=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=Expanding the Research Area of Behavior Change Support Systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-973/bcss0.pdf |volume=Vol-973 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/persuasive/Gemert-PijnenRLPO13 }} ==Expanding the Research Area of Behavior Change Support Systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-973/bcss0.pdf
                 First International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSS 2013)

     Expanding the Research Area of Behavior Change
                    Support Systems

 Julie van Gemert-Pijnen, Wolfgang Reitberger, Sitwat Langrial, Bernd Ploderer and
                              Harri Oinas-Kukkonen


       Abstract. The First International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Sys-
       tems attracted a great research interest. The selected papers focused on abstrac-
       tion, implementation and evaluation of Behavior Change Support Systems. The
       workshop is an evidence of how researchers from around the globe have their
       own perspective of behavior change interventions. In this abstract, we have at-
       tempted to outline core issues that can enhance persuasiveness of such support
       systems. Finally, we highlight important research questions relating to the de-
       velopment of effective Behavior Change Support Systems.

       Keywords: Behavior Change Support Systems, abstraction, implementation,

1      Introduction

The research field known as Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSSs) is “an object
of study within the persuasive technology research field“  [1, 2]. A BCSS is defined as
“a socio-technical information system with psychological and behavioral outcomes
designed to form, alter or reinforce attitudes, behaviors or an act of complying with-
out  using  coercion  or  deception”  [3]. A BCSS highlights three possible intended out-
comes in terms of behavior change:

1. A change in compliance, for example triggers can lead to a change in conforming
   with a certain routine, for example, medication intake;
2. An enduring change in behavior; and
3. A change in attitude. It is the most demanding type of change and is a necessity for
   enduring behavior change. The outcomes of BCSSs are the formation, alteration or
   reinforcement of the three types of change. [3]

When developing a BCSS, the above-mentioned changes and intended outcomes need
to be considered. The Persuasive Systems Design Model (PSDM) [4] has received
      First International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSS 2013)

significant attention and appreciation over the past years for designing and developing
systems with persuasive intent. The model is a mix of carefully crafted postulates and
persuasive software features. It is worth noting that the postulates outlined in the
PSDM [4] are critical for effectiveness of any given persuasive information system.
   The PSDM [4] promotes systematic and categorical evaluation of persuasive in-
formation systems. For illustration, it emphasizes on the persuasion context that is
carefully   addressing   the   designers’   intentions   relating   to   behavior   and/or   attitude  
change. Lastly, it lays particular stress on the persuasion strategies i.e. the content and
route of the persuasive message being conveyed. In terms of software features, the
PSDM [4] categorically outlines four distinct categories. In a nutshell, the software
features are aimed to enhance human-computer interaction, social influence, facilitat-
ing task completion and improve the credibility of the system for an enduring interac-
tion. The model is a valuable tool for analyzing and evaluating persuasive potential
for both web-based and mobile BCSSs [cf. 5].
   The PSD model provides a method to examine systematically how persuasive sys-
tem design elements and the categories are used in current web-based interventions.
Also, it is meant to provide ideas and tools to design persuasive web-based interven-
tions. Web-based interventions have received significant attention in the healthcare
domain, yet the actual outcomes are generally vague in their description. One of the
reasons for this limitation is that the designers of behavior change technologies do not
pay explicit attention to the use and user contexts [cf. 4]. Furthermore, the persuasive
message and the selected strategies are relatively poorly backed up by psychological
theories [6].
   Designing and developing BCSSs requires deeply thought out persuasive message,
the route, and a mix of well-designed persuasive software features. Often an effective
BCSS development process also requires transparent descriptions of persuasive strat-
egies that explicate the intended goals of the BCSSs in terms of behavior change in
compliance, actual behavior and/or attitude.

