=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=What the heck is it doing? Better understanding Human-Machine conflicts through models |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-885/paper7.pdf |volume=Vol-885 }} ==What the heck is it doing? Better understanding Human-Machine conflicts through models == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-885/paper7.pdf
                What the heck is it doing?
 Better understanding Human-Machine conflicts through
                              Sergio Pizziol1,2 and Catherine Tessier1 and Frederic Dehais2

   This paper deals with human-machine conflicts with a special fo-
cus on conflicts caused by an “automation surprise”. Considering
both the human operator and the machine autopilot or decision func-
tions as agents, we propose Petri net based models of two real cases
and we show how modelling each agent’s possible actions is likely to
highlight conflict states as deadlocks in the Petri net. A general con-
flict model is then be proposed and paves the way for further on-line
human-machine conflict forecast and detection.

1   Introduction
There is a growing interest in unmanned vehicles for civilian                  Figure 1: A human-machine system as a two-agent system
or military applications as they prevent the exposure of human
operators to hazardous situations. As the human operator is not           operator has a wrong situation awareness [24], or both. In order
embedded within the system [22] hazardous events may interfere            to prevent a mission degradation, the agents’ plans, and possibly
with the human-machine interactions (e.g. communication break-            the authority allocation (i.e. which agent is controlling what), have
downs and latencies). The design of authority sharing is therefore        to be adapted [11]. This is a real challenge as in human-machine
critical [8] because conflicts between the machine and the human          systems the human agent is hardly controllable and no “model” of
operator are likely to compromise the mission [14, 23]. Interestingly     the human’s decision processes is available.
these findings are consistent with research in aviation psychol-
ogy: crew-automation conflicts known as “automation surprises”               We define a conflict as the execution of globally (i.e. at the system
[18, 19] occur when the autopilot does not behave as expected             level) incoherent actions i.e. one action tends to take the system to
by the crew (e.g. the autopilot has disconnected and the pilots,          state Sa and another one tends to take it to state Sb , and Sa 6= Sb .
who are not flying, are not aware of that [12]). These situations         Locally (i.e. at the single agent level) the actions may be coherent
can lead to accidents with an airworthy airplane if, despite the          with a local plan and the conflict may come from a wrong interaction
presence of auditory warnings [1], the crew persist in solving a          between the agents. If one agent’s local actions are incoherent (e.g.
minor conflict [2] ”instead of switching to another means or a more       because of a failure) either a local diagnosis and reconfiguration are
direct means to accomplish their flight path management goals” [26].      possible; or they are not (e.g. human operator’s error) and the wrong
                                                                          behaviour of this agent is likely to create a conflict with the other
   In this paper we will consider the human-machine system as a two-      agent. Actions in a multi-agent system [9] are incoherent if:
agent system (see figure 1), i.e. the human agent (the operator) and         • Physically [21, 20]: at least a depletable or not shareable re-
the automation agent (the autopilot or the embedded decision and          source3 is the cause of a competition, the agents preemptively take
planning functions). Indeed both agents can perform actions so as to      over the resource. Example: one agent is in charge of the vertical
control the physical system, which may be subject to uncontrolled         control of an aircraft and another agent is in charge of the longitudi-
events (e.g. failures). Notice that an autopilot is considered an agent   nal control. The thrust is a limited resource and may be not enough
because some mode changes can be performed by the autopilot itself        to grant the climbing rate required by the first agent and the turn rate
without prior consent of the pilot, and sometimes despite the pilot’s     required by the second one.
actions.                                                                     • Epistemically [21]: the agents performing the actions do not
   Conflicts in a human-machine system stem from the fact that            share the same point of view on at least two relevant pieces of in-
both agents can decide and act on the physical system and their           formation. Example: two agents are both in charge of the vertical
actions may not be consistent, either because the expected plan for       control of an aircraft. They both want to reach altitude 5000 ft. One
the human operator or the machine is not followed anymore, or the         agent estimates the current altitude to be at 6000 ft and the other one
1 ONERA(France) name.surname@onera.fr                                     3 As resource we generically refer to a physical object, information, task,
2 ISAE(France) name.surname@isae.fr                                         goal.
at 4000 ft.                                                                   In the Initial state Alt-Capture mode of the Autopilot is not armed
   • Logically [20]: at least two goals are logically contradictory, the   (initial marking “Alt-Capture not Armed”) – figure 2.
agents have opposite desires. Example: two agents are in charge of
the vertical control of an aircraft. The altitude is 4000 ft. One wants
to climb to 6000 ft and the other one wants to descend to 2000 ft.
   Conflicts are situations where incoherent actions, or their conse-
quences, matter in terms of mission achievement, safety, etc. [21, 5].
We distinguish three classes of conflicts that are directly inspired
by the classification of incoherent actions: logical conflicts, physi-
cal conflicts and knowledge (epistemic) conflicts. Logical conflicts
are when the agents’ goals are logically contradictory and a trade-
off must be found. Note that the goals are not necessarily incom-
patible: an agent’s incapability to accept a trade-off could lead to a
conflict. Game theory techniques have been proposed to solve this
case of conflict [10]. Physical conflicts are when the agents’ goals
are independent but incompatible because of the resources required
to achieve plans and actions that are associated to the goals, therefore
a wise resource sharing is needed. Knowledge conflicts are when the                          Figure 2: Alt-Capture not Armed
agents’ goals are coherent [25, 20], and the agents’ information for
decision-making about how to reach the goals is not the same. Such
conflicts may concern agents’ beliefs, knowledge, procedures, opin-          The Pilot sets altitude to Target altitude. This causes Autopilot
ions.                                                                      Alt–Capture mode to arm, therefore the target altitude set by the Pilot
   This paper focuses on knowledge conflicts in human-machine sys-         will not be overshot. The Pilot also sets Pitch mode to VSPD (Vertical
tems, especially the conflicts caused by “automation surprises”. Sec-      Speed – aircraft climbs at constant rate), then to IAS (Indicated Air
tion 2 will focus on two real cases of “automation surprise”. Our ap-      Speed – climb rate adjusted, constant air speed) – figure 3.
proach is to assess whether a formal model of those cases could give
us avenues for automatic conflict identification and detection. Petri
nets (see Appendix) have been chosen for formal modelling since
they are well suited to scripted domains with a state dynamics linked
to discrete events. From those two cases, we present a generalized
conflict model (section 3).

