=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Annotating Evidence Based Clinical Guidelines - A Lightweight Ontology |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-952/paper_13.pdf |volume=Vol-952 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/swat4ls/HoekstraWV12 }} ==Annotating Evidence Based Clinical Guidelines - A Lightweight Ontology== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-952/paper_13.pdf
 Annotating Evidence Based Clinical Guidelines
                          A Lightweight Ontology

          Rinke Hoekstra1,2 , Anita de Waard3 , and Richard Vdovjak4
                Dept. of Computer Science, VU University Amsterdam
                    Leibniz Center for Law, University of Amsterdam
                                    Elsevier Publishing
                                     Philips Research
       rinke.hoekstra@vu.nl, a.dewaard@elsevier.com, richard.vdovjak@philips.com

       Abstract. This paper describes a lightweight ontology for representing
       annotations of declarative evidence based clinical guidelines. We present
       the motivation and requirements for this representation, based on an
       analysis of several guidelines. The ontology provides the means to con-
       nect clinical questions and associated recommendations to underlying
       evidence, and can capture strength and quality of recommendations and
       evidence, respectively. The ontology was applied in the conversion of
       manual annotations to RDF and used as part of a prototype clinical
       decision support system.

       Keywords: clinical decision support, linked data, annotation, clinical
       guideline, evidence based, RDF

1    Introduction

Evidence based clinical guidelines follow the principle that every recommenda-
tion of the guideline should be supported by identifiable evidence in the form
of published medical research. This is in contrast to the older variant, where
guidelines are based on consensus within the scientific community. The strength
of the evidence based approach is that such guidelines are more adaptive to new
findings in medical research (most importantly clinical trials), and that they
preserve provenance of recommendations in the form of citations to scientific
    Guidelines are part of a larger network of hypotheses, claims and pieces of
evidence that span across multiple publications [1]. Presenting a clinician with
the full text of a single guideline is therefore both overwhelming to the clinician,
incomplete as it ignores the context in which the guideline was written, and
static: it is frozen in time, a snapshot of the state of the art at time of publication.
Furthermore, the form in which guidelines are currently published does not lend
itself to patient centric presentation: guidelines are lengthy (digital) documents,
with references (not hyperlinks) at the end, of which only a part may be relevant
to a patient case.
2        Rinke Hoekstra et al.

    To unlock the clinical knowledge contained in a guideline, we can choose
from several languages to formalize the guideline and make it a “computer in-
terpretable” guideline [2] (CIG). Specifying such executable models is a very
knowledge intensive and laborious process [3]. Furthermore, only some of these
languages offer means to link to evidence [4], and they generally are targeted
to very concrete and procedural guidelines, akin to medical protocols. However,
many evidence based guidelines exist that are much more declarative and are
not readily implementable as a CIG. These declarative evidence based guidelines
(DEG) nevertheless form a highly relevant information source for clinicians.
    The main question underlying this work is: does access to declarative guide-
lines benefit from a lightweight modeling approach? In the context of clinical
decision support systems: are lightweight models adaptive enough, and do they
have sufficient power to link a patient to relevant guidelines and underlying
evidence? This paper is the first step in answering our question: a lightweight
ontology for annotating DEGs. Section 2 gives an analysis of the structure of
DEGs. This provides us with the requirements for the ontology, which is de-
scribed in section 3. The ontology describes DEGs at a meta-level; it builds on
existing work on annotation languages. We ran a small pilot on a guideline on
Febrile Neutropenia [5] and integrated the results in Hubble, a prototype CDS
system [6]. Section 4 discusses the results and presents our ideas for future work.

