=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Extraction of Historical Events from Wikipedia |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-868/paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-868 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/esws/HienertL12 }} ==Extraction of Historical Events from Wikipedia== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-868/paper4.pdf
        Extraction of Historical Events from Wikipedia

                          Daniel Hienert and Francesco Luciano

                      GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
                     Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8, 50667 Cologne, Germany
                       {daniel.hienert, francesco.luciano}@gesis.org

       Abstract. The DBpedia project extracts structured information from Wikipedia
       and makes it available on the web. Information is gathered mainly with the help
       of infoboxes that contain structured information of the Wikipedia article. A lot
       of information is only contained in the article body and is not yet included in
       DBpedia. In this paper we focus on the extraction of historical events from
       Wikipedia articles that are available for about 2,500 years for different
       languages. We have extracted about 121,000 events with more than 325,000
       links to DBpedia entities and provide access to this data via a Web API,
       SPARQL endpoint, Linked Data Interface and in a timeline application.

       Keywords: Historical Events, Wikipedia, DBpedia, Linked Data

1     Introduction
The Wikipedia project is a community-based encyclopedia with about 19.7 million
articles in 268 languages1. The DBpedia project extracts the most relevant facts of
Wikipedia articles with the help of infoboxes and gives access to 3.64 million things
and their relations. Major historical events like the Olympic Games in Sydney 2000
have its own Wikipedia article and are therefore also available in DBpedia. Historical
events in Wikipedia are also collected in articles for each year like the article for the
year 2011 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011). The articles contain bullet-
point lists with historical events categorized by month and/or categories and
subcategories. The events themselves consist of a date and a description with links to
other Wikipedia articles. All together, these articles and lists provide an outline of
several thousand years of human history. Because the events are listed in the article
body, they are not yet included in DBpedia and cannot be queried in a structured way.
   Historical events are a good supplement for linked data as it involves persons,
places and other entities available in DBpedia. It can therefore combine different
entity types and add a historical component. In conjunction with data from disciplines
like economy, social science or politics, historical events can provide added value, i.e.
give background information for certain phenomena.
   We have extracted these events from three different language versions of
Wikipedia. In total, this results in 121,821 events with 325,693 links to other
Wikipedia articles. Events can be queried via a Web API with results in different

1 Zachte, Erik. Wikipedia-Statistik. http://stats.wikimedia.org/DE/TablesArticlesTotal.htm
formats (XML, JSON, N3) and via a SPARQL endpoint with links to DBpedia
resources. They are applied in a Linked Data Interface and in a timeline application.
   In this paper we describe related work in Section 2. Existing data sources for
historical events and their granularity are discussed in Section 3. Our own approach to
extract historical events from Wikipedia is presented in Section 4. In Section 5 we
will give information about the access to historical events via Web API and SPARQL
endpoint and the representation and application in a Linked Data Interface and in a
timeline application. We will conclude in Section 6.

