Software Agents for Distributed Social Networking Enrico Franchi, Michele Tomaiuolo Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione Università di Parma Parma, Italy {efranchi, tomamic} Abstract—Especially in the case of completely distributed or amount of resources needed. Moreover, regarding censorship federated social networking platforms, multi-agent systems can issues, a P2P system essentially solves them by design. Without play an important role. In particular, multi-agent systems have a central entity, nobody is in the position of censoring any data been used as (i) an underlying layer or a middleware for nor may be held legally responsible for the diffusion of developing social networking platforms, (ii) a technology to censurable data: the sole owners and responsible of the data are increase the autonomous and intelligent behaviour of existing the users themselves. systems and (iii) a tool to develop simulation environments for studying both online and offline human social networks. In this Especially in the case of completely distributed or federated paper we propose the integration of multi-agent technology into social networking platforms, multi-agent systems can play an Blogracy, a novel peer-to-peer, anonymous and uncensurable important role. In fact, one of the very specific features of social networking platform. The resulting system augments the multi-agent systems is the sociality of agents, i.e. their ability platform with locality and proximity groups, making it fit for to communicate in a semantic way and develop trust pervasive computing scenarios, exploiting the adaptivity, relationships among them. Moreover, agents can express their proactivity and negotiation ability of multi-agent systems. communication acts by means of acknowledged standards, like FIPA, for interoperability among diverse systems, and Distributed Micro-blogging, Peer-to-peer Computing, Social exchange messages directly, in a peer-to-peer way. So, it is not Networking, Multi-Agent Systems surprising that these two technologies are often applied together for developing advanced social platforms. In particular, multi-agent systems have been used as (i) an I. INTRODUCTION underlying layer or a middleware for developing social Users of popular social networking sites are becoming networking platforms, (ii) a technology to increase the increasingly wary of the privacy issues they face. Often, the autonomous and intelligent behaviour of existing systems and perceived problems are related to the possible leakage of (iii) a tool to develop simulation environments for studying personal information to extraneous persons, or to workmates. both online and offline human social networks. However, privacy threats can also come from the service providers which, being mostly centralized systems, maintain For the first type of solution, many of the distinguishing full access and control over published data. features of multi-agent systems can be fully exploited. In fact, multi-agent systems provide semantic communication among From the technical point of view, scaling centralized agents, which is handy for expressing all the different actions systems to tens or hundreds of million of users is a hard that users can perform on a social platform. The different challenge, which can be faced if enough resources are performatives of messages can be understood according to their deployed. Most companies rely on mining users' data for pragmatics meaning, and applied according to existing trust supporting targeted advertisement. This behavior poses serious relations among the users and their respective agents. Also, threats to privacy and data protection issues. Quite complex negotiation protocols can help creating consequently, social networking sites guide their users into acknowledgements and trust among users, in an automatic or “walled gardens”, without giving users full control over their assisted way, without exposing sensitive data. Mobility can own information because such information constitutes much of also be useful for moving the computation closer to data, if their company value [1]. Moreover, service providers are in the massive analysis has to be performed, but can also be handy for position to effectively perform a-priori or a-posteriori adding functionality to a node of a distributed social platform censorship, or to disclose all the information they have, no or to a user's client application. matter how private, to other entities. They can perform such actions either motivated by selfish interests or forced under In the second case, agents are mainly exploited because of legal terms and other forms of pressure. their proactive and reactive behaviours, for providing recommendations of both users and content and for providing On the other hand, P2P systems essentially achieve personalization of results. Reactive abilities fit particularly well automatic resource scalability, in the sense that the availability into a social networking environment, where events happen of resources is proportional to the number of users. This continuously and users can be easily distracted by the huge property is especially desirable for media sharing social information overflow which is associate with richly networking systems, considering the exceptionally high interconnected social networks. Sensing the environment and executing automatic tasks can reduce this overload Not many existing social networking platforms are based significantly. Goal-oriented behaviours, on the other hand, can entirely on multi-agent systems. Among the research works, support users in persecuting their long term objectives about MAgNet [7] is a multi-agent system built using JADE [8] and friend and content discovery, i.e. finding known persons FOAF [9]. It is a prototype application providing social registered in the network, making