=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Overview of BPMN Model Equivalences. Towards normalization of BPMN diagrams |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-949/kese8-06_08.pdf |volume=Vol-949 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ecai/KluzaK12 }} ==Overview of BPMN Model Equivalences. Towards normalization of BPMN diagrams== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-949/kese8-06_08.pdf
                       Overview of BPMN Model Equivalences.
                      Towards normalization of BPMN diagrams1
                                                   Krzysztof Kluza and Krzysztof Kaczor2

Abstract. In various application domains, there is a desire to stan-         Although there are several research papers concerning equiva-
dardize modeling techniques. Business Process Model and Notation          lences of Business Process models, most authors do not consider us-
(BPMN) is currently the most widespread language used for mod-            ing of the BPMN notation, but analyze equivalences of models for
eling Business Processes (BP). Although there are some guidelines         Petri nets [5, 32] or web services [12, 25]. The thorough research in
how to use this notation, the issue of modeling technique is not stan-    the area of BPMN models equivalences was carried by Vitus Lam
dardized. The same semantics can be represented in BPMN using             and can be found in his papers [14, 15, 16]. Although Lam’s equiv-
various but behaviorally equivalent model structures. In this paper,      alences of models are formalized, he analyzes only several equiva-
we present an overview of the BPMN models equivalences topic.             lence patterns. Thus, it is advisable to address the issue of BPMN
We point out various possibilities of equivalence patterns. This can      models equivalences in a wider range.
help to structure diagrams and decrease their semantic complexity.           In this paper, we present an overview of the BPMN models equiv-
Such research can be further useful for such tasks as analyzing simi-     alences and show various possibilities of equivalent structures. This
larities or measuring compliance of processes.                            research can be useful in different areas of BPMN application, such
                                                                          as: process matching [36], identifying the differences between pro-
1      Introduction                                                       cess models [13], analyzing similarities [3, 6, 19] or measuring com-
                                                                          pliance of processes [2, 8].
Business Process (BP) models constitute a graphical representa-              The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, BPMN
tion of processes in an organization. Business Process Model and          models and elements are introduced. Section 3 provides a review of
Notation (BPMN)3 [1, 23] is a notation for modeling Business              various equivalence patterns in BPMN models. The conclusion with
Processes, which contributed significantly in Software Engineering        suggested course of action is presented in Section 4.
when it comes to collaboration between developers, software ar-
chitects and business analysts. Although there are many new tools
and methodologies which support the BPMN notation, they neither           2    BPMN models and elements
support some recommended modeling techniques nor make BPMN
models easily comprehensible.                                             A Business Process [34] can be defined as a collection of related tasks
    Two models with different structure, but behaviorally equivalent,     that produce a specific service or product (serve a particular goal) for
can be both correct and unambiguous. This stems from the BPMN             a particular customer. BPMN constitute the most widespread lan-
specification allowing for expressing the same semantics using vari-      guage for modeling BPs. It uses a set of predefined graphical el-
ous syntactic structures. However, this can cause difficulties in mod-    ements to depict a process and how it is performed. The current
eling or understanding of the model – the modeling challenge.             BPMN 2.0 specification defines three models to cover various as-
    Although behaviorally equivalent structures can be replaceable,       pects of processes:
some of them may be not translatable to other languages in order
to be analyzed or verified [29, 33]. This makes practical problems        1. Process Model — describes the ways in which operations are car-
with model analysis – the analysis challenge. Thus, to avoid such            ried out to accomplish the intended objectives of an organization.
problems, a set of best practices for modelers is needed, and it would       The process can be modeled on different abstraction levels: public
be useful to normalize the preffered model structures.                       (collaborative Business 2 Business Processes) or private (internal
    The first step towards such a structure normalization process is         Business Processes).
to identify behaviorally (or semantically) equivalent structures. One     2. Choreography Model — defines expected behavior between two
model can be transformed to the equivalent model to make it con-             or more interacting business participants in the process.
sistent in a way which it might not have been before [14]. While this     3. Collaboration Model — can include Processes and/or Choreogra-
may be done manually, and usually is in the case of ad hoc modeling,         phies, and provides a Conversation view (which specifies the log-
it is possible to support a normalization task with tools. The goals of      ical relation of message exchanges).
such a normalization can be to maintain compatibility, interoperabil-
ity, safety, repeatability, or quality of models.                            In most cases, using only the Process Model is sufficient. In our
1 The paper is supported by the BIMLOQ Project funded from 2010–2012
                                                                          research, the internal Business Process Model is considered. Four
                                                                          basic categories of elements used to model such processes, presented
    resources for science as a research project.
2 AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland,                       in Fig. 1, are: flow objects (activities, gateways, and events), con-
    Email: {kluza,kk}@agh.edu.pl                                          necting objects (sequence flows, message flows, and associations),
3 See: http://www.bpmn.org/.
                                                                          swimlanes, and artifacts [23].
      Flow Objects   Connecting Objects   Swimlanes        Artifacts                  One can also observe that in many cases multiple gateway struc-
                                                                                   ture can be replaced by a single gateway, as shown in Table 3.
