=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Linking Process Models and Operating Data for Exploration and Visualization |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-886/paper_3.pdf |volume=Vol-886 }} ==Linking Process Models and Operating Data for Exploration and Visualization== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-886/paper_3.pdf
   Linking Process Models and Operating
   Data for Exploration and Visualization
                             Ken WENZEL a,1 , Marcel TISZTL a
               a Fraunhofer IWU, Department for Production Management,


            Abstract. Data integration between different life cycle stages of a production sys-
            tem is a crucial requirement for the realization of continuous computer support
            what is often referred to as the Digital Factory. This paper presents an approach
            that leverages planning data within the operation phase of a production system by
            applying Semantic Web technologies and linked data concepts.
            Keywords. production system, life cycle, process planning, semantic web, sensor


When considering the design and operation of a production system, one can observe that
there exists an information gap between those life cycle phases [1]. This usually results
in a complete redesign of models for observation and control of such systems instead of
reusing structural and functional knowledge that was already created during the design
phase. We believe that this is due to the wide range of tools and complex data formats
making it hard to transfer knowledge from one phase to another. Our approach trans-
forms existing process models of production systems into a linked data representation
and combines them with ontologies for Semantic Sensor Networks and units of mea-
surement to enable the linkage with collected operating data. The development of our
concepts is based on a usage scenario from the automotive industry where media con-
sumption data for a body-in-white assembly line is collected and should be linked to
processes, products and resources for the purpose of visualization and analysis.
     Section 1 outlines the related ontologies and applications used in our approach.
Section 2 introduces a simple ontology for the description of manufacturing processes.
Based on this ontology an approach for exploration and visualization of operating data
is introduced by Section 3. Finally, a summary and outlook is given by Section 5.

1. Overview on related ontologies and software systems

Figure 1 gives an overview on ontologies which were created for our approach to rep-
resent and integrate process models with operating data. These encompass the manu-
  1 Corresponding Author: Ken Wenzel, Fraunhofer-Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology

IWU, Department for Production Management, Reichenhainer Str. 88, 09126 Chemnitz, Germany; E-mail:

                                                SSN              Time              QUDT


                Process Designer                MET                               MET
                     Models                     Data                          Visualization

                    Process                                   Operating
                    Models                                      Data

                    Process                                Operating Data
                    Designer                                 Explorer

                                                       owl:imports    read/write     uses

                 Figure 1. Ontologies and software systems used by our approach.

facturing process ontology (Section 2) for the description of process models, the MET
data ontology for the representation of measurement data (Section 3) as well as the
MET visualization ontology for the mapping of measured properties to suitable graphical
charts (Section 4). The latter two are combined within our Measurements and Evaluation
Toolkit (MET) – a collection of vocabularies and software tools to acquire, manage and
visualize measurement data. The existing vocabulary that was reused for the creation of
our ontologies is shown at the top of Figure 1.
     Additionally, a domain-specific ontology was developed as an extension of the man-
ufacturing process ontology to (partially) represent Tecnomatix Process Designer models
as linked data. These process models are automatically imported from their proprietary
XML serialization and transformed into RDF data.
     Finally, the presented approach is implemented within the Operating Data Explorer
using the Knowledge Modeling and Management Architecture (KOMMA) [2].

2. A lightweight ontology for manufacturing processes

Diverse engineering disciplines tried to adopt ontologies for describing their respective
domains. For example, the research projects COGents and IMPROVE [3] demonstrated
that ontologies are a well-suited means to describe models of chemical process systems.
Besides these, there are also some efforts towards creating base ontologies for the man-
ufacturing domain. MASON [5] defines an upper ontology for manufacturing and gives

  DUL:Method                DUL:PhysicalArtifact          DUL:Object                  DUL:Diagnosis

      subclass                     subclass                   subclass                    subclass

                  must be         Artifact                                                State
                     hasOutput                                         must be
                      must be                                                  uses
                                                                              must be
    Process                             must be             Resource

                                 Figure 2. Manufacturing process ontology.

