=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Yet Another Triple Store Benchmark? Practical Experiences with Real-World Data |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-912/paper7.pdf |volume=Vol-912 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ercimdl/VoigtMS12 }} ==Yet Another Triple Store Benchmark? Practical Experiences with Real-World Data== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-912/paper7.pdf
    Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA 2012)

        Yet Another Triple Store Benchmark?
     Practical Experiences with Real-World Data

                  Martin Voigt, Annett Mitschick, and Jonas Schulz

Dresden University of Technology, Institute for Software and Multimedia Technology,
                             01062 Dresden, Germany
           {martin.voigt, annett.mitschick, jonas.schulz}@tu-dresden.de

        Abstract. Although quite a number of RDF triple store benchmarks
        have already been conducted and published, it appears to be not that
        easy to find the right storage solution for your particular Semantic Web
        project. A basic reason is the lack of comprehensive performance tests
        with real-world data. Confronted with this problem, we setup and ran our
        own tests with a selection of four up-to-date triple store implementations
        – and came to interesting findings. In this paper, we briefly present the
        benchmark setup including the store configuration, the datasets, and
        the test queries. Based on a set of metrics, our results demonstrate the
        importance of real-world datasets in identifying anomalies or differences
        in reasoning. Finally, we must state that it is indeed difficult to give a
        general recommendation as no store wins in every field.

        Keywords: RDF triple stores, benchmark, real-world datasets, reason-
        ing, multi-user

1     Introduction
The last months inevitably reveal the advance of Semantic Web technologies
in organizing and finding information, e. g., through the advent of schema.org
or Google Knowledge Graph [1]. This is especially fostered by the widespread
W3C standards like RDF(S), OWL, and SPARQL to allow for publishing and
consuming Linked (Open) Data. As their benefits become more and more clear,
also vendors in the publishing sector, e. g., moresophy [2], are applying these
technologies to facilitate the semantic tagging and searching of media assets
within their archives. An important and critical issue when developing large-
scale Semantic Web applications is the right choice of an appropriate storage
solution for RDF-based data. Comprehensive benchmarking results may help to
estimate the applicability of state-of-the-art triple stores for ones own project.
    Although, a number of performance reports already exist, we soon discovered
that available results are of limited significance for our particular purposes. The
goal of our research project Topic/S [3] is to provide a topic-based ranking and
search of texts, images, and videos delivered by press media agencies. Therefore,
we rely on the information automatically extracted from the media assets using
NLP algorithms, but also consume other datasets to broaden the knowledge

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA 2012)

graph of our archive, e. g., with information about people or organizations from
New York Times [4] or YAGO2 [5], to improve the search. Thus, we heavily
depend on a high-performance RDF storage solution – on the one hand for the
extracted semantic data, and on the other hand for simulating public SPARQL
endpoints for the required third party datasets (for the reason of continuous
availability and serviceability).
    A review of the existing work in the area of RDF store benchmarking [6]
exposes that the results are interesting but not quite helpful for our use case
due to varied reasons. A prominent reason is the lack of comprehensive tests on
real-world datasets (non-synthetic). According to [7] automatically generated
datasets used for benchmarking differ from real datasets, like DBpedia or Word-
Net, regarding “structuredness”, and inevitably lead to different benchmarking
results. BSBM [8, 9] is the most advanced benchmark available with regard to
data size, parameters, or number of RDF stores. Unfortunately, the results are
building on a generated dataset apart from our media archive domain. Further,
the last test does not address SPARQL 1.1 [10]. Another project to be mentioned
is SP2 Bench [11] which dealt with the use of a broad range of possible SPARQL
constructs and their combination – without reasoning. As the benchmark was
carried out in 2008 on a generated dataset the results were also not beneficial for
us. In contrast to that, the FedBench suite [12] focused on query federation on
real-world datasets. However, the benchmark does not address RDFS reasoning
nor SPARQL 1.1. Further, current RDFS stores like Virtuoso are not tested.
A very comprehensive and most up-to-date survey on existing RDF stores is
given in [13]. The results of this survey, carried out in the context the Europeana
project [13], were build upon previous studies which the authors extended by
their own benchmark using the (real-world) Europeana dataset (bibliographic
metadata, approx. 380 million triples). Even though the results are the most
up-to-date available (March 2011), the performance of the stores are maybe
improved meanwhile. Moreover, the tests also did not consider RDFS reasoning,
SPARQL 1.1, and heavy load (multiple queries in parallel).
    In this paper we present the latest results of “yet another” benchmark
of current RDF stores – but with the following unique features: loading and
querying real-world datasets, testing RDFS reasoning and SPARQL 1.1 queries,
conducting multiple queries in parallel, and recording the memory requirements.
    Thus, the paper is organized as follows: In the next section, we briefly sum-
marize the benchmark setting, including the selected RDF stores, the datasets
and queries. In Section 3, we shortly introduce the metrics, present and discuss
the results of our benchmark. A conclusion and outlook on future work is given
in Section 4.