                                                                                   Moreover, Gruhn and Laue described patterns in BPMN models that
                       Sequence Flow
                                                         Data Object               deal with OR-gateways which can be replaced by AND- or XOR-
        Gateways                             Pool
                                                                                   gateways [9], as presented in Table 4 (each row contains an equiva-
                                                             Annotation text
                        Message Flow
                                                        Text Annotations
                                                                                   lent pair of structures). They claimed that the equivalent model is eas-
                                                                                   ier to understand, as it is cognitively less complex. Such transforma-
                         Association        Lanes
                                                                                   tion is also consistent with a study on the comprehensibility of BPM
                                        (within a pool)
                                                                                   carried out by Sarshar and Loos [28], which shows that OR-gateways
         Events                                              Group
                                                                                   are significantly less comprehended than AND or XOR gateways.
                                                                                   Thus, Mendling et al. recommended to avoid OR-gateways [20].
                     Figure 1. BPMN core objects
                                                                                      Several researchers noticed that in several situations it is possible
                                                                                   to reduce number of repeated activities [14, 17]. The first example
   Activities constitute the main BPMN elements. They denote tasks                 in Table 5 shows a situation where the same activity is located at
that have to be performed and are represented by rectangles with                   the last position of all incoming sequence flow paths before a join
rounded corners. The sequence flow between activities, the flow of                 gateway. It is possible to reduce the number of nodes by moving
control, is depicted by arcs. The directions of arcs depict the order in           this activity behind the join gateway. The second one is similar but
which the activities have to be performed.                                         concerns a situation in which the repeated activity is located at the
   Events, represented by circles, denote something that happens dur-              first position after a split gateway.
ing the lifetime of the process. The icon within the circle denotes the               In [10], Jung et al. proposed a transformation from the BPMN-
event type, e.g. envelope for message event, clock for time event.                 formed business process to its semantically equivalent XPDL pro-
   Gateways, represented by diamond shapes, determine forking and                  cess. Although both BPMN and XPDL are conceived of as a directed
merging of the sequence flow between tasks in a process, depending                 graph structure and the mapping should be straightforward, there are
on some conditions.                                                                some differences between BPMN and XPDL. Thus, in the paper [10]
                                                                                   several BPMN transformations are considered.
                                                                                      One of them concerns a loop mechanism. A loop in a process can
3 Equivalences of BPMN Models                                                loop be depicted as in Fig. 2a. The BPMN 2.0 specification defines the
In various application domains there is a need to compare process loop             "testBefore" standard loop attribute, which constitutes a flag that con-
models [32]. One of the possible results of such a comparison can be               trols whether the loop condition is evaluated at the beginning (test-
that two structurally different graphical representations of a business            Before = true) or at the end (testBefore = false) of the loop iteration.
process are behaviorally (and semantically) equivalent. Thus, BPMN                 Instead of using this attribute, a loop can be depicted explicitly as in
processes can be regarded as equivalent if both of them can be trans-              Fig. 2b (test time: before) and Fig. 2c (test time: after).
formed into a common graphical representation [14].
   There is ongoing research in the area of process models equiva-                                              Loop equivalences
lences [5, 32, 35]. However most of the researchers do not consider
                                                                                                 A                B              C
BPMN notation, but e.g. Petri nets [5, 32]. There are tools which can                             A                B              C
                                                                                                       A               B             C
prove selected equivalences of BPMN processes [14]. However, this
topic still remains an open research problem [16].
                                                                                      a) Loop modeled as a loop activity
3.1    Basic equivalent structures
Some basic equivalences that follow directly from the semantics of                           A                               B             C
                                                                                              A                               B             C
model elements described in the BPMN specification [23] are pre-                                     A                            B                  C
sented in Table 1.
   Other basic equivalences have been presented by Wohed et al. [35]
when defining the five simple control-flow patterns for process con-                  b) Loop modeled using control flow (test time: before)
trol based on the concepts defined by Workflow Management Coali-                                                                                               A
tion [4], such as:                                                                           A                      B                           C
                                                                                              A                      B                           C
1. sequence — the ability to depict a sequence of activities,                                        A                       B                           C

