=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Access Control Policy Administration supporting User-defined Privacy Preferences: A Use-case in the Context of Patient-centric Health-care |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-834/paper8_essosds2012.pdf |volume=Vol-834 }} ==Access Control Policy Administration supporting User-defined Privacy Preferences: A Use-case in the Context of Patient-centric Health-care== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-834/paper8_essosds2012.pdf
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

                 Access Control Policy Administration
              supporting User-defined Privacy Preferences
             A Use-case in the context of Patient-centric Health-care

                            Thomas Trojer and Ruth Breu (Supervisor)

                    Institute of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria

                Abstract. The protection of medical records is understood to be an
                issue related to privacy and therefore closely bound to the patient her-
                /himself, playing a crucial role in networked electronic health-care. Award-
                ing users to have control over personal data stored and processed by
                information systems is important as it allows a user to communicate in-
                dividual privacy concerns. Still, users self-maintaining controls of access
                to their personal data poses challenges regarding its implementation. A
                major issue is that users are typically non-security experts and have
                only limited knowledge of the context domain. Regarding our use-case
                patients may not be fully familiar with all activities related to informa-
                tion processing e.g., during a medical treatment, therefore not able to
                properly decide on privacy and authorization measures. In our work we
                discuss the development of access control authoring tools to allow non-
                expert users to create, analyse and adjust personal privacy policies. We
                propose the integration of domain aspects into the development process
                of such tools. With extended knowledge about the domain the creation
                of policy rules can be bound to high-level activity descriptions and policy
                analysis can be performed in a domain-aware manner.

         1     Motivation
         Modern information systems are able to store, retrieve an process vast amounts of
         data. Further extended by networking capabilities and driven by the increased
         personal use of information technology a wide range of data can be collected
         and combined to form new processable content. The collection of data can be
         critical without means of regulating access to it when requests for provisioning or
         processing are made. With respect to the actual use-case, data can be considered
         as e.g., confidential according to its content or sensitive in terms of identifying
         individual persons.
             In a common use-case scenario a person responsible for security matters, like
         an administrator, defines access control policies which constitute appropriate
         security measures for all protected resources. In the case of person-identifying
         information, such policies do not necessarily reflect the conception of the identi-
         fied individual on how to access-protect these information. By declaring privacy
         as a right about information self-determination, e.g., within the European Data

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                                  Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         Protection Directive 1 an individual user is awarded a distinguished role within
         privacy management processes. This can be interpreted as the required ability
         of a user to influence the definition of enforceable access control policies which
         constitute data privacy related to the user’s personal conception.

         1.1   Use-case: Patient-centric Electronic Health-care
         We consider a use-case from the Austrian e-Health initiative which started in
         2006 as a governmental workgroup. A central goal of this initiative is the es-
         tablishment of a distributed shared electronic health-record for all citizens of
         Austria. It has been shown that a holistic medical history of a patient improves
         the health-care infrastructure from an economical perspective as well as from
         a viewpoint of effectiveness regarding medical treatments. Still, because of the
         high degree of sensitivity which is observed in most medical data, privacy is a
         concern of utmost importance to be tackled. In the context of this initiative we
         want to contribute methods with a strong focus on patient-centricity by estab-
         lishing personal control over privacy-relevant health data.

         2     Problem statement
         A general problem question can be raised as follows: How can a user, considered
         a non-security and non-domain expert, be supported during the declaration of
         access control policies in a way that she/he is aware about consequences to certain
         evaluation criteria, first and foremost personal privacy and e.g., the effectiveness
         of the information system. Two potential user actions can be derived from this
         problem question. First, a user has to be provided with tools to create access
         control policies and second a currently active policy has to be visualized in a way
         that the user can understand how it influences the information flow of the system.
         Visualizing active policies is especially important to allow a user to reconsider
         the policies’ appropriateness. Therefore a user is able to adjust a policy in a way
         so that it fits her/his personal conception of access control.