2    Related Work
Concepts, semantic relations, facts and descriptions from Wikipedia are used as a
resource for several research areas like natural language processing, information
retrieval, information extraction and ontology building. Medelyan et al. [11] give a
comprehensive overview of research activity in these areas.
   The field of information extraction tries to extract meaningful relations from
unstructured data like raw article texts in Wikipedia. Methods can be grouped in (1)
processing raw text (2) processing structured parts and (3) the recognition and typing
of entities.
   Processing raw text extracts relations from the articles full text to identify relations
between Wikipedia entities. Known relations are used as seed patterns to identify new
relations in a large text corpus. The use of linguistic structures [14], selectional
constraints [17] and lexical features [18] can enhance the basic approach. WordNet
[12][21], Wikipedia infobox content [22] and web resources [20] can be used as
positive examples for the classification to improve the extraction process.
   Processing structured parts such as infoboxes and the category structure are used
successfully for building large knowledge bases. Important outcomes are the YAGO
and the DBpedia project. YAGO [15] is an ontology automatically build from
Wikipedia’s category system and matched to the WordNet [8] taxonomy with more
than 10 million entities and about 80 million facts about these entities. The DBpedia
project [1] extracts structured information like attribute-value pairs from Wikipedia
infoboxes and transforms them into RDF triples. The resulting knowledge base
contains classified entities like persons, places, music albums, films, video games,
organizations, species and diseases organized in an ontology. The data set contains
information from the English version of Wikipedia, but also from other language
editions. The SPARQL endpoint allows querying the knowledge base.
   Recognition and typing of entities is important for the fields of information
retrieval and question answering. Work has been done on labeling entities like
persons, organization, locations etc. with different approaches like machine learning
or mapping to WordNet with different foci like the articles categorization, description
or the whole article [3][4][16]. Dakka and Cucerzan [6] use different classifiers (bag-
of-words, page structure, abstract, titles, entity mentions) to label Wikipedia pages
with named entity tags like animated entities (human, non-human), organization,
location or miscellaneous, among them events or works of art. In the system of Bhole
[2] Wikipedia articles are classified as persons, places or organizations on the basis of
Support Vector Machines. Text mining is used to extract links and event information
for these entities. To extract events, the system first extracts plain text from Wiki
markup, then with the help of sentence boundary disambiguation extracts sentences
containing a date. These are used and linked as events for the article and shown on a
timeline. Exner and Nugues [7] extracted events based on semantic parsing from
Wikipedia text and converted them into the LODE model. They applied their system
to 10% of the English Wikipedia and extracted 27,500 events with links to external
resources like DBpedia and GeoNames. Several more work has been done extracting
events from Wikipedia articles with the help of NLP and statistical methods like in [5]
and [19].
   There are various toolkits and applications for the visualization of time events, for
example, the Google News Timeline2, the BBC Timeline3 or the Simile Timeline4.
The Google News Timeline aggregates data from various sources like news archives,
magazines, newspapers, blogs, baseball scores, Wikipedia events/births/deaths and
media information from Freebase. The formerly research project has now gone to a
productive web service with mainly news categories that can be customized by users.
The BBC Timeline shows historical events from the United Kingdom on a flash-
based timeline that can be searched and browsed. The Simile Timeline is an open
source web toolkit that allows users to create customized timelines and feed it with
own data.

3     Historical Events in Wikipedia and DBpedia
In this section we give an overview of the availability and coverage of historical
events in Wikipedia and DBpedia.

3.1    Wikipedia
Wikipedia organizes information about historical events in three different ways:
   (1) Major historical events have their own article like for example the Deepwater
Horizon oil spill5 in 2010 or the 2008 Summer Olympics6 in Beijing. Descriptions,
details, links and sub events are integrated in the article text like for example “On
July 15, 2010, the leak was stopped by capping the gushing wellhead…”. This
approach is common for all language versions, also if similar events may be
differently labeled, have different URLs and content or maybe missing in some
language versions depending on their importance.
   (2) Historical events are also organized in a system of time units (i.e. years) and in
a combination of topics and years (i.e. 2010 in architecture). The time units system is
available in all language versions, the combination of topics and year only in the
English version. Applied time units are millennia, centuries, decades, years, months
and days. The titles and URLs of these articles are accordingly like 3rd_millennium,
20th_century, 2000s, 2010, June_2010 or June_10. There exist also a series of articles
for the combination of topic and time. Categories are for example, Arts, Politics,

2 Google. Google News timeline http://newstimeline.googlelabs.com/
3 BBC. History timeline. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/interactive/timelines/british/index.shtml
4 SIMILE Project. SIMILE timeline. http://www.simile-widgets.org/timeline
5 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepwater_Horizon_oil_spill
6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Summer_Olympics
Fig. 1. The Wikipedia article for the year 2010: (A) shows two templates with (1) links to
millennia, centuries, years and (2) to articles with combinations of topics and years. (B) shows
a list of events for the year 2010.

