=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Critical evaluation of the XTT2 rule representation through comparison with CLIPS |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-949/kese8-07_09.pdf |volume=Vol-949 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ecai/KaczorN12 }} ==Critical evaluation of the XTT2 rule representation through comparison with CLIPS== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-949/kese8-07_09.pdf
         Critical evaluation of the XTT2 rule representation
                   through comparison with CLIPS1
                                              Krzysztof Kaczor and Grzegorz J. Nalepa2

Abstract. There are two main approaches to the design Business                • speed up the design process – formalized rule language opens pos-
Rules. The first one involves formalized methods that strictly define           sibility to partially formalize the design process which can, in turn,
the syntax and semantics of rules. This approach usually requires               lead to better detection of design errors, possibly at early develop-
technical skills or conceptual knowledge and therefore is not appro-            ment stages,
priate for everyone. In the second approach, dedicated rule languages         • allow for a superior knowledge base quality control – formal
are used for facilitating rules specification. Nevertheless, such lan-          methods can be used to identify logical errors in rule formulation,
guages are usually programming solutions without a precisely de-              • simplify knowledge interoperability – partially formalized trans-
fined semantics. This may cause ambiguities in knowledge interpre-              lation to other knowledge representation formats are possible, and
tation and thus, the efficient rule interoperability becomes impossi-         • allow for custom inference modes – structured rule bases require
ble. The goal of our work is to develop a formalized model for a                inference strategies alternative to the classic inference algorithms.
rule representation which will allow for an effective rule interchang-
ing. For this purpose, we want to combine the above mentioned ap-                This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives a short mo-
proaches by tailoring the formalized rule representation called XTT2          tivation for our work. A short introduction to the XTT2 method is
to languages provided by CLIPS or Drools. This paper is the first             provided by Section 3. Section 4 is the main part of this paper dis-
step in our research providing an identification of the most important        cussing the most important differences between XTT2 and CLIPS.
differences between the XTT2 and CLIPS rule languages.                        The paper is concluded with Section 5 providing short summary and
                                                                              information concerning future works.
1     Introduction
Rule-Based Systems constitute a mature technology in the field of             2    Motivation
Artificial Intelligence. Over the years, they were applied in many do-        Together with the development of BR design methods, a number
mains like medicine, engineering [7] or decision support [10]. De-            of development tools also increases. Among them very important
spite their maturity, many ideas, algorithms and solutions that are           are Drools [4] and OpenRules3 . Sometimes, it is desirable to have
applied in new technologies, such as Business Rules (BR) [22], Se-            a mechanism for exchanging knowledge between different tools.
mantic Web [2] or Complex Event Processing [12], are derived from             This makes maintenance of the rule bases easier and allows for more
the classic Rule-Based Systems [9].                                           efficient usage of these tools. Nevertheless, the existing tools usually
   Business Rules are one of the latest application of classic rules.         allow for BR modeling in an informal way and do not provide any
They are intended to be created by business people in order to define         common rule representation model. This provides ambiguity in the
logical aspects of business. Despite the fact that business people may        rule semantics and in turn, does not allow for efficient interchanging.
not have any technical skills or scientific knowledge, BR must be                A problem of knowledge interoperability is known since classic
appropriate to be used by such users. Currently, many techniques are          rule-based expert systems and still remains an open issue. During
used for the specification of BR, from description in natural language        the years, several approaches to this problem were proposed. The
to design by using formalized methods. There is no single method              most important of them are: Knowledge Interchange Format4 , Rule
that is considered to be the best. Usually, a designer chooses one            Markup Language [3], Rule Interchange Format [8] and REWERSE
according to his or her own preferences.                                      Rule Markup Language [23]. Nevertheless, the above mentioned
   Rules specification in natural language is very intuitive and does         methods provide a very general model of rule-based knowledge rep-
not require any specialized skills. Moreover, such a method allows            resentation, what makes their practical application hard or even im-
for an easy specification of very complex rules. However, such in-            possible. Hence, practical tools supporting any of these methods do
formal description may be very vague, especially in case of complex           not exist or provide only partial support.
