=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1217/preface |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1217/preface.pdf |volume=Vol-1217 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1217/preface.pdf
         8th Intl. Workshop on Requirements Engineering Education & Training
                                             REET ’14: Workshop Proposal

                                                     Birgit Penzenstadler                           Dieter Landes
           Sarah Gregory                     Donald Bren School of Informatics &           University of Applied Sciences
   Emergent Systems and Coaching                     Computer Sciences                  Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
          Intel Corporation                    University of California, Irvine                      Informatics
    Santa Clara, California, USA                   Irvine, California, USA                       Coburg, Germany
     sarah.c.gregory@intel.com                        bpenzens@uci.edu                      dieter.landes@hs-coburg.de

Workshop Title—	
   The Eigth International Workshop on           presentations that offer innovative strategies or proposals to
Requirements Engineering Education and Training                   address some of the challenges in RE Education and
(REET’14).                                                        Training. Given the breadth of industrial disciplines where
In conjunction with the 22nd International Requirements           RE is relevant, how are academic institutions addressing
Engineering Conference (RE’14).                                   questions of curriculum? In which department(s) should RE
                                                                  reside? What are the practical differences between teaching
   I.    MOTIVATION AND OBJECTIVES OF THE WORKSHOP                RE to prospective business analysts and future engineers?
                                                                  Within industry, how might RE education and training be
                                                                  offered to practitioners who may be quite proficient in their
    Effective Requirements Engineering (RE) is increasingly       primary disciplines but find themselves less confident when
recognized as a critical component in the success of              they must specify requirements for a project or product?
software, product, service, and platform development              Both academia and industry face challenges that
projects. Although RE is traditionally rooted in software         globalization brings. What techniques are effective to teach
engineering, RE methods and practices are applicable across       specification in the context of a multilingual university or
a variety of industrial disciplines. Practitioners ranging from   corporation? What opportunity – and risk – does distance
business analysts through electrical engineers, mechanical        education offer to students and practitioners of RE?
engineers, interface designers, and many others find RE
techniques invaluable. As a result, university curricula in       In addition to topics related to curriculum development,
multiple fields are beginning to address RE skills as a           innovative contributions related to pedagogical techniques
foundational skill set within their disciplines. Furthermore,     for teaching RE skills are strongly encouraged. These skills
many industrial organizations are recognizing the need to         include: requirements elicitation, modeling, analysis, conflict
develop RE related training programs as part of their             negotiation, consensus building, requirements specification
ongoing process improvement initiatives.                          writing, verification, and change management. Submissions
                                                                  could take the form of experience reports or demonstrations
Expanding on the success of seven previous workshops on           of specific teaching techniques and training materials.
Requirements Engineering Education and Training (REET
2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012), this
workshop will address issues related to RE education, both
                                                                  Workshop Themes
as part of a formal university degree and as ongoing skills
training within the workplace. With this workshop, the eigth
in the series, we hope to focus especially on the perceived           •    Curriculum for industrial training and education
gap between academia and industry. How can our academic                    programs (including but not limited to software
colleagues better prepare their students to enter the                      engineering)
workforce with strong RE skills, including potential to lead          •    Curriculum for undergraduate and graduate RE
and develop the practice when they enter the workforce?                    courses
REET’14 is intended to go much deeper than a surface                  •    Alternative pedagogical techniques, including
discussion of general curriculum issues and will examine                   online learning, instructor-led distance learning,
specific ideas and techniques for teaching and assessing                   and asynchronous instruction in both academic and
skills needed to effectively engineer requirements in a                    industrial contexts
variety of contexts.                                                  •    Identifying and incorporating specific RE related
                                                                           topics into nontraditional (non-software or business
Following the theme of RE’14, “Innovation in and through                   analysis) curricula
Requirements Engineering”, REET ’14 elicits papers and
    •    Further advancement of RE education and training         individuals who are expected to author requirements
         within software and business analysis disciplines        specifications, but never received the requisite training in
                                                                  their own academic programs. Students in a wide range of
Techniques and topics for teaching specific RE related            disciplines find RE a useful complement to their studies,
skills                                                            and practices explored in academia may well offer industry
                                                                  insights into how to address gaps in knowledge among
    •    Creative methods for teaching stakeholder                practitioners.
         identification, requirements elicitation, analysis
         and validation, specification, and verification.         REET is uniquely situated as the one annual forum where
    •    Specific tools, exercises, and assignments               students, faculty, and practitioners from multiple disciplines
         developed to support RE skills training                  and different work or study environments can come together
    •    Assessment methods and practices of RE                   to discuss best practices in developing and disseminating
         knowledge and skills, and when to use which              training and education in RE.