2     Declarative Evidence Based Guidelines: Requirements

Evidence based guidelines5 are well structured documents that follow a clear
recipe: introduction of methodology and definitions of recommendation strength
and evidence quality and level, followed by a list of clinical questions and their
recommendations, and finally a discussion of the recommendation, a summary of
the underlying evidence and citations of medical publications. We briefly discuss
each of these. Figure 1 shows an excerpt of a clinical guideline on Febrile Neu-
tropenia containing a number of recommendations and a part of the associated
evidence summary. For instance, the recommendation:

     “At least 2 sets of blood cultures are recommended ”

has an evidence summary containing:

     “Recently, 2 retrospective studies found that 2 blood culture sets detect
     80%–90% of bloodstream pathogens in critically ill patients, whereas ≥3
     sets are required to achieve >96% detection”

that cites papers “49 ” and “50 ” as underlying evidence. It is this link between a
recommendation, its summary and underlying evidence that we aim to capture.
We use this excerpt as running example throughout the paper.
    We studied a wide range of guidelines from the Department of Health (UK), AIMSA
    (US), NABON (NL), NHRMC (AUS) and others.
                                    Annotating Evidence Based Clinical Guidelines                    3
     4         Rinke Hoekstra et al.

      II. What Specific Tests and Cultures Should be Performed during the Initial Assess-

         1. Laboratory tests should include a CBC count with di↵erential leukocyte count
            and platelet count; measurement of serum levels of creatinine and blood urea
            nitrogen; and measurement of electrolytes, hepatic transaminase enzymes, and
            total bilirubin (A-III).
         2. At least 2 sets of blood cultures are recommended, with a set collected simultane-
            ously from each lumen of an existing CVC, if present, and from a peripheral vein
            site; 2 blood culture sets from separate venipunctures should be sent if no central
            catheter is present (A-III). Blood culture volumes should be limited to <1% of
            total blood volume (usually 70 mL/kg) in patients weighing <40 kg (C-III). [. . . ]

      Evidence Summary
      Physical Examination Signs and symptoms of inflammation are often attenuated or
      absent in neutropenic patients. Accordingly, in neutropenic patients, bacterial infec-
      tions of skin and soft-tissue  may lack induration, erythema, warmth, or pustulation; a
                            has summary
      pulmonary infection may have no discernible infiltrate on a radiograph; CSF pleocy-
      tosis might be modest or altogether absent in the setting of meningitis; and a urinary
      tract infection may demonstrate little or no pyuria. Fever is often the only sign of a
      serious underlying infection. [. . . ]
      Cultures The total volume of blood cultured is a crucial determinant of detecting a
      bloodstream infection [47]. Accordingly, at least 2 sets of blood culture specimens
      should be obtained, [. . . ] Recently, 2 retrospective studies found that 2 blood culture
      sets detect 80%90% of bloodstream pathogens in critically ill patients, whereas 3
      sets are required to achieve >96% detection [49-50]. [. . . ]
                   Table 1. Excerpt of [5], illustrating the structure of EBCGs.

                                       has evidence
     tion is accompanied by a numbered list of recommendations (1. and 2. in in
     Table 1). This suggests identifiability, but an item may actually contain multiple
                Fig. 1. Excerpt
     recommendations.               of [5],every
                           In principle,    illustrating  the structure
                                                  recommendation           of EBCGs.
                                                                     is backed   by an evidence
     summary that motivates the recommendation by providing a synthesis of the
     underlying evidence studies. However, we have found that in many cases, recom-
     mendations exist without a discussion in the evidence summary. And conversely,
     the evidence and
                    summaryDefinitions        The introduce
                                 may implicitly     methodology         section (or introduction)
                                                              new recommendations         that are
motivates     theasexistence
     not listed     stand alone of recommendation.
                                    the guideline and    Fordetails
                                                             instance,thetheprocedure      followed to
                                                                             Physical Examina-
     tion clinical
           paragraph questions,     and assess
                       in the example      above. the evidence in clinical publications for
         Another requirements.
                    observation isThe thatquestions     must beweanswerable
                                             in the guidelines        have seen, by      a systematic
                                                                                    strength    and
review;        codesmust
         criteria    are linked  to a recommendation,
                           be formulated                   butor
                                               for including    not  to the textliterature
                                                                  excluding       in the evidence
                                                                                              (to avoid
        eligible nor  to themust
                  studies     studies
                                        categorized   In according
                                                         other words, tothe  readerand
                                                                          quality     is presented
                                                                                           strength of
evidence; and this data must be synthesized and combined to a clear but
     only   the outcome    of the  meticulous    weighing   and  categorizing    of evidence,    recom-
     not any of the intermediate results. This is a regrettable loss of information:
mendation [7]. The categorization of evidence, and the domains on which the
     insight in the assessed quality of individual studies can assist the clinician in
     weighing studies
                 more are    evaluated,
                       nuanced     cases. Itdepends     on theclear
                                               is not always     typehowof study:
                                                                            or if thee.g.   systematic
                                                                                         quality  of
reviews,   randomized
     evidence              controlled
                 contributes             trials, observational
                               to the strength                      studies,Inand
                                                   of a recommendation.           our diagnostic
                                                                                       example, a test
studies   [8].‘A’
     strong    The   aggregated strength
                  recommendation      may be of     bodies
                                                 backed      of evidence
                                                         by weak             is determined by the
                                                                   ‘III’ evidence.
aggregate quality ratings of individual studies, the quantity (number of studies,
sample size, etc.) and consistency of the body of evidence [8].
   Although evidence categorization schemes are based on the same principles,
the resulting categories (or codes) may vary significantly across different guide-
4        Rinke Hoekstra et al.