2     What the heck is it doing?
This section presents two real cases of human-machine conflicts
caused by “automation surprises”, i.e. the machine agent not behav-
ing as expected by the human agent. The first case – a “kill–the–
capture” surprise with an MD–88 autopilot has been reported by [13]
and investigated by [17, 16]. The second case occurred during an ex-
periment campaign involving one of Onera’s Ressac VTOL UAVs4
in July 2011. For both cases we will show that modelling the agents’                       Figure 3: Alt-Capture armed and IAS
possible actions (i.e. what they have the right to do, especially the
right to take over the authority from the other agent) enables the con-       When target altitude is nearly reached, the Autopilot changes
flict to be identified in a formal way. Both cases will be modelled        Pitch mode to Alt Cap (provides smooth levelling off at the desired
with Petri nets.                                                           altitude) therefore mode Alt-Capture is disarmed, so as Pitch mode
                                                                           IAS – figure 4.

2.1    The kill-the-capture surprise
The two agents involved are the Autopilot of the MD-88 and the
Pilot. The actions that are considered are the mode transitions of the
Autopilot that are triggered either by the Autopilot-agent or by the
Pilot-agent. Unlike Rushby [16], we do not make any assumption
about a “mental model” of the Pilot, but we take the objective
viewpoint of what the Pilot actually does. For the sake of clarity
only the relevant modes and mode transitions are represented. In our
Petri nets, we use the same colour code as in [17]: green for done by
the Pilot, red for done by the Autopilot

4 Vertical Take-Off and Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
                                                                         on the Autopilot modes have destroyed the Autopilot sequence. For-
                                                                         mally the Petri net is blocked on the Autopilot side (i.e. no transition
                                                                         can be fired anymore). This is a knowledge conflict [21] as the con-
                                                                         sequences of the agents’ actions were neither assessed properly nor
                                                                         explained to one another.

                                                                         2.2      Rain and automation
                                                                         The second case of “automation surprise” occurred by chance dur-
                                                                         ing an experiment involving an Onera Ressac VTOL UAV in July
                                                                         2011. Indeed the experiment was meant to test some properties of the
                                                                         Ressac planner and was not an ad-hoc scenario to bring about “au-
                                                                         tomation surprise”. The UAV mission requires two nominal pilots:
              Figure 4: Alt Cap; Alt-Capture disarmed                    the ground control station pilot (Gp) and the field pilot (Fp). For reg-
                                                                         ulatory issues a third operator, the security pilot (Sp), can take over
                                                                         the manual piloting (as long as he wants) to deal with any unexpected
  The Pilot then changes Pitch mode to VSPD, therefore Pitch mode        event. About a dozen of other members of the Ressac team were
Alt Cap is disarmed – figure 5.                                          checking the mission plan execution and performing other tasks.
                                                                            There are five piloting modes (cf Table 1), one is totally automated
                                                                         (Nominal autopiloting- Autonav), three are partially automated
                                                                         modes and have been developed by Onera (Nominal autopiloting-
                                                                         Operator flight plan, Nominal manual- high level, Nominal manual-
                                                                         assisted), and the last one is a direct piloting mode (Emergency man-
                                                                         ual) using the on-the-shelf equipment of the vehicle (Yamaha RMax).
                                                                         This last mode can be engaged only by the Safety pilot who has al-
                                                                         ways pre-emption rights, activating an exclusion switch cutting off
                                                                         the automatism. Notice that the Ressac software architecture has no
                                                                         visibility on the state of the switch. Flight phase transitions are al-
                                                                         lowed only in Nominal autopiloting mode.

