=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Federated Authorization for SaaS applications |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-834/paper9_essosds2012.pdf |volume=Vol-834 }} ==Federated Authorization for SaaS applications== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-834/paper9_essosds2012.pdf
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

             Federated authorization for SaaS applications
                            Maarten Decat, Bert Lagaisse, Wouter Joosen
                          IBBT-DistriNet, KU Leuven, 3001 Leuven, Belgium

                Abstract.    With Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), a centrally hosted web-
                based application is oered to a large number of customer organizations
                called tenants, each using multiple applications. The tenant and provider
                each work in their own authoritative and administrative domain, leading
                to a federated architecture and raising the bar for security and access
                control. Access control with SaaS applications is about protecting the
                tenant's data at the provider's side using the tenant's policies and user
                information. In current practice however, all access control policies are
                evaluated at the provider's side, distributing and fragmenting the ten-
                ant's policies over the multiple applications it uses. Moreover, all neces-
                sary user information now has to be shared with the provider, resulting
                in the disclosure of condential tenant data. Therefore, we propose the
                concept of federated authorization, a combination of externalized autho-
                rization and federated access control techniques whereby the tenant's
                access control policies are evaluated at the tenant's side using local data.

         1   Introduction
         Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications are a part of cloud computing in which
         centrally hosted web-based applications are oered to a large number of tenants
         (customer organizations each representing multiple end-users), each using multi-
         ple applications. From the point of view of the tenant, cloud computing and SaaS
         are a form of outsourcing using a pay-per-use billing scheme. From the point of
         view of the provider, SaaS is the next step in Application Service Provider (ASP)
         evolution, trying to cut operational costs by sharing resources of the application
         and oering it on a larger scale.
         Originally, SaaS applications where mainly used by small and medium enter-
         prises for non-core business applications. Typical examples are Google Apps (an
         oce suite, e-mail, calendar etc.) and Salesforce (CRM). Recently however, large
         enterprises are increasingly starting to use SaaS for core-business applications.
         An example of this is a home patient monitoring system oered to health in-
         stitutions like hospitals (the tenants of the application). With regards to the
         typical examples, these applications pose new challenges, such as the increased
         importance of security. While cloud computing and SaaS can provide large eco-
         nomical advantages, security is the major hurdle for cloud adoption [8,6,5].
         SaaS requires application-level security, of which access control is an important
         part. From a high-level point of view, access control limits the actions a subject
         (e.g., a user) can take on an object in the system (e.g., a le) applying rules

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                                  Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         Fig. 1. Federated authentication, SAML ow [1]: the user requests a certain resource
         using his browser (step 1), the SaaS application redirects the user to its home domain
         (step 2), the user authenticates himself locally (step 3 and 4), the user is redirected
         back to the application together with its user information (step 5), the application uses
         this information for access control (step 6) and returns the resource if allowed (step 7).

         dened in access control policies. The process of access control is generally di-
         vided into authentication, authorization and audit. Authentication conrms the
         stated identity of a subject, authorization conrms the subject is allowed to do
         the desired action on the object and audit oers information about the actions
         done in the system.
         This paper focuses on authentication and authorization. Section 2 denes the
         problems we observe with current state of the art for authorization in SaaS appli-
         cations. Section 3 sketches our proposed solution and specic objectives. Section
         4 lists the challenges we predict in this research. Section 5 describes our research
         methodology and section 6 shows our main contributions.

         2      Problem statement
         SaaS applications are a form of outsourcing: the application remotely hosts and
         processes data actually belonging to the tenant. Therefore, access control in
         SaaS applications is mainly about protecting the tenant's data located at the
         provider's side. The tenant controls the administration and information about
         the users of the application1 (e.g., employees of the tenant) and the access control
         rules and policies.
             A rst problem with access control for remote applications is administrative
         scalability. From the tenant's point of view, every application has to be pro-
         vided with the necessary user information. Therefore, federated authentication
         techniques such as WS-Federation [3], OpenId [2] and SAML [1] have been de-
         veloped. These techniques allow users to be authenticated in their home domain,
         after which the needed user information is securely exchanged with the appli-
         cation (see g. 1). This centralizes user management with the tenant and oers
         control over the shared information and the authentication means used.
              There are more complex scenario's in which former unknown users access the ap-
              plication (e.g., ad-hoc federations). Here we purposely limit our vision and exclude
              this for now.

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                                 Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

                                  Fig. 2. Externalized authorization

         With the evolution towards core-business SaaS applications, more control over
         the application and the data it uses is required, raising the need for authoriza-
         tion. While federated authentication techniques allow tenants to centralize user
         management, similar techniques for authorization currently do not exist and all
         access control policies are evaluated at the provider's side. Because of this, access
         control policies are distributed and fragmented over the multiple SaaS applica-
         tions the tenant uses. This increases the administrative load, eventually leading
         to inconsistencies and security holes.
         A second problem with this approach, is the necessary disclosure of conden-
         tial tenant information. Because the access control policy is evaluated at the
         provider's side, all necessary information has to be shared with the provider.
         While the tenant trusts the provider with the information in the application
         itself, it is likely that more information is needed for authorization. For exam-
         ple, in the patient monitoring system, the list of all patients the physician is
         currently treating or the fact that the patient is currently being treated by an
         oncologist is condential information. Moreover, it can be the case the tenant
         does not want to share the policy itself, for example how the hospital handles
         its competitors when requesting access to its data.

