Cross-Fertilizing Deep Web Analysis and Ontology Enrichment Marilena Oita Antoine Amarilli Pierre Senellart INRIA Saclay – Île-de-France École normale supérieure Institut Mines–Télécom Télécom ParisTech; CNRS LTCI Télécom ParisTech; CNRS LTCI Télécom ParisTech; CNRS LTCI Paris, France Paris, France Paris, France marilena.oita@telecom- pierre.senellart@telecom- ABSTRACT tween the input and output schemas which associates the data types Deep Web databases, whose content is presented as dynamically- corresponding to form elements in the input schema to instances generated Web pages hidden behind forms, have mostly been left aligned in the output schema. unindexed by search engine crawlers. In order to automatically A harder challenge is to understand the semantics of these data explore this mass of information, many current techniques assume types and how they relate to the object of the form. The input–output the existence of domain knowledge, which is costly to create and schema mapping may give us hints, such as the input schema labels, maintain. In this article, we present a new perspective on form but this information cannot suffice by itself. This has been addressed understanding and deep Web data acquisition that does not require in related work using heuristics [26] or an assumed domain knowl- any domain-specific knowledge. Unlike previous approaches, we edge [19] which is either manually crafted or obtained by merging do not perform the various steps in the process (e.g., form under- different form interface schemas belonging to the same domain. standing, record identification, attribute labeling) independently but Domain knowledge is, however, not only hard to build and maintain, integrate them to achieve a more complete understanding of deep but also often restricted to a choice of popular domain topics, which Web sources. Through information extraction techniques and using may lead to biased exploration of the deep Web. the form itself for validation, we reconcile input and output schemas We present a new way to deal with this challenge: we initially in a labeled graph which is further aligned with a generic ontology. probe the form in a domain-agnostic manner and transform the in- The impact of this alignment is threefold: first, the resulting seman- formation extracted from response pages into a labeled graph. This tic infrastructure associated with the form can assist Web crawlers graph is then aligned with a general-domain ontology, YAGO [23], when probing the form for content indexing; second, attributes of using the PARIS ontology alignment system [22]. This allows us to response pages are labeled by matching known ontology instances, infer the semantics of the deep Web source, to obtain new, represen- and relations between attributes are uncovered; and third, we enrich tative query terms from YAGO for the probing of form fields, and to the generic ontology with facts from the deep Web. possibly enrich YAGO with new facts. 1. ONTOLOGIES AND THE DEEP WEB The deep Web consists of dynamically-generated Web pages that 2. RELATED WORK are reachable by issuing queries through HTML forms. A form is Merging input schemas of deep Web interfaces has been used a section of a document with special control elements (e.g., check- to acquire domain ontologies automatically [29] and perform Web boxes, text inputs) and associated labels. Users generally interact database classification and query routing [3]. The main drawback with a form by modifying its controls (entering text, selecting menu of these approaches is that data integration dramatically relies on items) before submitting it to a Web server for processing. the interface schema, whose shallow features (the form structure Forms are primarily designed for human beings, but they must and labels) are neither complete, nor representative enough for the also be understood by automated agents for various applications actual response records [4]. such as general-purpose indexing of response pages, focused in- To obtain response pages, the form has to be filled in and submit- dexing [13], extensional crawling strategies (e.g., Web archiving), ted first. Most approaches described in the literature are domain- automatic construction of ontologies [29], etc. However, most ex- specific and use dictionary instances [19]. Domain-agnostic probing isting approaches to automatically explore and classify the deep approaches are more powerful because they do not make such as- Web crucially rely on domain knowledge [10, 12, 30] to guide form sumptions and incrementally build knowledge that tends to improve understanding. Moreover, they tend to separate the steps of form in- the probing and the quality of response pages. However, existing terface understanding and information extraction from result pages, domain-agnostic techniques do not aim at understanding the inten- although both contribute [27] to a more authentic vision on the sional purpose of the form, but at extensional crawling [5]. backend database schema. The form interface exposes in the input Deep Web response pages are an extremely rich source of semi- schema some attributes describing the query object, while response structured information. Works dealing with response pages assume pages present this object instantiated in Web records that outline the form probing mechanism understood and focus on information the form output schema. In this paper, we determine a mapping be- extraction (IE) from Web records [8]. Extracting the schema from response pages [15] is possible due to the structural similarity of VLDS’12 August 31, 2012. Istanbul, Turkey. records. Because this schema has been obtained by probing the form Copyright c 2012 for the individual papers by the papers’ authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and and analyzing the response pages, it is called the output schema of copyrighted by its editors. the form. The data extracted from deep Web sources through IE process- can be applied. If the probing yields a response page which does ing is typically used to build and/or enrich ontologies [2, 21, 24], not contain the error pattern, then we determine the generic XPath gazzetters [11] or to expand sets of entities [28]. ODE [21] in partic- location of Web records using [16]. ular gets closer to our work by its holistic approach, but still needs a domain ontology built by matching different deep Web