=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1217/paper2 |storemode=property |title=ImProject: Improving RE Trainings by Combining them with Improvisation Theatre Sessions A Research Proposal |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1217/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-1217 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/re/HoffmannW14 }} ==ImProject: Improving RE Trainings by Combining them with Improvisation Theatre Sessions A Research Proposal== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1217/paper2.pdf
   ImProject: Improving RE Training by Combining it
          with Improvisation Theatre Sessions
                                                      A Research Proposal

                       Anne Hoffmann                                                         Rüdiger Weißbach
                Software Engineering Institute                                            Business Department
                 Rijksuniversiteit Groningen                             Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg)
                 Groningen, The Netherlands                                               Hamburg, Germany
                     a.hoffmann@rug.nl                                           ruediger.weissbach@haw-hamburg.de

  Abstract—Today factual knowledge training and soft skill             integration, that soft skill training is not specific to people
training are typically taught as separate disciplines. This            working in the RE domain and so this training could be
approach falls short of the need of the participants to learn,         offered to diverse professional groups. Additionally, this
understand and experience the application of typical soft skills       separated format is very efficient from the training provider's
such as communication skills within their domain.
  Requirements engineering (RE) in practice requires for
                                                                       point of view and sometimes for the customers too: Slide
instance excellent communication skills. We propose to use             presentations offer a low-risk format for the customers as well
techniques from improvisation theatre to combine factual               as for the providers.
knowledge and soft skill training into one workshop format,                But there is a demand to integrate factual knowledge and
which we call ImProject.                                               soft skill training, so the question arises how these two could
  We propose to add ImProject as a training element/part of            be combined into one joint approach, being taught in parallel?
normal RE training. ImProject adopts a typical improvisation               The need to emphasize on soft skill aspects within the RE
theatre training session and trains soft skills such as                education has been recognized from the RE community (e.g.
communication skills in typical RE situations.
  In this paper, we present our research agenda for investigating
                                                                       [3], [4]). Efforts to respond to this focus on the secondary
how factual knowledge training such as RE and soft skill training      education at Universities (e.g. [5]). Little research has been
can be combined using ImProject and derive further needed              published how to efficiently train practitioners, or to integrate
research activities. This interdisciplinary research will contribute   soft skill aspects within training in industrial setups (e.g. [1]).
to improve training within the RE community.
   Index Terms—Requirements Engineering, Industrial Training,              However, it is insufficient to emphasize on finding a
Training Format, Soft Skills, Improvisation.                           combined training format that just considers both aspects
                       I. INTRODUCTION                                 separately. Instead, the new format needs to be more efficient
                                                                       with respect to duration and learning content. It is more than
    Being trainers for several years in requirements                   the sum of its parts as Aristotle once stated. This training
engineering (RE), software engineering as well as project              format then needs to be thoroughly investigated in order to
management (PM) and both in industry and academia, we                  allow us to scientifically and empirically claim success.
experienced a lack between the typical training and some of
our participants needs. Participants typically appreciate the              This paper presents a research agenda for validating a new
factual knowledge oriented approach of the training material,          training format that is capable of improving (industrial)
and give more or less positive feedback on how the material is         trainings by combining factual knowledge training (in this
taught (e.g. see the publication of Brian Berenbach with               case RE) with soft skill training.
respect to a company training [1]). However, generally stated              We introduce our approach of combining a RE training
comments during the training and questions from the                    with a typical training session from an improvisation theatre
participants towards the trainer indicate, that something more         course, and outline subsequently derived research agenda,
is needed. Participants ask for advice regarding the integration       questions and topics. Thus, we call our approach ImProject
of interpersonal aspects in a specific context.                        standing for Improvisation Theatre in Projects.
    We decided to use the broader term soft skill to summarize
all the skills and abilities that relate to human behavior,                The paper is structured as follows:
communication and psychological patterns in human behavior.                Section II illustrates the current situation in RE trainings,
For a further discussion on the term’s definition, see [2].            underpins the need for additional training elements with two
    These statements imply trainings should extend beyond              examples and summarizes methods that already enrich
pure factual knowledge and include some kind of contextual             classroom trainings. Section III then introduces the general
soft skill training as well. One can argue against an                  concepts of improvisation theatre before describing the
concept of our workshop format ImProject. In Section IV, we             Following, we present two examples from the daily life of
present our research agenda together with our research              a requirements engineer. These illustrate common situations
approach. Finally, Section V summarizes the results of this         where the requirements engineer uses his factual knowledge
paper.                                                              while at the same time needs to apply soft skills. These soft
                                                                    skills include for example tense communication and active
                    II. CURRENT SITUATION                           listening. He does not distinguish whether he applies factual
    Traditionally, research, education and training in RE are       knowledge, such as a method, or a soft skill.
