[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-85

© 2003 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and scientific purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.

Knowledge Management and Philosophy

Proceedings of the WM 2003 Workshop on Knowledge Management and Philosophy

Luzern, April 3rd and 4th, 2003.

Edited by

Klaus Freyberg *
Hans-Joachim Petsche $
Bertin Klein #

* Munich Reinsurance Company , Munich, Germany
$ Institut für Philosophie der Universität Potsdam , Potsdam, Germany
# DFKI, Knowledge Management department , Kaiserslautern, Germany

Table of Contents

Preface (in German) and Theses (in German and English)
            Klaus Freyberg, Bertin Klein, Hans-Joachim Petsche

Papers presented at the workshop
  1. Philosophy for IT for Knowledge Management
    Bertin Klein and Thomas R. Roth-Berghofer
  2. Perspectival Thinking: A Phenomenological Approach to Knowledge Management
    John D. Haynes
  3. Darstellende Untersuchung Philosophischer Probleme mit Ontologien
    Lars Dittmann, Reinhard Schütte, Stephan Zelewski
  4. Radical Empiricism, Empirical Modelling and the nature of knowing
    Meurig Beynon
  5. Epistemic Logic and Knowledge Management
    Marcus Spies
  6. Visualizing the Shadows of Information
    Martin Bertram, Sascha Köhn, Thies Bähr, Bertin Klein, and Rolf van Lengen
  7. Knowledge Discovery Methods: An Exploration of Different Approaches
    Stefan Smolnik
  8. Wissensmanagement - Darstellung und Transfer von Wissen - Potenziale und Grenzen
    Norbert Jastroch
  9. Knowledge Building in der Automobilzulieferindustrie: Lernen auf dem Weg von der Grundlage zur Serie (extended Abstract)
    Thomas Börnchen, Burkhard Wördenweber
  10. prospektiv - konstruktiv - retrograd: Beurteilung von Methoden des Wissensmanagements aus philosophischer Perspektive
    Ruth Hagengruber, Hanno Schauer
  11. Ontologien und Topik - Systematische Aspekte einer Wissensrepräsentation
    Gregor Büchel
  12. Knowledge Management from the Ontological Standpoint
    Pierre Grenon
  13. Uncertainty, Bayesian Belief Nets, and Knowledge Management
    Ulrich Metschl
  14. The Differentia Principle as a Cornerstone of Ontology
    Christophe Roche
  15. Knowledge management and philosophy: A position paper (extended Abstract)
    Stephen K. Probert
Papers not presented at the workshop
  1. Knowledge acquisition or manifestation of the thought - Cathedral builders and knowledge acquisition method designers
    Francis Rousseaux
  2. The World Through Manager's Goals: A Phenomenological Account of the Etymologies of Data and Information
    Fernando M. Ilharco
  3. Philosophie und Wissensmanagement in der Schule - Der Beitrag des Fachs "Ethik" für ein Lehrerportal im Internet
    Peter M. Steiner
  4. A Philosophical Look at Knowledge Management
    Lewis Hassell
  5. Wissensmanagement in Unternehmen
    Marion Schwehr

submitted by Bertin Klein, 16-Oct-2003