new acquaintances with oriented services to mobile users, i.e. defining groups of users users with common interests, finding interesting content from and arranging group events. In [10], authors discuss the new sources or hidden among other less relevant data. advantages of using multi-agent technologies for building social platforms. They also underline some existing issues, Finally, multi-agent systems are a powerful tool for mainly in terms of overlay infrastructure, navigability of the simulating the behaviour of online social networks, in the same social network, existence of specific ontologies. way they have been used for simulating the behaviour of persons in real social environments for a long time. In fact, A larger number of systems exploit multi-agent technology multi-agent systems have proved to be very effective in the for augmenting existing social platforms. For example, in [11], simulation of social networks, both during their initial creation an agent-based photo searching and recommender system for and development and during their further operation. They is proposed. In [12], authors propose an approach allow to describe the behaviors of individuals, mimicking the for finding an expert in a social network. A user's profile is not actions of human users in similar contexts, and to analyze the supposed to be completely available, and instead is learned by associated emerging behaviour of the network as a whole. This an agent, by evaluating exchanged messages and the user's way, multi-agent systems can provide precious insights for referrals. In [13], authors present a model of a recommender further improvement of existing social platforms. system based on social networks, autonomous agents and trust relationships. The aim is to both reach information not II. RELATED WORK available in close nodes and filter information to be processed. The system is analyzed with varying network density, Various solutions are being proposed to overcome the preference heterogeneity and knowledge sparsenesss. In [14], centralized architecture of the most widespread social the problem of automatic trust negotiation is contextualized to networking platforms. Many of these proposals follow a multi-agent systems. Agents are used to negotiate and build federated approach, allowing users registered on a certain trust among users, disclosing data and privacy policies server to create relationships with users of other servers. incrementally and reciprocally. This is especially useful for Others are full-fledged peer-to-peer systems, usually based on connecting users in a social network, disclosing only the a distributed hash table (DHT). minimal possible set of profile attributes. Federated social networking systems allow users registered Another widespread application of multi-agent systems in on a certain server to create relationships with users of other the field of social networks is simulation. In [15], for example, servers. The best known examples are Diaspora1 and a model of social network based on the notion of “circles” is StatusNet2. Diaspora servers communicate by means of an ad- simulated over a multi-agent system. In [16], there is an hoc federation protocol and the standard Salmon protocol3 for example of a simulation platform specifically designed for comments. StatusNet (formerly known as Laconica) adheres to studying social networks. More in general, Ascape, NetLogo, the OStatus standard protocol for the interconnection of MASON, Repast and Swarm are among the best known various servers and uses a number of existing protocols for platforms for agent simulation, often used to study emerging interoperability with other networks. behaviours and features of both online and offline social networks. Various social networking systems are being developed on the basis of peer-to-peer communications and DHT indexing. Among these, PeerSoN [2][3] is a prototype designed to III. RESILIENT MICROBLOGGING provide encryption, decentralization and direct data exchange While many authors argue for the distribution and openness in the field of social networks. A DHT is used to trace the of social networking and micro-blogging services, few usable user's network presence and for obtaining the index of the implementations exist, either in the field of federated networks user's recent content. LotusNet [4] is a model of a social or as fully distributed solutions. Considering the existing or network to be built over Likir. Likir itself is a secured DHT, proposed solutions, we therefore present a new system, which which requires a user to be authenticated according to an IBE we named Blogracy4. Essentially, it is an anonymous and (Identity-Based Encryption) scheme, before participating in uncensurable microblogging platform, built incrementally over the network. Safebook [5] is based on a DHT and a network of BitTorrent, a popular and resilient file-sharing service. socially close peers, defined Matryoshka. Peers in a user's Matryoshka are trusted and support the user by anonymizing The architecture of the application is modular and is build communications and replicating content and profile around two basic components: (i) an underlying module for information. Persona [6], though not being a distributed social basic file sharing and DHT operations, possibly exploiting an network, uses an interesting Attribute-Based Encryption existing implementation, and (ii) an OpenSocial container, i.e., protocol for protecting access to users' content. It allows each a module providing the services of the social platform to the user to assign credentials to various groups of “friends”, for local user, to be accessed through a web interface. Additionally, accessing protected content. the system supports autonomous agents for providing (i) recommendations of both users and content, (ii) personalization of