The Relationship between Trust and Budgetary Slack: an Empirical Study María Gilabert-Carreras1, Susana Gago2, and David Naranjo-Gil1 1 Pablo de Olavide University, Spain 2 Carlos III University, Spain,, Abstract. The budgetary slack has been studied extensively in the management and accounting literature, but results are inconclusive. This could be because the research has focused on economic factors rather than on psychological vari- ables, such as trust. This paper tries to contrast psychological and economic causes in the creation of budgetary slack. Particularly, we examine whether a higher amount of subordinates’ trust in their superiors with an economic incen- tive helps to reduce the tendency of subordinates to create budgetary slack. This study is based on a laboratory experiment conducted with 240 managers in or- der to investigate how trust, understood as a psychological and moral factor, contributes toward the reduction of slack in the absence and presence of pecu- niary incentives. Subjects were divided into three groups: managers, executives and controller. Results support partially our hypotheses. This paper shows that non-monetary incentives could help managers to reduce budgetary slack in or- ganizations. Keywords: budgetary slack, trust, monetary and non-monetary incentives. 1 Introduction The existence of slack leads harmful consequences for companies like lost business opportunities and/or inflated costs. The word “slack” is used to describe a circum- stance in which the resources and effort employed in the development of an activity no longer contribute to the achievement of organizational objectives (Cyert and March, 1963). The budgetary slack has been studied extensively in the management and accounting literature. However, the results obtained are not concluding about the source of this slack and the way to reduce it (Fisher et al., 2007). One possible expla- nation for this is that experimental research has focused primarily on testing theory- based economic models, with no reference to the various psychological, social, and institutional issues that contribute to the behavior of slack in practice (Covalenski et al., 2003). M. Gilabert-Carreras et al. 50 The goal of this paper is to develop new theories that integrate behavioral and eco- nomic factors, and thus we treat together a psychological factor (trust) and an eco- nomic factor (economic incentives). The current dominant economic view of slack is based on agency models. Agency models theorize that providing agents (subordinates) with more information than principals (supervisors) need not result in greater efficiency; the reason for this is that agents may use this information to shirk. Assuming an agency perspective, numerous experimental studies have studied the effects of risk aversion, information asymmetry, and pay schemes on budgetary slack; the goal of this research is to understand the incentives that promote honesty in agents (e.g. Chow et al., 1988) and if the incen- tives that promote honesty are not in conflict with economic incentives. Recent exper- iments incorporate social, institutional, ethical, and psychological factors, under the assumption that they also influence agents’ decisions about slack. Social pressure, identification with a group, personal integrity, and aversion to lying are examples of non-economic factors that can affect budgetary slack and an agent’s level of effort. In this line, the seminal experiment of Young (1985) provides evidence that risk-averse subjects create more slack than non-risk averse subjects. In the absence of infor- mation asymmetry, social pressure to reveal truthful information mitigates the amount of slack. The experiment of Young et al. (1993) suggests that cooperativeness is a relevant factor. Although cooperativeness among subjects does not necessarily result in less slack than internal competition, it has an incremental effect. Evans et al. (2001) observe in their laboratory that subjects are prepared to surrender some payoff for reporting honestly, or honestly in part. This finding contradicts the assumption in experiments that firms can achieve honest reporting if they pay enough for it, i.e., the revelation principle. In addition, the experiment of Stevens (2002) indicates that ethi- cal concerns are negatively correlated with slack under a slack-inducing pay scheme, and independent of information asymmetry. Hannan et al (2006) observe in their experiment that subjects are willing to sacrifice the benefits of misrepresentation for being (appearing) honest because they prefer to create a positive impression. Brügen and Moers (2007) find that ethical concerns and social