    •    Strategies for assessment of learning soft skills         III.   PAPER FORMAT, CONTRIBUTIONS, AND EVALUATION
    •    Addressing skill mismatches or gaps between
         graduating students and industry needs in practice
    •    Studies into the effectiveness of various RE
                                                                  Position papers (3-5 pages)
         educational practices
    •    Experience reports including industrial training and     Short papers will state the position of the author(s) on any of
         university level curriculum                              the topics within the scope of the workshop. For example,
                                                                  positions papers could describe experiences with a particular
Potential expected outcomes:                                      method for teaching an RE related skill, or could describe an
                                                                  innovative approach to incorporating RE education into the
The primary objectives of the REET’14 workshop are to:            degree curriculum. Position papers will be evaluated based
                                                                  on their potential for generating discussion, and on the
    •    Identify core RE skills that should be incorporated      originality      of        the       positions       expressed.
         into the curriculum at various levels and to outline
         feasible RE curricula                                    Full papers (8-10 pages):
    •    Exchange ideas on techniques, exercises, and tools
         for teaching specific RE related skills                  Full papers will describe RE educational techniques, survey
    •    Improve understanding of effective RE teaching           results, or experiential reports. For example, a full paper
         practices                                                might describe a specific technique for teaching an RE skill
    •    Share RE educational resources with one another          and include a case study describing its implementation and
                                                                  evaluation of its effectiveness as well as lessons learnt. As
                   II.   TARGET AUDIENCE                          another example, a full paper might describe a mature tool
This workshop is open to the public. The session can              for            supporting            RE              training.
accommodate up to 35 people. The following types of
attendees are particularly encouraged to attend:                  Requirements Teaching or Training Activity
     • Educators currently teaching or planning on
                                                                  Pedagogical papers will describe a teaching activity and
         teaching RE courses                                      provide all of the materials needed to reproduce that activity
     • Academics intending to integrate RE content into           in the classroom. Authors of full and position papers, plus
         existing more generalized courses                        anyone else interested in attending the workshop are
     • Practitioners interested in developing or improving        encouraged to submit an RE activity. RE activities will be
         RE training and education in the work place              documented using a predefined format, and will focus on one
                                                                  or more RE skills, define target audience and learning goals,
Our intent is to advertise to and attract a broad cross-section   provide step-by-step guidelines for conducting the activity,
of individuals with an interest in advancing the practice of      include student hand-outs or associated slides, describe the
teaching methods and practices of Requirements                    context of the activity, and briefly comment on its prior use
Engineering. The diverse backgrounds of the workshop              in the classroom.
organizers afford connections in academia, consulting, and
industry, with access to business analysts, engineers,
strategic planners, human factors and usability personnel,        Evaluation Process
and multiple other roles in which RE practices are
                                                                  A committee of approximately 10 reviewers from both
necessary. Within industry, we often face challenges of
                                                                  industry and academia will provide 2-3 peer reviews for each
paper. Candidate Program Committee members have been                            VII. HISTORY OF THE WORKSHOP
identified, and their participation will be secured pending
acceptance of the workshop proposal itself.                           REET 2005
                                                                      1st International Workshop on Requirements
For REET’14, we intend to comprise approximately half of              Engineering Education and Training
the Program Committee (10-12 people) with individuals who             30th August 2006, Paris (no count available)
have participated in this capacity before, both from industry
and academia. We plan to include other Program Committee              REET 2007
members who have not previously served. Through this                  2nd International Workshop on Requirements
balance, we will both expand the breadth of participants in           Engineering Education and Training
the workshop’s design and evaluation, as well as continue to          15th October 2007, New Delhi (~15 participants)
expand the reach of RE Education and Training discussion
into other academic contexts and industrial settings.                 REET 2008
                                                                      3rd International Workshop on Requirements
                    IV.   WORKSHOP FORMAT
                                                                      Engineering Education and Training
    REET’14 will be an interactive workshop, combining                9th September 2008, Barcelona (~20 participants)
presentations of accepted papers with demonstrations of
pedagogical techniques and practices. Sufficient time will be         REET 2009
allocated to allow for discussion between presentations.              4th International Workshop on Requirements
Attendees of previous REET workshops have found the                   Engineering Education and Training
opportunities afforded for networking between academic and            31st August 2009, Atlanta (~25 participants)
industrial participants to be especially helpful, and we plan to
continue to facilitate such discussions in REET’14.
