Social Sifter: An Agent-Based Recommender System to Mine the Social Web M. Omar Nachawati, Rasheed Rabbi, Genong (Eugene) Yu, Larry Kerschberg and Alexander Brodsky Dept. of Computer Science George Mason University Fairfax, VA, USA {mnachawa, rrabbi, gyu, kersch, brodsky} at Abstract— With the recent growth of the Social Web, an information that is made available in structured, machine emerging challenge is how we can integrate information from readable formats, such as RDF and OWL . the heterogeneity of current Social Web sites to improve semantic access to the information and knowledge across the Conventionally, finding answers to questions and learning from the knowledge mine existed on the Social Web has entire World Wide Web, the Web. Interoperability across the Social Web sites make the simplest of inferences based on data primarily been a manual process. It requires a lot of intelligence in sifting through the mountains of Social Web from different sites challenging. Even if such data were interoperable across multiple Social Web sites, the ability of pages using only a keyword-based Web search engine, which is akin to a primitive pitch-fork in Semantic Web terms. More meaningful inferences of a collective intelligence [1] system depends on both its ability to marshal such semantic data, as recently, however, Social Web sites have begun to embrace Semantic Web technologies such as RDF and OWL, and have well as its ability to accurately understand and precisely respond to queries from its users. This paper presents the been offering much more machine-friendly data, such as geo- tagged images on Flickr, Friend Of A Friend (FOAF) exports architecture for Social Sifter, an agent-based, collective intelligence system for assimilating information and knowledge in FaceBook and hCalendar [7] tagged events on Blogger. Such developments have sparked the evolution of the Social Web across the Social Web. A health recommender system prototype was developed using the Social Sifter architecture, into a collective knowledge system [1], where the contributions of the user community are aggregated and marshaled with which recommends treatments, prevention advice, therapies for ailments, and doctors and hospitals based on shared knowledge from other heterogeneous sources (e.g., web pages, news and encyclopedia articles, and academic journals) in a experiences available on the Social Web. synergy dubbed the Social Semantic Web. Keywords: social semantic search; collective knowledge systems; recommender systems, OWL; RDF; SPARQL While the Semantic Web focuses on data to enable interoperability among heterogeneous semi-structured web I. INTRODUCTION pages, the focus of the Social Semantic Web vision is to create a system of collective intelligence by improving the way Since its inception, the World Wide Web has always people share and explore their own and others knowledge and overwhelmed users with its vast quantity of information. The experience [1]. Work on the Social Sifter promotes that grand advent of Social Webs, coined Web 2.0, has placed an vision and expands on the research done on the patented additional burden on Web search engines. While the Knowledge Sifter architecture [7, 8, 9], as well as the Personal established algorithms that Web search engines employ are Health Explorer [11], undertaken at George Mason University. effective in surfacing the most popular results through As a proof of concept, we have designed a social health hyperlink analysis, as demonstrated by the Hubs and knowledge and recommender system based on the Social Sifter Authorities algorithm [2] and the PageRank algorithm [3], platform that utilizes the Social Semantic Web to provide those results are not necessarily relevant despite popularity and precise search results and recommendations. these algorithms have fallen short of solving the problem of information overload [1, 2, 3] on the World Wide Web. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: section II discusses related work, section III describes the Social Sifter The research into natural language understanding [4] architecture and a brief description of the prototype system. attempts to close that gap. However the quality of machine Section IV highlights the experimental results, and Section V generated semantics still pales in comparison to that of humans. identifies the possible future work on the Social Sifter platform. This became a core challenge for the Semantic Web or Web 3.0, where information is made available in structured, II. RELATED WORK machine-friendly formats allowing machines not only to sort and filter such data, but also to combine data from multiple A. Knowledge Sifter and Personal Health Explorer Web sites in a meaningful way and allow inferences to be made Semantic systems belong to a class of systems that make use upon that data. While semantic query languages, such as of ontologies, context awareness and other semantic methods to SPARQL, can provide a database-like interface to the World make informed recommendations. Such research in semantic Wide Web, it is only as good as the quantity and quality of search at George Mason University began with WebSifter [8, 9, 1 10], an agent-based multi-criteria ranking system to select of [11] to leverage an integrated semantic search engine and semantically meaningful Web pages from multiple search recommender system. engines such as Google, Yahoo, etc. The work further led to a patent [8]. Knowledge Sifter (KS) [8] is motivated by III. THE SOCIAL SIFTER ARCHITECTURE WebSifter [7,8], but is augmented with the advanced use of Social Sifter, an enhancement of the existing Knowledge semantic web ontologies, authoritative sources, and a service- Sifter (KS), is a collection of cooperating agents that are oriented plug-and-play architecture. Knowledge Sifter is a exposed through web services and exhibits a Service-Oriented scalable