         3     Contributions
         We contribute a framework using domain characteristics to develop user inter-
         faces for access control policy authoring. Further this framework includes a policy
         analysis component capable of providing users with feedback during their actions
         within the policy authoring process. A central step to be performed is therefore
         the modeling of domain entities and their relationships as well as the annota-
         tion of the domain model with attributes from the access control domain. In
         the context of our use-case we identify e.g., a medical practitioner or pharmacist
         as subjects of access control, whereas medical records or referrals are considered
              see Directive 95/46/EC, http://ec.europa.eu/justice/policies/privacy/

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                           Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         resources to be protected by access control. A basic API to work with domain
         entities and access control policy elements can be generated from that model.
             Based on this model we designed a generic authoring process [10] that leads
         to the creation of access control policies. This process allows for policy creation
         and adaptation, which can be triggered by the user.
             In this work we want to emphasize two research directions in order to reach
         our objective of providing a non-expert user with access control authoring tools
         to establish privacy policies. These are described in the following sections.

         3.1   Scenario-based Access Control Policy Authoring
         John Carroll [3] coined the term scenarios as stories about people and their
         activities, e.g., related to the tasks of their work. We propose scenario-based
         authoring as a method to create and further visualize access control policies in
         a usable way. This is important as users typically lack of knowledge about the
         underlying access control concepts and therefore have to be supported during
         the authoring process [12, 2].
             The first step of our approach regards the elicitation of typical working activ-
         ities of the domain. Only working activities which involve information processing
         in an arbitrary way are considered as they can be related to access control. In
         our context we tackled this step by performing a case-study about stakeholders
         and some of their activities in the domain of electronic health records in Austria
         [9]. Next the selected working activities have to be translated to our template
         language. A template consists of the attributes identifying and describing the
         working activity in natural language and further a set of access control rules
         which are written to the user policy once a template instance is executed. User
         control is established via user interface form input fields which represent domain
         and environment information (e.g. time, date, location or cardinalities) and are
         bound to variables used within the policy rules of the template. Fig. 1 shows
         a basic scenario from our electronic health-care use-case, namely, the selection
         of a family practitioner performed by a citizen stakeholder. In this example two
         inputs are provided, the name of the family practitioner and whether all doc-
         uments (i.e. also all future ones) shall be accessible or only the ones currently
         stored about a patient. By executing a template instance one permit-rule is
         created allowing the selected practitioner (i.e. the subject of the access control
         target) to access patient health records. Similarly a query can be formed to vi-
         sualize a selected family practitioner to the user by asking who is permitted to
         read all documents.
             The template language including access control rules and queries are cur-
         rently developed and described in a formal way. With this work we target the
         field of usable security.

         3.2   Domain-based Access Control Policy Analysis
         We see two situations where a user may be encouraged to reconsider her/his
         access control settings and to adjust them if necessary. First, if the representation

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                            Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

          Fig. 1. Scenario-based policy authoring leading to privacy policies and visualization.

         of currently active settings can be provided in a readable way the user is able to
         detect differences between these settings and her/his intended settings. Therefore
         we propose to use scenario-based policy templates (see Section 3.1) to increase
         understandability of a user policy.
             Besides a user adjusting her/his policy based on a manual interpretation,
         policies may also carry conflicts or influence arbitrary system properties and
         the user in a negative way. Therefore we identify a second situation for adjust-
         ing a policy, namely triggered by feedback of a performed policy analysis. In
         general policy analysis is extensively discussed in literature (see e.g., [7, 8, 1]),
         but mainly based on conflict detection regarding the interplay of different policy
         rules. Work, as e.g., done by Michael LeMay [6] and Katie Fisler [4] consider a
         policy model together with the domain where policies are deployed on. Based
         on these works we propose the definition of high-level evaluation criteria which
         interact. These criteria can be attached to the policy authoring activity leading
         to a balancing act during access control configuration in order to satisfy best all
         evaluation criteria. In our previous work [9] we considered privacy and informa-
         tion system effectiveness as evaluation criteria to be balanced. There, based on
         a domain model and models for each evaluation criteria, domain-aware analysis
         rules integrating all evaluation aspects can be generated.
             For our use-case we defined a trivial privacy model consisting of permissions
         and restrictions and an information system effectiveness model. This effective-
         ness model consists of personal relationships between subjects and needs-to-know
         relations between subjects and protected resources (see Fig. 2). Regarding pri-
         vacy the lack of a permission can be interpreted as increased privacy. On the
         other hand the absence of one or both the personal relationship or the needs-
         to-know relation decreases the need of the information system to be effective
         towards these attributes. E.g. a family practitioner earns an associated personal
         relationship connecting her/him to the patient, further needs-to-know relations
         to all patient’s data are established. Now, a patient restricting this practitioner
         from reading any data would obviously contribute to the her/his privacy, still
         the health-care information system would not effectively operate anymore. An