interfaces. A Output Schema Construction. A way to build the output more important difference appears in the annotation of the extracted schema is to use the reflection of a given domain knowledge in response pages [25]. Another method is to perform attribute align- data from response pages using heuristic rules for label assignment, similar to [26]. Comparatively, we use PARIS alignment algorithm. ment [1] for records obtained from different pages. Since Web The next step is the discovery of the semantic relationships be- records represent subtrees which are structurally similar at DOM tween the entity of the form and the record attributes; for this, several level, we extract the values of their textual leaf nodes and cluster these values based on their DOM path. The rationale is that the techniques are proposed in the literature. Traditionally, statistical and rule-based methods use the instances in a textual context in values found under the same record internal path are attributes of order to infer the relation between them [9]. Another option [20] the same type. For instance, “Great Expectations” and “David Cop- is to match the terminology of a given term with a known concept perfield” in Figure 1 both represent literals of the title attribute of using semantic resources such as DBpedia or WordNet [18]. Yet a book and have a common location pattern. We define a record another trend is to use classifiers that can predict specific relations feature as the association between a relevant record internal path and (e.g., subClassOf ) given enough training and test data [6]. The its cumulated bag of instances. The output schema for a response closest work to ours may be [14], an approach relying on supervised page is then defined by the ordered sequence of record features. In learning that uses a generic ontology to infer types and relations practice, we remove uninformative record features from the output schema by restricting ourselves to paths which contain different among the data in a Web table. We deal with the more general set- ting of deep Web interfaces here, and we propose a fully automatic instances across various response pages. approach that does not require human supervision. Input and Output Schema Mapping. We align input fields of the form with record features of the result pages in the following 3. ENVISIONED APPROACH fashion. For non-textual form elements such as drop-down lists, We now present our vision of a holistic deep Web semantic un- we check if their values do not trivially match one of the record derstanding and ontology enrichment process, which is summarized features of the output schema. For textual form elements, we use a in Figure 1: a Web form is analyzed and probed, record attribute more elaborate idea. Due to binding patterns, query instances which values are extracted from result pages, and their types are mapped to appear at a certain record internal path should appear again at the input fields. While these steps are rather standard and we follow the same location when they are submitted in the “right” input field well-established best practices, they have never been analyzed in a for this path. If we submit them in an unrelated field, however, we holistic manner without the assumption of domain knowledge that should obtain an error page or unsuitable results. Formally, given describes the form interface. The novelty of studying these steps a record feature f of the output schema, we can see if it maps to in connection comes from their contribution to the formation of a a textual input t by filling in t with one of the initial instances of labeled graph which encompasses data values of unknown types f (say i) and submitting the form. Either we obtain an error page, and implicit semantic relations. This graph is further aligned with a which means f and t should not be mapped, or we obtain a result generic ontology for knowledge discovery using PARIS. page in which we can use f ’s record internal path to extract a new bag I of instances for f . In this case, we say that t and f are mapped Form Analysis and Probing. The form interface is pre- if all instances in I are equal to i or contain it as a substring (i.e., i sented as an input schema which gives a prescriptive description appears again at f ’s location pattern). We obtain the mapping by of the object that the user can query through the form. The input performing these steps for all couples ( f ,t). schema is the ordered list of labels corresponding to form elements, Most of the time, the input–output schemas do not match exactly. possibly together with constraints and possible values (for drop- The attributes that cannot be matched are usually explicit in the input down lists and other non-textual input fields). Important data con- schema (e.g., given by non-textual inputs, like drop-down lists), or straints or properties of the backend Web database can be discovered only present in the output schema (e.g., the price of a book). through well-designed probing and response page analysis. Some may be precious for a crawler that interacts with the form: Are stop Graph Generation. We represent the data extracted from the words indexed? Which Boolean connectors are used (conjunctive or Web records as RDF triples [17], in the following manner: disjunctive)? Is the search affected by spelling errors? We perform 1. each record is represented as an entity; form probing in an agnostic manner (i.e., without domain knowl- 2. all records are of the same class, stated using rdf:type; edge) following [5]. We try to set non-textual input elements or 3. the attribute values of records are viewed as literals; to fill in a textual input field with stop words or with contextual 4. each record links to its attribute values through the relation terms extracted from non-textual input controls (e.g., drop-down list (i.e., predicate) that corresponds to the record internal path of entries) or surrounding text (e.g., indications to the user). We rely the attribute type in the response page; on the fact that many sites provide a generous index (i.e., a response Since the triples form a labeled directed graph, it is possible to page can be obtained by inputting a single letter). A more elaborate add much more information to the representation, provided that we idea is to use AJAX auto-completion facilities. have the means to extract it. An idea would be to