agent-based web services framework that is aimed to Architecture (SOA)-based framework. support i) ontology guided semantic searches, ii) refine searches based on relevant feedback, and iii) accessing heterogeneous data sources via agent-based knowledge services. Personal Health Explorer (PHE) is an enhancement of KS to perform semantic search in biomedical domain. PHE leverages additional features of a personal health graph to be identified, categorized, and reconstituted by providing links to the user to rate individual results and return to previous queries and update information through a semantically supported path. KS and PHE are able to obtain more relevant search results than classic search engines; while the result is very general, it leaves room to make it more personalized. Both KS and PHE make multifaceted efforts towards realizing the Semantic Web vision, primarily focusing on the formal ontological sources. PHE provides facilities to include a user’s Personal Health Record (PHR), which entails additional permission and access control which may be constrained by HIPAA regulations. Interestingly, both of these systems did not use the data available on the Social Web, namely Wikipedia, YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. This is where Social Sifter Figure 1. Social Sifter Architecture – Tiers and Components makes its contribution. Depending on the functionality, agents are allocated into B. BLISS and Cobot three different architecture layers – i) the User Layer, ii) the Other attempts to utilize Web 2.0 technology to enhance the Knowledge Management Layer, and iii) Data Layer. The User quality and relevance of health recommendation systems Layer consists of the User and Preferences agents, and include bookmarking, crowd sourcing, crowd tagging and manages all user interaction and data preferences. The harvesting user recommendations. The Biological Literature Knowledge Management Layer handles the support for Social Ranking System (BLISS) is one such prototype system semantic search, access to data sources, and the ranking of that allows users to bookmark and promote their search results using technologies like the Ontology, Social Web recommendation to communities of special interest, facilitate Crawling, Ranking, Query Formulation, and Web Services the annotation and ranking by the community, and present the agents. The Data Layer consists of the data repositories that results to allow other users to get the recommendations based provide authoritative information and documents. The on community ranking [6]. The bookmarking approach is hierarchy of the architecture layers is already defined in KS; useful in establishing the authoritativeness of information over three additional agents were added, with an alteration of the the long term because it uses social voting or ranking [5]. underlying algorithm to perform the execution flow into the Social Sifter.   The Cobot system uses social conversation and social tagging (preference) to enhance the health recommendations. Social Web agent basically collaborates with following two Three techniques are noteworthy: (1) user-initiative dialogue in agents to manipulate social web information. capturing user’s intent, (2) social tagging in establishing the Open SW agent performs open search within the blogs, authoritativeness of social information, and (3) case-based related support groups etc. semantic reasoning in utilizing social knowledge for recommendation [5]. User Specific SW agent identifies user social identities across the web and conducts Collaborative Filtering by C. Semantic Analytics on Social Networks processing social tags, user participation and responses A multi-step engineering process is described in [9] to utilize available on the social webs. social knowledge. These steps are common procedure to across IV. HEALTH RECOMMENDER SYSTEM the initiatives to transform the social web information to semantic knowledge. As a proof-of-concept, we are building a health recommender system using our Social Sifter architecture that Social Sifter adheres to the underlying framework of provides health recommendations for any type of sickness, Knowledge Sifter [9], the knowledge manipulation mechanism disease or disorder. The present system does not do any natural of PHE [10], and engineering process for semantic association language processing on user queries, and therefore is limited as 2 to what it can accept as a valid query. Currently, the system friendship and affiliation information to generate the accepts a comma delimited list of words that relate to a specific user’s Social Graph. ailment and returns a list of relevant descriptions of the iii) User Agent passes the SPARQL query and the collected ailment, therapy options, doctors, and treatment centers as collected from the Social Semantic Web from our knowledge User Profile information to the Query Formulation Agent. Management Layer. We intend for future versions of the health Query Refinement: The Query Formulation Agent then recommender system to allow for unrestricted language queries attempts to enrich the original SPARQL query by: by performing natural language processing to transform the unstructured query input into a more structured format, i) Semantic Query Decomposition: It will generate multiple acceptable by the Social Sifter architecture. sub-queries that generalize and specialize the term pancreatic cancer based on the health-domain ontology from The National Center for Biomedical Ontologies (NCBO), a BioPortal and MedLine (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online), which is a Parsing Key Words bibliographic database of life sciences and biomedical information. Query Enrichment with Semantics ii) Marshalling: selected data will be marshaled with the Key Words amassed folksonomy from the Social Web Agent. The inference engine will also generate queries based on the results