lines. Quality and strength may be represented independently or jointly; strength
may be associated with the recommendation, rather than the evidence; and
the number of categories may differ. For instance, in [5] (Figure 1), the rec-
ommendation strength is indicated with letters A-C (good-poor) and the evi-
dence quality with numbers I-III (“one or more properly randomized, controlled
trials”-“evidence from opinions. . . ”), whereas e.g. the Australian NHRMC uses
a combined system (I-IV) and the Dutch NABON adopts quality levels (1-4)
and strength (A1,A2-D).6

Questions, Recommendations and Evidence Summary The core of the
guideline is the list of clinical questions that motivated the selection of evi-
dence. The questions are also the entry points for clinicians. Every clinical ques-
tion is accompanied by a numbered list of recommendations (1. and 2. in in
Figure 1). This suggests identifiability, but an item may actually contain multiple
recommendations. In principle, every recommendation is backed by an evidence
summary that motivates the recommendation by providing a synthesis of the
underlying evidence studies. However, we have found that in many cases, recom-
mendations exist without a discussion in the evidence summary. And conversely,
the evidence summary may implicitly introduce new recommendations that are
not listed as stand-alone recommendation. An example of this is the Physical
Examination paragraph in the example above.
    Another observation is that in the guidelines we have seen, strength and
quality codes are linked to a recommendation, but not to the text in the evidence
summary, nor to the studies themselves. In other words, the reader is presented
only the outcome of the meticulous weighing and categorizing of evidence, but
not any of the intermediate results. This is a regrettable loss of information:
insight in the assessed quality of individual studies can assist the clinician in
weighing more nuanced cases. It is not always clear how or if the quality of
evidence contributes to the strength of a recommendation. In our example, a
strong ‘A’ recommendation may be backed by weak ‘III’ evidence.

Lifecycle Whenever a sufficient quantity, or sufficiently important new evidence
arises, a guideline needs to be updated. Guidelines may thus undergo multiple
revisions that are very similar in some respects (e.g. structure, questions) but
very different in others (recommendations, evidence, authors). This is where
guidelines differ from more regular publications in science, but it is similar to
e.g. working papers in the social sciences and humanities. The relative dynamics
of guidelines creates a significant maintenance burden for approaches that intend
to capture the contents of a guideline in a formal model.