incentives, stated as individual and social norms, respectively, mutually reinforce the behavior of subjects and miti- gate agency problems. In summary, results in prior experiments suggest that subjects with no economic incentives to cooperate (because they are paid with slack-inducing schemes) nonethe- less reduce the amount of slack in the laboratory, and as a consequence their wealth. Not only do subjects create less budgetary slack than expected, but in addition hones- ty can prevail in the absence of pecuniary incentives. In other words, the introduction of explicit monetary incentives may weaken non-pecuniary incentives. The experi- ment conducted by Rankin et al. (2005) disentangles the preference for honesty from other non-pecuniary preferences, demonstrating that subjects who have final budget authority significantly prefer honesty. In addition, the slack generated in this experi- ment was less than the theory predicted. 51 The Relationship between Trust and Budgetary Slack: an Empirical Study 2 Hypotheses development Trust can be defined as the willingness of one party (trustor) to be vulnerable to the actions of another party based on the expectation that the other will perform in the way that trustor expect (Mayer et al. 1995). We can also characterize trust as the “un- dertaking of a risky course of action on the confident expectation that all persons involved in the action will act competently and dutifully” (Lewis & Weigert 1985). Similarly, Robinson (1996) defined trust as a person’s expectations, assumptions, or beliefs about the likelihood that another’s future actions will be beneficial, favorable, or at least not detrimental to one’s interests. An important number of economic and accounting laboratory experiments have applied the trust game, which aims to deter- mine how much cooperation develops among individuals when they may possibly gain from it. In these experiments subjects exhibit substantial trust and reciprocity (e.g. Berg et al., 1995; Fehr and Gächter, 1998; Evans al., 2001). These experiments see trust as a rational decision. However, trust does not always operate like the ele- ment of calculated risk that is ubiquitous in economic models. Trust is also seen by managers as a predilection to assume the best when interpreting another’s motives, regardless of economic incentives (Coletti et al., 2005; Kramer, 1999; Uzzi, 1997). Hence, we view trust as a psychological and moral issue. This approach differs from the previous rational view, where trust arises in games when the economic incentives favor cooperative behavior. Furthermore, trust encompasses several different levels: trust, no trust, and distrust. Trust and distrust lie at the extremes of a continuum. While trust is based on confidence in another, distrust refers to the concern that an- other may act to do harm. In summary, we expect that in the laboratory: a) subjects who distrust or don’t trust but are economically encouraged, are prone to decrease slack; b) subjects who distrust or don’t trust but are not economically encouraged, are prone to ever-increasing slack; c) subjects who trust but are economically encouraged, submit budgets with higher slack; and d) subjects who trust but are not economically encouraged, submit budgets with low slack. Thus, we formulate the following hypothesis: Hypothesis 1: Subjects who trust in their superiors and are not economically en- couraged choose budgets with less slack than subjects who evidence distrust or “no trust” and are economically encouraged. The manipulation of the level of trust in the laboratory should have consequences for subjects’ choice of budgetary slack. When suspicion about superiors arises, budg- etary slack should increase. This results from the fact that trust is formed over time (Rousseau et al., 1998). It is always feasible to move managers from their initial positions along the contin- uum of trust-distrust because trust is an induced mind-set. Trust is a non-personality factor, susceptible to change when individuals interact in laboratory experiments. Thus, an individual can change his or her level of trust (or mistrust) while attempting to solve a problem (Rowe, 2004; Zand, 1972). Trust can then be altered both with and without economic incentives (Zand, 1972). In particular, we are interested in the effects on slack that result from altering trust in the presence and absence of economic implications. M. Gilabert-Carreras et al. 52 Having established a level of trust with another person, a perception that trust is one-sided leads to some diminution. When individuals begin to doubt that another person is operating in good faith, they manifest suspicion. Suspicion, in turn, results in a loss of trust. Similarly, individuals begin to distrust when they anticipate viola- tions of trust in the future. The thought that unfulfilled expectations in one interper- sonal exchange are likely to manifest in all other exchanges leads to distrust. Distrust emerges through negative expectations, assumptions, or beliefs about others’ motives. Recurring abuses further increase distrust (Jones and George, 1998; Sitkin and Roth, 1993). Hypothesis 2: A reduction in trust generates an increase in slack, independently of the presence and absence of economic incentives. 