focusing on tools and methods. But it is often neither the
                                                                    A. Kano Analysis and AMUSE - Two Requirements Engineer-
method nor the technique that causes a project to fail, but the
                                                                        ing Methods that Require Soft Skills
interpersonal relations and miscommunication [6]. The
approach towards teaching RE and the corresponding topics               As part of the requirements engineering, requirements need
such as stakeholder management and requirements elicitation         to be prioritized. Otherwise the team which implements them
needs to be less theoretical and needs to include more soft skill   would not have a clear understanding of what to implement
related topics. Therefore, new training concepts are needed.        first.
Only recently, the RE community as well as the PM                       In RE for products, there is a well-known method for
community have detected the importance of the so-called             prioritization of user requirements to decide which one to
socio-technical or soft skill aspects. This is for instance         implement in which version of the product. This is called the
reflected in call for papers explicitly requesting submissions      Kano Model or Kano Modeling [12].
on this topic (e.g. [7], [8]).                                      For each iteration the requirements engineers need to prioritize
                                                                    the users’ requirements into the categories:
    The question remains how industrial trainings can be            ”Basic” - These requirements are the fundamentals of the
structured in a way, that soft skills are well integrated. The      product. They are often not even mentioned by the user, but
Workshop on Requirements Engineering Education and                  are nevertheless expected.
Training (REET, taking place since 2005 in conjunction with         ”Performance” - These requirements are the new features, and
the International IEEE RE Conference) gives a good overview         often those the user has asked for.
on existing approaches and new aspects. However, the                ”Excitement” - Requirements the user often has not asked for
majority of papers focusses on education at Universities.           directly, but which are the reasons he is going to buy or to use
    In industrial approaches, it is common to train specialized     the product.
practitioners using the experience-based learning model [9],            For example, an MP3-player needs to play music. This is a
[10].                                                               “basic” functionality. Some years ago, having a wheel as the
                                                                    only ’button’ to steer the MP3-player was exciting, it was new
    In this paper we focus on industrial trainings including        and only Apple products had it. This was clearly an exciting
both on-site trainings, executed at the company's site, and         requirement: Something the users have not asked for, but
open training at the training company's location. These             because of its existence they bought the product.
trainings last one to several days.                                     Another prioritization approach explicitly analyses the user
    Other methods than traditional classroom training exist,        satisfaction with each requirement. This approach is called
and have been presented to the RE community at multiple             AMUSE (Appraisal and Measurement of User Satisfaction
occasions (e.g. [5]). But screening teaching material, we           [13]). AMUSE supports the requirements engineer to detect
noticed that in industrial RE trainings nevertheless 'old'          the requirements which will lead to the highest user
training styles seem to dominate: Slide presentations enriched      satisfaction. Amongst other things AMUSE is used to analyze
with some small (more or less interactive) exercises. These         the hedonic satisfaction of the user.
exercises last 10-20 minutes and enforce the participants to            What does a requirements engineer need to successfully
apply the method exactly as it had just been introduced before      prioritize the requirements together with the user? Of course,
[11].                                                               he needs to have a clear understanding of the method he uses.
    This kind of training is not sufficient to train soft skill         On the other hand, the results of a successful prioritization
aspects in projects.                                                are prioritized requirements which reflect the real users’
    Due to the gap between the content of current training          priorities. It is thus up to the requirements engineer’s
sessions and the really important topics to be addressed,           communication skills, his intuition and his ability to put
current approaches do not seem to be sufficient . We thus           himself in the position of the user and empathize with him to
conclude, that it will not be useful to train factual knowledge     understand the user’s real priorities.
and soft skills separately. Furthermore, this implies directly      B. Expectation Management in Long Term Projects
that the offer should be a combined training of factual
                                                                        One of the authors participated in an IT infrastructure
knowledge and soft skills in the corresponding situations. This
                                                                    project, where a new IT system should be customized and
approach is closer to what the participants experience in their
                                                                    rolled-out to several sites of a company. The roll-out was
daily work. Consequently, this kind of training might be more
                                                                    executed site after site. The requirements for customization
efficient as well.
were implemented in iterations. Each iteration focused on that         Role play enforces the participants to make a certain
site where the system was rolled-out to.                           mistake that is often pre-described by the role play instruction.
