Declarative 3D use case for creating a Web3D public Outreach timeline using an X3D scene Anita Havele Don Brutzman Web3D Consortium Naval Postgraduate School California, USA California, USA Abstract This is an important use case for Declarative 3D that Declarative 3D needs to include a use case for public can help illustrate capabilities while outreach models that serve as both good demos and comparing/contrasting tradeoffs of different good exemplars for authors. This demonstration approaches. Our objective here is to take an initial shows how to structure a Web3D timeline scene using outreach scene using prototypes, showing the X3D Prototypes. We will also explore the evolution strengths and weaknesses of X3D implementation (or perhaps simplification) of this scene using the interoperability. We will then modify this scene to X3DOM environment and declarative 3D run in the X3DOM environment as a way to analyze functionality. the limitations of various Declarative 3D and Categories and Subject Descriptors imperative 3D approaches. We hope to identify I.3.6 [Methodology and Techniques]: Standards|Lan- several advantages and disadvantages. A well-defined guages; I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three- use case for Declarative 3D will likely result from Dimensional Graphics and Realism|Virtual Reality. feedback from the group. Keywords 2. X3D Prototype Design [1] X3D, X3D Prototypes, X3DOM, Web3D, Declarative X3D Prototypes provide a way for X3D authors to 3D. create new nodes that can be repeated in the X3D 1. Introduction scene graph. X3D Prototypes or PROTOS are With recent developments in declarative 3D for the wrapped inside an X3D Scene node. Prototypes have HTML environment, it is important to have good a special mandatory structure. A Prototype begins examples that show how things work. with a ProtoDeclare, which is the initial declaration of its name. After that, node fields are described Copyright notice: inside the ProtoInterface. The final content is then Copyright © 2012 for the individual papers by the implemented inside the ProtoBody node. Via the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private IS/connect statement, nodes and fields from the proto and academic purposes. This volume is published and interface are connected and linked to those in the copyrighted by its editors. Dec3D2012 workshop at WWW2012, Lyon, France proto body. Prototypes are preferred if initialization values are Interchange profile. The goal is provide declarative needed, like in this Web3D timeline scene. XML-based X3D scenes support for HTML to script ProtoInstance allows repeated reuse of a new node and partition the content from the DOM/HTML side. which was used to define each event in this timeline 5. Demo: Web3D Timeline Scene using X3D scene. Prototypes are a powerful technique for Prototype [3] extending the capabilities of X3D. Few computing In this section we will describe the true X3D scene languages provide authors with the capability to created using X3D Prototype that demonstrate the extend the core vocabulary of the language itself. capabilities and extensibility of X3D. Whether such capabilities are essential for Declarative 3D remains to be seen. 3. Basic X3D Prototype Structure [4] 6. Demo: Web3D Timeline scene using X3DOM In this section we will describe the Web3D timeline scene created using X3DOM functionality. 7. Conclusion constrains in adapting theWeb3D time line X3D scene to the X3DOM environment. 8. References [1] Extensible 3D Graphics for Web Authors ( [2] Web3D Outreach Examples /Outreach/ [3] Web3D Timeline Scene 4. Basic X3DOM Profile utreach/Web3dTimeline.x3d X3DOM present a model that allows to directly [4] X3D Prototype Tutorial integrate X3D nodes into HTML DOM content. X3DOM uses the HTML Profile to extend the X3D- nodes-with-prototypes/