2. parallel split — the ability to capture a split in a single thread of
   control into multiple threads which can execute in parallel,                       c) Loop modeled using control flow (test time: after)
3. synchronization — the ability to capture a synchronization of mul-
   tiple parallel subprocesses/activities into a single thread,                                   Figure 2. Variants
                                                                                                              A      of a loop structure [10]                 A
                                                                                                                A                                              A
4. exclusive choice — the ability to represent a decision point in                                                       A
   a workflow process where one of several branches is chosen,
5. simple merge — the ability to depict a point in the workflow pro-               Another transformation of loops in  B graphs was proposed by
   cess where two or more alternative branches come together with-              Zhongjun Du and Zhengjun Dang in [7].     Based
                                                                                                                             B   on the graph reduc-
   out synchronization.                                                         tion technique [27], they proposed an algorithm which transforms the
                                                                                loop in the workflow to an acyclic sub-graph. Although their solution
   Apart from the sequence, the other patterns can be modeled in sev-           does not use BPMN, it is rather general andCshould be applicable to
eral ways. The models in each column of the Table 2 are equivalent.             BPMN models as well.


                    some some

                                                        simple eq
                                               simple eq
                                                                                                                                                            Simple equivalences
                                                                               A               A                                                                                        A                A
        simple eq

                                                                                                               A                                                                                                         A
                                                                                         AA                                                                                                     AA

                                                                                     A                                                                                                              A
                                   some                       some
                                           A                                                                                    A

                                                                    control flows without gateways                                                                                                                   control flows with gateways
                                                                    simple eq

                                                                                                           A                                                    B                                                A                                               B
                                                                                                                                                    A                                                                                               A                                                                                                           B

                                                                                                       A                                                                                                         A                                                                                                           A
                                                                                                                                           B                                                                                                    B
                                                                    model with start and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        C
                                                                     B                A endAevents                                                              C
                                                                                                                                                                            B                               model without start
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            A andBAend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       events                                                                         A          A
                                           A                                   A                                                                                                            A                        A                                                                                   A
                                   A                                                                                        A                                                                                                A
                                                                                                                            AA             C                                                                                                    C       AA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         C                                                                   AA
                                                                       C                                                                                                    C
imple eq
                                                                                                                                                            simple eq