Science and Technology, Sports, By place etc. with a lot of different subcategories
like Architecture, State leaders, Paleontology, Australian Football or Australia. Labels
and URLs of these articles are then the combination like 2010_in_architecture or
2010_in_baseball. Figure 1a gives an overview of the templates for the year 2010.
   All these articles have in common that they can contain full text but also a list of
events. The number of events per time unit (centuries, decades, years, months) differs
and events are described on different abstraction levels. So, the article about the 20th
century contains mainly full text and describes main developments in brief over
decades. The article about the 2010s decade describes developments in politics,
disasters, economics etc. in a multi-year view. The 2010 article contains a list of most
important events for every month. The article for February 2010 lists detailed events
for every day of the month. Because events are not queried from a database, but are
edited by users in the wiki page, they are not similar in different lists. The same event
in the list of 2010, January_2010, January_4 may differ in description and links.
    (3) There exist also articles for the collection of events for a specific topic. These
articles have titles like Timeline of ... and contain a list of events analog to year
articles. Examples are the Timeline of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the Timeline of
World War II or the Subprime crisis impact timeline.
   In this paper we focus on the extraction of events from articles for years, because
these are available in different languages and offer a good compromise between
number and abstractness of events. The corresponding text section begins with a
heading in the actual language like Events. Then, depending on the language version
follow categories, subcategories, months and bullet-point lists with events. The events
have a date at the beginning, followed by a short text describing the event with links
to other Wikipedia articles (see Figure 1b).

3.2    DBpedia
DBpedia only extracts events from Wikipedia if the resource has its own article. All
extracted events from Wikipedia can be queried with the DBpedia SPARQL
Endpoint. Events can be identified either by (1) being of the DBpedia ontology type
Event or (2) containing a date attribute (date, startDate etc.).
   The ontology type Event lists eight subcategories like Convention, Election,
FilmFestival, MilitaryConflict, MusicFestival, SpaceMission, SportsEvent and
YearInSpaceflight. The category SportsEvent lists further eight sub types:
FootballMatch,       GrandPrix,       MixedMartialArtsEvent,     Olympics,    Race,
SoccerTournament, WomensTennisAssociationTournament and WrestlingEvent.
Table 1 provides an overview of the number of resources for the type Event and its
sub types.

Table 1. Number of DBpedia resources for the type Event and its sub types.

               DBpedia ontology class                   Number of resources
               Event                                    20,551
               MilitaryConflict                         9,725
               SportsEvents                             5,020
               Election                                 3,778
               FootballMatch                            1,536
               MixedMartialArtsEvent                    1,068
               WrestlingEvent                           946
               MusicFestival                            752
               Convention                               454
               SpaceMission                             419
               Race                                     415
               FilmFestival                             350
               Olympics                                 58
               WomensTennisAssociationTournament        54
               YearInSpaceflight                        53

The type Event contains about 20,551 entities, whereby already the half are military
conflicts and another quarter to a half are sport events. Typed events in DBpedia are
thus distributed over only a few categories that have in most cases a military or sport
   DBpedia resources that contain a date attribute or property could also be handled
as an event. We have extracted all attributes from the DBpedia ontology that contain
the term date and determined with SPAQRL queries the count of these resources.
Table 2 gives an overview of the top ten properties. It can be seen that most entities
containing a date attribute are distributed over only a few domains like person, work
or battles analog to typed events. Furthermore, a lot of dates are handled as properties
outside the ontology, as for example the dbpprop:spillDate from the before
mentioned Deepwater Horizon resource.

Table 2. Top ten properties containing the string date with number of resources and their main

                DBpedia ontology property     Number of      Main entity type
                birthDate                     468,852        Person
                deathDate                     187,739        Person
                releaseDate                   156,553        Work/Media/Software
                date                          9,872          Battle
                recordDate                    9,604          Album
                openingDate                   8,700          Architecture
                formationDate                 7,577          Sport, Societies
                startDate                     3,508          Election
                publicationDate               2,129          Book
                latestReleaseDate             1,516          Software

Historical events in DBpedia are distributed over only a few categories: military
battles and sport events for the type Event or Person/Work/Battle for entities having a
date attribute. This is a very one-sided distribution and current events are totally
missing. Depending on that, combined queries for events associated to a person, place
or thing are not possible or with poor results. But, historical events already exist in
Wikipedia with a wide temporal coverage, with links to other entities and for different
languages. That is why we have chosen to implement our own software to make this
data set available and link them to DBpedia entities.