2       Focus and Objective

The main purpose of the workshop is to develop a mutually richer understanding of
the emerging research area of BCSSs – as an object of Persuasive Technology. It
provides a platform for students, researchers and practitioners to have an overview of
behavior change models using BCSSs. The six research and work-in-progress papers
highlight the components for developing effective BCSSs to achieve the changes in
attitudes, behaviors and/or compliance with new or altered behaviors. The papers
present work in progress, frameworks, and models for behavior change.
    Practical Examples of Mobile and Social Apps using the Outcome/Change Design
Matrix by Langrial, Stibe and Oinas-Kukkonen [7] uses the O/C Matrix [cf. 3] to
depict the context of usage and the intended outcomes for the mobile and social web
application users, related to changes in attitude, behavior or compliance. It can be
used to specify persuasive factors that can be incorporated to support users during the
                 First International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSS 2013)

process of changing (forming, altering, reinforcing) to create a more persuasive user
   Human Factors Limiting Consumer Benefit from Decisional Support by Phillips,
Ogeil and Blaszczynski [8], discusses the situation that some people might not benefit
from BCSSs because the systems require too much effort. Therefore, the key issue is
to take into account the differences in users’  backgrounds, personalities, lifestyles and
context of usage to develop systems that fit with. In case of disabilities for example,
the designer and researchers should identify what kinds of cues and how many cues
simultaneously can be utilized to support people during decisions or executions of
tasks and what the effects are on workload, stress etc.
   Managing Multiple Influences: Self-monitoring and Social Comparison at the
Same Time and Context by Rosas, Howard and Gibbs [9] articulates how to deal with
stress or pressure generated by these influences. The management of more than one
persuasive cue at the same moment is underexposed in research. The paper presents
the set-up of laboratory experiments to identify the use of personal strategies to man-
age multiple influences at the same time and context. The results are relevant to un-
derstand how many persuasive factors people can handle to avoid excessive employ-
ment of triggers in BCSSs.
    Hypothesis evaluation based on ubicomp sensing: moving from researcher to us-
ers by Yekeh and Kay [10] argues that emerging pervasive sensing technologies can
help improve healthy living. In most cases what guides the design is the  researchers’  
own hypotheses about how the systems can work. The key message of this paper is
that end-users define personal health objectives based on their beliefs. Emergent tech-
nologies can support people to improve their health through self-monitoring systems
that collect personal data they can use to achieve their goals. The paper demonstrates
a stepwise ubicomp sensing architecture to develop user-models and personal hypoth-
eses for long-term goals. This approach is important to understand how users think
about quantified self-tools and how they want to deal with self-tracking data.
   Peacox-Persuasive Advisor for CO2-Reducing Cross-model Trip Planning by
Schrammel, Busch and Tscheligi [11], discusses a personalized multimodal naviga-
tion tool that helps people to drive ecological friendlier. The Peacox system uses per-
suasive factors targeted at reinforcing desirable behavior. It focuses on emotionally
positive aspects rather than restrictive approaches. The paper presents the develop-
ment of the Peacox System concept, trying to find a delicate balance between the
employment of persuasive strategies, as well as the characteristics of different user
groups, personalities and travel contexts.
   Two actors: Providers and Consumers inform the Design of an Ambient Energy
Saving Display with Persuasive Strategies by Kluckner, Weiss, Sundström and
Tscheligi [12], highlights ambient persuasive displays as a potential way to raise
awareness and lower energy consumption. The authors argue that two views need to
be taken into account in their development; the energy-expert and potential users. The
paper shows how expert interviews and user-centered design workshop were conduct-
ed to define requirements for energy saving ambient displays. The interviews and
workshops are aimed at getting data about the content and the feedback system and to
find the right combination of persuasive strategies.
     First International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSS 2013)

3      Discussion

The selected papers provide valuable input for the BCSSs workshop and an occasion
for researchers and practitioners to discuss the key issues for developing BCSSs. The
identified key issues are:

 The involvement of users in early stages of the development to tailor systems in
  accord with user profiles.
 Stakeholders’  perspectives  (users  and  experts)  to  create  BCSSs  that  have  value  in  
 Persuasive strategies that are related to different stages in achieving outcomes (atti-
  tude, behavior, compliance).
 User profiles to identify what persuasive strategies matter most for whom.
 Usage data to know the dose, duration, time and format of persuasive strategies.
 Combinations of persuasive strategies; how many cues can people handle at the
  same time? What are the effects of multiple cues?

