=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Workflow Partitioning for Offline Distributed Execution on Mobile Devices |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-855/paper21.pdf |volume=Vol-855 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/caise/WakholiC12 }} ==Workflow Partitioning for Offline Distributed Execution on Mobile Devices== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-855/paper21.pdf
Workflow Partitioning for Offline Distributed Execution
                  on Mobile Devices

                             Peter Wakholi and Weiqin Chen

                 University of Bergen, POB 7802, N-5020, Bergen, Norway

       Abstract. Traditionally, workflow systems are built on the client/server archi-
       tecture, in which a single workflow server takes the responsibility for the opera-
       tion of the whole process, thereby requiring connections each time a task is
       completed. In cases where connection between client and server is not readily
       available - like in mobile environments, such an approach proves infeasible.
       Enabling the execution of a group of tasks by mobile clients in distributed and
       disconnected environments has been proposed as a possible solution. However,
       the partitioning of a workflow into groups of tasks for offline execution has not
       been adequately explored. This paper proposes an approach for workflow parti-
       tioning and an algorithm that enables automatic discovery of such partitions
       from a process model as a vital step in assigning grouped tasks. We have im-
       plemented the algorithm, evaluated and validated it and proposed ways in
       which it could be implemented in a real workflow environment.

       Keywords: workflow models, partitioning, offline behaviour

1      Introduction

Traditionally, workflow systems are built on the client/server architecture, in which a
single workflow server takes the responsibility for the operation of the whole process,
thereby requiring connections each time a task is completed. In environments where
connections cannot be sustained e.g. devices using mobile networks in rural areas,
such an approach would be infeasible. The practice is to allow for offline data collec-
tion and require the client device to make connections once network is stable [1].
Solutions that use distributed Workflow Systems have been proposed[2], making it
necessary to partition a process model into a group of tasks that can be executed off-
   A number of methods for partitioning workflows for distributed execution have
been proposed [3, 4]. However many of the approaches while addressing the need for
distributed offline execution of work, do not cater for the need to provide an option
that enables the server to maintain control. The partitions created should be simple
enough to be executed by a light-weight mobile client and should not in any way alter
the underlying logic of the original model maintained on the server. This enables
distributed execution to be just an option and not a requirement. In this paper we have
proposed a Petri-net based approach to partitioning workflows, based on structural
and behavioural aspects of the original process model. We present a method for parti-
tioning that enables work to be dynamically assigned at different stages of the execu-
tion process as long as they can be carried out independent of the original model.
   This paper proceeds as follows. In section 2 we explore the requirements and pro-
vide rules for partitioning. Section 3 provides an algorithm for automatic discovery of
such Partitions. Section 4 provides a theoretical and experimental evaluation of the
rules and propositions provided. Related work and the contribution of the paper are
discussed in section 5. Finally, section 6 provides future work and further discussions.

2      Workflow Partitioning

2.1    Application Example

Before partitioning a workflow model, one needs to consider the goals and operating
environment of the system. We therefore provide a case study of the Promise-Pep
Clinical Trial[5] that is considering adding mobile phones as one of the platforms
used to collect information. The aim of using workflows is to automate the process of
data collection and ensure adherence to pre-defined procedures in the trial protocol.
The use of mobile phones for data collection would be when community-based visits
are undertaken. We take an instance of a field activity (which is part of larger process)
that involves a doctor conducting clinics for HIV+ mothers. First, he looks up the
client information (loaded on the mobile device) and records additional information
about the visit. Then he does two lab tests (Plasma HIV-1 RNA and Stored plasma)
and records the information. Finally, he provides a prescription and records this on his
mobile device. At the end of the day, when network connection is established, he
uploads this information to the server and the process continues. This portion of work
assigned to the doctor is a sub-workflow process that is an independent and complete
workflow activity, and does not depend on any outside intervention in order to com-
plete execution.
   Conceptually, one can therefore argue that partitioning of workflows needs to en-
sure that the resulting partitions form some logical workflow process and that there
are no data, resource and control flow dependencies outside the partition. [2] pro-
vides a set of conditions that workflow partition needs to address, which include that,
it must be possible to partition a process model and to allocate the resulting fragments
on mobile devices as well as stationary computers; the soundness of the process needs
to be ensured; both the overall process model as well as its fragments might have to
be adapted during runtime, e.g. to deal with exceptional situations. Based on this case
study and related literature, the following are necessary for partitioning process mod-

1. A partition should not alter the underlying logic of a process model. Any combina-
   tion of tasks should preserve the order of execution as defined by the process mod-
2. All tasks from the partition can be assigned to one resource and can be executed by
   the service(s) on the client device.
3. All data dependencies for the tasks to be executed are contained in a partition and
   hence there is no need to connect to the server during the lifetime of its execution.
4. User can define the optimum number of tasks to be assigned or select from a set of
   possible partitions.