                                                                       intermediate message event                                                                                                                                start message event
    B                                                                  B
                                   A                                             A
                                                                                                                            A               A                       B
                                                                                                                                                                    C B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 C                           A                   A                                   B
                               A                                                                                        A
                                                                                                                                    A                                                                   A                                                                                        A
                                   A                                                                                            A                                                                       A                    B
                                                                                                               A                                                                                             A                                                                                               A
                                                                        C                                                                                               CC
    C                                                                  C
                                                                                                         B                            A AA C                                    A                                                               C                    A                                 AA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        A                                A           C              A
                                                                                                                                      B                             C                                                                                   C
                                                                                                                            ...          ...                                                            B                                                                                    ...         ...
                                   B                     simple eq
                                                                               ...             ...                                                                                                                                          simple...eq              ...
                                                                                                                                      ... ...                                                                                                                                                          ... ...
                                                                  multiple start event-based gateway                                                                                            multiple intermediate event-based gateway
                                                               BB                        ... ...     B                                                                                                                                                       ... ...
                           A                                                                                                                 B
                                                                                A                                                        B                                                                                                                                                                                                   B
                                               A                                                   B                                             B                                                                                                                                                                                                                  B
                                   A                                                                                  A      A
                           A                        Table 1. Equivalences
                                                               B          of BPMN
                                                                             A A    structures based on the
                                                                                                         B semantics of elements
                                                                                                                           A     (based on the BPMNB specification [23])
        C                                                    C C                                                   A                                         A
                                                                           A                           C                   A                 CC
                                                            C                              B A       C       A                            B                 A                                                                                                                                                          A A                               AB                 A
                                   A           B                                  A                                          BA          C                                                                                                                                                                                                C
                                                                                                                   B                                            C                                                                                                C                                                                                                  C
                                                                       C       A                                                                                            C               A                                                                        C                                   A
                                                                                                                                                    simple eq
                                                                                                                                  Control flow equivalences
                                                                                                                               C ...           ...                     C                                                                                                                                               ...                               ...C
                                                   Merge                                                               Exclusive Choice                Synchronization                                                                                                                       Parallel Split
                                                                                                         ...                                    ...         B                                                                                                              ...                                       ...
                           A                                                                                                                            B                                                                                       B
                       A                                                                                       A            A                                                                       A                                                                                                                                    B
    B                              A                                   B
                                                                                                         A                  A                                                   B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 A                                                                                   A
C                                                                                                  A                                                        C       B                               A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             A                          B                                        A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             A    B                       B
                                                                   C                                                                                                C                                                                                                                    A
                                                           C                                                                                                                                    A                                                   C                                                                                     C
                                   A                                       C                                                B A                                     C       C                                                                                    CC                                                                      C
                                                                                 A                             A                                        C                                   A                A                                  C                                A                           A                                                      CA
                                                   simple eq           C                                                                                                        C                   B                        B
                                   B                                                                                        B                                       C                                                                                   C                                                                    B    C                       C
                                                                                                         B                                      C                                                                B                                  C                                                                                                      C

                    Krzysztof    XOR-gateway,
                              Kluza Kluza     alt 1 B                                                      with XOR gateway, alt 1                                                          B
                                                                                                                                                                                                        with AND-gateway7 of 7 7 of 7                                             with AND-gateway
        Krzysztof Kluza        A                                                                                                                                                                        6 of 7
                                   A                    Krzysztof Kluza                              A                                                                                                                                                                                               6 of 7
B                      Krzysztof Kluza
                         Krzysztof Kluza                   CB  B
                                                                                                                   A            A                                   B                   A                   AA                          B               7 of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7  77
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          B of                                               A                    B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                B                                 A                                                          B
                               B                                                                                                                            C                                                                                    C
                                   A           Krzysztof Kluza             C
                                                                                                               A                                                        C       C       A                        A                                       C                   6 Aof 7                                                                       C                A
                                                                                                                                                                                                A            B                                                                           A
C                                                                      C                             B                            B
                                   B                           C                                                                                                    C                                                                   C                   C                                                B                    C
                                                                                                                   B                                                                                         B                                  C                                                                                         C

                               with XOR-gateway, alt 2                                                     with XOR gateway, alt 2                                                  partially through sub-Activities                                                                                 implicit
                                                                    Krzysztof Kluza 6 of 7                                                                                                                                                                                           6 of 7                            29.05.2012
                                                 B                                                                                        B                         B                                                               B
                           A                                                                                   A                                                                                                                                                                                                             B
                                   A         Kluza            Krzysztof Kluza                                                                                                                       A            A                                                   7 of 7              A                   7 of 7
                                                                                                                                                        B                               A                                                       B                                                                                                B
C                      A                                                             A                         A                                                                    A                                                                                            A           A
                                                                   C   C                                                                                            C                                                                                        C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    C                                                                        C    B          C
                                                                                                   A                                                                                                A                                       C                                                    A                                C
                                                           C                                                                              C                         C                                                               C
                           B                                                                                       B                                                                                                                                                             A        B                                                                             A
                                                                                                                                                        C                                           B                                           C                                        B                                                       C
                                                   implicit                                                    without XOR-gateway                                                                                                                                               through sub-Activities

