Vol-3119⫷ Vol-3120 ⫸Vol-3121

DC in LAK 2022
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Predicting Performance Based on the Analysis of Reading Behavior

Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Predicting Performance Based on the Analysis of Reading Behavior - DC in LAK22
co-located with 12th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference ( LAK22 )

Online (initially located in California, USA), March 22nd, 2022 .

Edited by

Brendan Flanagan *
Rwitajit Majumdar *
Huiyong Li *
Atsushi Shimada **
Fumiya Okubo **
Hiroaki Ogata *

* Kyoto University , 606-8501 Kyoto, Japan
** Kyushu University , 819-0395 Fukuoka, Japan

Table of Contents

Summary: Each paper submitted to the workshop underwent a rigorous double-blind review by at least two reviewers. Each paper was evaluated with respect to four criteria: 1) quality of content, 2) significance for theory and practice, 3) originality and level of innovativeness, 4) fitting to the workshop theme. The review results of each paper were subsequently discussed by the six workshop chairs resulting in a decision of acceptance or rejection. There were 6 papers submitted for peer-review to this workshop. Out of these, 6 papers were accepted as regular papers for this volume.

Research Papers

2022-03-22: submitted by Brendan Flanagan, Huiyong Li metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2022-04-12 : published on CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073) | valid HTML5 |