2.2    Workflow Partitioning Rules
We use an example of a workflow net in figure 1, and the unfolded net in figure 2.
Unfolding the model as proposed by [6] enables us to determine the dependencies of
the tasks in an execution sequence. In the unfolded model, T9 and P9 refer to the
transition    and place 10. It can be observed that the possible partitions for this
model consists of the transitions;                       ,                         ,
            ,                     . The following do not form valid partitions
          ,       ,         ,         ,          ,       . These only serve as ex-
amples since the number of possible combinations are much higher. The following
observations can be made about the partitions generated.

1. For all partitions there is one incoming arc one outgoing arc.
2. For all partitions it is possible to move from one transition to another without re-
   quiring input or output to the rest of the process model.
3. The groupings that do not form valid partitions either depend on outside conditions
   or provide output before fully executing.
4. None of the partitions modifies the execution sequence provided in the in figure 1.

Based on these observations, we generate the following rules for partitioning work-
flow models: Given an unfolding of a workflow net                           is, such that
                     is a set of states and                      is a set of transitions;
the relation        associates to each transition its source state;            associates
to each transition its target state. A partition                           where
                      and                              is possible if:

1. Rule 1:                                                  (causal and connected)
2. Rule 2:                     (No contradiction)

Fig. 1. Example workflow net
Fig. 2. Workflow net unfolded

3      Automatic Partitioning Algorithm

The relations in the unfolded net can be represented as an incidence matrix that de-
fines the causal relations between the transitions and places as shown in table 1. For a
transition column a value of 1 represents an arc entering from a place in the corre-
sponding row, while -1 is for an outgoing arc. The incidence matrix of a directed
graph               is a       matrix            such that

                             Table 1. Incidence Matrix for unfolded net

                    T1        T2    T3       T4   T5   T6   T7    T8       T9       total
            P0          -1     0        0     0    0    0     0       0        0        -
            P1          1      -1       -1    0    0    0     0       0        0        -
            P2          0      1        0     0    0   -1     0       0        0       0
            P3          0      1        0    -1    0    0     0       0        0        -
            P4          0      0        1     0    0    0     0       0        -1      0
            P5          0      0        0     1   -1    0     0       0        0       0
            P6          0      0        0     0    1    0    -1       0        0       0
            P7          0      0        0     0    0    1    -1       0        0       0
            P8          0      0        0     0    0    0     1       -1       0        -
            P9          0      0        0     0    0    0     0       0        1        -
            P10         0      0        0     0    0    0     0       1        0        -
            total   -          1    -         0    0    0    -1   -        -           0
   First we apply rule 2: since there must be only one incoming and one outgoing arc,
the sum of all arcs within the Partition must be zero. Therefore any arc that is created
within the Partition must eventually come to a close. It can be observed that a node
(place or transition) with one incoming arc and one outgoing arc will always have
Transition column and Place row sum as 0. Rule 2 therefore proposes that for a Parti-
tion, the cumulative sum of all the places and transitions must be zero. Considering
one of the Partitions                               the columns (transitions) and the rows
(places) as shaded in table 1 are summed. It can be observed that the cumulative sum
of rows and columns is zero. Rule 1 requires that Partitions should be composed of
connected and causally related transitions. We therefore institute a search algorithm
that starts with the first transition of the intended Partition and adds adjustment transi-
tions (connectedness) while checking for causality. For every transition added, rule 2
is applied and if the cumulative sum of columns and rows is 0, then a Partition is dis-
   The algorithm for Partitions is given below. A mathematical evaluation proves its
validity. Since the net is unfolded, the direction of an arc implies that the
place/transition can only be visited once in any execution sequence. A column sum in
the incidence matrix represents difference in the number of incoming and outgoing
arcs while a row represents those of a place. If a Partition has one input place and one
output place, then every new arc leaving a Transition creates an execution path that
must always close, thus giving a net sum of zero.


     While (n < Number of transitions)do
       If         then                            
         If (sumTransitions+SumPlaces=0) then     
           Partition =
         End If
       End If
     End While