4      Extracting Historical Events from Wikipedia
We have created software to crawl, parse and process lists of historical events from
Wikipedia articles for years (see Figure 2 for the overall extraction and transformation
process). The software can be parameterized for specific Wikipedia language versions
and temporal restrictions. Language-dependent specifications are loaded directly from
a configuration file that holds all keywords and patterns used for parsing. This way,
new language versions can easily be integrated and adapted without changing the
program code.


    Wikipedia                                             LODE
                       Event Parsing &      Web API
     Articles                                             Events       SESAME
                      Property Extraction
                                                                                   Linked Data

Fig. 2. Extraction and transformation pipeline.
4.1    Extraction algorithm
Beginning from a start year the software retrieves all articles from the Wikipedia API.
Articles are returned in Wiki markup, a lightweight markup language. Text sections
with events are then identified by language-dependent patterns. Depending on the
language also categories and subcategories are provided as headings for events. For
example, in the German Wikipedia events have been categorized in politics and world
events, economy, science and technology and culture. The individual events are then
parsed, broken down into its components and saved in a MySQL database. The
decomposition is done on the basis of regular expressions depending on the language
and the settings in the config file. Altogether we have extracted 121,812 historical
events in different languages like German (36,063), English (32,943), Spanish
(18,436), Romanian (9,745), Italian (6,918), Portuguese (6,461), Catalan (6.442),
Turkish (3,084) and Indonesian (1,720) with a temporal coverage from 300 BC to
    For example, in the English Wikipedia Version the event section is identified by
the entry pattern “==.*Events.*==” and the exit patterns “==.*Deaths.*==” or
“==.*Births.*==”. Individual events are recognized by four different patterns like i.e.
“\*.*\[\[\D*\s\d*\]\].*” for a standard event with enumeration sign, date as link and
the following description. In the event, the date field and the description are separated
by a “–” or a “—” character. The date field is decomposed by the
pattern “Month Day”. The description can contain links to Wikipedia articles. These
links are marked in the wiki markup with double brackets. If the link text is different
to the Wikipedia title, text and Wikipedia title are divided by a pipe symbol. We have
extracted about 325,693 links from all events, which means an average of about 2.7
links per event.
    For each event an URL for an illustrating image from Wikipedia has been added.
Lists of events very rarely contain images but nearly every event includes links to
other Wikipedia articles. For all events, (1) the software iterates through the links of
the event and queries the Wikipedia API for images included in the article. (2) The
API returns all images in alphabetical order. (3) If the image is not a standard image
(like images for disambiguation sites) the API is queried again to receive the URL of
that image. The API offers the possibility to parameterize the URL with an image
width or height. The width string (i.e. -150px-) is included into the URL and resizes
the image directly on server side. We choose the width of 150 pixels to have the same
image size for all images and to reduce download time in applications. The size in the
URL string can later be modified by any other size. This method for gathering images
is very fast with a high confidence of getting an image. However, because images are
returned in alphabetical order and not in the order of their appearance in the article,
the image is not always fitting perfectly to the event. 63,158 image URLs (33,177
distinct ones) had been added to events with a coverage of 89%.