rules which may be hard to understand or in the worst case may be                The main objective of our current research is to develop a for-
misunderstood. This type of problems can be prevented by using for-           malized method for an efficient rule interoperability. We assume that
malized methods having the following advantages:                              this can be done by providing a common and logic-based rule rep-
• they provide a clear framework enabling uniform knowledge mod-              resentation model. Thanks to such a model, the semantics of rules,
  eling with well-defined expressive power,                                   specified in other representations, can be clarified or defined. What
1 The paper is supported by the AGH UST Grant.                                3 See: http://openrules.com
2    AGH University     of   Science   and   Technology,   Poland,   email:   4 See: http://www.upv.es/sma/teoria/sma/kqml_kif/kif.
    kk,gjn@agh.edu.pl                                                             pdf
is more, this model will allow to specify which representation can          • Rule Syntax — defines how the knowledge can be expressed and
be losslessly translated to another and how this translation should be        what are the limitations of a provided rule language i.e. this issue
performed. We assume that the model will be based on the formal-              concerns rule language syntax as well as its expressiveness.
ized rule representation method called XTT2 [19] which is provided          • Rule Semantics — defines the semantics of the rules and how they
by the Semantic Knowledge Engineering (SKE) methodology [16].                 should be interpreted.
The XTT2 method (see Section 3) is a visual method for model-               • Rule Processing — is related to inference mechanism as well as
ing structured rule bases. This method is intended to be a rigorously         the way how the knowledge processing is performed.
formalized rule language. Nevertheless, a rigorous formalization has
restricted the expressiveness of the language. Thus, in comparison          This section is divided into four subsections describing XTT2 in
with other methods, XTT2 has several limitations and significant dif-       terms of above mentioned aspects.
ferences. This is why our current work is focused on the extension of
XTT2 towards such languages as CLIPS5 [6] or Drools. These two              3.1    Rule Base
languages have been selected as the reference because they proved to
                                                                            An XTT2-based rule base contains attributes that store values. Each
be successful implementations of rule-based systems.
                                                                            attribute-value pair can be considered as a single fact. The set of all
   CLIPS is a classic rule-based expert system shell developed by
                                                                            pairs is called system state and is defined as follows:
NASA in 1984. The original intent for CLIPS was to gain use-
ful insight and knowledge about the construction of expert system                     s : (A1 = S1 ) ∧ (A2 = S2 ) ∧ . . . ∧ (An = Sn )          (1)
tools and to lay the groundwork for the construction of a replace-
ment tool for the commercial tools being used in that time. Because         where Ai are the attributes and Si are their current values.
of its portability, extensibility, capabilities, and low cost, it has re-   It is important to notice, that the number of attributes (facts) is con-
ceived widespread acceptance throughout the government, industry,           stant during the inference process. The knowledge base modification
and academia. Development of this tool has improved the accessi-            can be made only by changing attribute value.
bility to expert system technology throughout the public and private           XTT2 provides modularized rule base, where rules working to-
sectors for a wide range of applications and diverse computing en-          gether are placed in one context. Contrary to the majority of other
vironments. CLIPS became one of the most commonly known rule                systems, where a basic knowledge item is a single rule, in the XTT2
language that was used for e.g. image processing or recognition.            formalism the basic component displayed, edited and managed at a
   As a classic rule-based tool, CLIPS became a reference tool also         time is a single context. A single context corresponds to a single de-
for other tools like Jess which is a rule engine and scripting environ-     cision table. Thus, only those rules which have the same conditional
ment providing rule language. It is written in Java. Jess was origi-        and decisions attributes can be placed in one context i.e. each rule in
nally a clone of the essential core of CLIPS, but has begun to acquire      a decision table determines values of the same set of attributes.
a Java-influenced flavor. Therefore, it is a convenient tool for giving        XTT2 is a hybrid knowledge representation combining a decision
Java applets and applications the ability to reason.                        network and decision tables. Tables are linked together forming a
   Drools is a much younger project which was started in 2001. Cur-         network-like structure of the XTT2 decision tables. Links define or-
rently Drools is widely used by Business environment as Business            der in which tables should be processed. Considering a single table
Logic Integration Platform providing a unified and integrated plat-         as a blackbox for determining attribute value, the links corresponds
form for Rules, Workflow and Event Processing. Drools-based rules           to functional dependencies between attributes.