4      Evaluation

This algorithm was implemented by creating a module in the PIPE framework[7].
Based on the unfolded model, Partitions for the first Transition were searched, then
the next, until all transitions in the sequence had been visited. The result of running
the    algorithm        gave      possible    Partitions   as,
                          ,           and          . These match with the observation
that were made in section 2.2. The algorithm was evaluated by experimenting on a
number of process models whose choice was based on complexity [8] of the underly-
ing constructs by considering the number of Workflow patterns and tasks. Table 2
shows the results of the experiments. A total of five process models were tested, one
of which is based on the YAWL for Film [9] process model. For each model, we ob-
served the number of Workflow patterns and the number of tasks. After running the
Partition algorithm using the software developed, we counted the number of Partitions
discovered and evaluated their correctness and possible omissions.
   The hypothesis was that there should be no incorrect or omitted Partitions in order
for the rules generated to be valid. This hypothesis was proved to hold for sound
Workflow nets, except for state-based patterns like Interleaved Parallel Routing,
Milestone, Critical Section, and Interleaved Routing. One common characteristic of
all these patterns is that they take a token and return to a place thus giving a net can-
cellation effect on the Partition. In order to address this problem, the unfolding con-
sidered a unidirectional arrow to the transition - based on the fact that our interest is
only aimed at ascertaining the state. In addition, Advanced Synchronisation and Mul-
tiple instance patterns like the Multi-choice and Multi-merge create large numbers of
unfolding, which become complex for analysis.

5      Related Work

There have been attempts to develop a framework that delivers workflow definitions
to mobile devices in disconnected environments[10]. The IBM FlowMark [11] is an
example of a meta-model that seeks to address the constraints of deploying mobile
workflows. Work is loaded to a mobile with the hope that a user is committed to do
them. Exotica is an example of a distributed workflow platform where processes are
transferred to sites thereby eliminating the need of a centralised server [11].
   [12] uses workflow partitioning in BPEL to structurally provide rules based on
graph transformations. Transformations are based on rules that ensure that the system
exposes the functional behaviour and the flow of the original workflow is observed.
The partitioned BPEL processes is executed onto a network of mobile phones.
Through this approach, they are able to produce an overall execution model that is
equivalent to a centralized one, implemented using disconnected components and
independent workflow engines. [2] presents the MARPLE architecture that enables
the execution of processes on mobile devices. Through their system, they realize ge-
neric process management. The architecture meets the performance requirements of
mobile scenarios to cope with specific requirements like broken connections and lim-
ited GUIs. They provide a set of requirements for the architecture to work which form
part of the basis for the partitioning algorithms proposed. In their work, conceptual
issues regarding the partitioning of processes are not provided.
   [4] provides a Petri-net based approach for fragmenting workflows for distributed
execution. The fragments created can migrate to servers where tasks are performed
and new fragments are created. Through this approach a case can be executed on sev-
eral servers in succession thus enabling the outsourcing of business functionalities.
[3] presents an approach for the distributed execution of workflows based on the
fragmentation of high-level Petri-nets. The Petri-nets are fragmented horizontally,
vertically and diagonally, and fulfil the necessary requirements for formal workflow
behaviour like completeness, minimality and disjointedness. Conceptually, formal
methods presented in [3, 4] for distributed workflow differ from our approach due to
the problem addressed and deployment environment. Our approach seeks to move
work to a client with a light-weight workflow engine for offline execution by combin-
ing two or more tasks while maintaining semantics of the original model.

    Table 2. Evaluation

    Inherent Patterns                  No. of     No. of         Incor-       Omis-
                                    tasks       Partitions    rect         sions
   Synchronization, Choice, Se-        8          4              0            0
quence, Simple merge, Parallel
   Synchronization    (nested),       9            3             0           0
Choice, Sequence(x2), Simple
merge, Parallel split
   Synchronization(x3), Simple        20           13            0           0
choice(x6), sequence(x1), Sim-
ple merge(x7), Parallel split(2),
iterations (x7), synchronising
merge (x1)
   Synchronization,          Se-      6            3             2           0
quence(x2), Parallel split, Mile-
   Multichoice, Multimerge            5            0             0           0

6       Discussion and Future Work

In this paper we present an approach to address the problem of partitioning workflows
for offline execution in mobile environments and automatically discovering of groups
of tasks (Partitions). We present a scenario for such a need and provide a set of re-
quirements for partitioning workflows. Additionally an algorithm for discovering
such partitions based on model unfolding and checking is presented. It is important to
note that model unfolding represents the full reachability graph using partial orders
that preserve the relations between transition occurrences [6]. All reachable markings
are therefore represented in a Petri-net unfolding. This enables us to determine the
relationships between occurrences thereby making the algorithm proposed sound. The
approach proposed therefore considers the static and dynamic behaviour of workflow
models when developing partitions.
    The algorithm provided in this paper does function correctly for a range of patterns
and therefore provides a viable approach to addressing the problem identified. Be-
cause an unfolding of a net produces the structural and behavioural aspects of the net,
it can be extended to other process modelling languages to enable the discovery of
Partitions. Pragmatism in unfolding is necessary to provide workable solutions. So
rather than unfolding models to their basic Petri-net based representations, it would be
prudent to extend the principles enshrined in this paper in implementing the algo-
rithms on real process modelling environments. Future work will involve implement-
ing this approach in a real workflow environment, developing a light weight work-
flow engine that is able to execute Partitions on a mobile phone and devising mecha-
nisms for synchronising Partitions with the entire workflow.

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