         3   Proposed solution
         In this section we present an initial solution we envision to solve the two prob-
         lems described above: their limited administrative scalability and the necessary
         disclosure of condential information. The solution we envision consists of ex-
         ternalizing policy evaluation from the SaaS application to the tenant. With each
         request, the SaaS application would ask the tenant for an access control decision,
         after which the tenant himself evaluates the necessary policies and returns his
         decision. This way, tenant policies remain centralized and condential informa-
         tion does not have to be shared with the application provider. Since this achieves
         for authorization what federated authentication did for authentication, we call
         this federated authorization.
             The objective of this research is to incept and evaluate support for federated
         authorization in security middleware. A high-level technical overview of how we

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                            Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         currently envision this middleware is given in g. 2 using XACML [11] terminol-
         ogy for the components. When a user sends a request to the SaaS application to
         perform an action, the Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) is called from the ap-
         plication in order to determine whether the user is allowed to do so. It therefore
         calls the local Policy Decision Point (PDP), which will evaluate tenant policies
         loaded from the Policy Administration Point (PAP) using information stored
         in the Policy Information Point (PIP). The provider's PDP also forwards the
         request to the tenant PDP, which in turn evaluates the tenant's policies using
         local data and returns its decision. The requested action is only allowed in case
         both parties allow it.
         In order to achieve this objective, both the policy language and the execution
         environment will have to be extended. The policy has to support the necessary
         constructs in order to declare the needed properties of the federated authoriza-
         tion. Future research will have to show which constructs are minimally needed.
         For the execution environment, the communication between the provider and
         the tenant will most likely be the crucial part, since the information about the
         request, the subject, the object and the system are now distributed over the two

         4   Challenges
         Federated authorization as described above builds upon and extends external-
         ized authorization, a concept that has been researched in the past (e.g., [9]).
         Moreover, the XACML access control standard already denes a prole for in-
         tegration with SAML for transport of both user information and authorization
         decisions [10]. However, no research about the practical feasibility of combining
         externalized authorization with federation into federated authorization is present
         to the best of our knowledge. An important aspect of this are the security trade-
         os implicitly made in federated authorization. For example, externalizing access
         control to the tenant increases administrative scalability, but also makes the sys-
         tem more susceptible to denial of service attacks and trac analysis.
         One major challenge we predict is the performance and performance scalability of
         the security middleware. This challenge is increased by taking into account con-
         currency and distributed data updates. Related research has led to techniques for
         improving access control performance (e.g., Wei [14] proposes decision recycling
         and inference, Brucker and Petritsch [4] focus on the retrieval of the necessary
         user information), some of which can also be applied for scalability. However,
         SaaS applications frequently use aggressive scalability techniques [12] and their
         applicability on access control still has to be investigated.

         5   Research methodology
         In this research, a case-study driven methodology is used. Two major case stud-
         ies are used: (i) a home patient monitoring system and (ii) an electronic docu-
         ment processing system. The security analyses of both case studies oer require-

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                          Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         ments and policies to be applied in our prototypes. The former oers insights in
         the stringent legal requirements concerning medical data and the complex, ne-
         grained access control policies in e-health, the latter oers a tenant hierarchy, a
         concept which should be supported by federated authorization.
         Currently, this research is in its early phase. Involvement in the case studies
         stated above has shown the need for solving this problem, after which a litera-
         ture study of existing authorization techniques was made. As the next step in
         this research, our concept of federated authorization will be rened into a ref-
         erence architecture. In order to build upon existing work, we will base this on
         widely-used standards such as XACML [11] as much as possible. This reference
         architecture will then be instantiated into a proof of concept using the case stud-
         ies in order to evaluate the feasibility of federated authorization. The next step
         will be to apply and empirically evaluate performance and scalability techniques
         on this using metrics such as the impact of the complexity of policies (e.g., the
         number of subject and object attributes needed) on the response time of the

         6   Main contributions
         Next to SaaS applications, federated access control has been researched in other
         domains as well, such as web applications (e.g., OpenId [2]), grid computing
         (e.g., PERMIS [7]) and web services (e.g., WS-Federation [3]). These domains
         oer relevant techniques, but their purpose diers from SaaS. For example, ac-
         cess control in grid computing is mainly about access to on-premise resources
         from other domains. Moreover, the described techniques still limit themselves to
         local policy enforcement based on federated authentication.
         Some literature has been published about access control for multi-party systems.
         Zhang et al. [15] describe a framework for usage control in collaborative systems,
         taking into account access control data updates. Stihler et al. [13] also describe an
         architecture which enables the involved parties to declare access control policies
         on the application. However, both still employ provider-side policy enforcement,
         resulting into the problems described in section 2.
         Existing technologies for access control also do not support federated authoriza-
         tion. Products such as IBM Tivoli Access Manager allow to centrally enforce
         access control policies on multiple applications. Moreover, by acting as an XML
         gateway these policies can be applied on external applications. This set-up is
         however limited to the level of messages, thereby limiting the complexity of sup-
         ported policies. Moreover, this limits the mobility of the users of the external
         application, making it inapplicable for SaaS applications.

         7   Conclusions
         This paper presented a new approach to access control for SaaS applications
         called federated authorization. In this approach, policy evaluation is external-
         ized from the SaaS application to the tenant, keeping tenant policies centralized

ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                            Feb 15, 2012
First Doctoral Symposium on
Engineering Secure Software und Systems

         and its data condential. A major challenge we predict is the performance and
         performance scalability of the security middleware. Using a case-study driven
         methodology, we will evaluate the feasibility of federated authorization for SaaS

         Acknowledgements This research is partially funded by the Interuniversity At-
         traction Poles Programme Belgian State, by the Belgian Science Policy, by the
         Research Fund KU Leuven, by the EU FP7 project NESSoS and by the Agency
         for Innovation by Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT).

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ESSoS-DS 2012                                                                              Feb 15, 2012