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                              Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         effectiveness warning with detailed information about its reasons is provided to
         the user, which in turn may react on it by adjusting her/his settings.

                                                                        Effectiveness model

                               <>                           <>
                          Personal relationship                        Needs to know
                            [Association, Class]                        [Association]
                                                                                                               e.g. conditions,
                                                                                                               obligations, etc.
                            from       to                                     references

                                                defined for                  refined by
                                                                                                 Access decision
                           <>             <>          <>     Permit
                             Subject                   Resource                 Action           Deny
                              [Class]                   [Class]                 [Class]


                         defined by           defined by                  defined by

                                                                                                      results in
                                                                                                    Authorization rule
                                                   Access target

                                                                                  based on

                                                                                                     Authorization policy model
                       Core policy entities                                                                     (privacy model)

         Fig. 2. Evaluation criteria privay and effectiveness applied to core policy entities and
         used for domain-aware policy analysis.

         4    Research Plan
         In an ongoing project with our industry partner ITH-icoserve for healthcare
         technology, a subsidiary company of Siemens and a local hospital provider, we
         are developing an access control policy authoring application based on a secured
         IHE-based infrastructure 2 for shared patient health-records.
              Currently we have considered access control enforcement based on IHE XDS2
         and auxiliary profiles [5, 10], for which our industry partner is an implementer
         and tested for conformity and interoperability. Further a prototypical author-
         ing portal application was developed [9]. In order to let the policy authoring
         reflect the actual domain, we employ a model-driven process which generates a
         policy API based on a domain and access control model [11]. Our approach for
         domain-aware policy analysis, which is based on balancing of evaluation criteria
         will also build upon the policy API. Evaluation criteria we currently consider
         is the correlation between permitted or restricted access, personal relationships
         between stakeholders and the importance to have certain data available to spe-
         cific stakeholders. In future work we also want to study other criteria, e.g., the
         purpose-relatedness of permitted data accesses.
              see IHE IT-Infrastructure Technical                                            Framework,             http://www.ihe.net/

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First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

             Generally we apply methods from design science to develop the aforemen-
         tioned artifacts for patient-controlled access control. Usable methods for au-
         thoring and analysis of policies are our main focus. Further we will perform
         additional case studies to justify the application of these approaches within our
         use-case. As human interaction with the authoring application is a central part
         of this work, therefore we will also conduct a usability study to evaluate the use-
         fulness of working scenarios and templates to maintain access control policies.
         A fully features authoring portal application is planned to be integrated into a
         health information system built by our industry partner and deployed to our
         regional health-care infrastructure. This will consist of templates for adapting
         authorization policies as well as policy analysis to inform a citizen about the
         consequences of certain access control settings. Finally the deployed system has
         to be evaluated regarding its performance and user acceptance.

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          2. S. Brostoff, M. A. Sasse, D. Chadwick, J. Cunningham, U. Mbanaso, and S. Otenko.
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          5. B. Katt, T. Trojer, R. Breu, T. Schabetsberger, and F. Wozak. Meeting ehr security
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         10. T. Trojer, B. Katt, T. Schabetsberger, R. Mair, and R. Breu. The Process of Policy
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         11. T. Trojer, B. Katt, F. Wozak, and T. Schabetsberger. An Authoring Framework
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