3 Experimental Design The laboratory experiment employed a 5 (trust-slack levels) x 3 (information asym- metries on trust and slack) factorial design. We randomly assigned 240 participants to the roles of 30 executives, 90 managers, and 120 controllers, and in 30 groups (see Figure 1). Fig. 1. Research experimental design 5 groups High distrust -very high slack 120 controllers (Group 1) (4 to each group) 5 groups Low distrust-High slack 30 executives (Group 2) (1 to each group) 10 groups 30 financial managers No trust-Medium slack 240 (1 to each group) (Group 3) businessmen 5 groups 30 production managers Low trust-Low slack (1 to each group) (Group 4) 30 marketing managers 5 groups (1 to each group) High trust-Very low slack (Group 5) 53 The Relationship between Trust and Budgetary Slack: an Empirical Study In order to design our experiment, we based on a previous one. That experiment tried to check if subjects who trust in their superiors choose budgets with less slack than subjects who evidence no trust or distrust without any monetary incentives. It was recruited a total of 240 businesspersons enrolled in postgraduate business courses to participate in an experiment about the effect of trust on budgetary slack. Subjects were pseudo-volunteers, as the experiment was part of a class assignment. The sub- jects did not receive payment for their participation in this experiment. Businessper- sons were invited to participate in the experiment as a means of improving their knowledge of the budgetary process, consistent with the notion that classroom exper- iments have pedagogical value (Friedman and Sunder, 1988). The average manageri- al experience of a participant was 3.57 years. The percentages of males and females in the sample were 68% and 32%, respectively. 48% of the participants were current- ly dealing with budgets in their professional activities, while all of the subjects had experience dealing with budgets at some time. The experiment consisted of a simulation study of a business game, where partici- pants were assigned simulation tasks (DeJong et al., 1985; Lombardo and McCall, 1982). It was replicated a corporation: namely, the travel agency of an international holding company, whose primary business activity was tourism. The laboratory ex- periment employed a 5 (trust-slack levels) x 3 (information asymmetries on trust and slack) factorial design. It was randomly assigned 240 participants to the roles of 30 executives, 90 managers, and 120 controllers, and in 30 groups, where different com- binations of trust and slack were present. Groups were of five types: high trust-very low slack, group 5; low trust-low slack, group 4; no trust-medium slack, group 3; low distrust-high slack group, group 2; and high distrust-very high slack, group 1. Each group was composed of three managers (production, marketing, and finance), one executive, and four controllers. It was verbally informed participants regarding the general purpose of the experi- ment, the resource and information endowment, the set of actions available to them, and the moral and economic consequences of each action (Friedman and Sunder, 1988). Participants also received private written instructions, which they were not allowed to reveal at any time during the experiment. It was also provided all partici- pants with written information about the nature of the budgets under discussion. In particular, they knew the global profitability underlying each budget: a) 5.35% (budg- et 1), b) 5.78% (budget 2), c) 6.31% (budget 3), d) 6.68% (budget 4), and, e) 7.09% (budget 5). Nonetheless, only subjects in the roles of managers knew the amount of budgetary slack, as they were told privately that 7.10% was the maximum attainable global profitability. The amounts of slack were 0.01% (budget 5), 0.42% (budget 2), 0.79% (budget 3), 1.32% (budget 2) and, 1.75% (budget 1). Thus, they were aware of the slack associated with each budget. M. Gilabert-Carreras et al. 54 3.1 Variables Measurement The endogenous variables are: the first budget proposed, which represents