are specified using dedicated rule language and processed by dedi-
cated rule engine called Drools Expert. Similarly to Jess, this engine      3.2    Rule Syntax
is also written in Java and allows for easy integration with other ap-
plications written in this language.                                        The XTT2 rule language provide a dedicated syntax called HeKatE
   The above mentioned tools are not intended to provide a formal-          Meta Representation (HMR). This is a textual representation that can
ized rule representation that is necessary for efficient rule interchange   be easily read by human and automatically processed by an inference
preserving their semantics. The provide only programming solutions          engine. Moreover, the HMR language is suitable for visual represen-
for rapid development of the rule bases. In our work, we try to com-        tation (see Figure 1). Thanks to this, such a knowledge representa-
bine the advantages of formalized methods and programming so-               tion provides not only high density of knowledge visualization, but
lutions. This paper describes the first step of this work. The main         assures transparency and readability. Additionally, the visual repre-
contribution is the comparison of the XTT2 method with the CLIPS            sentation is fully supported by the HQEd [20] graphical editor. Using
language, by identifying the differences and limitations of XTT2 in         this editor, a HMR-based representation can be automatically gen-
terms of CLIPS. It describes the most important aspects of extending        erated for a given visual model. Then, the HMR representation is
XTT2 towards CLIPS and challenges that must be overcome for an              processed by the HeaRT [15] tool which is the dedicated inference
efficient rule interoperability between these two representations.          engine for reasoning with the XTT2 rule bases [1].
                                                                               For study purposes, an example below presents the same rule
                                                                            in three representations: natural language, HMR representation and
3   Overview of XTT2                                                        XTT2-based visual representation. The rule comes from Cashpoint
This section gives a short introduction to XTT2 (eXtended Tabular           case study [5] and is as follows:
Trees) [17, 18]. XTT2 can be considered a multidimensional concept.         if
It involves many aspects of the rule-based systems design:                    driver is younger than 25 years
• Rule Base — this aspect involves issues related to structure and
                                                                              it has driving licence at least three years
  maintenance of a rule base.
5 See: http://clipsrules.sourceforge.net
                                                                              increase the driver current discount by 50%
                                          Figure 1. An example of visual representation of XTT2 rule base

                                                                            3.4    Rule Processing
                                                                            XTT2 provides a dedicated rule processing mechanism. This is an
                                                                            advanced inference algorithm that can work in one of four modes:
      Figure 2. An example of visual representation of XTT2 rule            Fixed Order, Data, Token and Goal Driven (for more details see [13]).
                                                                            The inference mechanism is responsible for evaluating and executing
                                                                            (firing) rules. The rules are processed in predetermined order which
This rule can be easily expressed with HMR syntax:
                                                                            is specified by taking the following issues into account: inference
xrule ’Table1/1’:                                                           mode, links between modules, order of the rules in the XTT2 table.
  [driverAge lt 25,
    drLicAge gte 3]                                                         4     Challenges in the Rule Interoperability between
==>                                                                               XTT2 and CLIPS
  [driverDiscount set (driverDiscount+50)]
                                                                            The goal of our work is to develop a common unified rule repre-
                                                                            sentation model for efficient rule interoperability between different
The figure 2 depicts the equivalent visual representation of the pro-
                                                                            rules representations. Our starting point is formalization of the XTT2
vided HMR syntax.