examples of its usage within the fields of cost estimation and production control. The
ADACOR ontology [4] contains concepts to describe manufacturing systems for the pur-
pose of scheduling and control. Both ontologies capture some common but also some
distinct parts of the manufacturing domain.
     Following the principle of minimal ontological commitment as proposed by Gruber
[6], we argue that separation of concerns into even more lightweight ontologies simpli-
fies their reuse and accelerates their adoption. Hence, we have created the simple on-
tology depicted by Figure 2 for the description of manufacturing operations with their
related products and resources. This ontology is also aligned to DOLCE+DnS UltraLite
(DUL)2 , an enhanced version of the Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive
Engineering (DOLCE) [7].
     The ontology is loosely based on the core idea of the Structured Analysis and De-
sign Technique (SADT) [8] that is able to describe systems as a hierarchy of functions.
In our case those functions are manufacturing Processes which may have one or more
Artifacts as inputs and outputs and may require one or more Resources for operation.
The ontology introduces also the concept State, allowing a more specific description of
resources, especially in regard to operating data.
     The proposed ontology does intentionally not provide any concepts for the descrip-
tion of raw materials, tools, workers and other application specific entities. Also deeper
classification of artifacts or processes as done within MASON is omitted.
     The alignment to DUL allows easy extension of the ontology for various use
cases. Process is considered a subclass of DUL:Method to express that this concept
should be used to describe manufacturing operations in the sense of process planning.
DUL:PhysicalArtifact is chosen as a superclass of Artifact since inputs and outputs of
manufacturing operations are usually physical objects with an intended function. Our
model unifies SADT’s notion of control and mechanisms into one Resource concept that
is a subclass of DUL:Object. Resources can be further described by using States repre-
senting a DUL:Diagnosis of these systems.

  2 http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/Ontology:DOLCE+DnS UltraLite

                          mfg:requires                                mfg:hasInput        innerPart
                                         ssn:FeatureOfInterest        mfg:hasInput        mfg:Artifact
                          mfg:requires       mfg:Process                                    frame
   spotWeldingGun                                                  mfg:hasOutput          mfg:Artifact
                                   ssn:hasProperty                                        weldedPart

                       qudt:MechanicsQuantityKind    ssn:featureOfInterest
    ssn:onPlatform           quantity:Power

                  ssn:observes       ssn:observedProperty
                                                                              ssn:observationResultTime           time:Instant
                                                                                                            2012-03-27 16:08:19.163
  ssn:SensingDevice        ssn:madeObservation         ssn:Observation
     powerMeter                                      powerObservation1
                                                                             ssn:observationSamplingTime            10 ms

   ssn:isProducedBy      ssn:observationResult

                                                                                         met:hasUnit             unit:KiloWatt
                             ssn:hasValue            ssn:ObservationValue
                                                            value1                                                 xsd:float
                                                                                     met:hasQuantityValue            243

                                  Figure 3. Example of an electric power observation.

3. Representation of operating data

The W3C Semantic Sensor Networks Incubator Group (SSN-XG)3 has built an exten-
sive ontology for describing sensor networks and related observations. For this reason,
their work encompasses an in-depth review of existing sensor and observation ontologies
where selected concepts were used to create the Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) ontol-
ogy. This ontology intentionally excludes descriptions of domain concepts like time or
location information to enable its applicability for multiple use cases and domains.
     We are mostly using concepts of the SSN ontology that were developed for the use
case of data discovery and linking. These concepts allow to describe Observations made
by a SensingDevice regarding some Properties of a certain FeatureOfInterest.
     In the case of operating data the FeatureOfInterest is usually either the process itself
or the involved resources and product artifacts. When combining the SSN ontology with
the ontology for manufacturing processes introduced in Section 2 the feature of interest
of an observation may be an instance from one of the classes Process, Resource, State
or Artifact. More complex use cases can be covered by using instances of DUL:Event as
feature of interest.
     Figure 3 denotes an example of an electric power observation expressed by applying
the SSN ontology in combination with the manufacturing process ontology. The example
covers a body-in-white assembly process with spot welding where the actual power con-
sumed by the spot welding gun is observed. For the representation of observable proper-
ties and their associated units the QUDT4 (Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Data Types
  3 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/
  4 http://qudt.org/

in OWL and XML) ontology is used. An alternate ontology with comparable coverage is
the Measurement Units Ontology5 (MUO). Both ontologies provide a formal framework
for defining measurable properties (quantities in QUDT, qualities in MUO) with corre-
sponding base units and their derived forms. Additionally, both ontologies provide a set
of predefined properties and unit systems like SI or CGS. MUO’s data is extracted from
UCUM6 , the Unified Code for Units of Measure, while QUDT uses its own definitions.
     Time points and intervals are expressed by using the Time Ontology in OWL7
     For representing observation result values a special concept QuantityObservation-
Value as subclass of ssn:ObservationValue is introduced by our MET data ontology. It
allows to describe measured quantities (met:hasQuantityValue) and their associated units

