→ Rj
                                              (aq ,wq )⊕′ (ap ,wp )
                                         Ri          −→               Rj

             Rules 2 and 3 may be generalized for an application to attack sequences by
         using S and W instead of a and w.
             The analysis of a system works as follows. Starting from the initial set of
         basic attacks, we build a graph whose nodes are sets of resources R and which
         arcs are labelled with attack costs. We need to apply the rules and to consider
         all the sequences exiting from the initial set Ri to the state Ri ∪ Gk and which
         cost is better than a total cost W . The overall protection goal can be to avoid
         the attacker to control the set of resources Ri ∪ Gk with the total cost better
         than the total cost W .
             We propose to present costs as a special mathematical structure c-semiring
         (constraint semiring) [4]:

         Definition 1. C-semiring T is a tuple hD, ⊕, ⊗, 0, 1i:

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                         Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

          – D is a set of elements and 0, 1 ∈ D;
          – ⊕, is an additive operator defined over (possibly infinite) set of elements D,
            for d1 , d2 , d3 ∈ T , it is commutative (d1 ⊕ d2 = d2 ⊕ d1 ) and associative
            (d1 ⊕ (d2 ⊕ d3 ) = (d1 ⊕ d2 ) ⊕ d3 ), and 0 is a unit element of the additive
            operator (d1 ⊕ 0 = d1 = 0 ⊕ d1 ).
          – ⊗ is a binary multiplicative operator, it is associative and commutative, 1
            is its unit element (d1 ⊗ 1 = d1 = 1 ⊗ d1 ), and 0 is its absorbing element
            (d1 ⊗ 0 = 0 = 0 ⊗ d1 );
          – ⊗ is distributive over additive operator (d1 ⊗(d2 ⊕d3 ) = (d1 ⊗d2 )⊕(d1 ⊗d3 ));
          – ≤T is a partial order over the set D, which enables comparing different ele-
            ments of the semiring, the partial order is defined using the additive operator
            d1 ≤T d2 (d2 is better than d1 ) iff d1 ⊕ d2 = d2 (idempotence).

             For a security metric, we need to determine the domain of values D and two
         operators ⊕ and ⊗ that are further used for the analysis of an attack graph. An
         example may be shortest attacks path metric and c-semiring with ⊕ equals min,
         ⊗ equals summation, and the domain D is the set of natural numbers N. Other
         c-semirings may be defined for other metrics.

         3    Using XML Credential to Represent and Reason on
         We use XML credentials to store the information about basic attacks. Basic
         attacks are used to compute composite attacks sequences. Composite attacks
         are also represented by XML credentials and are used when necessary. XML
         credentials allow us to use slightly modified algorithm for dealing with trust
         relationships for access control systems [11,5] to deal with attack graph. Thus,
         we use two kinds of credential: one for modelling a basic attack b, and another
         one for modelling a composed attack c, where an attacker is A.
             In case of a basic attack, a is a sequence which contains only a single attack,
         R is the minimal resources necessary to perform the attack, G is the set of gained
         resources and w is the cost of the attack:

                                            A.b(a, R, G, w)                                (4)

             In case of a composite attack, S is a sequence of attacks, R represents the
         initial set of resources, F is the final set of resources and W the cost of the attack
         sequence S.
                                              A.c(S, R, F, W )                              (5)
             Instantiations of Equations 1, 2, 3 for XML credentials are the following.
                                       A.b(a, R, G, w) R ⊆ X
                                         A.c(a, X, X ∪ G, w)

                        A.c(S1 , R1 , F1 , W1 ) A.c(S2 , R2 , F2 , W2 ) R2 ⊆ F1
                                      A.c(S1 S2 , R1 , F2 , W1 ⊗ W2 )

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                         Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

                               A.c(S1 , R, F, W1 ) A.c(S2 , R, F, W2 )
                                   A.c(S1 ⊙ S2 , R, F, W1 ⊕ W2 )
         where S1 S2 is a concatenation of attack sequences, ⊙ corresponds to the selection
         of sequence with the better cost. Now we can adopt algorithm [5] to the analysis
         of attack graphs since the rules are similar to rules [5,11] for reasoning on trust.

         4   Related Work
         The attacker model we use in the paper could be seen as an attack graph
         [1,13,12,6]. E.g., in [1] a (constrained) graph model based on resource acqui-
         sition by the attacker has been developed, the model considers the local knowl-
         edge of the attacker stored in nodes during the attack-path analysis (also for the
         selection of countermeasures).
             Different security metrics are used for analysis of attack graphs: probability
         of successful attack [15], minimal cost of attack [14], minimal cost of reduction
         [16], shortest path [13]. Some of these metrics could be seen as specific instance
         of semirings, thus also suitable for the analysis with out approach. On the other
         hand, our approach is parametric and can also use other metrics for the analysis.
             Krautsevich et al., [7] formally modelled and defined several security metrics
         which measure security system out of the context. The metrics were analysed in
         order to check if some of them provide the same evaluation. The next step in
         this study was establishing relations between these metrics and risk [8]. Every
         metric study was considered separately, when our current work is more generic.
             To our knowledge, there are several attempts of applying semirings in secu-
         rity area [2,3]. The authors used semirings for the analysis of integrity policies,
         cryptographic protocols, and computation of trust levels through trust chains.
         Krautsevich et al., [9] applied semirings to analysis of security of process-like
         structures for describing web services. In this work, we provide a wider range of
         application of semirings for security analysis.

         5   Conclusion
         We used XML credentials to describe basic attacks and proposed inference rules
         for composition and selection of the attacks. C-semiring allows us to make the
         method independent of what security metric is selected for the evaluation. Fi-
         nally, we worked towards an adoption of existed algorithm for reasoning on
         transitive trust to the analysis of parametric attacks graphs.
             As a future work, we would like, first, to introduce modified algorithm for
         the analysis of attack graphs. Second, we would like to extend our approach for
         other models of attack graphs, e.g., privileges graph. Moreover, we would like
         to implement our method as a software prototype and perform an analysis the
         properties of the method, e.g, performance. For the implementation, we plan to
         minimally modify the code of algorithm for evaluation of RTML credentials with
         semirings developed in [5].

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                       Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

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