2     Benchmark Setup

In this section, we briefly introduce which RDF stores we have selected and
how we set them up in our benchmark. In the second part, we present the four
real-world datasets and the queries we utilized for our evaluation.

  Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA 2012)

2.1   RDF Triple Stores

Although, there are more RDF stores available, we focused on Apache Jena
[14], BigData RDF Database [15], OWLIM Lite [16], and OpenLink Virtuoso
[17] within our benchmark due to the restrictions of our project setup: freely
available, allows to handle up to 100 million triples, supports RDFS reasoning
as well as SPARQL 1.1, and is build for the Java runtime environment.
    The Apache Jena projects comes up with a bunch of sub-systems. For our
purpose we needed a fast triple store as well as a SPARQL endpoint, thus, we
relied on the Fuseki server with the version 0.2.3 which includes TDB 0.9.0 –
a high performance RDF store. We used Fuseki with the default configuration.
The RDFS reasoning is applied using an assembler description file.
    BigDataisR   a high-performance RDF database which includes the Nano-
SparqlServer as SPARQL endpoint. We used the version 1.2.0 which comprises
SPARQL UPDATE functionality. We employed the default setting except for
setting up the RDFS reasoning within the RWStore.properties file.
    Ontotext distributes three OWLIM editions. We deployed OWLIM-Lite 5.0.5
which builds on top of Sesame 2.6.5 and is freely available. Further, it is designed
for datasets up to 100 million triples which fits our requirements.
    Virtuoso provides an open source edition of their RDF store which includes
a SPARQL endpoint. We installed version 6.1.5 und used the default setting.
Inference is done only on runtime while querying.
    Our benchmarks were conducted within a Ubuntu Linux 12.04 64bit virtual
machine on a Intel Xeon CPU X5660 2.80GHz with 4 cores, 16GB RAM and
120GB virtual hard drive. The stores ran within Java 1.7.0 64bit runtime envi-
ronment. If an application server was required, e. g., for OWLIM-Lite, we used
Apache Tomcat 7.0.28.

2.2   Datasets and Queries

Especially as we want to reuse existing semantic datasets within the Topic/S
project [3], e. g., to link named entities to DBpedia or YAGO2 [5], we chose
to test the stores with real-world data. Furthermore, we could check if some of
the stores had problems in loading or querying the data. To allow for a better
comparability we transformed all sets to the N-Triple format what means that
every row contains a single RDF triple. Therefore, for all but YAGO2 Core
we used the current version of TopBraid composer. For YAGO2 we used the
RDF2RDF tool [18]. The New York Times dataset [4] is originally distributed
over four files which were merged. Table 1 gives an overview of the used sets
which illustrates their difference of the general size but also of the schema and
the number of instances.
    We defined 15 queries per dataset using the SPARQL 1.1 query language. To
compare the performance between stores and datasets at once, we created six
general queries, e. g., counting the number of distinct subjects or the occurrence
of the properties. The further nine queries are dataset-dependent and designed
for real-world scenarios in Topics, for instance to retrieve the names of persons