4. Exploration and visualization

The semantic linking of operating data, aligned with the SSN, to the manufacturing pro-
cess ontology, like we have shown above, can support an analyst in exploring and exam-
ining the collected data, for example, to identify specific resource usage patterns. There-
fore, we want to demonstrate, how visualization and navigation on the described model
can be achieved. The starting point is the process model of the production system that
can be explored within the process, resource and artifact dimensions. Each element from
each dimension may have a hierarchical and topological structure.
     Moreover, we want to support the visualization of a Process, a Resource or an Arti-
fact by generating a chart of its properties and related observations. Figure 4 exemplifies
this compound visualization for a selected Resource.

4.1. Generic diagrams for observed properties

Data visualization of FeatureOfInterests is a complex matter, because their observed
properties, that should be visualized, may differ in some aspects. For example, some
properties like power consumption and temperature have numeric values for individual
points in time and are suitably visualized by XY charts. Other properties like the current
system state or the modified artifacts represent some kind of state that is valid over a
time interval (e.g. the duration of a manufacturing operation) and can be suitably visu-
alized by gantt or bar charts. To support a variety of visualizations, the MET-VIZ (Mea-
surements and Evaluation Toolkit - Visualization) ontology introduces concepts to for-
mally describe the associations between visualizable properties and suitable charts. An
example is depicted in Figure 5.
     The ontology defines the classes Chart and ChartDescription. Each chart supported
by our visualization framework is represented as an instance of Chart and observed prop-
erties are associated to these charts by using ChartDescriptions.

  5 http://idi.fundacionctic.org/muo/muo-vocab.html
  6 http://unitsofmeasure.org/
  7 http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-time/



           mfg:Process          idle               welding                   handling                      handling

              mfg:State         idle                                            busy

           mfg:Artifact        none              weldedPart                weldedPart                       frame

                                     10:49:00      10:49:20   10:49:40   10:50:00    10:50:20   10:50:40      10:51:00

                 Figure 4. Visualization of observed property values for a given Resource.

4.2. Visualization framework based on data-driven documents

Like Figure 4 denotes, each observed property of a given FeatureOfInterest is visualized
by a specific chart. These charts are combined into a composite chart with a timeline,
where the user can select the global time window for all contained charts. To support
this functionality, we have developed a visualization framework that implements versa-
tile charts based on data-driven documents (d3) [10] and their corresponding Javascript
implementation D3.js8 . D3 allows to use powerful declarative transformations between
data and SVG representations. This eases the creation of generic charts and highly sim-
plifies the development of domain-specific visualizations for various use cases. D3’s
transformation capabilities are leveraged to define basic generic diagrams which can be
composed with each other to create compound visualizations of multiple properties.
      These compositions are supported by two design rationales of our framework. The
first one is that the chart’s data access is controlled by a dedicated data provider interface.
  8 http://mbostock.github.com/d3/

    ssn:FeatureOfInterest            ssn:Property                 met-viz:ChartDescription                 met-viz:Chart

          instance                     instance                           instance                           instance

        my:process1               quantity:Power                    my:powerChartDesc                 met-viz:xyChart

                     ssn:hasProperty            met-viz:hasChartDescription          met-viz:withChart

                            Figure 5. Associate properties with suitable charts.

If a chart is part of a composite then the composite assigns a specific data provider to
this chart. This enables the composite to simply pass through data requests and responses
from and to its children or intercept the communication to implement data conversion or
caching (e.g. within a time window).
     The second building block is the interconnection of multiple chart axes. Thus a
composite can define the axis of a contained chart as parent of an axis of another child.
If a parent axis is changed in its dimensions or selection then it propagates these changes
to the respective child axes.

