=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Service-Oriented Trust and Reputation Architecture |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-834/paper7_essosds2012.pdf |volume=Vol-834 }} ==Service-Oriented Trust and Reputation Architecture== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-834/paper7_essosds2012.pdf
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

                    Service-Oriented Trust and Reputation
                                Architecture ?

                                             Francisco Moyano

               Department of Computer Science, University of Malaga, 29071, Málaga, Spain

                  Abstract. As the Future Internet arrives, more complex, service-based
                  applications are spreading. These applications pose several challenges,
                  including the huge amount of entities that must interact and their het-
                  erogeneity. The success of these applications depends on the collaboration
                  and communication of these entities, that might belong to different or-
                  ganizations and administrative domains. Therefore, trust and reputation
                  become two crucial issues. We propose the specification and design of a
                  service-based security architecture that stresses the delivery of trust and
                  reputation services to any application that might require them.

         Supervisors: Carmen Fernandez-Gago and Javier Lopez

         1      Introduction: Problem and Motivation

         The context that frames this work is that of Service-Oriented Architectures,
         which is described in Section 1.1. The problem that we mean to address and the
         motivation are presented in Section 1.2.

         1.1      A Brief Introduction to Service-Oriented Architectures

         A rather complete definition of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is “the poli-
         cies, practices, frameworks that enable application functionality to be provided
         and consumed as sets of services published at a granularity relevant to the service
         consumer. Services can be invoked, published and discovered, and are abstracted
         away from the implementation using a single, standards-based form of interface”
         [17]. In general, a service implements a limited and specific functionality, and
         can be discovered and called by means of standard technologies.
             SOA is also often understood as being an architectural style that defines sev-
         eral components with their relations and constraints from which many different
              The research leading to these results have received funding from the European Com-
              munity’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 as part of the Network of
              Excellence NESSoS (www.nessos-project.eu) under grant agreement number 256980.
              The first author is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education through the National
              F.P.U. Program.

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                                   Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         architectures can be derived. However, architects of service-oriented systems of-
         ten find conflicts when trying to reconcile the business goals, the non-functional
         requirements, and some principles that are a consequence of the SOA approach,
         such as standardization at multiple levels, loose coupling, reusability, compos-
         ability, and discoverability [6].
             A crucial component for many SOAs is the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).
         An ESB is a complex piece of software that mediates between clients and ser-
         vices, and among services. It is an information bus that connects and allows the
         communication of heterogenous applications (e.g. Java Message Service (JMS)
         applications and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) applications). It also
         caters for other commonly needed services, such as security, protocol conversion
         or exception handling.

         1.2   Trust and Reputation in Service-Oriented Architectures for
               Future Internet Applications
         SOA systems have been traditionally secured at the endpoints. This means that a
         service is hard-coded with security functions that realize security services. This
         approach has several shortcomings. One of them is the business and security
         coupling, which in turn makes manageability and interoperability more difficult.
         Reusability is also undermined, since although the service might fulfil a business
         goal interesting for the organization, the coupling with security would make it
         useless for the organization if the security policy of the service does not match
         that of the organization.
             The Future Internet entails the arrival of new, complex service-based appli-
         cations that span across multiple boundaries and administrative domains. This
         calls for trust and reputation services that assure the trustworthiness of the en-
         tities that take part of such heterogenous communications and collaborations,
         and which aid the decision-making processes. Examples of applications are those
         described in NESSoS [2]. These applications require the interaction of multiple
         entities and the management of personal and private information, therefore they
         are security-critical.
             Trust and reputation services might assist traditional security services, such
         as encryption and authorization. The latter mechanisms can provide a trusted
         environment, where communication between service providers and clients is pro-
         tected, and where access to business assets is limited. These mechanisms, if well
         leveraged, might provide certain degree of trust between clients and customers
         in general. However, the notions of trust and reputation focus on specific rela-
         tionships between a given provider and a client, taking into account both local
         information (e.g. interaction records), and external information (e.g. recommen-
         dations from other clients or providers). Thus, traditional security mechanisms
         should provide the basis, the trusted medium onto which to build trust and
         reputation solutions.
             Although there are some proposals towards the delivery of security as ser-
         vices, to the best of our knowledge none of them cope with trust and repu-
         tation services. Hafner et al. [10] propose an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)-

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                         Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         based message-oriented Security as a Service architecture. Aurel [4] proposes
         SOSA (Service-Oriented Security Architecture), a security architecture for dis-
         tributed web applications that mediates between a service requester and a service
         provider. WS-* security standards, such as WS-Security, WS-Trust, WS-Policy
         or WS-SecureConversation deal with confidentiality, integrity, non-repudation,
         and policy specification.

         2    Aim: Trust and Reputation as a Service

         As we mentioned in Section 1.2, the arrival of Future Internet demands trust
         and reputation solutions. In the complex, heterogeneous scenarios that arise in
         this context, trust mechanims must be leveraged since they play a crucial role
         in decision-making processes.
             Trust is a complex concept for which a clear, standard definition has not been
         provided yet. A possible definition is the level of confidence that an entity of a
         system places on another entity of the same system for performing a given task.
         Thus, two features of trust are uncertainty and subjectivity. Reputation, on the
         other hand, is a more objective concept, and is based on information about or
         observations of the past behaviour of an entity. Both concepts are very related,
         and in fact, reputation can be used as a means to determine whether an entity
         can trust another entity [12].
             Our aim is the specification and design of a functional, reusable service-
         based security architecture that emphasizes the delivery of trust and reputation
             A key feature of this architecture must be its reusability, since it should serve
         as a framework for building multiple applications that require trust and reputa-
         tion services, as it is the case of Future Internet applications. It is also important
         to note that we intend to analyze the relationship between trust, reputation, and
         other security services. The architecture might therefore deliver those security
         services that have an influence on the overall trust of any application.
             In the literature there are important contributions in the field of trust and
         reputation that might assist our work.
             Kiefhaber et al. [16] propose the Trust-Enabling Middleware, which provides
         generic funtionality for applications running on top of it that need to save,
         interpret, and query trust related information. However, the authors are oblivious
         of other security mechanisms that might have an important impact on the overall
         trust of the system.
             It is also important for a reusable architecture to offer flexible mechanisms
         to accommodate or compose different trust models according to the needs of
         the application. In this direction, Huynh [7] proposed his Personalized Trust
         Framework (PTF), a rule-based system that makes use of semantic technologies
         for, given a domain, to apply the most suitable trust model. In a similar direction,
         Suryanarayana et al. [18] present PACE (Practical Architectural approach for
         Composing Egocentric trust), an architectural style for composing different trust
         models into the architecture of a decentralized peer in a P2P architecture.