    See http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/guidelines/publications/cp30 and http://www.oncoline.
    nl/mammacarcinoom respectively.
                             Annotating Evidence Based Clinical Guidelines        5

3   A Lightweight Ontology

The analysis above identifies five core parts of evidence based guidelines: clinical
questions, recommendations, evidence summaries, evidence studies and evidence
quality scores. Our ontology should allow us to identify these parts, indicate their
type, and relate them amongst each other. Given the variety in scoring schemes,
we intend to express the strength and quality of recommendations and evidence
in an explicit but lightweight model. The relations and types express an inter-
pretation of a guideline: we do not purport to provide official representations,
but rather use annotations to make explicit the structure of guidelines. This
will allow for multiple, possibly competing, interpretations of the annotations.
In this context, provenance information about the annotation process is very
    Annotation of medical publications is certainly not new. Tools such as the
BioPortal annotator [9] for automatic annotation against biomedical vocabu-
laries and (manual) annotation environments such as Domeo [10], Utopia [11],
brat [12] and Pundit [13] are very accessible and widely used. Recently, two
initiatives for standardizing the representation of annotations in RDF – the An-
notation Ontology7 and the Open Annotation Model (OA)– were merged into
the latter.8 The lightweight guideline annotation ontology is an extension of the
Open Annotation Model. In the following, we briefly introduce the core elements
of the ontology, and illustrates them using recommendation “6.” in Figure 1. A
more elaborate report, including extensive motivation and alternative represen-
tations is available from http://bit.ly/AnnotatingGuidelines. Over the past month,
the Open Annotation model has seen a significant number of proposed changes.
The work presented here is based on the specification of May 2012.9

The Ontology An annotation is a resource that relates to a body and a target,
where the body is ‘somehow “about”’ (sic.) the target. The body of an annota-
tion typically represents the content of the annotation, whereas the target of the
annotation identifies the part of a document being annotated. Both body and
target are typically represented by means of a URI, but they can also associate
a selector, which can be used to identify a part of another resource (e.g. a par-
ticular string of characters). Although the OA defines properties for expressing
provenance information such as authorship and generation time, these are quite
restricted. We adopt the W3C PROV vocabulary instead.10
    Unfortunately, the OA model cannot be used to relate (parts of) one or more
documents.11 In our scenario, we would like to be able to express e.g. that this
particular bit of text in document A is a recommendation, that is supported
   See http://code.google.com/p/annotation-ontology/
   See http://www.openannotation.org/
   See http://www.openannotation.org/spec/core/20120501.html
   See http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/
   The vocabularies allow for multiple targets to an annotation, but this does not
   capture the directedness of the support relation.
6             Rinke Hoekstra et al.

      d2sa:RecommendationAnnotation                  rdf:type       rdf:type        oa:Annotation               oax:TextQuoteSelector


     oa:SpecificResource                  rdf:type                             oa:hasSelector
                                                                                                oax:exact            oax:suffix

        http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/52/4/e56.full              6.    At least 2 sets of blood cultures are recommended , with a set collected simultaneously

         Fig. 2. A d2sa:RecommendationAnnotation with an oax:TextQuoteSelector.

by that particular bit of text in document B. The SWAN ontology12 identifies
discourse elements (research statements such as hypothesis and claim) and the
relations between them, but can only be used to refer to the sources of those
statements (actual publications) at the document level. There is no prescribed
way to directly use SWAN relations together with the annotation vocabular-
ies. SWAN relations hold between the research statements themselves, and not
between annotations on the statements. Similarly, the Citation Typing Ontol-
ogy (CITO)13 and the Bibliographic Ontology Specification (BIBO)14 are both
catered more to traditional citation metadata.

3.1        Open Annotation-based Representation
The structure of OA-based annotations allows for three alternative representa-
tions for the link from a recommendation, its evidence summary to the underlying
evidence in (external) publications (Figure 2):

 1. as a single annotation with multiple targets,
 2. as two annotations, distinguishing the recommendation from the evidence
    summary, and
 3. using three separate annotations for recommendation, evidence summary and