                                                                            method which provides the underlying ALSV(FD) logic. Neverthe-
                                                                            less, the current form of the method does not use the ALSV(FD) logic
                                                                            effectively (lack of support for complex types) and has several lim-
3.3    Rule Semantics                                                       itations. In comparison to CLIPS, this language constitutes a subset
                                                                            of CLIPS. In this context, the knowledge interchange between XTT2
XTT2 is based on the Attributive Logic with Set of Values over Finite
                                                                            and CLIPS requires many improvements and changes that must be
Domains (ALSV(FD)) logic [11, 18]. ALSV(FD) is a formal frame-
                                                                            done in XTT2 in order to provide a better coverage of CLIPS. Some
work for attributive logic that provides syntax, semantics and some
                                                                            of the limitations stem from the made assumptions and others stem
notes on inference rules for a logical calculus in which attributes
                                                                            from the visual representation. This section provides a detailed de-
can take set values (generalized attributes). In comparison with other
                                                                            scription of the most important challenges in the context of extending
attributive logics, its expressive power is increased through the in-
                                                                            XTT2 and efficient rule interoperability with CLIPS. The section is
troduction of new relational symbols enabling definitions of atomic
                                                                            divided into subsections according to aspects introduced in Section 3.
formulae. This logic provides very strict and rigorous definition of
rule semantics allowing for knowledge definition which can be un-
ambiguously interpreted.                                                    4.1    Rule Base
   A single rule in ALSV(FD) is defined as a set of ALSV(FD)                 Rule base modification CLIPS provides a mechanism allowing
triples. The exemplary rule from Section 3.2 can be expressed in            for modifying a Knowledge Base (KB) by asserting, retracting and
ALSV(FD) in the following way:                                              modifying facts. This can be done using the following commands:
                                                                            assert, retract and modify. Thanks to this, when the system
      r1 : (driverAge, <, 25) ∧ (drLicAge, >=, 3) →                         is running, the number of facts in the KB can be changed. In contrast
           → (driverDiscount, :=, driverDiscount + 50)                      to CLIPS, the XTT2-based knowledge base defines a system with a
                                                                            constant number of facts described by attributes. During the execu-
The complete formalization of XTT2 can be found in [19].                    tion, attributes are neither created nor removed from the knowledge
base. Only the current value of the attribute can be changed. Never-     that provides its own structure and aggregates a fixed set of labelled
theless, the process of asserting and retracting facts in XTT2 can be    fields, possibly of different types, into a single type. An example of
achieved using generalized attributes (see paragraph Multivalued at-     such type is a structure that is known from C programming language.
tributes in Section 4.2).                                                The ALSV(FD) logic provides support for complex types and objects
                                                                         throughout attribute function which denotes a property of an object
 Modularization of Knowledge Base Both, XTT2 or CLIPS pro-               and allows for accessing its value using property name. However,
vide mechanism for creating modularized knowledge base. In XTT2,         currently XTT2 uses only atomic types for defining all attributes in
set of rules that work together are grouped into so called contexts.     the knowledge base and assumes that only one object (in this case
Each context corresponds to a single XTT2 table and contains rules       it is the system being described) with a specific property name ex-
which have the same attributes in their conditional and conclusion       ists. In turn, CLIPS provides deftemplate element that allows
parts. In turn, CLIPS provide modules which can be defined using         for defining complex facts consisting of number of typed properties
defmodule construct. In contrast to XTT2, CLIPS modules do not           (called slots in CLIPS-based vocabulary):
provide any policy determining which construct can be placed in
a module. In particular any rule (or other construct) can be placed in   (deftemplate person
any module. In fact, this is also possible in XTT2 and can be achieved     (slot name (type SYMBOL))
by extending rules LHS and RHS by all attributes that appears in the       (slot surname (type SYMBOL))
other rules in this context. However, this can lead to formation of        (slot gender (type SYMBOL))
large tables in which majority of cells contain always true compar-        (slot height (type INTEGER))
isons (an example of such table is depicted in Figure 3).                  (slot age (type INTEGER))
   CLIPS modules allow a set of constructs to be grouped together        )
such that explicit control can be maintained over restricting the ac-
cess of the constructs by other modules. This type of control is sim-    This example defines a template of person which allows for creating
ilar to global and local scoping used in languages such as C. The        complex facts consisting of five typed properties: name, surname,
default behavior in CLIPS restricts constructs in one module to be       gender, height and age.
accessible in another. However, this can be modified and selected el-
ements can be permitted to be visible from other modules. In turn, the     Multivalued attributes ALSV(FD) provides a generalized at-
XTT2 rules placed in one context are not accessible from another.        tribute that can take more than one value at any point of time. This is
   In both CLIPS or XTT2, modules are used by rules to provide exe-      very important and useful feature of ALSV(FD), however it is hard
cution control. In CLIPS, each module has its own pattern-matching       to assess to which element of the CLIPS language it corresponds.
