Vol-2977⫷ Vol-2978 ⫸Vol-2979

ECSA-C 2021
Companion Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Software Architecture

ECSA 2021 Companion Volume

Virtual (originally: Växjö, Sweden), 13-17 September, 2021 .

Edited by

Robert Heinrich *
Raffaela Mirandola **
Danny Weyns ***

* Karlsruhe Institute of Technology , Department of Informatics, Am Fasanengarten 5, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
** Politecnico di Milano , Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Via Golgi 42, 20133 Milano, Italy
*** Katholieke Universiteit Leuven , Department of Computer Science, Celestijnenlaan 200 A, 3001 LEUVEN, Belgium and Linnaeus University , Växjö, Sweden


The European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) is the premier European conference that provides researchers and practitioners with a platform to present and discuss the most recent, innovative, and significant findings and experiences in the field of software architecture research and practice. Due to COVID-19, this edition of ECSA, originally planned in Växjö, Sweden, was held virtually during September 13–17, 2021 with participating researchers and practitioners from all over the world. Along with the main track with research and industry papers, the conference featured various events and tracks including a Doctoral Symposium, a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion track, and a Tools & Demos track. In addition, this year ECSA featured a Journal-First track partnering with the Journal of Software and Systems and the IEEE Software Magazine. Traditionally, the ECSA program included a number of workshops, six in this edition of ECSA. The conference program also included two tutorials. The dual aim of these events was to explore new trends and support researchers in the early stages of their careers. A total of 54 papers were submitted to the various tracks from which 45 papers were accepted. We are grateful to the members of the Organizing Committee who helped us in the organization of the conference, to the workshop organizers, to the tutorials speakers, and to all the members of the program committees that have made possible the organization of ECSA in this particular period.

Raffaela Mirandola and Danny Weyns, General Chairs of ECSA 2021

Table of Contents

ECSA 2021 Tracks

Industry Track Short Papers

Journal First Track

Doctoral Symposium

Tools and Demonstrations Track

Workshops and Tutorials


Software architecture researchers and practitioners were invited to submit proposals for workshops and tutorials to be held in conjunction with ECSA 2021. ECSA 2021 received six workshop proposals and two tutorial proposals, that were all accepted after a review by the ECSA 2021 workshops/tutorials committee.
The main goal of the workshops was to offer collaborative forums for practitioners and researchers to exchange and explore innovative software architecture ideas and challenges at an early stage. Suggested topics of interest included software architecture issues for AI- and ML-based systems, self-adaptive systems, cyber-physical systems, big data and cloud computing, IoT-based systems, blockchain engineering, sustainable architectures, context-aware (including autonomous and "smart") architecture, architecture erosion, as well as topics related to Quality-of-service (QoS) measurements (including privacy and security properties). Each workshop had its own organizing committee, program committee, and paper solicitation, review and selection process. Papers for proceedings were selected following a peer-review process organized by each workshop.
In addition, ECSA edition 2021 hosted tutorials on topics related to software architecture from theoretical foundations to practical applications. The main goal of tutorials at ECSA was to provide an opportunity for conference participants to expand their knowledge and skills in specific research and practical topics related to software architecture.
We express our sincere appreciation to the members of the ECSA 2021 workshops/tutorials committee who reviewed proposals and provided valuable feedback.

Matthias Galster and Patrizia Scandurra, Workshops/Tutorials Chairs of ECSA 2021

SAEroCon: 8th Workshop on Software Architecture Erosion and Architectural Consistency

SAML: 1st International Workshop on Software Architecture and Machine Learning

CASA: 4th Context-aware, Autonomous and Smart Architectures International Workshop

FAACS: 5th International Workshop on Formal Approaches for Advanced Computing Systems

MDE4SA: 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Software Architecture

MSR4SA: 1st International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories for Software Architecture


2021-09-15: submitted by Robert Heinrich, metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2021-10-12 : published on CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073) | valid HTML5 |