                                                                      REET 2010
         V.    WORKSHOP PAPER PUBLISHING PLANS                        5th International Workshop on Requirements
                                                                      Engineering Education and Training
      Papers delivered at REET’14 will be published with
  CEUR WS proceedings. In addition, we will offer the                 28th September 2010, Sydney (13 participants)
  opportunity for participants and presenters to share
  resources,    including    pedagogical    best   practice           REET 2011
  presentations and other job aids, with workshop attendees           6th International Workshop on Requirements
  via an online forum established to distribute work to               Engineering Education and Training
  registered attendees. Teaching materials, photographs or            29th August 2011, Trento (13 participants)
  videos that demonstrate techniques in practice, and
  discussions about pedagogical practices will be enabled
                                                                      REET 2012
  via this forum.
                                                                      7th International Workshop on Requirements
                                                                      Engineering Education and Training
              VI.    DURATION OF THE WORKSHOP                         24th September 2012, Chicago (12 participants)
   REET’14 will be a one-day session.
                                                                   Each REET workshop held at previous RE conferences has
                                                                   expanded the scope of knowledge and practice for its

                                                                   Participants in previous REET workshops have commented
                                                                   on the unique balance of paper presentation and practical,
                                                                   hands-on pedagogical experimentation that is a hallmark of
                                                                   this particular workshop. Anecdotally, we are aware that
                                                                   some of the activities taught during previous REET sessions
                                                                   have been replicated in both corporate and academic
                                                                   settings. A paper delivered in 2009 discussing distance
                                                                   learning with a group of students in Iran led to an attendee’s
                                                                   development and pilot of a distance learning course in
                                                                   Requirements Specification within a corporate environment.

                                                                   For REET’14, we will contact previous participants in
                                                                   REET sessions and elicit specific information on lessons
                                                                   learned, as well as questions needing further exploration to
                                                                   continue to advance both the practice as well as further
collaboration between academia and industry in our shared
pursuit of improving the quality and consistency of RE               Birgit Penzenstadler (bpenzens@uci.edu)
Education and Training.
                                                                  Birgit Penzenstadler is a postdoc at the University of
              VIII. WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS                           California, Irvine. She did her PhD in the area of
   REET’14 will be organized and facilitated by three RE          requirements engineering at Technische Universität
professionals with distinctly different professional roles, but   München (TUM), where she also lead research projects with
who share a common passion for developing and sharing             BMW, Daimler, Siemens, Bosch, Lufthansa, and others. She
best practices in Requirements Engineering.                       has organized and moderated events of over 100 participants
                                                                  from different domains at TUM.
Sarah Gregory (sarah.c.gregory@intel.com)                         She has been teaching Requirements Engineering at
                                                                  university for a few years and has participated and published
Sarah Gregory is a Senior Platform Methodologist at Intel         at earlier REET workshops.
Corporation, focused on research, development, and piloting
of practices in Requirements Engineering. Since 2006, she            Dieter Landes (dieter.landes@hs-coburg.de)
has had primary responsibility for deployment of the
corporate RE training curriculum within Intel, including              Dieter Landes is a full professor at the University of
instructor development and evolution of the RE curriculum         Applied Sciences since 1999. He did a PhD on knowledge-
to better suit a global workforce. Since 2000, over 14,000        based systems at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany.
participants have attended one or more of Intel’s internally-     Outside academia, he worked several years as a software
developed seminar-style courses introducing RE practices,         engineer, project manager, consultant, and researcher in
representing many different roles, backgrounds, and               several companies, e.g. Daimler. He is teaching requirements
professional disciplines. Sarah’s research interests include      engineering for more than ten years and currently leads a
interpretive challenges among authors and readers in a            large interdisciplinary research project that is devoted to the
multilingual company, and instructor-led distance learning as     improvement of education in software and requirements
a pedagogical practice in a global corporate environment.         engineering. He also serves on the program committees of
Sarah was a participant in REET ‘08, REET ‘09, REET ‘10,          several international conferences on various aspects of
and REET ‘11.                                                     software and requirements engineering