of any cluster analysis from data crawled from the Ontology RDF Social Media Social Web, which may pick up, for instance, other ailments that people have discussed together with pancreatic cancer. Decomposing into Multiple Sub Queries iii) Ranking: The end result of this meta-search is a weighted tree of sub-queries, where weights are assigned based, among other features, on the static nature of the sub- Perform Search query generated (heuristically) as well as the importance with Existing Search Engine of the source (back-reference analysis). Post Query Processing: Once all sub-queries have been Analyze, Rank and organize search result defined, the Web Service Agent passes them to the Data Layer, which accordingly runs the queries and itself ranks each result, based on many factors, including relevance (ontological), Display importance (back-reference based) and belief (Bayesian-based inference from Social Semantic Web). Figure 2. Social Sifter work flow diagram Result Scrutinizing: The results are then returned to the A. Scenario for Pancreatic Cancer Integration Agent, which combines different classes (based on Consider the case when a user is exploring recommendations the results from the classifier) of results based on a total for pancreatic cancer. According to the NIH, treatment options ordering derived from the aggregated ontology, and back- include surgery and biliary stents. The NIH also lists links to reference analysis. The agent also performs a clustering support groups, among which features a social analysis on the result set to further group the results and question-answer forum that is categorized by topic. Our perform statistical calculations on the groups of results before inference agent for health recommendations takes advantage of passing them to the User Layer. this domain knowledge in attempting to provide better quality Result displaying: The User Layer then displays the grouped recommendations than what would be available from a general and ranked results according to the preferences selected by the Web search engine. Let us walk through the steps of the health user. recommender system for this particular query. B. Query life cycle for Pancreatic Cancer in Social sifter Query Submission: User logs into the health recommender system website and enters the following query terms The life cycle of a query in Social Sifter, e.g., searching for “pancreatic cancer.” “pancreatic cancer”, is as follows: (1) a user allows access to his profile, (2) Sifter culls information from his social Query String Preparation: networks, (3) Sifter initiates targeted information harvesting, (4) Sifter conducts semantic inference and reasoning, and (5) i) The User Agent parses the query string to identify key Sifter presents socially- and semantically-renked results are to words. the user. ii) The Preference Agent collects context information, C. Social Sifter Prototype including the user’s IP address, a query session identifier, and the best geographic location estimate available for The Social Sifter prototype has been implemented to use that user. It tries to create a User Profile by indexing information retrievable from Facebook using Graph API in 3 gathering the information about the users. In Facebook, each and Social Sifter. Social Sifter provided integrated results and user can have feeds, likes, activities, interests, music, books, used social ranking to rearrange the categories depending on videos, events, groups, checkins, games, and his personal users profile information. Location is determined based on user information, like hometown and related locations. These provided current living locations. More testing is being carried provide a very rich base for understanding the intension of a out to determine metrics to assess the quality of social semantic user when he is searching on the Web. search recommendations. Social Sifter combined both semantic reasoning and social VI. CONCLUSIONS ranking to better understand user’s intention and present the results to users, based on initial search keywords or phrases Social semantic search is an integration of social networks provided. The algorithm for the currently implemented search and semantic search. Semantic search provides rich means in is described as follows. enhancing search, especially the user’s intent and semantic reasoning. Social search involves people and links to their (1) Login: User logs into his Facebook using OAuth social graphs. In this paper, a prototype social semantic search authentication. The program gets the authorized token and engine, Social Sifter, has been presented. The lessons learned uses it to access user’s information with user’s from the implementation showed two areas for improving concurrence. search accuracy: social contextual information (user intent understanding) and social semantic ranking (results relevance). (2) Information Retrieval: The system retrieves the information about the user (Feeds, Likes, Activities, The current implemented prototype system is limited in the Interests, Music, Books, Photos, Videos etc.) and uses use of the semantic reasoning. The crawling of data should be them in supporting the targeted harvesting of information expanded to other social media and social networks. Integration and formulating the social ranking of results in categories. of these results into a standard semantic data store is necessary to realize the power of semantic reasoning. Further study (3) Social ranking – A simple algorithm is used to calculate directions are: (1) to integrate mature ontologies, (2) to define the social weights of the harvested information in each customized actions to demonstrate the approach in health category. The algorithm is basically counting the domain, and (3) to use the reasoning power of semantics. occurrences of keywords or phrases in each category. 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