4.2    Challenges and Evaluation
We faced various difficulties in the parsing of events from the wiki markup.
Historical events are entered and edited by human users into the wiki page. In general
events are entered analog to a given template, for example analog to the structure of
the wiki page from the year before. But in some cases events are entered in another
structure because users want to assemble several events under one heading and
include the month in the heading but not in the events. Only the formatting of dates
offers various variations, for example, for different country styles (English vs.
German), structures (date or month in the heading), different formatting of time
periods, missing date parts (i.e. only the month), missing separators etc. In a corpus of
about 20,000 wiki pages nearly all variations exits and must be handled. Since our
algorithm relies on fixed regular expression, each variation of these patterns needs to
be included or withdrawn if only a few events are affected.
   We faced these issues by different approaches: (1) outsourcing regular expression
and keywords to a config file and providing different parts for different Wikipedia
language versions. For each regular expression, for example, to parse the date,
variations are allowed. This way, alternative patterns for each language versions can
be included and applied. (2) Implementing a quality management in the source code
that (a) wraps all critical parts like event detection, date and link extraction in the
code with try/catch to catch all events that could not be handled and write them to a
log file. (b) Calculating the extraction quotient by counting events that are written into
the database and dividing them by the total number of events that exist for the
language (by counting each line in the events section starting with an enumeration
sign). (c) Checking the quality of atomized events in the database. This way, the
extraction algorithm can be optimized outside the source code by checking which
cluster of events failed in the log file, optimizing and adding variations of regular
expression and therefore improve the overall recall. For the individual languages the
algorithm achieved the following extraction quotients: German (98,97%), Spanish
(94,12%), Turkish (91,87%), Portuguese (91,74%), English (86,20%), Catalan
(85,69%), Indonesian (80,19%), Italian (75,81%) and Romanian (74,73%). The
quality of the events in the database turned out to be very good, as only positively
evaluated events were written to the database.

5     Provision and Application of Historical Events
We provide access to historical events via a Web API, SPARQL endpoint, Linked
Data Interface and in a timeline application.

5.1     Web API
The Web API7 is a web service that returns results in standardized formats. Users can
query the database with URL parameters like begin_date, end_date, category,
language, query, html, links, limit, order and format. This allows the filtering of
events by time or category, but also a free search for events that belong to a certain
topic. Results are returned in XML, JSON or RDF/N3 format and can therefore be
easily processed further. With the parameter html=true the description will include
links to Wikipedia in HTML format, the parameter links=true return all links in a
separate XML node. For example, the following URLs return historical events for (1)
a specific time period, (2) for the keyword Egypt or (3) for the German category

7 http://vizgr.org/historical-events
(1) http://www.vizgr.org/historical-
(2) http://www.vizgr.org/historical-events/search.php?query=Egypt

(3) http://www.vizgr.org/historical-events/search.php?category=Kultur

5.2     Modeling of Events, SPARQL Endpoint and Linked Data Interface
There are several ontologies for the modeling of events in RDF like EVENT8,
LODE9, SEM10, EventsML11, and F12, see [9] for a comparison of these models. We
have chosen the LODE [13] ontology, because it is domain-independent and a light
weighted structure to represent events. All English events have been transformed with
the help of the Web API to the LODE ontology in N3 format (see Figure 3). Then, the
data set has been imported into the Sesame repository13, which provides the SPARQL
endpoint14. The linked data interface Pubby15 is set upon the SPARQL endpoint to
generate a HTML representation of the events via dereferencing the URIs. Because
data is semantified users can make complex queries against the SPARQL endpoint.
Users can query all events that are event of any specific DBpedia entity like a person,
place or thing. For example, all events associated with Barack Obama, The White
House or Basketball can be queried. With a federated SPARQL query or by
integrating the data into the DBpedia data set, much more complex queries like “Give
me all events that are associated with Presidents of the United States between 1950
and 2000”.

5.3     Timeline Application
We have developed an application that shows historical events on a timeline.
Compared to the presentation on distributed sites in Wikipedia it has the advantage
that the user interface is more intuitive and user-friendly. Analog to the presented
timelines in Section 2 users can easily scroll the years, zoom to a decade or search for
a specific event with a keyword search. The timeline then scrolls to the matching
event. We have created a simple version of a timeline 16 with the Vizgr visualization
toolkit [10]. The timeline shows all extracted historical events with images from 300
B.C. to today from the English, German or Italian version of Wikipedia. Users can
browse the timeline, can view events and can click on links to be forwarded to the
Wikipedia article.