    Approaches 1 and 2 have some drawbacks. The first approach is concise,
but makes it difficult to distinguish between recommendation, summary and
evidence. The second approach confuses representation and annotation by saying
that the summary is an annotation: who should be listed as the author of the
annotation? Is that the author of the paper, or the creator of the annotation?
    The third approach offers the most fine grained control over the link between
the various parts of a guideline and express more detailed information about the
relation between the summary and the evidence. We distinguish three types of
annotations:15 .
   See http://code.google.com/p/swan-ontology/
   See http://purl.org/spar/cito
   See http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/
   The ‘d2sa’ namespace is defined as http://aers.data2semantics.org/vocab/annotation/.
                                                      Annotating Evidence Based Clinical Guidelines                                                            7

      d2sa:RecommendationAnnotation                oa:Annotation                 d2sa:EvidenceSummaryAnnotation                      d2sa:EvidenceAnnotation

                                                                     rdf:type         rdf:type           rdf:type                         rdf:type
                           rdf:type        rdf:type


                                oa:hasTarget                                 oa:hasTarget                                     oa:hasTarget

                                           oa:hasSource           oa:hasSource                                           oa:hasSource

                                      http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/52/4/e56.full                            http://example.com/50

        Fig. 3. Relations between a recommendation, a summary and an evidence.

 – An instance of d2sa:RecommendationAnnotation is an annotation for the rec-
   ommendation text in the guideline. Figure 2 shows an example using an OA
   oax:TextSelector to identify the recommendation in the guideline text (the
   target of the annotation). We will use a d2sa:hasEvidenceSummary property
   to relate it to the evidence summary.
 – The d2sa:EvidenceSummaryAnnotation captures the relevant summaries for
   individual recommendations. A single recommendation may have multiple
   underlying evidences. The annotation uses a swan:referencesAsSupporting-
   Evidence property to relate it to one or more evidence annotations.16
 – Finally, the d2sa:EvidenceAnnotation is an annotation on the document that
   contains the evidence described in the evidence summary (not on the guide-
   line). In its simplest form, it is an annotation (without body) on the evidence
   document as a whole. We can also make it more expressive by adding a se-
   lector for the actual text that provides the evidence.

    The relation between a recommendation, its evidence summaries and under-
lying evidence is depicted in Figure 3. We believe that the separation between
annotations on the guideline and annotations on the underlying evidence is a
good thing. High granularity allows for expressive relations between evidence,
summaries and recommendations. It has the advantage that evidence becomes
a first class citizen, rather than just the target of an evidence summary anno-
tation. For instance, we can reuse the evidence annotation as supporting some
claim or hypothesis in yet another publication. More importantly, we have en-
countered examples where the evidence cited in an evidence summary may be a
recommendation by itself, that in turn refers to some evidence.
    A drawback is that increased expressiveness and verbosity go hand in hand:
a single recommendation-summary-evidence chain (with evidence selector) is
captured as 26 triples. In practice, every annotation will maintain a link to a
timestamped, cached resource (a oa:State) on which the annotation was origi-
nally made. Adding an additional 4 triples per annotation.
     For the SWAN ontology, see http://code.google.com/p/swan-ontology/.
8           Rinke Hoekstra et al.

      d2sa:RecommendationAnnotation                oa:Annotation                 d2sa:EvidenceSummaryAnnotation              skos:ConceptScheme

                       rdf:type       rdf:type                        rdf:type         rdf:type

                                      oa:hasTarget               oa:hasTarget              skos:Concept                            rdf:type


                                        rdf:type                     oa:hasBody               rdf:type

      d2sa:RecommendationStrengthAnnotation                                      http://example.com/guideline/A-III

                          Fig. 4. The d2sa:RecommendationStrengthAnnotation

Evidence Quality The multitude of evidence rating schemes [7] requires a
model that can accommodate different schemes, without committing to a par-
ticular standard vocabulary. We have seen that strength and quality make a
statement about the combination of the recommendation and the evidence sum-
mary. It furthermore clear “quality of evidence” is based on a synthesis of the
available evidence for a recommendation.
    We represent the strength of recommendation as an annotation that has
both the d2sa:RecommendationAnnotation and d2sa:EvidenceSummaryAnnotation
as target (Figure 4). The quality of evidence when mentioned separately, can be
an annotation to the evidence summary annotation (if it is an aggregated quality
indication) or to a single d2sa:EvidenceAnnotation. The body of the annotation
contains the strength or quality itself. We represent the strength and quality
codes as instances of skos:Concept, belonging to a skos:ConceptScheme that rep-
resents the rating scheme being used. Using SKOS allows us to use lightweight
relations between ratings without having to commit to expressive formal se-
mantics.17 For instance, we may say that a rating A-II is skos:broader than A-I
(for retrieving all A-II grade and stronger recommendations) without committing
to a set-theoretic semantics that says that all A-I grade recommendations are
necessarily also A-II grade.