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA 2012)

                                    NY                       Movie      YAGO2
                                   Times                      DB         Core
             Size (in MByte)         56,2         151,0       891,6       5427,2
             Triples (in Mio)        0,35          1,05        6,15        35,43
             Instances (in k)        13,2         290,4       665,4       2648,4
             Classes                  19            21          53        292861
             Properties               69            47         222          93

                       Table 1. Overview of the benchmark datasets

living in a dedicated time. Four of them are SELECTs with rising complexity,
e. g., by using UNION, regex filters, or subqueries. Query 11 is used to investigate
the DESCRIBE performance. In query 12 and 13 we especially considered the
performance of RDFS inference. The last two UPDATE queries delete and insert
triples. The complete list of queries can be found at [19].

3     Benchmark Results

In the following, we give a brief introduction to the metrics and the execution
plan of our benchmark tests. The actual results of the tests are presented in
Section 3.2.

3.1     Benchmark Metrics and Execution

In our benchmark we propose several metrics to capture different evaluation
aspects for the stores. They are tested with all four datasets which are different
in size and structure (c.f. Sect. 2.2). Furthermore, all the metrics are evaluated
with and without RDFS reasoning (except the multi-client performance tests
which were conducted exclusively with reasoning).

 1. Loading time: At first, we measured the loading time of each dataset with
    the stores three times and calculated the average.
 2. Memory requirement: Further, we measured the memory consumption of
    each store after the datasets were loaded.
 3. Per-query type performance: Our main focus was to compare the query
    performance of the stores. We mainly distinguish between the generic, the
    dataset-specific, and the UPDATE queries. For our report we calculate the
    average but also extract the min and max values.
 4. Success rate: We also investigate the success rate of each query. We define
    a query to be successful if it delivers the expected results without any error
    or timeout.
 5. Multi-client performance: For the multi-client scenario we measured the
    average query performance as well as how many queries could be executed
    within a 10 minutes time slot.

  Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA 2012)

    For the execution of the query benchmark we loaded the same dataset into
all installed and pre-configured stores. Further, we wrote a simple Java client
(test driver), which is available at our website [19], to rise automation and
comparability. It requests a store with all 15 queries 20 times in a round robin
manner. Having all values, we compute the average for each query. After all
four sets were evaluated, we enabled RDFS reasoning for the stores, loaded the
data, and did the same request using the test driver. Besides theses metrics, we
evaluate how the stores scale in a multi-client scenario. Therefore, we loaded the
NY Times dataset in every store with enabled RDFS reasoning. We selected four
queries – two generic and to dataset-specific – which had approximately the same
average execution time and called them using our test driver in a randomized
round robin mechanism.

3.2   Experimental Results and Discussion
From our benchmark we gain several insights we will discuss in the following
paragraphs. The selected Figures 1, 2 and 3 give a short summary of our results,
whereas our website [19] provides more detailed information. Please mind, that
Figures 1(c), 2(c) and 3 use logarithmic scaling.
     Fig. 1 showcase the benchmark results with RFDS inference turned off. The
first interesting finding is that OWLIM Lite performs best and Virtuoso worst
to load all four datasets. BigData was fast but we identified a strange behaviour
with the regex filters. The worked well for all datasets exempt from Jamendo.
Here, all queries with a regex deliver no result. Further, query 3 and 13 on
YAGO2 Core caused timeouts but BigDatas log didn’t provide any insight
to solve the problem. Next, Virtuoso is the store of your choice if you had
many UPDATE transactions (query 14 and 15) to handle. If we compare all
INSERT and DELETE queries of all datasets, it is approximately 4 times faster
then second-placed Fuseki. With regard to all queries made, the performance
of OWLIM Lite and Virtuoso is nearly the same. Only with the 35 million
dataset Virtuoso fell back. Finally, we identified that Fuseki scales really bad
with subquery requests on NY Times and Jamendo. Unfortunately, we could
not identify a particular reason as the query complexity is quite the same as for
the other two datasets.
     Our findings regarding the abilities of the stores to support RDFS reasoning
are displayed in Fig. 2. Here, Fig. 2(a) confirms that OWLIM Lite is approx-
imately 80% faster than Virtuoso regarding the load performance. As Fuseki
is almost as fast like without reasoning, we run into performance issues with
BigData. For our technical setup, it was not possible to load YAGO2 Core into
the store because the created temporary file exceeded the disk space. But all in
all, the memory consumption of the store changes only slightly (Fig. 2(b)). The
average execution times of the queries (c.f. Fig. 2(c)) show that Virtuoso is still
the fastest on UPDATEs by far – approximately 8 times faster than the second-
placed Fuseki. The performance of OWLIM and BigData decreases dramatically
with this query type. Similar to the subquery problem of Fuseki we found that
Virtuoso performs really bad with two generic queries (query 4 and 5) on the