    Requirements engineers needed to build up trust with the       In training, there are participants who cannot distinguish role
users of a system.                                                 from emotion associated with the mistake. When participants
    At a certain point, the system was rolled-out to some site     of this type are enforced to play a project manager making a
while to other sites it was not yet rolled-out. However, the       certain mistake, they might end up being emotionally
users at the already rolled-out sites had new requirements or      negatively affected. Thus learning is hindered if not even
change requests to the system whereas the users at not-yet         completely blocked.
rolled-out sites were still expecting to receive the system            Second, role plays consume a lot of time and have the
initially. Being the requirements engineer in that situation the   drawback of only a few participants acting, while the other
author needed to maintain the trust from the users having a        participants are sitting and observing those who act out their
rolled-out version of the system. At the same time these users     role play.
were disappointed by the project management’s decision to              To our experience, role plays often neither bring up the
focus on the roll-out sites and to postpone further requirements   really challenging situations nor foster intuitive reactions. In
or change requests from rolled-out sites. Thus, the                our trainings we often see participants not taking the situation
requirements engineer was in need to thoroughly manage             serious or feeling “observed” by the other participants. This is
expectations while eliciting the new requirements or change        especially the case for in-house trainings, where the
requests. Doing this successfully, he maintained a good            participants sitting in the audience are (direct) colleagues or
relationship with the users, avoided conflicts, and remained a     might even be directing managers (see [11] for a discussion on
trusted person from the user’s viewpoint – even though the         this topic).
principal anger by the users of not being supported by the         Conclusion: Role play is difficult when participants are
project management remained.                                       enforced into certain error prone situation. The participants
    This real live example illustrates well that the daily work    might truly believe to act differently in real life situations, thus
of the requirements engineer includes situations, where the        disconnecting from the learning provided by the role play.
successful application of requirement elicitation methods only,       2) RE-O-Poly
does not result in positive feedback on the requirements            Smith and Gotel ([14]) identified eight RE practices to “create
engineer’s work.                                                   a lightweight set of RE practices [..] to improve RE processes”
    First, the requirements engineer needs to understand highly    and developed the board game RE-O-Poly based on the well-
emotional situations and see or even better feel them from the     known “Monopoly” game. RE-O-Poly is created to support
user’s perspective. Second, he needs to use his communication      education of undergraduates (beginners) in RE to e.g. “get a
skills, as well as convincing skills to achieve understanding      broad overview of typical RE problems” and “respond
from the users. Third, the requirements engineer is seen as a      appropriately to unanticipated situations that impact projects”.
communication channel towards the project, especially to the       Using “Monopoly” as a base, the authors expect to “encourage
project management. It is the requirement engineer’s task to       face-to-face communication which is useful for learning about
create awareness of the current user situation, especially when    a discursive activity.”
emotionally tense and to ask for understanding. So, the                These interactive methods are based on the approach, that
requirements engineer needs to appropriately communicate           participants need to have fun during the training to activate
with the project management to make them aware of this             their learning. However, the willingness to learn depends on
situation. All this requires high soft skill competence.           each participant himself. This has been extensively studied in
                                                                   the so-called subject-scientific foundation of Holzkamp [18].
C. Methods to enrich classroom trainings
                                                                       And from learning theory it is well known that “theory is
    Other methods have been used to enrich traditional             not enough, because knowledge does not substitutes
classroom training and enforce learning by creating experience     experience” ([19] translated by author). Additionally, Daniel
such as the adaptation of board games like “Monopoly” (see         Goleman cites Howard Gardner in his well-known book on
“RE-O-Poly” [14]), role plays (e.g. [15]), project simulations     emotional intelligence: “The best way to learn something is to
[16] or other interactive formats [17].                            be interested in it, and enjoy the activity of doing so” ([20]
                                                                   translated by author).
  1) Role Play                                                         We believe that the situation in current trainings cannot
    One common approach for training social skills is the          create this well-known “flow” as described by
usage of role plays. Role play has been particularly often used    Csikszentmihalyi [21]. However, as flow is the person’s state
for educational purpose and is often used for behavioral           where learning is easiest, this should be the state a person
oriented training within company trainings too.                    wanting to learn should aim for. Studies show, that “aiming for
    However, to the authors’ understanding role play has some      flow situations leads to success” (e.g. [22]).
disadvantages that especially hinder advanced practitioners to
participate with their full attention and gain the most learning
possible out of these types of interaction.