4      Discussion

In the preceding sections, we analyze the structure of declarative evidence based
guidelines, and introduce a lightweight ontology for making the structure of
these guidelines explicit. The analysis shows that guidelines are often incom-
plete and even inconsistent, supporting the argument for an annotation-based
approach. The ontology allows us to break down guidelines and evidence papers
into their basic parts, and relating these parts to allow for a chain connecting
     Simple Knowledge Organization System, http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/.
                             Annotating Evidence Based Clinical Guidelines    9

         Fig. 5. Screenshot of the RecommendationAnnotation class in Pubby

every recommendation to its underlying evidence. We can provide context to a
    We used the ontology to add guideline and recommendation information to
Hubble [6], a prototype CDS system that is hooked up to AERS-LD, a Linked
Data version of AERS.18 Since the explicit connection between recommenda-
tions and evidence was lost in the writing of the guideline, we reverse engineer
the relations between recommendations, underlying evidence and the patient
characteristics to which these pertain. We manually analyzed two questions of
a clinical guideline on neutropenic patients with cancer [5], identified recom-
mendations and underlying evidence, using an Excel spreadsheet as intermedi-
ate format. This spreadsheet was automatically converted to RDF, and stored

     Adverse Event Reporting System of the FDA. For AERS-LD, see http://aers.
10        Rinke Hoekstra et al.

               Fig. 6. Screenshot of the recommendation browser in Hubble

in a 4Store triple store. 19 An example recommendation represented using the
lightweight ontology can be browsed from http://bit.ly/RecommendationExample
(see also Figure 5).
    The Hubble CDS is patient centric, that is, it presents relevant information
based on a patient description (the top half of Figure 6). Since guidelines can
be quite abstract, we used the BioPortal annotator to annotate all documents
in our repository, and converted the annotations XML to the OA RDF format.
UMLS CUI identifiers allowed us to link BioPortal output to LinkedLifeData.com
and from there on to other Linked Data resources, including AERS-LD. The
similarity between patients and scientific publications allows us to retrieve all
recommendations grounded in a publication. These recommendations are listed
in the bottom half of the Hubble UI, ordered by relevance. Following a drill-down
model, selecting a recommendation shows the underlying evidence summaries,
and selecting a summary shows the underlying evidences. The ‘arrow‘ icons link
to the RDF resource in the triple store, or, if applicable directly to the evidence
     See http://4store.org.
                               Annotating Evidence Based Clinical Guidelines            11

    Future work includes the addition of annotations for clinical questions as
these form the primary entry point for clinicians. Secondly, we aim to support
automatic annotation of guidelines using this ontology, either through a pattern-
based approach [3] or using a combination of NLP and machine learning. The
core difficulties here are detecting what summary belongs to which recommen-
dation, and generalizing the approach across different guidelines. Thirdly, given
a sufficiently large body of annotations, presenting relevant results to the user
(ranking) will become an issue. We are considering both expert-based ranking
(e.g. using karma) and contextual ranking mechanisms. Finally, we are explor-
ing the possibilities of merging our Open Annotation based ontology with the
named-graph based approach of Nanopublications [14]. This allows us to add
more content to the body of annotations, enabling e.g. a hybrid approach that
combines our ontology with a more formal representation of the guideline.

Acknowledgements This work was funded under the Dutch COMMIT program as
part of Data2Semantics. Special thanks goes to Adianto Wibisono, who worked on the
converter from BioPortal to the Open Annotation model.

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