network [13], and thus only rules from the active module can be ac-      There are two obvious possibilities:
tivated and executed. Similarly, in XTT2 only rules from the active
context are evaluated and can be executed.                               • facts list of the same type – a generalized attribute can be used
                                                                           for aggregation of values having the same type. A value of gener-
 Variables CLIPS provides two elements which allow for stor-               alized attribute is defined as set. Such sets can be modified using
ing information: facts and variables. Nevertheless, the semantics of       set theory operators. In particular union of sets or difference of
these two elements is different. Facts are knowledge-based elements        sets can correspond to CLIPS operations of asserting or retracting
which defines what is currently known. Any change made in a set            facts to/from knowledge base.
of facts invokes the pattern-matching process. In contrast to facts,     • multivalued slots – the deftemplate construct in CLIPS allows
variables are used for defining non knowledge-based values e.g. val-       for defining multivalued slots which can take more that one value:
ues of some factors, constant values, etc. Variables can be used as a
part of pattern-matching process, however changes of their values do       (deftemplate person
not invoke pattern-matching. CLIPS variables can be defined using            (slot name (type SYMBOL))
defglobal construct e.g.:                                                    (slot surname (type SYMBOL))
(defglobal ?*high-priority-factor* = 100)                                    (slot gender (type SYMBOL))
                                                                             (slot age (type INTEGER))
   In turn, XTT2 does not provide any concept having the same se-            (slot height (type INTEGER))
mantics as CLIPS variables. The system designed with XTT2 con-               (multislot friends (type SYMBOL))
sists of attributes. According to ALSV(FD), the state of the XTT2-         )
based system is defined as a set of current values of all attributes       (assert (person (name Tom) (surname Joe)
specified within the knowledge base. From logical the point of view,         (gender M) (age 18) (height 180)
the state of the system is represented as a logical formula (1). Ac-         (friends John Alex Emma))
cording to this definition, all XTT2 attributes are considered to be       )
knowledge-based elements.
   It is important to notice that the inference mechanism from XTT2        This defines a man (M) Tom Joe that is 180 cm tall and 18 years
works in different way than in CLIPS. It evaluates rules in predeter-      old and has three friends: John, Alex and Emma. It is important
mined order and changes in attribute values do not affect it.              to notice that the list of friends is not treated as one string contain-
                                                                           ing spaces, only as the list of three separate values.
4.2    Rule syntax                                                         Usually multislot contains values with the same semantics (infor-
                                                                           mally described by a slot name). Apart from the support for com-
 Complex types The first and most important limitation of the              plex types, the generalized attribute in XTT2 can be used in the
XTT2 is related to complex types. A complex type is a data type            same context as the multivalued slots in CLIPS.
                                                     Figure 3. An example of a large XTT2 table

 Expressions in LHS The XTT2 method provides mechanisms for                        base: numeric,
logical quality analysis called HalVA [14]. It allows for discovering              domain: [0 to 300]].
logical anomalies such as inconsistency, redundancy, contradictions         xtype [name: age,
etc. In order to assure higher efficiency of HalVA, the LHS of the                 base: numeric,
rule can contain only a simple attribute-to-value comparisons e.g.:                domain: [0 to 120]].

A = 12          B > 23          C in {1,2,3}                                   In CLIPS, a value of a slot can be restricted using similar
                                                                            concepts: primitive types, list of values, ranges. However, CLIPS
Such comparisons test a specific attribute against its value. Thus,
                                                                            provides more primitive types than XTT2: SYMBOL, STRING,
an attribute is always on the left hand side of a comparison and con-
                                                                            LEXEME, INTEGER, FLOAT, NUMBER, INSTANCE-NAME,
stant value or set of constant values on the right hand side. Neither
                                                                            INSTANCE-ADDRESS, INSTANCE, EXTERNAL-ADDRESS, and
attributes nor expressions are allowed on the right hand side e.g.:
                                                                            FACT-ADDRESS. Moreover, CLIPS allows for restricting a number
A = 11+1         B < A-3                                                    of elements in multivalued slots.