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                             Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         3     Research Methodology
         The methodology that we intend to follow to conduct the research consists of
         the following phases:
          1. Exploratory phase: during this phase, a wide research will be done in order
             to gain a solid knowledge about the process and tools for architecting a
             service-oriented architecture.
          2. Construction phase: the specification and design of the architecture will be
             done during this phase. In order to accomplish these tasks, we will accommo-
             date the output of the previous phase, which provides us with a set of tools,
             methods and processes that currently exist to architect service-oriented so-
             lutions. This output could contain as well some found gaps that we will need
             to bridge during this phase.
          3. Validation phase: NESSoS scenarios represent some of the most important
             Future Internet applications. Thus, the architecture will be validated for,
             at least, one of these scenarios, which are within the scope of e-Health or
             At the moment, we are at the exploratory phase, where we are surveying
         existing approaches towards the building of a service-based security architecture.
         Some of our findings are briefly described in the next section.

         3.1   Processes and Tools for Architecting SOA Solutions
         In general, the process for building any architecture is iterative and consists
         of several steps [9]. The first step is requirements elicitation, where the func-
         tional and non-functional requirements are identified and documented from the
         scenarios and the stakeholders. Next it is important to identify those require-
         ments that drive the architecture building, namely the quality attributes (e.g.
         security, modifiability or performance) and constraints (e.g. reusability of legacy
         systems). These architectural requirements are prioritized. Trade-offs analysis
         might be required since requirements are often in conflict between each other.
         After choosing the set of architectural requirements, the architecture design takes
         place, when choosing a set of interrelated design patterns can help the architect.
         Finally, the architecture is validated. This validation consists of using scenarios
         to check by hand how the architecture responds to different stimulus. Another
         validation technique is early prototyping. In either ways, if a flaw is discovered,
         all the previous phases should be revised, leading to another iteration.
             This generic process is also applicable to the case of SOA. Yet there are
         some more specific SOA-oriented processes, as the Rational Unified Process for
         Service-Oriented Modeling and Architecture (RUP SOMA) proposed by IBM
         [20], the Service-Oriented Modeling Framework, proposed by Michael Bell [5],
         and the SOA/TOGAF standard by The Open Group [3]. We will survey these
         processes to find one that better adapts to our needs.
             The modeling of a service-oriented architecture requires designing many as-
         pects, ranging from the business activities to the non service-oriented, existing

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                          Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         assets. However, the most interesting for us is the service model, where both
         the atomic and composite services are defined in terms of their specifications,
         interfaces, inputs, outputs, and collaborations. As with traditional object or
         component-based applications, services can be graphically modeled with the
         Unified Modelling Language (UML). Several UML profiles exist in the litera-
         ture that allow modeling service-oriented architectures, such as UML4SOA [13]
         from the SENSORIA project [1], UPSS (UML Profile for Software Services) [11]
         adopted by IBM, and OMG’s Service oriented architecture Modeling Language
         (SoaML) [15].
             For the implementation and deployment of services, there are several alter-
         natives. One of them is Apache Tuscany [19], which provides a service-oriented
         architecture infrastructure to develop and run applications in a service-oriented
         approach. It implements the Service Component Architecture (SCA), an assem-
         bly model developed by major vendors for composing heterogenous applications.
         EclipseSOA [8] is another interesting alternative, since it provides a runtime and
         tool integration platform that assists in all the required steps for the develop-
         ment of a SOA solution. Regarding the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), there exist
         several open source ESB implementations, such as Mule [14].
             As in the case of the processes, we will research on these tools in order to
         choose the one that better fulfils our needs.

         4   Conclusions

         New Future Internet applications will need support from trust and reputation
         services for their successful adoption. Whereas traditional security requirements
         have been provided by architecture middlewares and frameworks, trust and rep-
         utation have often been laid aside.
             On the other hand, the service-oriented paradigm provides many advantages,
         including its focus on reusability. We propose the building of a service-oriented
         architecture, capable of delivering security services in general, and emphasizing
         the delivery of trust and reputation services in particular. This architecture must
         be flexible and reusable, constituting a framework that can be used by different
         applications that might require their services.
             The main contributions that we expect to do in the field of Engineering Secure
         Software and Systems are in different levels. At a process level, we will research on
         the high-level development processes for building service-oriented solutions. At
         the architectural level, a research will be conducted regarding the modeling issues
         for service-based architectures. At a security level, the relationships between
         security services will be analyzed and made explicit, which in turn might help
         us to gain a better understanding of how trust is related to more traditional
         security services. Finally, from an overall perspective, we believe that the process
         of building a service-based security solution bridges a gap between the service
         engineering and security research communities.

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                            Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

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         15. OMG. Service oriented architecture Modeling Language (SoaML). Technical re-
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ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                             Feb 15, 2012