the earliest manifestation of slack (V1), and the final budget, which is the last manifestation of slack (V2) (Fisher et al., 2000, 2002). The exogenous variable group (V3) refers to the five types of groups. The five groups are based on the participation of the manag- ers in previous conditions of high distrust-very high slack (group 1), low distrust-high slack (group 2), no trust-medium slack (group 3), low trust-low slack (group 4), and high trust-very low slack (group 5). As soon as the meeting was completed, we ques- tioned all the participants about their evaluation of the final level of trust executives had in managers (V4). Final trust was measured from 1 (high distrust) to 5 (high trust). Both executives and controllers were uninformed about slack conditions and the amount of slack. Hence, to identify how aware executives and controllers were of slack during discussion of the budget, they were asked about the effort that managers invested in their last budget proposal. A variable based on effort was built, which varies from 1 (very easy to attain) to 5 (required their maximum effort) (V5). It was also checked if executives and controllers were conscious of: a) managers’ success in submitting budgets easily attainable (V6); b) if budgetary targets induce high manage- rial productivity (reverse code) (V7); c) if it was costly to manage budgets carefully (reverse code) (V8); and d) if they thought that budgets had motivated managers to be concerned with improving efficiency (V9). Executives’ and controllers’ responses were on a scale from 1 (definitely true) to 7 (definitely false). With regard to trust, executives gleaned some indirect information through the level of cooperation, whereas controllers knew nothing. To differentiate between these two situations, a binary control variable that we denote as the absence of information on trust was de- fined (V10); this provides a value of one for controllers and zero for executives. We also control for gender differences (V11), professional experience (years in the work- place as a manager) (V12), and previous knowledge of budgets (V13). 4 Results To test our hypotheses, a multinomial logit model was specified (Hosmer and Leme- show, 1989; Menard, 2002). The initial budget is the dependent variable; the group and control variables comprise the independent variables. The initial budget is the response variable in five categories. Four equations were derived. Each of the four equations comprises a multinomial logistic regression comparing the other budgets with budget 1 (slack=1.75%). The multinomial logistic regression model takes the form: P (yk  1 / ßk x exp ßkT x)/  exp ßkTx) , (1) Where y is the class indicator for the kth budget; x is the predictor vector extended by one to be paired with the intercept parameter. Each k is a vector of parameters, 55 The Relationship between Trust and Budgetary Slack: an Empirical Study one for each class (the letter T means total). The initial budgets diverge. Subjects in the role of managers start the budgetary meeting with budget 3 (amount of slack: 0.79%) 28.9% of the time, followed by budget 1 (slack: 1.75%) 24.4% of the time, and budget 2 (slack: 1.32%) 21.1% of the time. Budgets 4 (slack: 0.42%) and 5 (slack: 0.01%) are chosen less frequently, 12.2% and 13.3% of the time, respectively. A Wald test permitted appraising the significance of the individual logistic regression coefficients for the variable group (V4) and the insignificance of the control variables (Table 3). Using the Wald statistic, group is significant with the exception of Budget 2. Likelihood ratio tests also corroborate the significance of group and the insignifi- cance of the control variables (see Table 1). The odds ratio, Exp (B), in Table 1 shows that as group increases by one unit, the odds ratios of budget 3 (slack= 0.79%), budget 4 (slack= 6.68%), and budget 5 (slack= 0.01%) increase by multiples of 4.05, 5.14, and 2.43, respectively, once the variables for sex (V11), years at work (V12), and budget experience (V13) were con- trolled. Thus, the parameter estimates confirm that when one-time prior conditions of subjects move from distrust-high slack to trust-low slack, the probability of a subject submitting initial budgets with low slack (0.42%), medium slack (0.79%), and very low slack (0.01%) increases. This result confirms, to some extent, Hypothesis 1: Sub- jects who previously trust create less slack than managers who distrust, i.e., they in- tend to invest more effort. We cannot show, however, that subjects who evidence low distrust in their superiors produce more (or less) sack than he ones who evidence high distrust. Table 1. Initial