                                                                               The equivalent CLIPS-based definition of slot constraints describ-
In turn, the Right Hand Side (RHS) of a rule can contain complex            ing person may look like this:
expressions and attribute references:
                                                                            (deftemplate person
A := A+1         B := 4*3                                                     (slot name (type SYMBOL) )
   In contrast to XTT2, CLIPS allows for any complex expressions in           (slot surname (type SYMBOL))
conditional part of the rules. This limitation of XTT2 can be omitted         (slot gender (type SYMBOL)
by creating an additional decision table having required expression             (allowed-symbols M F))
in its RHS. The figure 4 depicts the equivalent construction in CLIPS         (slot height (type INTEGER) (range 0 300))
and XTT2. The rules comes from the Cashpoint example [21] and are             (slot age (type INTEGER) (range 0 120))
intended to check if a user has entered a correct PIN. This is done by        (multislot friends (type SYMBOL))
comparing enteredPIN and correctPin attributes. The equal-                  )
ity of this two attributes is a condition that must satisfied in order to      The one advantage of XTT2 in comparison with CLIPS is that the
authorize a user. In CLIPS this condition can be placed directly in         XTT2 allows for defining symbolic ordered domains. Such concept
LHS of a rule, while XTT2 required an additional table (Table3)             is similar to enum construct from C programming language. Thanks
and attribute (pinDifference).                                              to ordering, the symbolic values can be treated as ordinary integer
                                                                            values e.g.:
 Constraints ALSV(FD) provides a concept of attribute domain.
A domain is a finite set of admissible values that attribute can take.      xtype [
Each domain is based on one of two primitive types symbolic or nu-            name: weekdaytype,
meric. In XTT2, for each attribute a domain must be specified. The            base: symbolic,
domain concept plays important role because it is used by verifi-             domain: [mon/1,tue/2,wed/3,thu/4,
cation mechanism for discovering logical anomalies in knowledge                 fri/5,sat/6,sun/7],
base. The example below shows a definition of types (in HMR lan-              ordered: yes].
guage) restricting values of the attributes describing a person. We
assume that:                                                                In this example a type describing weekdays is defined. Each day has
                                                                            assigned an equivalent numeric value. Thanks to that one can write:
name is not restricted and can contain any list of characters,
gender can take only two values: M for male and F for female,               mon > tue             A = tue+wed
height can take a value from the interval [0, 300],
                                                                            The results of this expressions are equal to results of corresponding
age can take a value from the interval [0, 120].
                                                                            expressions where symbolic values were replaced with numeric.
xtype [name: name,
       base: symbolic].                                                      Values binding In some cases, it is very hard or even impossible
xtype [name: gender,                                                        to define LHS of a rule by using only logical and relational oper-
       base: symbolic,                                                      ators. Let us consider the following example: The knowledge base
       domain: [M,F]].                                                      contains information about a number of people described by proper-
xtype [name: height,                                                        ties defined in paragraph Complex types:
xrule ’Table3’/1:
    [enteredPin eq any,
      correctPin eq any]                                                   (defrule rule-1
  ==>                                                                          ?a <- (atm (enteredPin ?e)
    [pinDifference set                                                           (correctPin ?c)
      (correctPin-enteredPin)]                                                   (failedAtempts ?f))
    :’Table2’.                                                                   (test (neq ?e ?c))
xrule ’Table2’/1:                                                              (modify ?a (authorizated false)
    [pinDifference neq 0]                                                        (failedAtempts (+ ?f 1))))
    [authorizated set false,                                               (defrule rule-2
      failedAttempts set (failedAttempts+1)]                                   ?a <- (atm
    :’Table1’.                                                                   (enteredPin ?e)
xrule ’Table2’/2:                                                                (correctPin ?c))
    [pinDifference eq 0]                                                       (test (eq ?e ?c))
  ==>                                                                        =>
    [authorizated set true,                                                    (modify ?a (authorizated true)))
      failedAttempts set failedAttempts]

                                 Figure 4. The equivalent construction in XTT2 (on the left) and CLIPS (on the right)

(person (name Tom) (surname Joe)                                              count. So, the variable binding can be used for defining restrictions
  (gender M) (age 18) (height 180)                                            across several objects. In our example, the ?h variable is bound in
  (friends John Alex Emma))                                                   the first condition and then its value is used in the second condition.