4.3. Composite visualization of observed properties

For the creation of a composite visualization, the database is queried for all observed
properties of a given FeatureOfInterest. This is exemplified by the following SPARQL9

PREFIX met-viz:

SELECT DISTINCT ?property ?chart WHERE {
  [ a ssn:FeatureOfInterest; ssn:hasProperty ?property ] .
  ?property met-viz:hasChartDescription ?description .
  ?description met-viz:withChart ?chart

     Needless to say, the user can narrow down the search results to constrain the visu-
alization to certain properties. For each of these selected properties an instance of the
corresponding chart is added to the composite.
     A timeline within the top-level composite enables the user to select a specific time
window whose corresponding data should be visualized. Based on this selection all charts
representing observed properties are updated to show the correct values within the se-
lected time interval. Our visualization framework supports this use case by intercon-
necting the charts and their axes like described above. After selecting the time window,
each chart individually retrieves its data by using a data provider that itself queries the
     The following SPARQL query retrieves measurement data for a given time window
and an observed property. This query selects all observations for a given Property of a
FeatureOfInterest and retrieves the associated data values by filtering the results using
the selected time window with start time and end time points.

PREFIX time:

SELECT ?value ?rtime WHERE {
  ?o a ssn:Observation;
    ssn:observedProperty ?property; ssn:featureOfInterest ?foi;
  9 http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/

      ssn:observationResultTime [
        time:inXSDDateTime ?rtime
      ssn:observationResult [
        ssn:hasValue [ dul:hasRegionDataValue ?value ]
      ] .
    FILTER (?rtime > ?startTime && ?rtime < ?endTime)

4.4. Navigation using the manufacturing process ontology

We have shown how observed properties of a particular FeatureOfInterest (a Process, a
Resource or an Artifact of the manufacturing process ontology) can be visualized. How-
ever, it would be helpful to have some kind of visualization about their relations to each
other and also to directly use these relations to switch between different FeatureOfInter-
ests. Hence, additionally to the visualization of the properties of a FeatureOfInterest the
following information can be displayed:
     • If the visualized FeatureOfInterest is a Resource then we can visualize all the
       Processes that were active on that Resource in a gantt chart.
     • If the visualized FeatureOfInterest is a Process then we can visualize the states of
       its required Resources in a gantt chart and set a reference to its input and output
     • If the visualized FeatureOfInterest is an Artifact then we can visualize all Pro-
       cesses that caused changes and their corresponding Resources in a gantt chart.
     This can be done by querying the process model (expressed using our manufacturing
process ontology) for this information using SPARQL and by visualizing the results
accordingly. The following query exemplifies the retrieval of active processes belonging
to a resource. It assumes that the current state of processes (e.g. active or inactive) is also
observed. For example, an observed property ex:ProcessState of a process may have the
values ex:ActiveState or ex:InactiveState where the latter may be instances of mfg:State.
Now the query retrieves all processes with their corresponding start times and durations
that require the given Resource and were active at some point in time.
     Please note that it would also be possible to model a resource’s current active process
as one of its observed properties (ssn:observedProperty).

PREFIX time:

SELECT ?process ?startTime ?duration WHERE {
  ?process mfg:requires ?resource .
  ?o a ssn:Observation;
    ssn:featureOfInterest ?process;

       ssn:observedProperty ex:ProcessState;
       ssn:observationResultTime [ time:inXSDDateTime ?startTime ];
       ssn:observationSamplingTime ?duration;
       ssn:observationResult [
         ssn:hasValue [ dul:hasRegionDataValue ex:ActiveState ]
       ] .

5. Conclusions and future work

We have introduced a lightweight ontology for describing manufacturing processes. Due
to the alignment with DOLCE+DnS UltraLite an easy extension and combination with
other vocabularies is ensured. Moreover, an approach was presented that combines our
ontology with the SSN vocabulary to represent operating data of production systems and
link it to elements of a process model. Based on these results we have shown the creation
of mashups with charts for multiple observed properties by leveraging ontologies and
advanced visualization technologies. This is supported by linking to an existing process
model that improves the navigation and filtering of operating data.
      Our future work will investigate how computation rules for indicators can be ex-
pressed by embedding mathematical formulas into RDF data sets [11]. This technology
will allow the automatic computation of aggregated performance information based on
the linked representation of process models and operating data.
      Moreover, while currently data has only been collected from a running production
system, the next steps may investigate how ontologies can help to integrate rules for
manufacturing control into process models for using them within the operating phase.
For example, we are currently working on augmentation of process and infrastructure
models with additional knowledge and rules for energy-oriented control of production
systems. The resulting solution should be able to operate a production system along with
its infrastructure in an energy-efficient way.


The work presented in this paper is co-funded within the Cluster of Excellence Energy-
Efficient Product and Process Innovation in Production Engineering (eniPROD R ) by the
European Union (European Regional Development Fund) and the Free State of Saxony.


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