Proposals of Budgets by Managers: Parameter Estimates and Likelihood Ratio Tests Panel A: Parameter Estimates Initial Proposal of Independent variables B Std. error Wald D Sig. Exp Budget by Manag- .f. (B) ers Budget 2 Intercept – 0.985 0.008 1 0.930 (Slack= 1.32%) 0.086 Group V3 0.117 0.303 0.149 1 0.699 1.124 Sex V1 0.080 0.696 0.013 1 0.908 1.083 1 Years at work V1 – 0.137 1.396 1 0.237 0.851 2 0.162 Budget experience V1 0.418 0.739 0.320 1 0.572 1.519 3 Budget 3 Intercept – 1.372 11.330 1 0.001 (Slack=0.79%) 4.620 Group V3 1.399 0.356 15.430 1 0.000 4.051 Sex V1 – 0.733 0.115 1 0.734 0.780 1 0.249 M. Gilabert-Carreras et al. 56 Years at work V1 0.040 0.122 0.106 1 0.745 1.041 2 Budget experience V1 1.515 0.758 3.996 1 0.046 4.550 3 Budget 4 Intercept – 1.925 12.246 1 0.000 (Slack=0.42%) 6.737 Group V3 1.637 0.462 12.558 1 0.000 5.141 Sex V1 – 0.911 0.280 1 0.597 0.618 1 0.482 Years at work V1 0.059 0.142 0.175 1 0.676 1.061 2 Budget experience V1 2.198 0.953 5.317 1 0.021 9.005 3 Budget 5 Intercept – 10.593 8.844 1 0.003 (Slack=0.01%) 4.738 Group V3 0.888 0.377 5.562 1 0.018 2.430 Sex V1 1.003 0.973 1.062 1 0.303 2.726 1 Years at work V1 0.048 0.132 0.132 1 0.717 1.049 2 Budget experience V1 1.819 0.856 4.520 1 0.034 6.165 3 Panel B: Likelihood Ratio Tests Effect –2 log likelihood of Chi-square D.f. Sig. reduced model Intercept 246.767 34.360 4 0.000 Group V3 247.445 35.038 4 0.000 Sex V1 215.213 2.806 4 0.591 1 Years at work V1 215.176 2.769 4 0.597 2 Budget experience V1 221.381 8.974 4 0.062 3 The chi-square statistic is the difference in –2 log likelihoods between the final model and the reduced model. The reduced model is formed by omitting a variable from the final model. The null hypothesis is that all parame- ters of the effect are zero A different multinomial logit model for closing budgets was constructed. Final budget is the dependent variable with five categories generating four equations. Each of the four equations is a binary logistic regression that contrasts other budgets with Budget 1 (very high slack). Multinomial logistic regression simultaneously es- timates the four logits. Final budgets show some discrepancy. A greater number of subjects (32.2%) fin- ish the budgetary meeting agreeing to budget 3 (slack=0.79%). Smaller numbers of 57 The Relationship between Trust and Budgetary Slack: an Empirical Study managers decide on other budgets: 14.4% are inclined to close the meeting with budget 1 (slack=0.79%), 20.0% with budget 2 (Slack=1.32%), 18.9% with budget 4 (slack=1.32%), and 14.4% with budget 5 (slack=0.01%). It was found that the amount of slack in final budgets is less than in initial budgets. Therefore, disagree- ment appears to reduce slack on average. 57 subjects adhere to their opening budget proposals, however, while 33 subjects change their final proposal from the opening offer. Using the Wald statistic, group (V3) is significant with the exception of budget 2 (Table 2), and as well as in the likelihood ratio tests (Table2). The odds ratio, Exp (B), bears out the preceding outcome. A one unit increase in group, i.e., subjects moving towards early high-trust and low-slack, brings about an increase of 1.998 in the odds ratio of budget 3 (slack=0.79%), and 2.152 in the odds ratio of budget 4 (slack=0.42%). The odds of budget 2 (slack=1.32%) and budget 5 (slack=0.01%) as final proposals by subjects in meetings, however, are not significantly explained by the initial group. Table 2. Final Proposals of Budgets by Managers: Parameter Estimates and Likelihood Ratio Tests Panel A: Parameter Estimates Final Proposal of Independent variables B Std. error Wald D. Sig. Exp (B) Budget by Managers f. Budget 2 Intercept 3.252 1.600 4.132 1 0.042 (Slack= 1.32%) Group V3 –0.057 0.333 0.030 1 0.864 0.944 Final trust V4 –0.918 0.414 4.904 1 0.027 0.399 Sex V11 –0.058 0.856 0.005 1 0.946 0.944 Years at work V12 0.098 0.143 0.466 1 0.495 1.102 Budget experience V13 –0.606 0.808 0.562 1 0.453 0.545 Budget 3 Intercept 1.392 1.478 0.887 1 0.346 (Slack=0.79%) Group V3 0.692 0.306 5.125 1 0.024 1.998 Final trust V4 –0.711 0.403 3.115 1 0.078 0.491 Sex V11 –0.389 0.772 0.254 1 0.614 0.678 Years at work V12 0.067 0.130 0.268 1 0.605 1.070 Budget experience V13 –0.639 0.737 0.752 1 0.386 0.528 Budget 4 Intercept 1.714 1.634 1.100 1 0.294 (Slack=0.42%) Group V3 0.767 0.357 4.601 1 0.032 2.152 Final trust V4 –0.952 0.446 4.562 1 0.033 0.386 Sex V11 –0.360 0.837 0.185 1 0.667 0.697 Years at work V12 –0.143 0.178 0.649 1 0.420 0.866 Budget experience V13 0.010 0.820 0.000 1 0.990 1.010 Budget 5 Intercept –1.311 1.775 0.545 1 0.460 (Slack=0.01%) Group V3 0.480 0.339 2.013 1 0.156 1.617 Final trust V4 –0.320 