rzysztof Kluza6 of 7                                                                                                                                                                        6 of 7                       29.05.2012
                       A                                                                                                                                    Krzysztof Kluza                                                                                                                                                                                     6 of 7
                                                                                                                   A        Table 2.                Basic control-flow patterns in BPMN [35]
                                                                                                     A                                                                                      A A
                                                              C                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A
                                                                                                                                                C                                                                                   C B                                           A                                               B                                     A
                                                                                                                                                            C                                                                                       C                                                                                            C
                                                                                                                   B                                                                        B
                                                                                                                                                                                        A                                                                                        A                                                    C                                     A
                                                                                     B                                                                                                                                                                                                             B
                                                                                                     B                                                                                              B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        C                                                                                         C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     B                                                                                  B
                                                                                         6 of 7                                                                                                                                                                                                          29.05.2012
                                                         Krzysztof Kluza                                                                                                                                                                                                   6 of 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Krzysztof Kluza
                                                                                                                                          B                                                                                         B                                                                                             B
                                                                                                                                                                                        A                                                                                        A
                                                                                     A                                                                                              A                                                                                            A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            C                                                                                        C

                                                                                                                                          C                                                                                         C                                                                                             C
                                                                                                                                                                                        B                                                                                        B
                                                            Multiple gateways equivalences

                 multiple gateways
                          gatewaysgateways                                B


                                                                          C                A                                   B

             C                    A
                                                                      BB       B                                  BB       B
                                                                          B                                                    C               A
                                      AA      A
             D                                                        CC       C     AA     A                     CC       C

                                                                        D                                                      D
                                                                      DD      D                                   DD       D

                         multiple parallel gateway with a common task                           single parallel gateway

                                                                      BB       B                                  BB       B

                                      AA      A
                                                                      CC       C     AA     A                     CC       C

                                                                      DD      D                                   DD       D

                                          multiple parallel gateway                             single parallel gateway

                                                                      BB       B                                  BB       B

                                      AA      A
                                                                      CC       C     AA     A                     CC       C

                                                                      DD      D                                   DD       D

                                      multiple inclusive gateway                                single inclusive gateway

                                                                      B       B                                   B        B

                                      A       A
                                                                      C       C      A      A                     C        C

                                                                      D       D                                   D        D
                                                               3 of 7                                                                                           29.05.2012

                                      multiple exclusive gateway Krzysztof Kluza                single exclusive gateway                                                3

                                                                      B       B                                   B        B
                                      Table 3. Equivalences of BPMN structures based on multiple gateway elements
                 Krzysztof Kluza Kluza
                           Kluza  A           A                                                                            44of
                                                                                                                             of77 4 of 7
                                                                      C       C      A      A                     C        C

3.2    Complex Equivalences of BPMN structures
                                            D                                 D
                                                                                       Tantitharanukul and Jumpamule
                                                                                                                   D      D
                                                                                                                            [31] defined Generalized Busi-
                                                                                    ness Process Modeling Notation (GBPMN) as a notation for dia-
                                                                                    grams which nodes are labeled with the process expression. They
Other transformations considered in [10] concern discrimination and                 presented an algorithm which converts any BPMN into GBPMN
serialization mechanisms. In Table 6 several examples of the applica-               form. It is important to mention that the GBPMN is not a standard-
tion of the discriminator transformation to selected BPMN elements
                                                              B       B                                            B
                                                                                    ized solution, thus it is not very    B
                                                                                                                        useful in practice. However, one of
are presented. The serialization examples, which transform some-                    the steps of their algorithm is taken if the existing diagram has more
thing serialized implicitly to another thing
                                         A   serialized explicitly, are
                                                              C       C             than
                                                                                     A one  A start event or end event.
                                                                                                                   C    InCsuch a case, they stipulate adding
shown in Table 7.                                                                   a new single start event and/or a new single end event, and connect-
                                                                                    ing these events to the existing diagrams by using inclusive gateway
   Qing-xiu et al. [24], in order to verify a workflow model   D based
                                                                     D                                             D      D
                                                                                    which is capable of capturing whether they simultaneously start or
on Petri net, proposed several reduction actions, such as reduction                 not. Using single start and end events should be taken into account
of sequential, iterative, or adjacent structure. However, the proposed              when modeling, and such a procedure should be considered as a part
reductions are not directly applicable to BPMN models.                              of a normalization algorithm for business processes as well.
                                                       A A                                                        A A
                refaktoring                             AA                                                         AA
                                                      AA                                                         AA