8 http://motools.sourceforge.net/event/event.html
9 http://linkedevents.org/ontology/
10 http://semanticweb.cs.vu.nl/2009/11/sem/
11 http://www.iptc.org/site/News_Exchange_Formats/EventsML-G2/
12 http://isweb.uni-koblenz.de/eventmodel
13 http://lod.gesis.org/historicalevents/sparql
14 http://lod.gesis.org/historicalevents/
15 http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/pubby/
16 http://vizgr.org/historical-events/timeline

(1)        August 10 – The World Health Organization declares the H1N1 influenza pandemic
         over, saying worldwide flu activity has returned to typical seasonal patterns.

(2)      * August 10 – The [[World Health Organization]] declares the [[2009 flu
         pandemic|H1N1 influenza pandemic]] over, saying worldwide flu activity has returned to
         typical seasonal patterns.

          @prefix lode:  .
          a lode:Event;
          dcterms:description "The World Health Organization declares the H1N1 influenza
          pandemic over, saying worldwide flu activity has returned to typical seasonal
          lode:involvedAgent dbpedia: World_Health_Organization;
          lode:involvedAgent dbpedia: 2009_flu_pandemic;
          lode:atTime [a time:DateTimeInterval; time:xsdDateTime "2010-08-10"].

Fig. 3. Extraction of an event and transformation to LODE: (1) the event in the HTML view,
(2) the wiki markup of the event, (3) in the LODE event model.

6     Discussion & Conclusion
So far, there are two approaches to extract events from Wikipedia: (1) extracting
events from the main article text and (2) the creation of events from the article itself.
   Extracting events from the Wikipedia main article as done by [2,8] mainly uses
NLP methods and semantic parsing to identify phrases containing a date attribute and
relating them to the typed article entity. This has several disadvantages such as the
time-consuming and complex processing and based on the methods there is a certain
error-rate that events are extracted and connected correctly. The main outcome of this
method is to extract events specifically for one topic, the article entity itself. That’s
why the resulting data set can’t contain historical events important for one time unit
like a year.
   We have shown that existing events in the DBpedia data set are distributed over
only a few categories: military battles and sport events for the ontology type Event or
Person/Work/Battle for entities having a date attribute. This is a very one-sided
distribution, the number of historical events is low and querying of events for a time
period or for a specific resource is complex.
                         Fig. 4. The Wikipedia History Timeline.

   In our own approach we rely on existing structures in Wikipedia. Wikipedia
collects historical events of different granularity in lists for centuries, years, months
and on a daily basis. These lists are user-maintained with a high actuality and
correctness, so that events of yesterday are already available with links to other
Wikipedia articles. However, because each of these events does not have its own
Wikipedia article, they are not available in DBpedia. We have parsed and processed
historical events on a yearly basis for different language versions and make them
available by a Web API, a SPARQL endpoint and a Linked Data Interface. This
allows the simple and fast querying, but also complex queries. The created data set
has a wide temporal coverage from 300 BC to 2013 and exists for different languages.
The granularity of events is more evenly distributed over years and not so much fixed
on individual topics as users already have chosen which events are important for a
year. This can make the use of these events easier in end-user applications. Historical
events build an important typed category analog to persons, places, work or
organizations already available in DBpedia. Furthermore, they are a linking hub
because each historical event involves dimensions like time and space, but also agents
like persons, things and other entities. We have extracted over 325,000 links from
121,000 events. This means, combined with the DBpedia data set about 325,000
DBpedia entities are now connected by about 121,000 historical events.
   In future work, we want to extract events for more language versions, on the basis
of other time units like days, centuries or millennia and in a combination with topics.
This enriches the data set to different granularity that can be used in end-user
applications. We also want to add a live module that parses the latest added events
and makes them available directly in our data set. The next step is to find relations
between events among different languages and granularity levels.
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