                 III. IMPROVISATION THEATRE                        cannot be as clearly separated as when using different roles
                                                                   such as in role play.
A. General Concepts of Improvisation Theatre
    Improvisation theatre consists of so-called improvisation      B. The ImProject Format
theatre games, also called “improv games” or simply “games”.           ImProject [26] was initially called REIM (Requirements
Each improvisation theatre show is divided into several            Engineering and Improvisation Theatre) and initially
games. Each game has some base rules. Before the game              introduced to the (RE) research community in 2008 [18], [19].
starts, additional rules are defined by the audience of the show       The format has been further developed, and now serves as
with help from the facilitator.                                    a workshop format for training situations related to (software)
    Originally, improvisation theatre was invented by Keith        projects. It focuses on the training of soft skills, especially
Johnstone in the late 1950s. He was teaching acting and drama      communicational skills together with hard facts. We initially
at the Royal Court Theatre in London and thought his students      focus our research on RE, because RE is considered to be a
were trying to be “original” and “giving their best”, which        highly communicative job within the software engineering
according to him resulted in bad acting [23], [24]. (For further   discipline (e.g. [3]).
information on improvisation theatre we refer to [25].)
    Using improvisation theatre games allow us to come up              The following summarizes the overarching principles of
with a new interactive format to train the combination of          ImProject:
factual knowledge and soft skills.                                     ImProject is based on a typical improvisation theatre
    The characteristics of improvisation theatre techniques all    training session and uses storytelling to map to elements of the
seem to cover our goals as stated in Section II. These             domain under consideration (here: RE). It is structured in three
characteristics are                                                sections: Warm up, Training and Closure. For each section,
     1. Improvisation theatre is interactive.                      games from the corresponding improvisation theatre training
     2. Improvisation theatre is about being spontaneous.          sections are being used. All games used in the ImProject
          Improvisers do not know the scene they will play         format are being described using a pattern language, called
          until they actually start playing it and do not have     Game Language (see [29] for details).
          scripts. They act spontaneously, improvising the         Then, each training game creates the same experience flow:
          scene from what comes into their minds. Thus, they            1.   The game forces all participants to make mistakes.
          are acting in the moment and need to be very self-            2.   The trainer highlights that these types of mistakes
          aware, as well as aware of their co-players.                       happen in real projects as well, regardless how
     3. Improvisation theatre is about having fun. As there is               “good”, “well prepared” [..] one is.
          no script, curious situations occur. This creates fun.        3.   A negative effect of reflection is reduced, because
     4. Announcing improvisation theatre for a training                      there is no emotional relationship between the actor
          session is new, sounds interesting and channels                    and the mistake (dissociation; reflection without
          excitement. - This is a prerequisite for flow while                emotion). Learning takes place efficiently and
          learning.                                                          blockers or blockades are avoided.
    Improvisation theatre can create realistic setups and               4.   ImProject makes it impossible for participants not to
immediate feedback.                                                          engage in the exercise.
    The usage of improvisation theatre in RE training is                5.   It creates an atmosphere where failure means
unusual. To our knowledge there exist two approaches,                        learning.
ImProject [26] and the (untitled) approach of Mahaux [27],              6.   Additionally, ImProject enables learning by/through
[28].                                                                        having a lot of fun.
    In our approach, we utilize an improvisation theatre
training session which has further advantages:                     For each game, learning objectives have been defined as part
     1. A training session and its games focus on trying out       of the pattern language. For instance the game “The Company
          new things, thus is constructed for failure. Thus,       Game” uses the improvisation theatre game called “Pattern
          making mistakes is the goal for most of these games.     Game” and trains learning objectives such as “The participants
     2. Some games, do not distinguish participants (e.g. by       understand that they are adding an implicit prioritization to their
          role). Thus, an error is made by the group, not by the   tasks.”. For details, the reader is referred to Game Language
          individual.                                              ([29]). As the concept of ImProject is quite complex, a train
     3. Training games last between 10 to 20 minutes, each         the trainer guideline has been published as well. This train the
          focuses on different things. Thus, to the authors'       trainer guideline is published in a pattern format as well (see
          understanding, this approach is faster than using role   [26] for details).