                                                                                                                       Automation   Gp   Fp   Sp   Phase achievement
                                                                              Nominal autopiloting- Autonav                *                               *
                                                                          Nominal autopiloting- Operator flight plan       *        *    *                 *
                                                                               Nominal Manual- high level                  *             *
                                                                                Nominal Manual- assisted                   *             *
                                                                                    Emergency Manual                                          *
                    Figure 5: Pitch mode VSPD
                                                                         Table 1: Piloting modes, agents’ involvement and phase achievement
   When event target altitude occurs, state Pitch mode Alt Hold
cannot be reached since neither possible precondition is true (Alt
capture armed or Pitch mode Alt Cap). Therefore event target               So two nominal modes are possible i.e. Nominal autopiloting and
altitude is “lost” and the aircraft goes on climbing at the VSPD         Nominal manual piloting. When Nominal autopiloting is engaged,
indicated by the pilot, – figure 6.                                      Ressac flies autonomously according to its plan, i.e. for this particular

                                                                         • Phase 1: heading from the initial position to waypoint alpha
                                                                         • Phase 2: heading from waypoint alpha to waypoint beta
                                                                         • Phase 3: heading from waypoint beta to waypoint gamma

                                                                             The following Petri nets represent the actions (transitions) and
                                                                         states (places) of the Ressac software agent (right) and of the hu-
                                                                         man operator agent, i.e. what happens on the Gp’s interface and the
                                                                         possible actions of the Sp (left). The procedure to follow (see fig-
                                                                         ure 7 left) matches the plan (see figure 7 right) except the fact that
                                                                         it includes the case of the Sp taking control of Ressac to deal with
                                                                         an emergency: in that case the procedure is stopped. Initial state is
                                                                         human agent and software agent both in the state Phase 1.
                                                                             In the Nominal autopiloting configuration the occurrence of Event
                                                                         A (waypoint alpha reached by Ressac) fires transition Phase 1/Phase
  Figure 6: Event target altitude lost – “Oops, it didn’t arm” [13].
                                                                         2 for the software agent. This transition emits Event B (information
                                                                         waypoint alpha reached displayed on the Gp interface) which updates
  The “Oops, it didn’t arm” uttered by the pilot reveals that he does    the procedure: human agent state is Phase 2, so as software agent
not understand why the aircraft goes on climbing. In fact, his actions   state.
  Phase 2/ Phase 3 operates the same way with Event C (waypoint
beta) and D (information displayed on the Gp interface and proce-
dure updated).

                                                                                 Figure 10: Lost of the event for the procedure update

                                                                            The rain stopped and the Sp decided that the nominal plan could
                                                                         be resumed. Transition Emergency manual to Nominal autopiloting
                                                                         is fired (figure 11). The nominal plan was resumed (Phase 2) and
                        Figure 7: Initial state
                                                                         Ressac headed waypoint beta. The human operators, who were
                                                                         expecting Phase 1 to be resumed, did not understand what Ressac
   What happened in July 2011 is the following sequence: Ressac          was doing and began to panic. This is again a knowledge conflict
was flying Phase 1 heading for waypoint alpha, when it began to          [21] in which the human operators considered the behaviour of the
rain. This random event made the Safety pilot Sp take over the           machine as a failure. Indeed none of the test team members properly
control on Ressac. On the Petri net of figure 8 transition Random        interpreted the behaviour of Ressac.
event is fired by the human agent and Emergency manual place is

                                                                                         Figure 11: What the heck is it doing?

            Figure 8: Rain and emergency manual mode
                                                                            Notice that the marking of the Petri net (figure 11) is such that:
                                                                         (i) place Phase 2 is marked on the software agent side whereas place
  While operating Ressac manually in order to make it land, the Sp       Phase 1 is marked on the human agent side ; (ii) one place Nominal
unintentionally flew it over waypoint alpha. Therefore Event A is        piloting is marked (software agent side) whereas the other one is not
generated, and the software agent engages Phase 2 (figure 9).            marked (human agent side). Nevertheless it is a matter of semantic
                                                                         inconsistencies and not of formal inconsistencies within the Petri net
                                                                         model. Indeed for case (ii), the two places Nominal piloting do not
                                                                         represent the same state, otherwise a unique place would have been
                                                                         used: one is the software agent state and the other one is the human
                                                                         agent state.
                                                                            Identifying conflicts through semantic inconsistencies would in-
                                                                         volve an explicit enumeration of all possible inconsistencies, which
                                                                         is hardly possible. Therefore what is relevant here from a formal
                                                                         point of view is not the semantic inconsistencies but the fact that
                                                                         the human agent part of the Petri net model is blocked (Event B will
                                                                         never occur again and Phase 2 will never be marked).
                                                                            The next section will focus on a generalization of agent conflict
                   Figure 9: Software state update                       representation, detection and solving.