0.456 0.491 1 0.483 0.726 Sex V11 0.932 1.023 0.831 1 0.362 2.541 Years at work V12 0.100 0.136 0.545 1 0.460 1.105 M. Gilabert-Carreras et al. 58 Budget experience V13 –0.177 0.841 0.045 1 0.833 0.837 Panel B: Likelihood Ratio Tests Effect –2 log likelihood of re- Chi-square D.f. Sig. duced model Intercept 253.165 11.485 4 0.022 Group V3 253.461 11.780 4 0.019 Final trust V4 249.810 8.130 4 0.087 Sex V11 244.551 2.871 4 0.580 Years at work V12 245.542 3.862 4 0.425 Budget experience V13 243.354 1.674 4 0.795 The chi-square statistic is the difference in –2 log likelihoods between the final model and the reduced model. The reduced model is formed by omitting a variable from the final model. The null hypothesis is that all parameters of the effect are zero The Wald test also indicates that final trust (V4) explains the odds ratios of final budgets 2 and 4 (Table 2). The likelihood ratio tests, however, do not strongly support the significance of final trust (Table 2). If the ending trust increases by one unit (towards high trust), the odds ratios of budget 2 (slack=1.32%) and budget 4 (slack=0.42%) are less than one. Further units of final trust generate a reduction of 0.399 in the odds ratio of Budget 2, and 0.386 in the odds ratio of Budget 3 (Table 2). Accordingly, once final trust increases, the probability that subjects propose low and medium slack final budgets, instead of budgets with the maximum slack, is less. The exception is the odds ratio for budget 5, which is found to be insignificant. These findings validate to some extent Hypothesis 2: By taking into consideration the fact that final trust produces consequences for subjects’ slack choices, follow-on slack is greater than before as one introduces suspicion. The initial trust and slack conditions, however, are determinants for most managers. For example, 57 managers do not adjust their original budget suggestions. 5 Discussion and Conclusions The experiment shows that trust, understood as a moral and psychological factor, ameliorates the problem of slack in the absence of any explicit link between trust preferences and the distribution of wealth (as recommended by Rankin et al., 2005). The existence of subjects’ distrust of their superiors stimulates higher levels of slack. The budgets initially and finally proposed by subjects in the role of managers con- tain less slack than expected, which is consistent with previous findings that indicate that subjects tend to produce less budgetary slack than agency theory predicts (e.g. Stevens, 2002). The results also show that prior conditions of trust and slack facilitate the understanding of subjects’ preferences for proposing initial budgets. This ex- plains the likelihood of budgets with medium, low, and very low slack, but not budg- ets with high slack. An incremental effect on subjects’ honesty, i.e., a reduction in slack, was found related to trust in a budgetary setting in which the superior has the final authority over budget approval. That seems to contradict the previous finding of Rankin et al. (2005) that suggests that there is no incremental effect on honesty when 59 The Relationship between Trust and Budgetary Slack: an Empirical Study a superior has final authority over budget approval, while the opposite occurs when subordinates dictate the budget. Trust maybe acts as a moderator, positively motivat- ing subjects to honesty when superiors dictate budgets. The trust levels on subjects in the role of managers were manipulated by introducing suspicion. Nevertheless, most of subjects held to their initial budgetary choices throughout the meeting. This find- ing demonstrates the weight of initial conditions of trust and slack in budgetary set- tings. In particular, the significance of the preceding trust-slack interaction in a trust- low slack environment, as preferences for medium and low slack budgets over very high slack budgets were moderated by group discussion. Several subjects in the role of managers adjusted their budgetary choice. As soon as their final trust moved from distrust towards trust, subjects modified their budgets and thus their slack. In response, most subjects decided to reduce, rather than in- crease, slack. When suspicion appeared in the budgetary setting, and the managers’ final trust shifted from a position of distrust to trust, the possibility that managers chose budgets with high, medium, and low slack, instead of very high slack, dimin- ished as the final conditions depended more on trust. This is a key finding: Budgetary slack levels decrease in trust settings, even in the absence of any direct pecuniary incentive. 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