include a more detailed representation of a record by following the hyperlinks that Record Identification. If the form has been filled in correctly, we identify in its attribute values and replacing them in the original we obtain a result page. Otherwise, to identify possible error pages, response page with the DOM tree of the linked page. In this way, our method infers a characteristic XPath expression by submitting the extraction can be done on a more complete representation of the form with a nonsense word and tracing its location in the DOM the backend database. We can also add complementary data from of the response page. This approach uses the fact that the nonsense various sources, e.g., Web services or other Web forms belonging to word will usually be repeated in the error page to present the er- the same domain. roneous input to the user. If not, techniques such as those of [19] new Form probing Yago terms y:hasName "Othello" Author: rdfs:type Othello y:created y:hasName Shakespeare "Shakespeare" Title: y:hasName Book rdfs:type Great "Great Expectations" Expectations y:created Publisher: Charles y:hasName y:created Dickens "Charles Dickens" David Submit rdfs:type Copperfield input and y:hasName (novel) "David Copperfield" form probing output schema ontology ontology mapping alignment enrichment Result page List of records The following results were found for your search: The following results were found for your search: Labeled graph Great Expectations Great Expectations "Great Expectations" Charles Dickens rdfs:type Charles Dickens ?e1 "Charles Dickens" Dover Thrift Editions Dover Thrift Editions "Dover Thrift Editions" ?class "David Copperfield" David Copperfield wrapper David Copperfield RDF by Charles Dickens induction by Charles Dickens triples rdfs:type ?e2 "by Charles Dickens" Penguin Classics Penguin Classics "Penguin Books" generation Figure 1: Overview of the envisioned approach Ontology Alignment. The ontology that we compile from the of the form (in our case, a book). The propagation of this knowl- result pages is aligned with a large reference ontology. We use edge to the input schema through the input–output mapping (for YAGO [23], though our approach can be applied to any reference the form elements that have been successfully mapped) results in a ontology. We use PARIS [22] to perform the ontology alignment. better understanding of the form interface. On the one hand, we can Unlike most other systems, PARIS is able to align both entities infer that a given field of the Amazon advanced search form expects and relations. It does so by bootstrapping an alignment from the author names, and leverage YAGO to obtain representative author matching literals and propagating evidence based on relation func- names to fill in the form. This is useful in intensional or extensional tionalities. Through the alignment, we discover the class of entities, automatic crawl strategies of deep Web sources. On the other hand, the meaning of record attributes and the actual relation that exists we can generate new result pages for which data location patterns between them. Two main adaptations are needed to use PARIS in are already known and enrich YAGO through the alignment that we the deep Web data alignment process. First, extracted literals usu- once determined. ally differ from those of YAGO because of alternate spellings or There are three main possibilities to enrich the ontology. First, surrounding stop words. A typical case on Amazon is the addition we can add to the ontology the instances that did not align. For of related terms, e.g., “Hamlet (French Edition)” instead of just instance, we can use the Amazon book search results to add to YAGO “Hamlet”. To mitigate this problem we normalize the literals, elimi- the books for which it has no coverage. Second, we can add facts nate punctuation and stop words. Pattern identification in the data (triples) that were missing in YAGO. Third, we can add the relation values of the same type could increase the probability of extracting types that did not align. For instance, we can add information cleaner values. We are working on a way to index YAGO literals in about the publisher of a book to YAGO. This latter direction is a manner that is resilient to the small differences we wish to ignore. more challenging, because we need to determine if the relation A promising approach to do this is shingling [7]. types contain valuable information. One safe way to deal with this Second, an entity-to-literal relation in the labeled graph may not relevance problem is to require attribute values to be mapped to a necessarily correspond to a single edge in the reference ontology, form element in the input schema. We can then use the label of the but to a sequence of edges. This amounts to a join of the involved element to annotate them. relations; a typical case in our prototype is the “author” attribute which is linked to a record entity through a two-step YAGO path “y:created y:hasPreferredName”. To ensure that the alignment with 4. PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS joins, typically costly, can be performed in practice, we limit the We have prototyped this approach for the Amazon book advanced maximal length of joins. A consequence is that PARIS will explore search form1 . Obviously, we cannot claim any statistical signifi- a smaller fraction of YAGO in the search for relations relevant to the cance of the results we report here, but we believe that the approach, data of our labeled graph. In addition to the use of record attribute because it is generic, can be successfully applied to other sources of values as literals, PARIS could use the form labels (through the the deep Web. input–output mappings) to guide the alignment and favor YAGO Our preliminary implementation performed agnostic probing of relations with a similar name. Some record instances do not align the form, wrapper induction, and mapping of input–output schemas. with any literal of the ontology. The cause is that they represent It generated a labeled graph with 93 entities and 10 relation types information which is unknown to YAGO. out of which 2 (title and author) are recognized by YAGO. Literals underwent a semi-heuristic normalization process (lowercasing, re- Form Understanding and Ontology Enrichment. On- moval of parenthesized substrings). 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