                                                                              This restricts the set of possible facts that can be matched to the sec-
(person (name Emma) (surname Johnson)                                         ond condition, because apart from the value F of the gender slot,
  (gender F) (age 19) (height 180)                                            a matched fact must have the same value of the height slot as the
  (friends Tom Julia))                                                        fact matched in the first condition.
                                                                                 Variable bindings is currently not supported in XTT2. Thus, defi-
(person (name Alex) (surname Johnson)                                         nitions of equivalent rule is currently not possible.
  (gender M) (age 17) (height 170)
  (friends Tom Emma Julia))                                                    Functions CLIPS allows for defining functions. It is possible to
Our task is to define a rule selecting all allowed pairs of persons           define a user-defined external functions that can be written in an ex-
which can dance together. Two person can dance together when sat-             ternal language e.g. C and then linked with CLIPS during recom-
isfy the following conditions: 1) They have different gender and 2)           pilation. Such functions can be later executed directly in CLIPS in
they have the same growth. Such a rule can be easily written us-              ordinary manner. Moreover, CLIPS provides a second mechanism
ing mechanism allowing for value binding. This mechanism allows               allowing for defining function directly in CLIPS by using CLIPS-
for retrieving desired value during inference and storing it in a user-       based syntax. This can be done with the help of the deffunction
defined variable. Then, this variable can be used in further conditions       construct. The CLIPS-based functions have all features that an ordi-
as well as conclusion part. The rule for our task can look like this:         nary function can have i.e.: unique name, list of parameters, sequence
                                                                              of actions, returned value, recursion. An example function that cal-
(defrule rule-1 "Our solution"                                                culates the factorial of an argument can be written as follows:
   (person (name ?n1) (surname ?s1)
     (gender M) (height ?h))                                                  (deffunction factorial (?a)
   (person (name ?n2) (surname ?s2)                                             (if (or (not (integerp ?a)) (< ?a 0)) then
     (gender F) (height ?h))                                                      (printout t "Factorial Error!" crlf)
=>                                                                               else
   (printout t ?n1 " and " ?n2 crlf)                                               (if (= ?a 0) then
)                                                                                     1
The LHS of the rule contains two conditions that refers to person                     (* ?a (factorial (- ?a 1))))))
template. Thanks to this, the inference algorithm would try to match
all possible pairs of person facts. When a single match is per-               It is important that each function can be invoked from any part of
formed, then the variables (which names start with question mark)             a rule and can modify a knowledge base.
are bound to the current value of the matched fact. Binding is made              XTT2 provides a similar mechanism to CLIPS user-defined ex-
only one time during a single match and the variable stores bounded           ternal functions through callbacks. Callback function is an external
value until this particular match is finished. Thus, usage of bounded         function written in Prolog or Java language. Then, such function is
variable in further conditions restricts the set of elements that can         invoked by Prolog interpreter directly or by using JPL plugin for call-
be matched because matching algorithm must take its value into ac-            backs written in Java.
                                                                             Rules properties The way, a rule is processed by CLIPS can be
                                                                            modified by changing rule properties. CLIPS provides support for
                                                                            two properties auto-focus and salience.
                                                                               The auto-focus property allows an automatic focus com-
                                                                            mand to be executed whenever a rule becomes activated. If the
                                                                            auto-focus property for a rule is true, then a focus command
                                                                            on the module in which the rule is defined is automatically executed
                                                                            whenever the rule is activated. This property can be used for defining
                                                                            rules responsible for values validation:

                                                                            (defrule VIOLATIONS::bad-age
                                                                              (declare (auto-focus TRUE))
                                                                              (person (name ?name) (age ?x&:(< ?x 0)))
      Figure 5. An example of dialog invoked by callback function
                                                                              (printout t ?name " has a bad age value."))

