[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-890⫷ Vol-891 ⫸Vol-892

Copyright © 2012 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.

The RecSys 2012 Workshops - LIFESTYLE 2012 and InterfaceRS 2012 :

Joint Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Recommendation Technologies for Lifesytle Change (LIFESTYLE 2012) and the First International Workshop on Interfaces for Recommender Systems (InterfaceRS 2012)

Workshops at the 6th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RECSYS 2012

Dublin, Ireland, September 13, 2012 .

Edited by

Bernd Ludwig (LIFESTYLE) (*)
Francesco Ricci (LIFESTYLE) (+)
Zerrin Yumak (LIFESTYLE) (#)
Nava Tintarev (InterfaceRS) (-)
Rong Hu (InterfaceRS) (#)
Pearl Pu (InterfaceRS) (#)

(*) University Regensburg, Germany
(+) Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
(#) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland
(-) University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

Table of Contents

Recommendation Technologies for Lifestyle Change (LIFESTYLE 2012)

  1. Where Recommender Systems Can Help In Lifestyle Interventions and Where They Can't 11
    Paul Resnick
  2. Recommending Eco-Friendly Route Plans 12-17
    Efthimios Bothos, Dimitris Apostolou, Gregoris Mentzas
  3. Learning User Tastes: A First Step to Generating Healthy Meal Plans? 18-23
    Morgan Harvey, Bernd Ludwig, David Elsweiler
  4. Intrapersonal Retrospective Recommendation: Lifestyle Change Recommendations Using Stable Patterns of Personal Behavior 24-28
    Robert G. Farrell, Catalina M. Danis, Sreeram Ramakrishnan, Wendy A. Kellogg
  5. User Modeling for Pervasive Alcohol Intervention Systems 29-36
    Ugan Yasavur, Reza Amini, Christine Lisetti

Interfaces for Recommender Systems (InterfaceRS 2012)

  1. TopicLens: An Interactive Recommender System based on Topical and Social Connections 41-47
    Laura Devendorf, John O'Donovan, Tobias Hollerer
  2. CoFeel: An Interface for Providing Emotional Feedback in Mobile Group Recommender Systems 48-55
    Yu Chen, Pearl Pu
  3. Graph Embeddings for Movie Visualization and Recommendation 56-59
    Michail Vlachos, Daniel Svonava

Download the LIFESTYLE 2012 and InterfaceRS 2012 proceedings in a single volume.

10-Sep-2012: submitted by Zerrin Yumak
11-Sep-2012 : published on CEUR-WS.org