Based on the contributions, the research questions ripe for studying includes the fol-

 adequate design for measuring the effect of persuasive strategies on task adherence
  during usage and long-term effects (MOST-design);
 frameworks and methodologies to measure attitude, behavior and/or compliance;
 profiling, personalities with persuasive tools;
 multimodal cues and the effects on adherence and outcomes;
 persuasive prompts to create engagement;
 advanced analytics to predict adherence, to identify usage patterns and the effects
  on adherence;
 persuasiveness of different BCSSs (mobile, ubiquitous, ambient technologies)


We appreciate Carl Brandt (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark), Catherine
Burns (University of Waterloo & National Institute of Health Informatics, Canada),
Dominic Convey (University of Vancouver & National Institute of Health Informat-
ics, Canada), David Ebert (Phillips University Marburg, Germany & Leuphana Uni-
versity Lüneburg, Germany), Shirley Fenton (University of Waterloo & National
Institute of Health Informatics, Canada), Petr Slovak (Vienna University of Technol-
ogy, Austria), Saskia Kelders (University of Twente, the Netherlands), Hans Os-
sebaard (National Institute for Public Health and Environment, the Netherlands),
Heleen Riper (VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands) and Terje Solvoll (Uni-
versity of Tromsø, Norway) for their effort in reviewing an providing valuable feed-
back. We also wish to thank Liisa Kuonanoja (University of Oulu, Finland) for her
administrative assistance in compiling the proceedings.
                 First International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSS 2013)

 1. Oinas-Kukkonen, H. (2010) Behavior Change Support Systems: The Next Frontier for
    Web Science. Proceedings of the Second International Web Science Conference (WebSci
    10), Raleigh, NC, US, April 26-27, 2010.
 2. Oinas-Kukkonen, H. (2010) Behavior Change Support Systems: A Research Model and
    Agenda. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Persuasive, Vol. 6137, pp. 4-14, 2010,
    Springer-Verlag, Keynote Paper.
 3. Oinas-Kukkonen, H. (2012) A foundation for the Study of Behavior Change Support Sys-
    tems. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. Online First.
 4. Oinas-Kukkonen, H., & Harjumaa M. (2009) Persuasive systems design: Key issues, pro-
    cess model, and system features. Communications of the Association for Information Sys-
    tems 24.1 (2009): 28.
 5. Langrial, S., Lehto, T., Oinas-Kukkonen, H., Harjumaa, M., & Karppinen, P. (2012) "Na-
    tive Mobile Applications For Personal Well-Being: A Persuasive Systems Design Evalua-
    tion" (2012). PACIS 2012 Proceedings. Paper 93. http://aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2012/93.
 6. Kelders, S. M., Kok, R. N., Ossebaard, H. C., & Van Gemert-Pijnen, J. E. W. C. (2012).
    Persuasive system design does matter: a systematic review of adherence to web-based
    interventions. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14(6).
 7. Langrial, S., Stibe, A., & Oinas-Kukkonen, H. Practical Examples of Mobile and Social
    Apps using the Outcome/Change Design Matrix. First International Conference on Behav-
    ior Change Support Systems, April 3-5, 2013, Sydney, Australia, pp. 7-13.
 8. Phillips, J., Ogeil, R., & Blaszczynski, A. Human Factors Limiting Consumer Benefit from
    Decisional Support. First International Conference on Behavior Change Support Systems,
    April 3-5, 2013, Sydney, Australia, pp. 15-18.
 9. Rosas, P., Howard, S., & Gibbs, M. Managing Multiple Influences: Self-monitoring and
    Social Comparison at the Same Time and Context. First International Conference on Be-
    havior Change Support Systems, April 3-5, 2013, Sydney, Australia, pp. 19-22.
10. Yekeh, F., & Kay, J. Hypothesis evaluation based on ubicomp sensing: moving from re-
    searcher to users. First International Conference on Behavior Change Support Systems,
    April 3-5, 2013, Sydney, Australia, pp. 23-28.
11. Schrammel, J., Busch, M., & Tscheligi, M. Peacox-Persuasive Advisor for CO2-Reducing
    Cross-modal Trip Planning. First International Conference on Behavior Change Support
    Systems, April 3-5, 2013, Sydney, Australia, pp. 29-32.
12. Kluckner, P., Weiss, A., Sundström, P., & Tscheligi, M. Two actors: Providers and Con-
    sumers inform the Design of an Ambient Energy Saving Display with Persuasive Strate-
    gies. First International Conference on Behavior Change Support Systems, April 3-5,
    2013, Sydney, Australia, pp. 33-44.
First International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSS 2013)