                                                                        Gateways equivalences
                                                      A                                                          A

                                                      AA A                                                       A
                                                                                                                 AA A

                                                        A       A                                                  A       A
                                                      AA                                                         AA

                                                      A                                                          A

                                                      A                                                          A
                                                        A A                                                        A A
                                                       A A                                                        A A
                                                      AA                                                         AA

                                                     A A
                                                     A                                                     A
                                                                                                         A A
                                                     A A                                                 A A
                                                   AA                                                   AA
                                                     A                                                           A

                                                   AB B
                                                   A                                                    AB B
                                                     B      B                                             B       B
                                                   A                                                    B

                                                     A A                                                  A A
                                                   BB                                                   BB
                                                     A A                                                  A A
                                                   AA                                                   AA
                                                    B                                                    B

                                                   AB B
                                                   A                                                    AB B
                                                     B      B                                             B       B
                                                   A                                                    B
                 Krzysztof    Kluza
                           Kluza            Table 4.        Gateways equivalences of BPMN structures (based on [9])                  5 of57of 7
     brackets       Krzysztof
                 Krzysztof    Kluza
                           Kluza                   B                                                                                 5 of57of 7
                                                   B                                                    B
                Krzysztof Kluza
                Krzysztof Kluza                                                                                                    55 of
                                                                                                                                      of 77

                                  A   A            B
                                                   C        C       Multiple activities equivalences    B
                                                                                                        B A            A
                Krzysztof Kluza
                Krzysztof Kluza                                                                                                    55 of
                                                                                                                                      of 77
                                  A   A           C         C                                                A        A
                                                                                                                                              C   C
                Krzysztof Kluza
                          Kluza                                                                                                    55 of
                                                                                                                                      of 77
                                                                                                                                              C   C
                                  B   B            C        C                                                 B        B

                                  B   B           C         C                                                B         B

                                  A   A            B        B                                                                  B      B

                                  A   A           B         B                                                                  B     B
                                                                                                A   A

                                                                                              A     A
                                  A   A            C        C                                                                  C      C

                                  A   A           C         C                                                                  C     C

                                      Table 5.   Multiple activities equivalences of BPMN structures (based on [14, 17])
                                                         A                            B                              C
                                                                 AA                           BB                              CC

                                                                              A               A                                       B             B                A         A                       A B               B                          B            A

                                                                                                                                                                                                       A                                            B            A
                                                                                                                                                                                                               AA                                       BB           AA

B            C            C                              A                                              B                                  C

                                                         A                                              B                                  C
                                                                 AA                                             BB                             CC
                                                                                                                          Discriminator equivalences of events

                                                 A           A                    B                B                      C                C                          A        AA         B       B            B                      CC                 C       A          B

                                                                                                                                                                               A                               B                      C                          A           B
                 C             C                         A                                 B                                                   C                                    AA                              BB                         CC                    AA          BB
                                                                                                                                             A                                                    A
                                                         A                                 B                              D                D C                                                                                        DD                 D
                                                                 AA                                BB                                               CC
                                                                                                                A                                                              A                                                      D
                                                                  boundary intermediate event                                                                               intermediate event in normal flow

                                                 A           A                        A                                                                                        A

                                                                                      A                                                                                        A
                                                                                              AA                                                                                     AA
                                                                                  B                A                                                     B                          A         B                              B
    B                                                                                                       B
                                                                          A                                                       B                          A                                B        B
                                                                                                            B                                                                                         BB
     B                         C
    C                                                                                                       C
                                                                  C               multiple
                                                                                  C        event
                                                                                                                                                    a numberC of single events
                                                                                                                     Discriminator equivalences of gatewaysC CC