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA 2012)

  120000                                                                 6000
  100000                                                                 5000


                                                                                        Original      Fuseki        BigData    OWLIMLITE      Virtuoso
               Fuseki        BigData   OWLIMLITE      Virtuoso                          data

            (a) Loading (triples/second)                                    (b) Memory requirements (in MByte)

100000                                                                     100000
                                                      queries1Ͳ6                                                                          queries14&15
 10000                                                                      10000

  1000                                                                       1000

   100                                                                        100

    10                                                                           10

     1                                                                            1
             Fuseki          BigData     OWLIMLITE          Virtuoso                        Fuseki            BigData        OWLIMLITE        Virtuoso

100000                                                                     100000
                                                           queries7Ͳ13                                                                        allqueries

 10000                                                                      10000

  1000                                                                       1000

   100                                                                        100

    10                                                                           10

     1                                                                            1
             Fuseki          BigData     OWLIMLITE          Virtuoso                        Fuseki            BigData        OWLIMLITE        Virtuoso

                        (c) Average query execution time (in ms) per query type

                               NYTimes              Jamendo               Movie DB                    YAGO2 Core

Fig. 1. Overview of the results without RDFS reasoning: (a) describes the loading
time of the stores and (b) shows the final memory consumption; (c) allows for comparing
the performance per-query type

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA 2012)

 120000                                                                          6000
 100000                                                                          5000

  80000                                                                          4000


           0                                                                                  Original        Fuseki      BigData   OWLIMLITE    Virtuoso
                  Fuseki         BigData     OWLIMLITE       Virtuoso                          data

                (a) Loading (triples/second)                                       (b) Memory requirements (in MByte)

1000000                                                                            100000
                                                                  queries1Ͳ6                                                                 queries14&15



    100                                                                                    1
                   Fuseki          BigData       OWLIMLITE          Virtuoso                         Fuseki            BigData      OWLIMLITE     Virtuoso

100000                                                                             100000
                                                                   queries7Ͳ13                                                                    allqueries

 10000                                                                              10000

  1000                                                                                  1000

   100                                                                                   100

    10                                                                                    10
                  Fuseki          BigData        OWLIMLITE          Virtuoso                         Fuseki            BigData      OWLIMLITE     Virtuoso

                            (c) Average query execution time (in ms) per query type

                                   NYTimes                Jamendo                 Movie DB                     YAGO2 Core

Fig. 2. Overview of the results with RDFS reasoning: (a) describes the loading time of
the stores and (b) shows the final memory consumption; (c) allows for comparing the
performance per-query type. Here, YAGO2 is left out because of some shortcomings.