  Event B is emitted but lost on the human agent side, since one         3     Towards a model of human-automation conflict
precondition (Nominal autopiloting) is no longer verified (figure 10).
                                                                         3.1    Conflict model
                                                                         In a multi-agent system different agents are often interested in the
                                                                         knowledge of the same state variables. Those variables can seman-
tically describe the physical environment state or the agent inter-         tion T1. The second solution is to inform A2 of the firing of T1, see
nal state. The values of those state variables can be affected by the       figure 14.
agents’ actions.
   Let us consider two agents A1 and A2 that both have the right to
act on a common device to change its state. The state of the device
must be successively S1 then S2 and the agents must always have
the same knowledge about the device state. The initial state is S1 In
figure 12, both agents’ knowledge is the same, i.e. the device state is
S1 (left). The result of the firing of T1 is that both agents’ knowledge
is that system state is S2 (right). Note that transition T1 represent a
synchronization of both agents about their shared decision.

                                                                                     Figure 14: Two-agent system, another correct design

                                                                               If A2 is a human operator the effect of a transition on his knowl-
                                                                            edge is not sure: the feedback he receives from the other agent can be
                                                                            lost or misinterpreted. A pseudo-firing [3] for T1 can model this kind
                                                                            of uncertainty, see figure 15 (left). The firing of T1 leads to the un-
                                                                            certain marking for the agent A2 state represented in figure 15 (right)
                                                                            by empty markers.

                 (a)                                (b)

             Figure 12: Two-agent system, correct design

  As far as figure 13 is concerned, A2 need A1 to fire transition
T2, i.e. both agents’ knowledge must be S1 to make the device
evolve to S2. On the contrary the firing of transition T1 only makes
A1’s knowledge state evolve to S2 (transition T1 is “hidden” from
A2)(left). If T1 is fired, the result is that A1’s knowledge is S2
whereas A2’s is S1 and transition T2 is dead (right). This is a conflict.
                                                                                           (a)                                  (b)

                                                                            Figure 15: Two-agent system, A2 is human. Pseudo firing on correct

                                                                               For that reason the second solution proposed (inform the other
                                                                            agent) has an uncertain effect if A2 is human. This kind of transi-
                                                                            tion is considered as a vulnerability by some researchers [7]. In other
                                                                            works the not nominal effect of a transition can be restored informing
                                                                            the human operator again or differently [6].

                                                                            4   Conclusion and further work
                (a)                                  (b)
                                                                            Starting from two real cases of “automation surprises”, we have
            Figure 13: Two-agent system, incorrect design                   shown that a formal model allows us to characterize a Human-
                                                                            Machine conflict: for both cases the Petri net model features a dead-
                                                                            lock (i.e. at least one transition cannot be fired). We have then pro-
                                                                            posed a general Petri net based conflict model that paves the way
3.2    Conflict solving                                                     for automatic conflict detection through “hidden” transitions identi-
                                                                            fication and liveliness properties checking. We have also given two
In figure 13 T1 is a ‘hidden transition” so far as agent A2 cannot see      possible design solutions to prevent conflicts: share the decision or
it neither the consequences of its firing. That is the case for the “Rain   inform the other agent.
and automation” example, figure 10.                                            Nevertheless if the agent being informed is human the problem of
   Two solutions are then possible. The first one is to remove T1, i.e.     the correct reception and interpretation of the information has to be
agent A1 has no right to fire T1. In this case we get the ideal case        considered. Therefore uncertainty has to be modelled so as to feed an
in figure 12, we allow only shared decisions represented by transi-         estimator of the human agent’s knowledge state: such an estimator,
which is further work, can be based on the human agent’s actions and                [11] S. Mercier, C. Tessier, and F. Dehais, ‘Authority management in human-
“internal state” [15].                                                                   robot systems’, 11th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IE Symposium on Analysis, De-
                                                                                         sign, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, (2010).
   Current work focuses on further aircraft autopilot-pilot interaction             [12] R. Mumaw, N. Sarter, and C. Wickens, ‘Analysis of pilots’ monitoring
modelling – especially some cases that led to accidents – so as to                       and performance on an automated flight deck’, in Proceedings of the
put to the test the generic conflict model we have proposed. The next                    11th International Symposium for Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH,
steps will be on-line conflict forecast and detection and experiments                    USA, (2001).
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                                                                                         prises’, in Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Avi-
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