   Callbacks in XTT2 are strictly related to attributes. Each attribute     The above rule is activated whenever the VIOLATIONS module re-
can have two callback functions assigned: input callback and/or out-        ceives focus and checks if all the person facts accessible in that mod-
put callback. The input callbacks are used for retrieving attribute         ule have correct value of the slot age.
value from outside system when value of an attribute is not defined.           The salience property allows for assigning a priority to a rule.
Thus, this type of callback function can modify a knowledge base. In        This property is a part of conflict resolution mechanism, which uses
contrast to input callbacks, the output callbacks cannot modify state       a salience value for determining order of rules to be fired. Rules
of the system and are used only for presentation purposes. The or-          with higher value have precedence to be executed.
der and time when a callback is invoked is determined by inference             XTT2 does not provide any rules properties directly. However, the
algorithm and cannot be redefined. The example below depicts the            ALSV(FD) logic defines the decision component (table) as follows:
definition of input callback and attribute to which is assigned:
                                                                                                     t = (r1 , r2 , . . . , rn )
xcall ask_console_symbolic: [AttName] >>> (
  alsv_domain(AttName,Domain,symbolic),                                     This means that rules placed in an XTT2 table are ordered. The in-
  write(’availible answers are ’),                                          ference engine uses this order for determining precedence of rules
  write(Domain), nl,                                                        evaluation and execution. This precedence can be changed by mov-
  write(AttName), write(’: ’), read(Answer),                                ing rules in the table.
  (member(Answer,Domain) ->                                                    This behavior corresponds to CLIPS salience rule property.
                                                                            However, XTT2 forces the different values of rules priority in con-
xattr [name: weekday,                                                       trast to CLIPS that allows for rules with the same priority. This is
  abbrev: weekday,                                                          why, the XTT2 method do not provide conflict resolution strategies.
  class: simple,
  type: weekdaytype,
  comm: in,                                                                 4.4    Rule processing
  callback: [ask_console_symbolic,[day]]                                     Facts maintenance Any modification of KB in CLIPS that is done
  This callback function invokes dialog allowing user to provide            by using commands like assert, retract and modify, exe-
value of an attribute. The example of such dialog is depicted in Fig-       cutes a pattern-matching algorithm which attempts to match rules
ure 5. The list of possible values is created according to attribute        to the current state of the system (as represented by the fact-list and
type. The definition of the attribute weekday type can be found in          instance-list). Each rule that has satisfied their conditional part (LHS
Section 4.2 in paragraph Constraints.                                       – Left Hand Side) with respect to the modification is activated for
                                                                            execution. CLIPS allows non monotonic inference because each rule
                                                                            firing may again modify the KB. This inference process continues
4.3    Rule semantics                                                       while KB is being modified. During this time, any rule can be acti-
 Ordered structures CLIPS facts defined by using deffact con-               vated and executed many times.
struct are also called non-ordered facts. This is because the fact struc-      As it was mentioned, the XTT2 knowledge base contains a con-
ture consists of fields that are referred by named slots. Additionally,     stant number of attributes (facts). The only modification that can
CLIPS provides an ordered facts which encode information position-          be made is changing of the attribute value. However, in contrast
ally. To access the information, a user must know not only what data        to CLIPS, such modifications of the KB do not execute pattern-
is stored in a fact but which field contains the data. The first field      matching algorithm in order to find the rules that have satisfied their
of an ordered fact specifies a relation that applied to the remaining       conditional parts against to a new system state.
fields in the ordered fact e.g.:                                               This behavior is deliberate and follows from the method assump-
                                                                            tions. According to this assumptions, the user defines the functional
(father-of jack bill)
                                                                            dependencies between attributes (links between tables). Thus, if a
This fact defines that bill is the father of jack.                          rule should be checked for execution when a value of an attribute
   The current XTT2 method does not provide any concept with sim-           is changed, then a user must define an appropriate dependency. This
ilar semantics. ALSV(FD) provides support only for complex types,           allows for optimized rule activating and more advanced inference
where properties of object are referred by attribute function.              control in comparison with CLIPS.
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