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA 2012)



                 1000                                                 SingleClient

                  100                                                 5Clients

                          FUSEKI    BigData   OWLIMLite   Virtuoso

Fig. 3. Comparison on average query execution time (in ms) in our multi-client scenario
using the NY Times dataset

Jamendo dataset. As the reason is not obvious it strengthens our finding that
benchmarks on real-world datasets is important. In the end, we must state that
the query performance decreases in general.
    The bar chart in Fig. 3 illustrates the average query execution time in our
multi-client setup. OWLIM Lite scales best with factor 2 from single to five as
well as 5 to 10 clients. Fuseki and BigData are running shoulder on shoulder as
both scale quite linear to the number of clients. For Virtuoso, the performance
of query 2 does not depend on the number of clients. But it unfolds issues for
some queries, e. g., query 9 is around 533 time slower with 10 clients compared
to the single client scenario.
    In the end, we want to review the error rate in a qualitative way. First, we
need to state that we faced issues regarding YAGO2 Core with RDFS inference
turned on so that we did not measure any query performance. For instance,
BigData produces a temporary file which exceeded the disk space of our virtual
machine or Fuseki timed out for some of the queries. Second, our generic queries
comprise the SPARQL COUNT statement so that we could easily compare the
results. Within the RDFS inference scenario the benchmark was very surprising
as for the queries 1, 2, 3, and 6 every triple store returned a different result.
Further, OWLIM Lite was the only store which counts more triples for query 4
and 5. Thus, our urgent advice for your own project is to cross-check the results
at random if you need to use RDFS reasoning. Third, another anomaly we faced
was that BigData had problems with regex filters but only on Jamendo dataset.
This underlines again the need to benchmark an RDF store with different real-
world datasets.

4     Conclusion

In this paper we present yet another triple store benchmark as we did not find
anyone with evaluation criteria like they are required for our research project:
loading and querying real-world datasets, testing RDFS reasoning and SPARQL
1.1 queries, as well as conducting multiple queries in parallel. In the following,
we discuss our four findings.

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA 2012)

    As first result on our work with four up-to-date store we need to state,
that comprehensive tests with real-world data are necessary. Otherwise it is not
possible to detect anomalies like we identified. Second, every tested store allows
for RDFS inference. But be careful as the result set may differ from store to
store. Third, SPARQL 1.1 is well implemented nowadays. But the performance
on UPDATE queries is varying. Here, Virtuoso stands out. Finally, we could not
recommend any triple store in general as no store could win on all fields. Thus,
the selection strongly depends on your specific project requirements. For our
work, we will rely on OWLIM Lite because we need one which is fast in reading
the datasets and multi-client query processing.
    As we had problems with YAGO2 Core and inference, especially with regard
to our technical setup, we are evaluating the requirements for bigger datasets.
Besides the core version we like to benchmark the stores with YAGO2 Full as
well. Another future work is to evaluate the performance of OWL reasoning
for some common constructs, e. g., cardinalities. Therefore, we need to identify
suitable real-world datasets.

5     Acknowledgments

Work on this paper is partly funded within the Topic/S project by the European
Social Fund / Free State of Saxony, contract no. 99457/2677.

 1. Google Knowledge Graph: http://www.google.com/insidesearch/features/
 2. Moresophy: L4 suite http://www.moresophy.com/l4_suite (only in German).
 3. Topic/S: Project website http://www.topic-s.de/ (only in German).
 4. New York Times Dataset: http://data.nytimes.com/.
 5. YAGO2 Dataset: http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/yago-naga/yago/index.html.
 6. W3C Wiki: http://www.w3.org/wiki/RdfStoreBenchmarking.
 7. Duan, S., Kementsietsidis, A., Srinivas, K., Udrea, O.: Apples and oranges: a
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10. Harris, S., Seaborne, A.: SPARQL 1.1 Query Language (October 2010)
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13. Haslhofer, B., Roochi, E.M., Schandl, B., Zander, S.: Europeana rdf store report.
    Technical report, University of Vienna, Vienna (March 2011)

  Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA 2012)

14. Apache Jena: http://jena.apache.org.
15. BigData RDF Database: http://www.systap.com/bigdata.htm.
16. OWLIM: http://www.ontotext.com/owlim.
17. OpenLink Virtuoso: http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/.
18. RDF2RDF: http://www.l3s.de/~minack/rdf2rdf/.
19. Voigt, M., Mitschick, A., Schulz, J.: Yet another triple store benchmark?
    practical experiences with real-world data (website) http://mt.inf.tu-dresden.