                                                                  A               A        A                                                                                                  A
                                                                  A                                     B                                      C                                    A                      B                                                 C
                                                                                              A                                                                                               A
                                             A                                B                    AA                C                                           A                  B                 AA                              C
                                                                  B               B           B                                                                                               B
                                                                                                                                               D                                                                                                             D
                                                                                              B                                                                                               B
                                                                                                   BB               D                                                                                 BB                              D

                                                     termination of a process using terminate
                                                                                       B  B
                                                                                              event                                                                            normal process termination                        B
B                                            A                                                                   B
                                                                                          B                                   B                                                                                                  B
         B                          A       A                A                                                                        BB                     A                                                                            BB

                                                             AB                                                                                              A
                 C                                                    AA                                                  C           C                              AA                                                          C
C                                                                                                                C
         C                                                                                                                C                                                                                                      C
                                                                                          C                                           CC                                                                                                  CC

                                   Krzysztof Kluza                                            2 of 7
                                                                                     2 of 7gateway
                                                                           multiple event                                                                            a combination of gateways and2single
                                                                                                                                                                                                    of 7 events                                                         29.05.2012
                                   Krzysztof Kluza
                                      Krzysztof  Kluza                                                                                                                                                                   2 of27of 7
                                      Krzysztof Kluza                                     A                                                                                                                                 2 of 7
                                                             A                            Table 6.              Discriminator equivalences of BPMN structures (based on [10])


                         3.3        Guidelines for modelers                                                                                                          eight patterns which reduce the perceived model complexity with-
                                                                                                                                                                     out changing the abstract syntax of the model and classified them
                       The normalization process should also take into account the existing                                                                          according to the following hierarchy [26]:
                     B guidelines for business modelers. Most of the existing toolsB   do not
                       require to complyA with any guidelines or modeling
                                                                      B     requirements, so                                                                         1. Layout Guidance — describes features to modify the process
                       a user has to adhere to them itself.                                                                                                             model layout.
                     C    One  of the papers with most impact in the business process
                                                                                   C    mod-                                                                         2. Outline visual mechanisms to emphasize certain aspects:
                       eling field by Mendling et al. [20] concerns guidelines
                                                                      C          for business                                                                            (a) Enclosure Highlight — for visually enclosing close a set of log-
                       process modelers, which should be taken into account when model-                                                                                      ically related model elements,
                       ing business processes. They formulated seven guidelines
                                                                           2 of 7 and prior-                                                                                                                                                                              29.05.20
                       itized them with the help of industry experts [20]:                                                                                               (b) Graphical Highlight — to change the visual appearance of
                                                              1 of 1                                                                                                                                                                31.05.2012
                                                                                                                                                                             model elements, such as shape, line thickness and type, etc.
                     1. Model as structured as possible.                                                                                                                 (c) Pictorial and Textual Annotation — to assign pictorial ele-
                     2. Decompose a model with more than 50 elements.                                                                                                        ments, such as icons or images, to modeling elements, or to
                     3. Use as few elements in the model as possible.                                                                                                        visually represent free-form text in the canvas, which can be
                     4. Use verb-object activity labels.                                                                                                                     attached to modeling elements without changing semantics.
                     5. Minimize the routing paths per element.
                     6. Use one start and one end event.                                                                                                             3. Two representation patterns:
                     7. Avoid OR routing elements.                                                                                                                       (a) Explicit Representation — to capture process modeling con-
                                                                                                                                                                             cepts via a dedicated graphical notation,
                            La Rosa et al. [26] performed a systematic analysis and proposed
                         a number of concrete syntax modifications for business process mod-                                                                             (b) Alternative Representation — to capture process modeling con-
                         els to manage their complexity. They presented a collection of pat-                                                                                 cepts without the use of their primary graphical notation.
                         terns that generalize and conceptualize various existing mechanisms                                                                         4. Naming Guidance — naming conventions or advice for model el-
                         to change the visual representation of a process model. Their goal                                                                             ements’ labels, which can be syntactic (e.g. using a verb-object
                         was to simplify the representation of processes. Thus, they identified                                                                         style) or semantic (e.g. using a domain-specific vocabulary).
                                                                                                                                A                                   B                      C
                                                                                                                           A               B                                C                  A

                                             A                               B                           C
                             A                       B                                      C

                                                                                 Serialization equivalences for gateways

                                                                         A                                                      A
                                                 A                                                                         A