results, (iii) trust negotiation mechanisms. In the following 1 2 3 4 paragraphs we will describe the most distinguishing features specification for the syndication of activities taken in social realized in Blogracy over this extensible architecture. web applications and services. In Blogracy, the personal feed is eventually signed to avoid tampering and then shared using the underlying file-sharing platform. Clearly, an application that does not provide explicit representation for the user’s profile and contacts should not be considered a social networking application. Essentially, in Blogracy users define and manage a list of other users, represented by their IDs. A user is not required to publish his profile, nor the network of his social relations. However, if he does, the profile, containing partial or full information, can be retrieved as any other shared file and its magnet-uri can be also reported in the user’s feed. In case privacy needs to be added, cryptography shall be used. At the current stage, for exporting profiles and contacts, Blogracy adopts Portable Contacts6 with OpenSocial7 extensions, a format which has some benefits from the interoperability point of view, being quite simple and Figure 1. Blogracy architecture well supported by existing large social networks and mail systems. It also allows to associate tags with each user, thus matching the basic data structure managed by Blogracy. For its basic operation, Blogracy exploits a peer-to-peer file-sharing mechanism and two logically separated DHTs. One of the technical issues of a peer-to-peer microblogging Users in Blogracy have a profile and a semantically application is data availability; in fact, popular content will meaningful activity stream, which contains their actions in the quickly gain lots of seeds, while posts published by peripheral system (e.g., add a post, tag a picture, comment a video). One users, with few contacts and sparse online presence, will DHT maps the user’s identifier with his activity stream, which instead suffer poor availability to the extent that it is possible also contains a reference to the user’s profile and references to that the publisher remains the only seed for his own new posts. user generated content (e.g., posts, comments). These In some systems focused on distributed data storage, like references are keys of the second DHT, which are then Freenet, the problem is addressed through multiple replication resolved to the actual files. The files are delivered using the of all published resources. However, in modern peer-to-peer underlying peer-to-peer file-sharing mechanism. networks, the hostile behavior of some nodes has to be taken for granted; pollution and other kinds of attacks cannot be Among the features of public online information systems, underestimated. What we foster, instead, is a replication system and in particular in the case of micro-blogging and social based on acquaintances. Essentially, an introducing user is networking applications, anonymity or pseudonymity are often responsible to introduce the invited as smoothly as possible. a requirement. But, even under anonymity or pseudonymity, This kind of mechanisms is thoroughly analyzed in users’ content need to be verified for authenticity and integrity. [19][20][21], with special regards to (i) content replication in Blogracy uses a key-based identity scheme [17], where a user’s peer-to-peer storage and (ii) the problem of peers with low public key is used directly to represent the user. This way, all availability in completely decentralized systems. In fact, using content produced by the user can be easily verified against his some kind of fallback strategies for sharing non popular public key, which is also his own main identifier. Moreover, for resources may improve the system performance regarding data assuring anonymity at the lower network level, various availability. anonymizing technologies exist, varying from simple proxies to complex mix-net schemes, and can be integrated into the Another important issue is interoperability with other platform. existing online social networking and micro-blogging platforms. In principle, since Blogracy handles users’ feeds in For publishing confidential information, accessible only to the form of Activity Streams, it can also manage similar feeds a restricted circle of contacts, Blogracy supports attribute-based obtained in other ways, seamlessly integrating content from encryption. Similarly to Persona, Blogracy privacy model uses web blogs and from the peer-to-peer network. Interoperability attribute credentials for protecting access to sensible content, with more traditional news-feeds, web-based micro-blogging creating a sort of very flexible “circles”, i.e., parametrized posts, and content distributed over the peer-to-peer network is roles to be assigned to users for granting a certain set of access thus guaranteed, provided that the stream semantics is correct. rights. The encryption scheme is based on the CP-ABE On the other hand, resources distributed through Blogracy can protocol (Cyphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption) [18]. be easily replicated over the web. Since the actual system Once users can be distinguished by their ID, i.e., the hash architecture has a web interface, for user operation, it is of their public key, it is also possible to associate additional relatively simple to host a Blogracy instance on a remote node information with them, including personal profile and personal and configure it for public access, acting as a gateway for activity stream. The activities of a user are represented as a Blogracy public content. flow, which friends and followers are interested into and want Finally, apart from requesting updated feeds at startup, to subscribe to. In Blogracy, personal activities are included followers should be timely