                                                                   C. Other Approaches using Improvisation Theatre
Especially, the second item frees the participants to try things
out. Participants tend to feel safer, as individual activities        At a first look, the research from Martin Mahaux
                                                                   (University of Namur, Belgium) looks similar to our approach.
    Indeed, he is using improvisation theatre as a technique,            Improvisation theatre also is seen to be an effective
too. However, in his research Mahaux uses improvisation              instrument for team building, awareness training on trust and
theatre as a technique to drive innovation and collaboration         other aspects in social life. This is reflected by numerous
within the (software) development process [27]. His approach         companies offering business consulting based on
aims at involving stakeholders to gather and elicit                  improvisation theatre, e.g. called Business Theatre (e.g. [32]).
requirements using improvisation theatre games. We utilize           We thus believe that our format trains other social aspects than
games that are used during improvisation theatre training            communication, even though we might not foresee exactly
sessions, and are called improvisation theatre training games:       which ones. To analyze this, we will interpret the research data
    “Analysts and stakeholders can benefit from using these          in the context of the Grounded Theory [33].
techniques in their requirements project and workshops” [27].            This is reflected in our RQ2.
Even though Mahaux emphasizes the aspect of improvisation
theatre, his focus on improvisation theatre is to use it as a tool   RQ2: How can improvisation theatre be used within RE
to enhance stakeholder communication, and reach better               training to train other social aspects than communication?
creative, innovative and collaborative processes during the
activity of requirements gathering[28]. Thus, in his approach            In order to identify if and how RQ1 and RQ2 can be
improvisation theatre is used to create better outcomes with         answered using our ImProject format we further detail each
respect to user stories and scenarios within the process of RE       research question into research tasks.
not while training RE and related soft-skill.
    In contrast to Mahaux, we use structure and content of an        A. Examining RQ1
improvisation theatre training session to improve the RE             We want to use our format ImProject for the training of
training by adding ImProject to train soft skills specific to RE     communication skills. Thus, we need to identify situations for
and within RE situations. Thus, we consider improvisation            which ImProject is suited well. Consequently, our first
theatre as a tool to train communicational and other soft skill      research task states:
related aspects.
                                                                     RT1: In which situations is ImProject working well?

      IV. RESEARCH AGENDA AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS                         To provide the empirical evidence for the following
    As trainers, we constantly aim at improving our training         questions, we are planning an extended evaluation design,
sessions. As we have outlined in the former sections, there is a     using qualitative as well as quantitative evaluation of feedback
need to improve RE trainings with regard to efficiently              questionnaires, structured interviews and repetition over time.
combining factual RE knowledge training with training of soft            The exact evaluation design will need to be developed, and
skills within RE situations.                                         will contribute to answer
    The development of the introduced workshop format in the
ImProject was driven by one main question, which we call our         RT2: How do we relate a soft skill aspect in an improvisation
main research question:                                              theatre game to RE situations?

RQ0: How can improvisation theatre be used effectively in                All games used within ImProject are constructed using the
RE trainings?                                                        following mechanism: A training game from improvisation
                                                                     theatre is taken as foundation and a desired soft skill artifact
    We believe, ImProject could be a good answer to this             (called anticipated learning object) is attached to the game
question, but are of course aware that we need to evaluate our       using storytelling. While playing for instance a game which
assumption.                                                          involves throwing balls, in the context of RE these balls
    Thus, we split this research question into two disjunct          become requirements and the catchers become requirement
research questions that focus on what is to be learned using         engineers. Even though, these main principles have been
improvisation theatre.                                               documented, further documentation is required here.
    We want to focus on communication skills, because                    One possibility to verify communicational aspects trained
excellent communication skills are seen to be a key                  by improvisation theatre would be to ask participants to
competence (see e.g. Klendauer et al. [31]); the format needs        allocate certain learning outcomes to the games played.
to efficiently provide the possibility to train communication            Participants will notice learning outcomes by games not by
skills. Therefore, RQ1 focuses specifically on these soft skill      stories. We know this effect from psychotherapy (in
aspects.                                                             psychotherapy stories are known as metaphors [34]). It might
                                                                     be worth to study this effect, but this is beyond the scope of
RQ1: How can improvisation theatre be used to introduce an           our research.
effective way to successfully train communication skills                 We further ask:
involving RE situations?
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