                                                                                       B                                         B

                                                                         C                                                                     C

                                             implicit join                                                                           explicit join
 link                                                                              Serialization equivalences for links
                                                                             A                                                                 A
                                                     A                                                                           A

                   A A
                                                                             B             Z
                                                                                           Z Z                   A
                                                                                                                 A A
                                                                                                                                               B                                     Z
                                                                                                                                                                                     Z Z
                                                     B                                                                           B

                   A                     B
                                         B B                   ...
                                                               ... ...                      Z                    A                   B
                                                                                                                                     B B                  ...
                                                                                                                                                          ... ...                     Z

                                          B                     ...                                                                  B                     ...
                                     internal links in a model                                                                 a model without links
                                                                                                 B                                                                                    B
                                                                                   B                                                                                    B
                                         X X A           Y
                                                         Y Y                                                           A
                                 A                                                                           A

                                         X               Y                                       C                                   X
                                                                                                                                     X X           Y
                                                                                                                                                   Y Y                                C
                                                                                   C                                                                                    C
                                                                                                 Z Z             A
                                                                                                                 A A                                                                 Z
                                                                                                                                                                                     Z Z
                   A A                                                                                                               X             Z
                                                                                                                                                   ZY Z
                                                                                                     Z           A                                                                   Z
                     Krzysztof Kluza                     Z
                                                         Z Z                                                                                                                2 of 7
           KrzysztofA Kluza                                                                                                                        Z   2 of 7

                                     external links in a model                                                                 a model without links

                                                     Table 7. Serialization equivalences of BPMN structures (based on [10])

           4   Conclusion                                                                   Moreover, we presented several guidelines for modelers, which
                                                                                         should be taken into account when modeling, and considered as a part
                                                                                         of a normalization algorithm for business processes.
          Although BPMN is the most widespread notation used by soft-
                                                                                            While normalization can be performed manually, and usually is in
          ware architects and business analysts for modeling Business Pro-
                                                                                         the case of ad hoc modeling, it is possible to support such a process
          cesses, it is not clear which structures should be preferred and which
Krzysztof  Kluza                                                                         with tools. However, most of the existing tools do not require to com- 24.05.2012
  Krzysztof  Kluza   The BPMN specification does not clarify how the notation 1 of1 of1 1                                                                         24.05.2012
                                                                                         ply with any guidelines or modeling requirements, so a user has to
          should be used for modeling various processes. Thus, the standard-
            Kluza of such modeling technique in BPMN is desired.                   1 of 1
                                                                                         adhere to them itself.                                                  24.05.2012
                                                                                            Furthermore, normalization can help in the future research on
              As BPMN allows for expressing the same semantics using var-
                                                                                         structuring diagrams in order to decrease their semantic complexity.
          ious syntactic structures, this can cause the modeling and analysis
                                                                                         Our research can be further useful for many purposes, such as pro-
          challenges. Cognitive understanding of model semantics can vary in
                                                                                         cess matching, identifying the differences between process models,
          case of complex syntactic differences. Furthermore, a behaviorally
                                                                                         analyzing similarities or measuring compliance of processes.
          equivalent but syntactically different structures can be analyzed in
                                                                                            In our future research, we will formalize the presented equiva-
          different ways or even can be untranslatable to other languages in or-
                                                                                         lences. This will allow for implementing a tool for proving that two
          der to be verified. To address these issues, a set of best practices for
                                                                                         models are equivalent or using some of the existing tools for ana-
          modelers as well as normalization of BPMN models are needed.
                                                                                         lyzing BPMN patterns for this purpose [15, 17, 18, 30]. Our goal is
              In this paper, we prepared the first step towards such a normaliza-
                                                                                         to define the preferable structures of the model, which will consti-
          tion process – based on a literature review, we presented an overview
                                                                                         tute a normalization process and a part of a modeling methodology
          of the topic of BPMN models equivalences, identified various be-
                                                                                         for modeling business processes integrated with rules [22, 21]. Such
          haviorally (or semantically) equivalent structures, and pointed out
                                                                                         process can be further supported by a proper tool framework [11].
          possibilities of equivalent patterns.
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