notified that one of their followees into a standard ActivityStream5 feed, which is eventually updated some resource. Traditionally the strategies are: (i) pull, signed to avoid tampering. Activity Streams is an open format 6 5 7 i.e., the observer periodically checks the observed resource for Over the Blogracy OpenSocial container, we are also updates or (ii) push, i.e., the update is automatically announced integrating some functionalities for pervasive online social to the observer. Apart from relying on the DHT, Blogracy networking, specifically for realizing locality and proximity benefits from the peer-to-peer messaging facility provided by groups. For this purpose, each node of the social network will the file-sharing protocol. In fact, for their basic operation, file- hosts multiple agents, with different levels of agency. Some of sharing systems need to keep track of the peers that are the more important agents are (i) the Neighborhood Manager currently seeding or downloading a certain file (sometimes agent (NM), which cooperates with lower level agents to collectively defined as a “swarm”). So, advertising about a discover the users in its neighborhood; (ii) the Trust Negotiator new feed is simply a matter of contacting the peers that are agent (TN), that is involved in the decisions regarding privacy sharing the superseded version of the user's feed. and data access and (iii) the OpenSocial agent, that provides a bridge towards the underlying Blogracy modules. As described in the previous sections, Blogracy relies on the BitTorrent protocol for basic file-sharing, and uses a DHT A user may own multiple nodes (e.g., an instance on the mechanism for indexing the users' feeds. Specifically, we smart-phone and an instance on his home computer) and since implemented the system exploiting Vuze, a popular BitTorrent the actual location of the user is important for our application, client (formerly known as Azureus) implemented in Java and the nodes in the different device negotiate which should be available as open source software. In particular, the specific considered active (i.e., which one determines the user DHT of Vuze (known as DDB) has a set of generic primitive location): (i) the nodes determine which is the device that queries that fit our purposes better than the Mainline DHT of registered an explicit user action or (ii) they ask the user to other BitTorrent applications. Moreover, the Vuze platform has select the device he is currently using. a modular architecture, where functionality can be added with plug-ins. The main application exposes to the plug-ins only a Apart from the personal circles defined by each user, we restricted interface, which is nonetheless sufficient for our also have two additional kinds of groups: (i) Proximity groups purposes. and (ii) Location groups. Proximity groups are centered on each member of the social networking system and represents physical closeness to such member. Proximity groups are IV. INTELLIGENT, PERVASIVE SOCIAL NETWORKING extremely fluid, in the sense that users can physically move The Blogracy system itself relies only on users' nodes for and consequently the set of users belonging to a Proximity its operation. Thus users need to perform background tasks on group varies in time. Each user configures the sticky-ness of their own, in a distributed way. On the basis of the experience his Proximity group, i.e., how long the other users are gained developing AOIS [22], we are integrating a layer of considered part of it after they are no longer physically close to autonomous agents into the system, for assisting the user in him. Although a Proximity group may be entirely public, for finding new interesting content and connections and for privacy reasons it is safer to consider only Proximity groups pushing the local user's activities to followers. that are subset of other groups (or to the set union of all groups, i.e., only “friends” are part of a Proximity group). The In particular, a personal assistant (PA) monitors the local Neighborhood Manager agent informs the OpenSocial agent user's actions in the platform and learns the user's profile, when users enter and leave the Proximity group and the latter beyond information provided explicitly. The PA receives the notifies the OpenSocial container about it. user’s queries, forwards them to the available information finders (IF) and presents the results to the user. Moreover, a PA On the other hand, a Location group (i) is associated with provides the local user with recommendations about possibly the users in the proximity of a given location (e.g., a classroom interesting content and connections available in the network. or a museum room), (ii) has a host, i.e., a node that both Another task performed by the PA is the personalization of identifies and supports the group and (iii) is associated with a results. In fact, as a social network becomes larger and more location profile, which can be either hosted on the central richly interconnected, users unavoidably face some form of server or on the device itself. In fact, a location, although information overflow. A personal agent, on the basis of a user's logically different from a regular user, works in the same way profile, can arrange presented data in a way to give evidence to and a Location group is essentially a Proximity group for the the most interesting bits. location. An Information Finder (IF) is an agent that searches A generic Trust Negotiation protocol may be needed since information on the repository contained into the node where it users joining a proximity or location group are not necessarily lives, on the basis of an automatic TF-IDF indexing and connected a priori in the social network, and they may need to explicit hashtags associated with local posts. 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